Nah, he never had a chance. Those in the legal field who know Johnny Stripclub, he has that NSU Nova Law “we don’t know caselaw” style.
And to the rest of Broward: he ain’t black.
In Broward, voters care more how colorful their leaders are, not how competent. (Sorry, MLK, Jr., but it be true)
President Elect Trump has no authority over state actions. He cannot interfere over state judicial, executive or legislative actions or affairs in state matters. You need to review the Constitution and, prior to Trump, Republicans understood for the last two hundred years and argued that the federal government could not interfere with state matters. Unfortunately things might change when President Elected Trump becomes King Trump, as he hopes he can accomplish. I hope to God that it never occurs, despite his wishes.
I may be biased, but I wouldn’t read much into that. I was surprised to read in this that there was a prior in 2019 from the campaign activities in 2018.
Why is it that so many of you Broweird lawyers are so rude and insulting. Instead of picking on someone’s weight or appearance, how about just critisizing their behavior?
Diaz was always just another diaper dump. Maybe now he finally realizes just how irrelevant he really is and has been as a county clown. He’s accomplished nothing but manage to suck off the public tit his entire so called career with nothing but a sleazy rep to show for it. All on a lousy county clown salary.
He won’t be missed. Most of the other judges will be glad to see him disappear down the grease trap he’s created for himself over the years.
Slide on out Bob and don’t let the door smack your backside.
Wow, you sound like a childish, ignorant person. You really think making fun of a person’s wife and kids makes you anything but pathetic? Take a look at what you see when you go home tonight.
It’s because their practice is in the shitter, and all they do is sit all day playing on the computer, because they have no clients. Many of them have ran for Judge, multiple times and lost. They can’t retire because they don’t have the money to survive and would give anything to have the salary and benefits being a judge would afford them. Several have had to sell their homes because they couldn’t get through the COVID era. How pathetic to work all your life, to sit on the Internet making fun of people you with you could have been.
Another judge tarnishes the image of Broward’s bench | Editorial
Stop us if you’ve heard this one before. A judge in Broward County, required to obey Florida’s reasonable, sensible Code of Judicial Conduct, violated it not once, but twice, and now faces a stigmatizing public reprimand from the Florida Supreme Court. The judge deserves a reprimand — and more.
Yes, you most definitely have heard this before. That’s because more judges in Broward than in any other judicial circuit have been punished for bad behavior, according to the state Judicial Qualifications Commission. The JQC keeps an online database of wayward judges, and it lists every violation since 2000.
Broward is much too well-represented there, and now another name joins this roll of dishonor. In the latest case, Circuit Judge Stefanie Moon will be reprimanded for committing two violations of the Canons of Judicial Ethics.
In one instance, Moon used what the JQC called “inherently coercive” behavior toward a lawyer who was appearing in her courtroom by asking him why he did not return her earlier phone call — this while she sat in judgment of his case.
Moon had phoned the lawyer to request that he be listed as a member of her campaign committee for her 2022 re-election. The attorney, Michael Jones, supported Moon’s opponent, defense lawyer Johnny Weekes, as the Sun Sentinel’s Rafael Olmeda reported.
In the other violation, Moon took the highly inappropriate step of contacting a defense witness in a case pending before her and not notifying either party that she did so.
When the defendant in that case filed a motion to force Moon to recuse herself from the case, she initially refused to do so, the JQC found.
Moon, 56, of Parkland, won a new six-year term in 2024, in part with the editorial support of this newspaper. After a careful review of her record, we recommended her “with concerns,” citing questions about her judicial temperament.
In an online Sun Sentinel candidate interview in that race, Moon conceded that she should not have questioned a lawyer during a hearing on a matter that had to do with her election campaign.
In a 2024 editorial, we speculated that her conduct could invite an investigation by the state Judicial Qualifications Commission, which, we said, could lead to disciplinary action.
That’s exactly what happened. “Absolutely, do I now wish I had not made that inquiry? Without a doubt,” Moon told the Sun Sentinel last year.
Only now do we know that during her 2024 campaign, she was the focus of a confidential JQC probe.
As the JQC reported, “Judge Moon admitted that she mentioned the unreturned phone call to the attorney while on the bench, wearing her robe, and having just concluded a hearing with that attorney and his client. She also acknowledged that doing so under those circumstances was inappropriate and could have been perceived as coercive.”
In the other violation, the JQC cited a Code of Judicial Conduct provision: “A judge shall not initiate, permit, or consider ex parte communications, or consider other communications made to the judge outside the presence of the parties concerning a pending or impending proceeding.”
