157 thoughts on “JUDGE CLERMONT”

    1. 5


      He would have been just as lazy and clueless as his buddy Diaz. Just another putz looking for a free ride.

      1. 2


        Stark’s mistake was hitching his wagon to Bob Diaz and being identified to his lousy tenure as possibly the worst County Clown ever to sit as judge in this joke of a judiciary.

    2. 3


      Stark would have been a smooch azz. Glad he lost because we don’t need another slider judge looking for a handout.
      Voters are waking up to judicial slouchers.

    3. 8


      His dad lived off court appointments his entire career, No reason to think Baby Stark is any different.

  1. 3


    Y’all best be praying for Trump’s health being perfect for a full 4 because if Musk and Vance take over we be screwed.

    1. 11


      No need to pray. All prayers were answered when that dumb bitch and worthless asswipe were sent packing.

    2. 8


      Only “screwed” if you’re a pedo trans groomer hoping to allow minors at drag shows.

      Only “screwed” if you were hoping more of Kackala’s illegals were finna hop over the border for more freebies at our expense.

      Only “screwed” if you want late term abortions

      Etc. Etc.

      1. 8


        “Let me just say this to Big Tish James, the New York Attorney General … I dare you to continue your lawfare against President Trump in his second term,” the founder of the Article III Project said. “Because listen here sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time. And we will put your fat a– in prison for conspiracy against rights and I promise you that.”

        Davis warned James to “think long and hard before you want to violate President Trump’s constitutional rights or any other American’s constitutional rights.”

    1. 8


      There are some thing you just don’t tend to forget … One of them is being a moral hypocrite with an appetite for Kielbasa.

    1. 6


      That is just mean, the guy is a complete gentleman and a good guy all around. He lost the election, move on, no reason to denigrate someone.

      1. 13


        Stark has been scratching for chicken feed for years. Just wants a cushy job without any accountability like so many others.
        Woody is a better choice.

  2. 7


    The thing that really amazes me is they could see it coming but still couldn’t bring themselves to admit they had failed miserably the last four years, even after weaponizing the Justice Department.

  3. 16


    Taking a page out of Hillary Clinton’s playbook, besides Kamala’s slavish dedication to her petty vanity, I could never see any leadership qualities exhibited by either her behavior or lack of her ability to make any decisions aside of what dress to wear at what occasion.
    Washington is full of such pretentious pretenders.

  4. 20


    Maybe her platform should have been more than abortion. The Democrats thought they had the female vote….nope, the black vote….nope, young vote…nope…older voters….nope, infact they had absolutely nothing to offer anyone, just like her four years already spent in the White House. She openly admitted on the View, she wouldn’t change a single thing.

  5. 4


    Adolph won the 47th Presidency. The porno wife is the 2nd lady again, but she’s used to being put away and brought out again by princess tiny meat.
    We thank the 4th Reich for electing TrumpTrash for his last and final term, if it’s even completed. It shows the dummification of America and that an adulterer, convict immoral unethical proven liar was elected. Can’t wait for all his repeat bullshit to backfire, throws every one of the MAGA trash under a bus, their families get deported and jobs don’t pay enough to live because costs won’t change. Deport those who are doing the jobs the lazy white folk wouldn’t dream of doing. Push up those costs, SUCKERS!

    1. 18


      Please keep saying this. It guarantees Republican wins in 2028, 2032 and every election going forward. Typical Democrat rant that nothing is their Party’s fault. The best thing for the Republican Party is crackpots like you and the people on The View and in the main stream media who people CLEARLY don’t believe.

    2. 18


      The House, Senate and the Supreme Court.
      America has spoken decisively.
      So long Crooked Joe, Fraud Jill and Family, Camel Toe, The Clintons, Obama, Michelle and Soros and the rest of you WOKE punks.
      It’s going to mean falling in line or digging ditches hard labor.
      It couldn’t have happened to a better more deserving bunch of flakes.

  6. 6


    Even in days past, people saw the writing on the wall.
    Welcome Donald Hitler and the group that supports him. May you all rot.
    ** MAGA are not Republicans in any way, shape or matter. **

    1. 16


      Oh my, you certainly sound like a sore Loser!! 😭 Get over it LOSER and enjoy the Trump Train for the next four years.

      1. 0


        Is that coming from a MAGA butt licker who helped whine for the past four years with lies of fraud?
        You all pathetic liars will be eating the crap you’ve served up since the 6’3 215 lb p-grabby slob lost in 2020. Ya’ll have 4 years of it to come.
        Everyone know if the CONald told you all to eat $#it you all would with glee. After all, the poorly painted orange blob knows his loyal uneducated fools, which he loves, will bend over at the snap of his finger.

  7. 26


    I think Goldberg has run her gambit and everyone is sick and tired of her unintelligible babbling on about the WOKE agenda that has been overwhelming rejected by voters in this last election. The sooner her fat mouth is silenced the better. I for one think she betrayed her own people long ago. She’s one of the dumbest freaks to hit Hollywood and the world. If she doesn’t like it in the US she should move back to the Congo where she might be able to resurrect her long defunct career.
    Give her a bucket of fried chicken and put her in some corner.

  8. 17


    The Trump Administration is going to leapfrog through government regulation and return to a robust functioning economy after Biden and his brainless buddies have nearly brought it to ruin.

  9. 28



  10. 0


    The 4th Reich is in full operation. No Libs, real Republicans, Democrats or Independents to blame.
    Ya’ll deserve it without grease, like your used to. Your CONvection ovens are waiting

  11. 11


    Its picks like these that lost Harris the election. That and the fact that she is one of the stupidest people in politics that only got there because of her race and gender.
    I don’t think Trump’s landslide victory can be explained any other way. She’s had four years and never did a single thing except virtue signal and she even did that badly.

  12. 1


    Amazing to see all hide behind a computer with their insecurities, small organs and/or loose anatomy.
    Gracefully, not everyone is like that nor would want others not like them dine away with.
    Pathetic F’N trash of the 4th Reich

  13. 4


    The diversity in TrumpDump choices is overwhelming. From incompetent Pedos to the Worm Brained suck ups. So long USA as we know it. Hello to 1933 Germany, 2024 version.

    1. 4


      Whatever made these two old sluts figure they could become president ? Hope it serves as a wake up call to the the left that their message was drowned in their own interminable BS.

  14. 1


    Thank you to my loyal lunatics and haters of life for allowing me to make what was once the great United States into my own 1933 Germany

  15. 2


    If Christ were alive today he’d be deported as a woke immigrant because he isn’t MAGA or suck the orange butt

  16. 10


    Like it or not, you better get used to it. Big Gov. Is going to be cut in half and the Border Crisis will be solved in a matter of days when he takes office, the Swamp will be drained, the Wars will end and the crooked Washington elite are already looking for cover or are moving Right. The American Electorate have spoken and given a Mandate to scrub this country Clean of the filth that has become imbedded with hordes of unelected bureaucrats who will soon be looking for new jobs.

  17. 1


    No need to worry. Mid terms will correct the trash dump about to happen. Dredge the 47 Swamp once again

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