Photo by Sun Sentinel

As we told you back in April of last year, Carol-Lisa Phillips will become Broward’s next Chief Judge in July.

A majority of the judges will have to vote for her on February 3rd, a near certainty, since she’s running unopposed with nominating deadlines expired.

Jack Tuter, termed out this June under Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration Rule 2.125 (c)(4) (known in Broward as “The Dale Ross Rule”), is rumored to also possibly be retiring from the bench entirely.

Since JAABLOG is the last place Jack will confirm his plans, we’ll just have to wait and see on that one …


Sun Sentinel Editorial – Another judge tarnishes the image of Broward’s bench (Stefanie Moon)


  1. 6


    Moonie’s arrogant and thinks her time is more valuable than the litigants and the lawyers. It’s not. She’s lucky to be paid by hard working Floridians’ tax money. She works for the public. The JQC needs to take her ex parte party to trial and she should be removed if they prove she does stuff like that. By the by, does she leave the building early or show up late to work? Did they look at that?

      1. 4


        There’s no way Tuter is going to stick around assigned to a division. He’d have to do something then besides pose for pictures with the other clowns.

  2. 4


    You don’t really expect me to have to go to work after serving as Chief Judge Tooty in this Clownhouse, do you ?

    1. 9


      Tuter is possibly the worst chief judge to ever serve in this circuit. That’s saying something. A vainglorious little shill of a man that kissed more azz to achieve very little than anything else.

        1. 4


          Before he was tossed out for not carrying his weight and then has been sliding as CJ in a circuit that is known for carrying gopher loafers for decades. He hasn’t fooled anybody. There won’t be many that are sad to see him go.

                1. 1


                  Flopped like she did as a judge. It was just a failed attempt at some kind of face-saving attempt.
                  She’s still in hiding as shame is the real name of the game for daddy’s little gimp.

  3. 2



      1. 1


        Four dysfunctional decades ending with being outlawyered by Carrot Top don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy county.

      2. 3


        If I was the Judge who’s assigned to sit in that courtroom I’d be angry&embarrassed. (Or is it another one of those empty courtrooms that’s never used?)

    1. 0


      Considering the way Tuter made it to chief judge, you’d figure he’s got to go out with a squeeze
      Its been lost on nobody the way he’s been Scherer’s mole his entire tenure as CJ
      He goes out with no dignity at all

  4. 8


    To everyone who was duped into contributing to Harold Pryor,‘s campaign, have you gotten your contribution back considering he ran unopposed? Weren’t we supposed to get our money back? Is this a campaign finance violation? Harold, you do nothing fuck? Where’s my money?

      1. 2


        Nearly $200k spent, including Morton’s, and hotels, etc and contributions to a bunch of DEI charities including the Dems, for no opposition, non campaign. All with our contributions.

        1. 1


          Excuse me what?!!! He used our contributions to grease palms?? He can make donations using out contributions?! What the hell is this???

    1. 8


      Under the campaign laws he was supposed to refund your money only holding back 10k for his office account. I wouldn’t have given him one damn cent. I’m not stupid. I learned from his first campaign that he is a liar and he has absolutely destroyed that office. Oh and by the way, he has no plans to run again. He’s going into partnership with his buddy Josiah Graham, who Pryor is funneling all his civil cases to. You have all been dubbed.

      1. 4


        We have been duped. I am so deeply disappointed in that man. I believed in him and I believed him. He’s like everything other politician. Should have just voted for Rydell.

          1. 1


            Well that makes sense because all he did in Broward was stick his head in the sand whilst the biggest bunch of drunks and other ethical judicial quagmires made for a Jqc-fest of unprecedented magnitude in the history of America. It does makes sense. The naming thing must be part of the historical whitewash. It’s pretty smart actually.

