1. 3


      Furtive movements, officer safety, sweating profusely, slurred speech etc. Bodycam conveneniently off.

    1. 2


      It will be SO fun to see Moon smoke Stripclub Johnny Weaks at the polls.

      Stripclub Johnny on morning after election:
      “wtf happened? I imagined myself the ‘kingmaker’ bc I have same name as Gordon?! I done got smoked!”

      1. 12


        Stefanie Moon is a joke lol
        Worst judge I’ve ever appeared in front of.

        If she’s such a distinguished author maybe she should focus on writing books instead of being a judge.

      1. 3


        Exactly. It’s a State issue and the legislature—elected by the will of the people—can and should solve any problems there. Abortion is not an issue that judges or Justices were ever intended to resolve. So I agree with you.

    1. 9


      Judge Korda before he took the nosedive reeked of weed every day at work. Even his chambers stunk of the stuff. Then he finally got popped for smoking the junk In a Hollywood park a hundred or so feet from children while he was hiding at the base of a tree.
      Its the kind of judges we used to have in Broward ! Lol
      We haven’t come very far come to think of it ! Lol

      1. 5


        I disagree. If the stopping officer believes there’s probable cause that a woman is undergoing an illegal abortion in the car or being driven to an illegal abortion then it really doesn’t matter if they’re smoking weed or not. There will still be arrests.

  1. 6


    Sometimes at a red light and my windows are down I have put them up because I can’t take the smell of the tobacco or weed.
    Has anyone felt the same way. Plus just waiting for the stray bullet from a gun they are showing off.

        1. 1


          I just clicked on it,
          Why is John sporting a Hitler mustache?!

          Not a good look for the Broward game.

      1. 0


        Yes at a party I’m fun not at a red light with a stoned driver next to me. I use cans when at a party.
        You must be a PD. Howard Clone

    1. 21


      You live in Broward.
      While still knowing FULL WELL that the electorate there votes based on color, not merit, yet you STILL choose to live there.

      Broward finna be governed by dumb nuts so long as the “color” of everything is more important than merit

      Broward voter: “I’m a dumb nut. I’m finna vote for Kamala Walz, even though it will weaken my own nation even further”

      1. 3


        Just saw this on that tool John Week campaign site:

        “Johnny opened his own law firm and since then has had extraordinary success on some of the country’s largest stages.”

        Um, no you haven’t. Name a single one.


  2. 0


    He hasn’t crawled out of his hole since the Cruz Case. Hasn’t he been demoted in the PD’s Office anyway ?

  3. 4


    Tramp should do what’s right for USA and the Republicans like Bidem did for the Dems. Halee was right. No one wants a drooling old demented 80 year old President. Tramp should quit and let Vince square off against Kamera Harrison. New faces to new and better places. The drooling dinosaurs should step aside and leave USA alone for the good of us all. Say no to selfish old dinosaurs and yes to new leadership for the good of the USA.

    1. 6


      Trump’s old man shoulder padded costume and his old man smell were on display during his Elon talk. It’s why Elon kept scrunching his nose. Trump is so old. He’s older than disco. He’s older than Howdy Doody. He’s older than Wilfred Brimley. He’s a fat, bald, smelly and frail old man with shoulder pads and elongated ties and hair plugs to make him look like he’s an imposing figure. He’s a clown.

  4. 6


    You sound like an uneducated Democrat, as usual. Biden was pushed out of the race by his own party, so everyone that voted him in got stabbed in the back just as he was. Secondly you don’t even know how to spell Haley or Biden. My guess is you’re just stupid and not old.

  5. 4


    Trump is a loser. He’s a choker. He’s a feeble old man. He’s going to lose to a woman. A woman of color. His Daddy is going to be ashamed of him.

  6. 4


    How funny Biden wasn’t too old, now you want to play the childish age, woman of color game. If age and color are all you got, you’re in trouble come election day. Harris and her fat, lying VP are a dangerous combo and will destroy this country even more than she already has in the last 3 1/2 years.

    1. 3


      Uh no. The above person was right talking about Ambassador Haley’s comment. Neither side wants someone of that generation in charge. She was smart enough to see it just as many, many other good R’s will admit. The problem is they can’t do anything about it because the GOP is a shambles.

    2. 6


      President Harris is going to put the grocer man in his place. G bless her. The grocer man has been sticking it to us big time. Trump gets his food delivered.

      1. 1


        It’s no mistake he’s in the bread and steak business. He’s a grocer. He’s been profiting off the backs of the working women and men for too long. Trump is a grocery man gouging us all. President Harris will restore order in the aisles of the grocery stores.

        1. 4


          Deligate needs to be investigated. There’s a trafficking ring rumored to be linked to members of the Republican Party utilizing a bunch of delicatessen’s and steak houses in NYC and DC. It’s a giant scandal amongst the Republican’s who run the Extensive State that’s spying on us through the camera’s on our iPad’s and selling the video to Tik Tok.

        2. 11


          Keep dreaming, we have had 3 1/2 years of seeing what Harris has done to our economy. Under Trump gas was cheaper than it’s ever been, people could afford to buy groceries and pay their bills. The economy was strong, the border was under control and Biden and Harris destroyed it all. Harris will continue to destroy this country, health care, and screw the Americans to give everything to the illegals she’s letting in so they can kill us all with a massive 9/11. Look at our lives under the Trump administration and look at how we are being forced to try to survive now.

