Old-timers will remember both former Broward ASA Al Milian, now a circuit judge in Miami, and attorney Mike Catalano. They’ve been locking horns since the 1980’s, to the point a couple of Motions For Recusal filed by Catalano back in 2016 and in 2023 have landed Judge Milian in hot water.
Both motions were granted, but because Milian refuted the allegations made by Catalano in his recusal orders, the JQC is asking the Supreme Court for a public reprimand.
Read all the JQC docket entries here.

What about Moon disqualify Weekes
Nah, that was just Stripclub Jonny trying to appear relevant.
Weekes finna get his lazy ass smoked by Moons.
The campaign financial docs show it: Johnny desperately needs the judicial salary.
2016? Maybe the JQC gets around to looking at Moonie by 2030.
I wonder how the Moons are enjoying the summer so far.
I’d say their summer is going pretty good, I imagine.
Especially since it’s only milk toast slob Strip club Johnny Weaks trying to land a solid salary.
Nothing to see here, other than a dumbass picking the wrong race to run in and get his lazy ass smoked.
But it still has to be annoying that her summer is ruined having to campaign and beg for votes in the hot sun. Im sure she would rather take a vacation. Lol
Is the Courthouse open tomorrow on Juneteenth?
You mean I get another way to skip out on work and nobody told me?
I like how they refer to the Dale Cohen case where Catalano was the lawyer.
Most Judges don’t know the dq law. Or contempt.
A BSO deputy who worked at the courthouse committed suicide this morning in Homestead. Anybody know who it was? People are struggling a lot lately. Too many suicides going on.
Officer Andrew Rodriguez. RIP
Judge Milian is a good man, good judge. He’ll be fine.
Wait a minute bud.
Isn’t Milian the guy who DUI’d his car and had to push it from the scene, only to hope his connections saved him from a clear DUI plea?!
Al’s the best. Always loved Al. Enjoyed pounding a few back with him downtown in the good ole days. Great personality and cool outlook on life. Wish we had more like him. Now it’s just a bunch of milk toast weenies looking for handouts!
I’m saying this’s a cruddy/picayune way to treat a veteran.
Do any of you remember what Al Milian did when he was a prosecutor? He punched out a defense lawyer. He called a jury a bunch of lobotomized zombies and morons because they had a reasonable doubt. He went on a vendetta to get even with Mike Catalano who he tried to assault because Mike had the audacity to file a motion to suppress on misdemeanor DUI.
And known as a solid defense judge now.
People change.
Al Milian is a bright, entertaining guy. And if you ever find yourself in a jam, he is a good guy to have on your side.
Rumor is jqc is coming down on moon within 2 weeks
Keep dreaming, strip club Johnny
You’re too white to beat a black incumbent Broward judge, so go F yourself
When Milian was arrested for DUI he told the Deputy, “Do you know who I am, well, you’re going to find out who I am,”
Then Ginger Wren dismissed his case.
Hmm, it was also LernerWren who Dismissed Regina Tsombanakis’ DUI after Regina was caught when her crappy car had broken equipment dragging and tearing up the roadway
Why can’t Ginger also dismiss DUI cases as easily as the ones she dismisses for lawyers she likes?
Regina- what a train wreck. I guess after 30 years of smoking a pack a day and drinking like a fish, you can’t expect to look like a model. She’s like Amy Winehouse without the talent.
Heard scuzzy sleazy Honowitz finally after sucking at the public trough for 37 years has retired. Now she has all the time she needs to pinch cheap makeup products from Publix. LOL
Pryor was never going to let that ugly mug stick around longer anyway. Slide in and slide out Sticky Fingers !
You sound like someone whose career will never match hers. You are the one that is so bitter you are randomly posting about her in threads that have nothing to do with her. I wonder if you walk around the streets yelling “Stacey Honowitz retired!!” To random people. Lol
Seriously- why is she taking up so much space in your head?
Except for all the goop she wore on her face I thought she was hot !
Don’t strike a match anywhere near that chick. With that goo all over her face she’ll go up in flames 🔥 LOL
At least you didn’t have to work with her if that’s what you wan t to call it.
As soon as Satz left Stacey had no chance of be able to slide as she did for her entire career or she would have slurped until her nineties. Lol. Never knew a more useless attorney in the SA as Horowitz nor as talentless.
Goes to Gene Garrett, ex Broward Circuit Judge then 4th DCA Appellate Justice. The thrill of heist of a TV controller from Target summarily did the poor guy in. Last time I saw him was in a courthouse elevator; he was going to a courtroom as an SPD. Stranger than fiction.
Inadvertent error. The ASA response to being caught at any misdeed.
Suffice it to say that she would have never made Babe status
She was always carrying files and acting like she was busy, but never in court doing anything. She was always a schlep.
Some schleps are in it just for the paycheck and the rest is pretend.