        1. 1


          He slid his whole career on the taxpayer dime
          Suppose its some kind of accomplishment
          Weinstein certainly never did anything to improve the 17th

    1. 3


      I think all the trophies and plaques and so called honors they pass around themselves with such frequency are wrapped up in mostly that they’re supposedly such smart legal geniuses but they make chit money compared to even a moderately successful lawyer like basically less than a 1st year at a national lawyer firm, so hey they say let’s prop each other’s flagging egos and nagging doubts up with a bunch of shiny baubles.

      1. 12


        Why then are the judges such a thorn in so many of you ass’s? I guess a great many of you are in that “moderate first year lawyer salary” even though you have worked all your lives and can’t yet retire because you can’t afford it. The salary and benefits are more than you make.

        1. 4


          Most judges in Broward couldn’t make it in private practice due to either a lack of knowledge of the law or they are just too lazy to hold down a real job. They settle for a low paying job where they slide for as long as they can or get popped by either the JQC or peter out because of burnout. Most don’t have two cents to rub together, let alone enough put away to live very comfortably. That’s the trade off for a lackluster career as a government lackey. They are the bottom of the legal barrel destined for the slop bin.

          1. 10


            Great hours, decent salary and a great benefit package including a pension. Not to mention it’s very impressive to say you’re a judge and not a bottom feeder lawyer living in a townhouse.

            1. 5


              What about the judges living in townhouses? I can name 2. And what’s wrong with townhouses for crying out loud.

              1. 12


                If you like living in an apartment complex with someone on the other side of your walls , more power to ya. That’s what people buy, or rent when they can’t afford a house. Big time layers don’t live in bottom feeder townhomes.

              2. 14


                Judges don’t make the money a half ass lawyer should be able to make. If you are a lawyer and can’t live in a better place than a judge, that should tell you, your career was for shit. Townhomes here are cheap and most are next to ghetto areas. No privacy, no yards, no resale value. Let’s face it, they are apartments low income people are stupid enough to buy.

                1. 5


                  I hope you realize townhomes in Fort Lauderdale start at $500k and go for over a million. Location, location, location.
                  Stay out in Pembroke Pines!

                  1. 7


                    You just proved my point, in Ft Lauderdale, 500 grand is nothing. You must live in one, since you are defending them. Enjoy sharing a wall with your neighbor. 😂I hope no one in your building has a fire.

                    1. 3


                      However, $500k living in the swamp gets you your little cookie cutter house that you lust for

                    2. 0


                      The way they build houses in this chit hole aren’t worth the insurance rates it takes to insure them. That’s if you can get insurance.

                2. 7


                  Oh honey, it sounds really personal for you. Either someone in a townhouse wouldn’t sleep with you or they have something you don’t have and that money can’t buy. What could it be, what could it be? I know who this is, wearing your depends, in your wife’s basement. You have so much, why can’t you just leave them alone? Get over it. Noone really likes you. that kills you, doesn’t it? What and how many substances were you on when you started this townhouse hate train? Too specific, honey.

                  1. 10


                    WTF, can some one explain this rambling post? It makes no sense at all, sounds like they were high when they attempted to write this one.

              3. 2


                Can’t retire on a judge’s pension. Two loser judges tried to suck at the public trough for a second go.
                Voters said screw you. Live in a cardboard box.

              1. 9


                Sure, sure. If you spend more than 190,000 per year on valet service, you sir, are the chump.

                I’d bet that you don’t even clear 70k – jealous loser.

            2. 2


              I wouldn’t say its very impressive to say your a judge in Broward. Not with the reputation they have around here ! Lol
              More like just a bunch of underpaid, unhappy government gophers looking to pay their mortgages.

              1. 8


                At least they can pay their mortgage and didn’t lose everything during COVID. For the few hours they work, all holidays off with pay, benefits paid such as complete healthcare and a pension, not a bad gig at all.

      1. 2


        About time. Bob can’t stay awake and looks like hell and smells even worse. Last time I was in his courtroom the guy really looked bad.

        1. 4


          I bet the person writing this is 1. All over this comment page and 2. Extremely miserable. I bet you portray one thing to the world and you let your ugliness soar under the cloak of anonymity. I bet you read this and fly into a paranoid rage because I’ve called you twice in this thread. Two different topics. Same fetid hatefulness.