    1. 6


      Jules Verne named the captain Nemo because Nemo backwards is ‘omen.’ Everything was a prediction/warning of the evil Illuminati plot to destroy democracy by agents of the devil posing as men of the people who were really rich fat cats. It was written. Now they’re farming the seabeds and disguising it as oil drilling because they believe the rare spice minerals in the deepest seabeds can give them unlimited life and powers for which they only need to pack the courts with anti-abortion crusaders so they will have even more people/soldiers subjected to their mind control and evil desire for world control. This’s why we must support President Harris against the destruction of democracy and world destruction by the fat cats.

      1. 3


        Got a whale of a tale to tell ya, lads
        A whale of a tale or two
        ‘Bout farming devil’s spice and the girls I’ve loved
        On nights like this who can’t get an abortion
        A whale of a tale and it’s all true
        I swear by my tattoo

    1. 7


      Your mind is being controlled by Maga. The Extensive State has you in its grip. Billionaire oil barons have pumped devil’s spice into your drinking water through so called oil pipelines into the general water supply. It seeps into your mind through everyday activities like hand washing and showering. By the overpriced devil spice watered groceries. They won’t rest until you’re wearing a red hat and mindlessly paying $12 to $14 for a gallon of gas or an $8 egg and elections have been eliminated. It’s not to late to seek help. Vote for President Harris and a free democracy. Free your vote and your mind will follow. She will stop the Deligate conspirators and free the grocery stores and showerheads from devil spice control.

        1. 4


          The fact is, anyone who finds it acceptable that a multi-indicted, nulti criminal charged, unethical, immoral 24/7 proven liar, multi-million dollar find sexual deviant, ho paying, Adolphesque, Putin loving con artist as president, proves what UnAmerican, UnGodly low self esteem and self worth trash is in America. Fk CONvict CONald

  7. 7



    1. 4


      Obviously, her best work wasn’t good enough to keep the old black dude. This brain dead bitch hasn’t been suck-cessful at anything in her career. I wonder if she gave Biden head in the Oval Office? That could be why he was always so confused and tired.

      1. 0


        This bothers you more than someone flying with Epstein and calling him in the middle of the night, and wanting to bang his own daughter, or being accused by over 20 women (one was his ex wife- and two were minors at the time) and being found liable for one in court? If her dating life bothers you more than that sick, old bloated, incestuous, disgusting pig, then I feel sorry for the women in your life. (If you have any).

  8. 2


    Free abortions, vasectomies and a 30 foot inflatable IUD at the DNC? Wake up people, these people are crazy. Perhaps a team performing brain transplants would be of greater value.

  9. 11


    I bet people will be texting from the DNC, “Chicago got cleaned up, I just saw a 30 foot IUD, and I killed my baby having an abortion. My boyfriend is having a free vasectomy so I don’t get knocked up again. Having a great time, wish you were here.”

  10. 6


    Trump’s RNC was packed and a live, wild party. The DNC is half empty and people are sitting in their chairs like they are at a funeral.

    1. 1


      Yeah- real wild. Grown people put sanitary pads in on their ears and they wore adult Trump diapers. It’s a fun bunch.

      1. 2


        Trump was shot in the head during an assassination attempt where another man’s head was blown off and three others were seriously wounded. I guess you missed that historic event? Your statement proves how cold and heartless some Democrats really are. I don’t care what party you are, that was a tragic event.

        1. 2


          I didn’t say anything condoning him getting shot. But people wearing adult diapers and pads on their ears to worship him is weird as fuck.

          1. 1


            It’s called a bandage dumbass. The ear tissue is a very hard area to keep sterile and free from infection. You truly sound like you’re a few ants shy of a picnic.

            1. 2


              The people at the convention wearing them on their ears is who I’m making fun of. They didn’t get shot. Now I see why you support MAGA, you lack any reading comprehension and are incredibly dumb. Go put on the Trump diaper and sneakers.

              1. 1


                The Democrats can’t even run a good convention much less our country. Thousand of people forced to stand in two hour lines to enter the convention center through ONE door. Once again, the President of the United States was stabbed in the back by not being able to speak until the end of the evening because non impressive people were allowed to go first with no time limit. How two faced was it for the crowd to hold up signs and chant Biden’s name when 3 weeks ago they pushed him out of the race and was making fun of his obvious mental condition? Everything that is wrong with our country are compliments of the Biden/Harris policies.

  11. 5


    Harris’s step kids look as weird as their dad. The son looks like he might have rode the short bus to school and the daughter has a hunting cap on with cheap tats all up and down her arms. Seriously, your step mommy is running for President, show some class. Oh that’s right, you have never been shown how.

  12. 13


    It’s absolutely hysterical how the Democrats are acting like they have a “new” person running for President. Harris is the same dumb ass that’s ran our country in the dirt for almost the last four years. Biden needs to stand up and have the old balls to tell them all to kiss his ass for stabbing him in the back. If they stabbed one of their own, they won’t think twice about screwing all of us.

    1. 2


      Lol. You seem really angry. What about Trump cheating on every single wife he has had? He wants to fuck his own daughter. If he will fuck her- he will fuck all of us!

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