Today’s emergency docket concluded at 2:49 PM.

Broward’s in-custody defendants are done for the day. Let’s hope they find some way to amuse themselves while on lockdown until court begins again at 1:30 PM tomorrow.

Mike Usan and Susan Alspector handled today’s chores. Alspector was on for her specialized DVU cases.

The judges made a point at the end of the docket for everyone to start thinking about resolving VOP’s, both pending and new intakes, since the emergency Covid-19 hearings have wound down. Alspector, for her part, said VFO’s, particularly those with technicals, will be her next priority.

Of course, if the SAO doesn’t stop saying “no way” on the majority of VFO cases, with Court Administration continuing to refuse to set both VFO and Arthur bond hearings, nothing will change.

In the meantime, if any mainstream media is reading, please check with neighboring jurisdictions to see how VFO and Arthur hearings are currently being handled, and HELP!