    1. 0


      What: No flop out party for Judge Robert Diaz ? With so many happy to see the back of that buffoon, you’d think with his warped ego he’d want to go out with a bang instead of a whimper.

  5. 0


    Good riddance. Diaz brought more embarrassment to Broward Judges than anyone I can think of. He hasn’t been with it for years. He’s just been milking the system.

  6. 4


    Anyone beaten at ballot box twice by taxpayers paying a judges freight should never be appointed and forced upon same.
    still undertermined whether it was a payback to Trinchi from Charlie Crist or Charlie and Nick’s similar ” bachelor”s” lifestyle they enjoyed together
    Still hear stories of Lopane taking Crist over to Bova Prime to impress Scottie Rothstein and party goings on not exactly DIDDY like but seemingly very raunchy

  7. 0


    CNN, with Trump family Doral Resort in background missed a layup.A creepy maga redneck Ga rep spewing need for lowering spending on backs of school food vouchers , food stamps and wondering why receipients are all “fat”, why dont they start with themselves and have their conferences at Hampton Inns with free b-fast etc.
    Same holds for Fl judicial retreats where indigent families of 5 could eat for a week on the buffets these gluttons like Gunderson, former Holmes, Lopane, Speiser and so many more seem to think they are entitled to.

    Speaking of too much food, we were in cafeteria and Joe Kessling walked by and someone remarked about too many yrs of free cop donuts.Also wondering how often BSO tests these folks who are supposed to protect us in an emergency but probably couldn’t run 100′ . In Kessling’s case, that BLIVET of a uniform that looks spray on ( oh yea a blivet is 50lbs of manure in a 25 lb sack) while in a strenuous pursuit he’d have to stop and pick up the buttons that were bursting.

    1. 3


      Joe Kessling one of the nicest person to help you.
      Arrogant stuck on himself yes but the above statement is true to a core
      Known him for over 30 years first time I hated him, second time ok, thereafter knew he wax a true nice person and cared about people.
      You Go Joe you’re a good dude

    1. 1


      At last some semblance of order. I’m tired of tripping over strewn chicken necks when I enter the courthouse.

  8. 0


    The Laken Riley Act passed in congress and signed by DJT.
    Guess who voted Nay on that Act?
    My Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
    She has become one democratic political hack. Have no respect for her anymore.
    How dare you Debbie wanna be DWS like AOC.

  9. 1


    With a friend of 30 yrs confirming Det Joe Kessling’s well known hubris we moved him to the top of the list of CV’s to be scrutinized.The way so many public officials, especially Broward jd’s fluff up their self aggrandizing affiliations its time to cut the wheat from the chaff.
    A nomination to the Naval Academy is something to be very proud of and obviously would require letters from So. Fl. U.S. Representatives or Senators or even VPOTUS. We are curious who those might have been circa 1975?
    Considering HOF coach George Welsh was the Middies coach when Joe was playing high school football it would have been very special to play under him as he also went on to be the winningest UVA coach of all time.Wonder if in Joe’s retelling those glory years he has ever over a beer or 6 given details of his high school football career and if a legend like Coach Welch ever paid him a visit or requested Joe’s films?
    It sounds that Joe actually put time in with the kids and that is great as so many blackrobers who claim charity work by going to a few meetings…. enough so that they are given tickets(free of course) to galas where they sit at the head table, stand to be recognized and never get their hands dirty.
    We hope Joe is still showing up to G&B clubs as claimed.
    Professionally Joe certainly chalks up lots of arrests which he is extremely proud of but its too bad as Scott Rothstein fleeced his way thru the same halls Joe patrols it must frustrate him what was so obvious to sophisticated investment pros was not to him and basically the entire Broward universe of LEO and prosecutors.
    Joe is proud of his and his brothers policeman prayer as he should be and thus maybe familiar with the many Proverbs that speak of being as his friend says, stuck on oneself. Most notably, “Pride goeth before the fall”
    The way Joe seems to take great pride about his arrest count and all the details makes one wonder if he has any that keeps him up at night? Where he might have been doing the work of people even more arrogant and stuck on themselves than himself? HMMMM

    1. 2


      Wow sounds like colleague jealously.
      TMI to write a post like that.
      Sometimes people excel at their job.
      Sometimes people wish they could excel at their job.
      I think the later fits the above poster.

