Imagine if you will:

A dimension where the chief justice of the Supreme Court is the strongest of proponents for free political speech …

(click any image to enlarge)

… living in a world where his underling Bar prosecutors and attorney  grievance committee members swore an oath of admission to uphold the aforementioned constitutional free speech rights, and to maintain respect due to courts and judicial officers by reporting on bad actors who disgrace both the courts they serve and their honorable colleagues …

… but curiously part of a universe where the same Bar continues to attack a whistleblower on behalf of a complainant and constitutional officer currently under criminal investigation for alleged dishonesty in Bar and court filings, who has already been found to have acted dishonestly in other proceedings by a circuit court judge …

… comprising a society where the same Bar may somehow believe reporting on the controversial actions and investigation of said constitutional officer doesn’t serve a “legitimate purpose” …

… part and parcel of a civilization where there’s confusion regarding the most basic of protections, when there really shouldn’t be …

… dominated by a culture where the same Bar is seeking identifying IP address information of constitutionally protected anonymous individuals, when there is no certainty they’re all even attorneys governed by the Bar’s jurisdiction …

… living in a  land now so foreign that the sacred principle of stare decisis has been thrown into question …

 (the last image is from the Bobby Diaz photography case)

… on a troubled planet where front page controversial news about the same Bar is purposely kept off their own informational page for dues paying members and the general public, because they “don’t include stories on pending cases and litigation“.

… with a long standing social order wherein the Bar’s ideals espousing motto is seemingly more akin to an agenda, as evidenced by the fact they certainly didn’t refer their discredited complainant to the State Attorney after damning video evidence was uncovered (JAABLOG had to both obtain the video and make the referral, in the interest of justice), making it now more than fair to question whether the Bar’s pursuit of “professionalism” requires ethical and moral underpinnings as a starting point …

So beware, what you are about to watch is a nightmare … something found only in The Florida Bar Zone!

COMING SOONSatz: In or Out?  (Our money is on out! ); Who is Brenda’s ghost writer?