Moon’s conduct further tarnishes the Broward bench, where the vast majority of judges are responsible and ethical. But according to the JQC online database, Moon is the 10th Broward judge to be sanctioned in the past 10 years. That’s an average of a disciplinary case every year. They’re almost like birthdays.
That’s far too often. Clearly, Broward has a serious problem with bad behavior on the bench.
This was not even Moon’s first brush with the JQC. She was previously cautioned by the commission in 2019 for improper campaign activities by having her name included on a partisan flyer, a serious no-no for all judicial candidates. At the time, she issued a statement denying she paid to have her name listed.
“The Commission believes their warning should have put Judge Moon on notice to carefully consider every step in her future campaigns,” the JQC wrote in its findings on Jan. 15.
Obviously, that didn’t happen. For two separate breaches of the Code of Judicial Conduct, Moon will get a single reprimand, in part because she “expressed deep regret” to the JQC that her conduct could damage perceptions of judicial integrity.
If anything, in our opinion, she’s getting off easy.
Go Michael Jones
Now probably exiled by other Judges. Even if they agree with him, they did not approve of what he did. So Exile it is. And will be. The rule is don’t challenge a Broward Judge.
Not with this one. From what I have heard, almost all the judges were thrilled that she got a complaint. She is apparently universally disliked. Can’t imagine why- she’s a real peach (sarcasm)
Rough night out and still no score … Sorry Cindy. It just wasn’t your lucky night.
The only female judge that wins hands down was Judge Julian caught passed out with her pants down at a judicial conference. A little old to be sporting a Bald Eagle if you ask me. Hotel Video captured the scene and contradicted the narrative.
But you’d have to ask Judge Gardiner about the details of that judicial hump. She was busy with her own hayride.
So so true Amelia Island Resort if I recall right. The reason the elevators didn’t work???
They can’t work when you turn them off to get banged in them. As in Fatal Attraction.
No matter how ya slice it, D Johnny T is the USA’s sitting felon complements of Trump Delusional Syndrome.
His love of Adolf & Puty has begun. United States of Germussia
Mr Jones
Why didnt you answer or return my phone call? Um Judge. I think you’re incompetent, unethical and I’m supporting your opponent.
Should I have you recused from all future cases I appear before you??????
Or I’ll just call the JQC. A little too little and too late.
Her complexion is her protection
Another yearly birthday embarrassment for Broward Judiciary. Per SS
Where is Kal Evans on that removal list. Loves hearing himself speak and loves demeaning people. All in the sense of speaking out loud.
Kinda like saying I don’t like you and here are my reasons I’m ruling against you. 3 hours later and if you had court reporter transcript it would have costs thousands. If anything a 20 minute hearing.
Brenda we do t need court reporters any more record all proceedings and we can request them very cheaply.
Brenda stop dancing with Bob and improve your services at the Clerks Office.
I’m sorry I should refer to as Mrs Foreman.
What a joke
The ol Bottoms Judge I ask
How many lawyers indulged or walked pass.
It looked like she was serviced several times.
Need DNA tests.
She no longer serves but obviously she was compromised.
What happened to Wheeler?
Heard he’s been reduced to cleaning the manatee tank at what used to be the Miami Marine Mammal Center.
She turned the recorder off and they aren’t removing her?
“I’m sorry” = Mitigation! SAO are you listening?
Can’t I absolutely cannot understand why they would make such a ridiculously soft offer. It’s no wonder so many Judges are out of control!
Aka “The Sleepwalker”
Broward Judges are truthfully a breed all their own …
Bottoms up
It says she had a Jqc prior too..
The Jqc is the #1 problem. I hope President Trump dismantles their swamp next.
It’s part of the general lawfare program against all of us. The judicial protection racket. Screw us and protect them at all costs.
Johnny could have swamped her if he just knew how to run a campaign effectively
Nah, he never had a chance. Those in the legal field who know Johnny Stripclub, he has that NSU Nova Law “we don’t know caselaw” style.
And to the rest of Broward: he ain’t black.
In Broward, voters care more how colorful their leaders are, not how competent. (Sorry, MLK, Jr., but it be true)
Dis is Broward and we got it all rapped up !
I’ll drink to that !
Another juice head judge
They would do better to just get rid of her. She’s an insufferable twit.
President Elect Trump has no authority over state actions. He cannot interfere over state judicial, executive or legislative actions or affairs in state matters. You need to review the Constitution and, prior to Trump, Republicans understood for the last two hundred years and argued that the federal government could not interfere with state matters. Unfortunately things might change when President Elected Trump becomes King Trump, as he hopes he can accomplish. I hope to God that it never occurs, despite his wishes.