  10. 4


    Could we please fire everybody in the Clerk’s Office ? I’ve never experienced such a bunch of incompetent idiots in 24 years.

  11. 0


    Blogger Alistarov is a criminal
    Andrey Alistarov drugs
    From criminal past to criminal present – in the service of corrupt law enforcement officers
    Andrey Alistarov, a YouTube blogger specializing in exposing financial organizations, is an odious figure with a criminal past. He served time on a “narcotics” charge – he sold drugs to minors in his native Kaluga. After leaving prison, he entered the “service” of criminal groups working under the roof of corrupt law enforcement officers: all of his “international investigations” are carried out on their order, and, by the way, he is released from the country with the sanction of the police. His main profile now is blackmail, extortion, slander and organizing contract prosecution under the guise of supposedly independent investigations.
    He leads the bandits to his victims: the last attack took place in Dubai on January 1: Alistarov led the bandits to the victim’s house and provided all the necessary information for the attack and blackmail, and to ensure his own alibi during the attack he conducted an unscheduled stream with subscribers of his channel.

    To the accompaniment of loud phrases about the fight against fraud and exposing financial schemes, Alistarov is busy processing orders from competitors of certain entrepreneurs who have become his victims – competitors of these entrepreneurs who have taken corrupt police officers as their share.

    At the same time, Alistarov uses visas to the EU countries and the UAE obtained with the help of organized criminal groups, illegally uses drones and listening equipment purchased with money from organized crime groups, organizes an invasion of privacy, and persecutes the families of his victims, including young children. It also steals and illegally uses content, violates all possible laws and regulations regarding the dissemination of information. He was also accused of treason.

    However, he did not give up drug trafficking, laundering criminal proceeds by purchasing real estate in the UAE and Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). Alistarov also promotes outright scam for a percentage of criminal transactions and his own fraudulent business – selling real estate in Dubai with a horse, thieves’ commission, as well as cryptocurrency exchange using phishing schemes.

  12. 1


    25 years my ass. SAO is counting all the years she worked for Judge Holmes who fired her sorry ass for creating a hostile work environment but the SAO with all their DEI hires continue to employ her racists ass! This secretarial supervisor is nasty bitch. I got the last laugh!! $$$ living my dream life with more money than she will ever see her life. I just feel bad for all the secretaries she continues to terrorize. Get out of that office! You all deserve better!

  13. 1


    Can this blog forget Bob Diaz his wife and the other clown judges -bottoms up, or looking for a cannoli, make that a large cannoli, and move on. Yes these judges make a mockery of being before them and they are judgmental on your case.
    But they are gone let’s focus on the new clowns
    Not to mention anyone but Kal Evans comes to mind.

        1. 0


          Jealously clearly A NY model that’s how they are but they have limits.
          I knew someone that was a runway model, they offered a great gig, but the casting couch was first. She got up and walked.

  14. 0


    If not for govt subsidies Tesla would be done.
    But he is a brilliant person and the country is not there yet for EV
    Have you ever seen an EV do the speed limit?
    It seems like they speed past us 15 mph over the speed limit.
    Just wondering.

  15. 4


    The State Attorneys HR is a hot mess. Their latest HR hire Leonora is like the 40th person in that slot. I give her 4 months. That’s the average now. They even have a spot for a benefits person that dresses homeless. People gave Monica slack but it took 100 morons to replace her.

    1. 3


      True. It’s worse than that. Everyday a new HR person is hired and takes spots of State Attorneys. Everyone is swamped but instead of hiring more attorneys, they fill it with HR losers. The office is joke and people dropping like flies.

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