Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM EDT

The Broward County Bar Association is live streaming a judicial forum on June 11th.

Accordingly, Ruby Green, president of BACDL, sent the following email this evening requesting submissions for interview questions.

As stated in her message, queries specific to individual races will be considered, so anyone with concerns regarding any of the candidates, including the four with JQC experience, should email Ruby directly at

From the BACDL email:

… Each organization has been asked to submit 5-10 questions to be asked to the candidates for consideration. Additionally, specific questions for a particular race can be submitted also, just be specific as to what race you are referring to when submitting that question.

I would like for us to be involved in asking questions so if you have any, please send them my way by close of business this Friday, May 29th. The Judicial races are listed below!

COUNTY COURT GROUP #22: Allison Gilman v. Casey Mills

COUNTY COURT GROUP #27: Phoebee R. Francois v. Jacob E Segal

COUNTY COURT GROUP #31: Roseanna Bronhard v. Sean William Conway v. Natasha DePrimo

CIRCUIT COURT GROUP #16: Dennis Daniel Bailey v. Abba Sheila Rifkin Logan v. George Odom Jr.

CIRCUIT COURT GROUP #18: Patti Englander Henning v. Kristin Weisberg Padowitz

CIRCUIT COURT GROUP #27: Meredith Chaiken-Weiss v. Matthew Isaac Destry v. Frank David Ledee

CIRCUIT COURT GROUP #30: Dale C. Cohen v. Ian Richards

CIRCUIT COURT GROUP #50: Linda A. Alley v. Vegina “Gina” Hawkins