Thanks for education civics 101 at UF
They need to send a message to Broward toot sweet. Lwvey-Cihen, Farmer, Moons. Terrible behavior.
JT’s too busy sticking his name on walls to properly supervise this bunch.
Who is he?
Well, as bad as Moon is, what does that say about someone (Stripclub Johnny) who lost hugely to her.
Truth is, woulda sucked worse if Stripclub Weaks hadn’t got his ass handed to him in the election.
Johnny would have beena great addition to the Broward Bench
Love the memories or is it memories?
I may be biased, but I wouldn’t read much into that. I was surprised to read in this that there was a prior in 2019 from the campaign activities in 2018.
Biggest embarrassment to the Broward County Bench
If you’ve seen one Broward JQC Judge you’ve seen them all.
Thank goodness he’s retired.
Tik Tok’s off. What’s he gonna do all day?
Bob always smelled really bad
Take naps?
He’ll be on JAAB like they all are ! Lol
New social media acct jerk ——f
Because that’s what they all are!!!!
Who’s going to be my dance partner now Bobbie ?
We’ll always be a team Bren as long as you keep my wife on the payroll
What, no shredded pork ?
Does this mean we’ve seen the back of this incompetent freeloader for good ? I sure hope so.
Heard he’s not done squeezing yet and coming back as a retired judge. Not enough tacos yet maybe ?
Diaz has been done for years. He’s a laughingstock. He’s just milking the last few pennies he can get out of it. Just look at the guy. He’s pathetic.
Why is it that so many of you Broweird lawyers are so rude and insulting. Instead of picking on someone’s weight or appearance, how about just critisizing their behavior?
What a big fat comment.
Career Politician and thief …
It was good to watch the look on their faces at Trump’s inauguration !!! Lol
Now finish draining the swamp !
We would, but Diaz is SO condescending and aholeish on the bench that he deserves,, no, he ASKS that we roast his appearance and fatness.
Hey Diaz, why you so fat? You only earn a County court judge salary, but have a fat wife and a (not so fat) daughter who feed off you.
Where you getting the cash to buy so much manure to pile into your fugly face?!
Diaz was always just another diaper dump. Maybe now he finally realizes just how irrelevant he really is and has been as a county clown. He’s accomplished nothing but manage to suck off the public tit his entire so called career with nothing but a sleazy rep to show for it. All on a lousy county clown salary.
He won’t be missed. Most of the other judges will be glad to see him disappear down the grease trap he’s created for himself over the years.
Slide on out Bob and don’t let the door smack your backside.
Wow, you sound like a childish, ignorant person. You really think making fun of a person’s wife and kids makes you anything but pathetic? Take a look at what you see when you go home tonight.
It’s because their practice is in the shitter, and all they do is sit all day playing on the computer, because they have no clients. Many of them have ran for Judge, multiple times and lost. They can’t retire because they don’t have the money to survive and would give anything to have the salary and benefits being a judge would afford them. Several have had to sell their homes because they couldn’t get through the COVID era. How pathetic to work all your life, to sit on the Internet making fun of people you with you could have been.
See you at the inaugural ball !
Illegal Aliens go home
Camel Toe has some balance sheets to settle
Another judge tarnishes the image of Broward’s bench | Editorial
Stop us if you’ve heard this one before. A judge in Broward County, required to obey Florida’s reasonable, sensible Code of Judicial Conduct, violated it not once, but twice, and now faces a stigmatizing public reprimand from the Florida Supreme Court. The judge deserves a reprimand — and more.
Yes, you most definitely have heard this before. That’s because more judges in Broward than in any other judicial circuit have been punished for bad behavior, according to the state Judicial Qualifications Commission. The JQC keeps an online database of wayward judges, and it lists every violation since 2000.
Broward is much too well-represented there, and now another name joins this roll of dishonor. In the latest case, Circuit Judge Stefanie Moon will be reprimanded for committing two violations of the Canons of Judicial Ethics.
In one instance, Moon used what the JQC called “inherently coercive” behavior toward a lawyer who was appearing in her courtroom by asking him why he did not return her earlier phone call — this while she sat in judgment of his case.
Moon had phoned the lawyer to request that he be listed as a member of her campaign committee for her 2022 re-election. The attorney, Michael Jones, supported Moon’s opponent, defense lawyer Johnny Weekes, as the Sun Sentinel’s Rafael Olmeda reported.
In the other violation, Moon took the highly inappropriate step of contacting a defense witness in a case pending before her and not notifying either party that she did so.
When the defendant in that case filed a motion to force Moon to recuse herself from the case, she initially refused to do so, the JQC found.
Moon, 56, of Parkland, won a new six-year term in 2024, in part with the editorial support of this newspaper. After a careful review of her record, we recommended her “with concerns,” citing questions about her judicial temperament.
In an online Sun Sentinel candidate interview in that race, Moon conceded that she should not have questioned a lawyer during a hearing on a matter that had to do with her election campaign.
In a 2024 editorial, we speculated that her conduct could invite an investigation by the state Judicial Qualifications Commission, which, we said, could lead to disciplinary action.
That’s exactly what happened. “Absolutely, do I now wish I had not made that inquiry? Without a doubt,” Moon told the Sun Sentinel last year.
Only now do we know that during her 2024 campaign, she was the focus of a confidential JQC probe.
As the JQC reported, “Judge Moon admitted that she mentioned the unreturned phone call to the attorney while on the bench, wearing her robe, and having just concluded a hearing with that attorney and his client. She also acknowledged that doing so under those circumstances was inappropriate and could have been perceived as coercive.”
In the other violation, the JQC cited a Code of Judicial Conduct provision: “A judge shall not initiate, permit, or consider ex parte communications, or consider other communications made to the judge outside the presence of the parties concerning a pending or impending proceeding.”
Moon’s conduct further tarnishes the Broward bench, where the vast majority of judges are responsible and ethical. But according to the JQC online database, Moon is the 10th Broward judge to be sanctioned in the past 10 years. That’s an average of a disciplinary case every year. They’re almost like birthdays.
That’s far too often. Clearly, Broward has a serious problem with bad behavior on the bench.
This was not even Moon’s first brush with the JQC. She was previously cautioned by the commission in 2019 for improper campaign activities by having her name included on a partisan flyer, a serious no-no for all judicial candidates. At the time, she issued a statement denying she paid to have her name listed.
“The Commission believes their warning should have put Judge Moon on notice to carefully consider every step in her future campaigns,” the JQC wrote in its findings on Jan. 15.
Obviously, that didn’t happen. For two separate breaches of the Code of Judicial Conduct, Moon will get a single reprimand, in part because she “expressed deep regret” to the JQC that her conduct could damage perceptions of judicial integrity.
If anything, in our opinion, she’s getting off easy.
A big heartfelt “Ha Ha” to John B. Weak
He lost, big time, to this sorry ass judge.
Johnny is a big tipper 🙂
I think I can fit in that one?
Guaranteed Votes Next Time
Rally Your Support
Go Michael Jones
Now probably exiled by other Judges. Even if they agree with him, they did not approve of what he did. So Exile it is. And will be. The rule is don’t challenge a Broward Judge.
Not with this one. From what I have heard, almost all the judges were thrilled that she got a complaint. She is apparently universally disliked. Can’t imagine why- she’s a real peach (sarcasm)
Charlie Green the absolute worse. And that sleazy court clerk he married. Disgusting, to say the least.
Rough night out and still no score … Sorry Cindy. It just wasn’t your lucky night.
The only female judge that wins hands down was Judge Julian caught passed out with her pants down at a judicial conference. A little old to be sporting a Bald Eagle if you ask me. Hotel Video captured the scene and contradicted the narrative.
But you’d have to ask Judge Gardiner about the details of that judicial hump. She was busy with her own hayride.
So so true Amelia Island Resort if I recall right. The reason the elevators didn’t work???
They can’t work when you turn them off to get banged in them. As in Fatal Attraction.
Mr Smithers.
No matter how ya slice it, D Johnny T is the USA’s sitting felon complements of Trump Delusional Syndrome.
His love of Adolf & Puty has begun. United States of Germussia
I like my cannolis supersized
Mr Jones
Why didnt you answer or return my phone call? Um Judge. I think you’re incompetent, unethical and I’m supporting your opponent.
Should I have you recused from all future cases I appear before you??????
Or I’ll just call the JQC. A little too little and too late.
Her complexion is her protection
Another yearly birthday embarrassment for Broward Judiciary. Per SS
This is long overdue.
Where is Kal Evans on that removal list. Loves hearing himself speak and loves demeaning people. All in the sense of speaking out loud.
Kinda like saying I don’t like you and here are my reasons I’m ruling against you. 3 hours later and if you had court reporter transcript it would have costs thousands. If anything a 20 minute hearing.
Brenda we do t need court reporters any more record all proceedings and we can request them very cheaply.
Brenda stop dancing with Bob and improve your services at the Clerks Office.
I’m sorry I should refer to as Mrs Foreman.
What a joke
The ol Bottoms Judge I ask
How many lawyers indulged or walked pass.
It looked like she was serviced several times.
Need DNA tests.
She no longer serves but obviously she was compromised.