11:52 AM:
All 17th Judicial Circuit and Broward County Courts will reopen for normal operations tomorrow, Friday, October 11, 2024. – From: 17th Circuit Emergency Message
11:52 AM:
All 17th Judicial Circuit and Broward County Courts will reopen for normal operations tomorrow, Friday, October 11, 2024. – From: 17th Circuit Emergency Message
Open meaning what zoom conferences what a joke.
Keep those criminals locked up through the weekend I say
While I bet 100% you’re voting for Trump the convicted felon too.
I wonder if Farmer has a docket ?
I wasn’t told this was a zoom hearing
Bob Uecker front row seat. Where’s the Miller Lite?
Farmer’s in civil now. They don’t work on Friday.
There needs to be an investigation of all the judiciary and their work habits because too many are idle
I’d guess only about 15% work in the afternoons on a regular basis?
if that
It illustrates how valuable their time really is. The majority of them made less than a judges salary before getting the bench raise. It’s why they had the free time to run or wrangle up a political appointment. Then they get there and have so little to do and they see that no Chief Judge or JQC cares at all where they are and they can burn the taxpayers all they want. At the same time the game in Tallahassee is played about how the courts are clogged and they need more judges and whoa is me they’re so underpaid. In the end all but the few who actually enjoy the work and have a strong work ethic are around after the morning rocket docket. It’s one heck of an irony. They get the so called brass ring only to realize they’re still not needed ——the same as when they were lawyers nobody sought after.
It’s to be expected. Most judges come from low paid government jobs with plenty of time off.
I need my nap in the afternoon …
Jeff apologized for his tight end comment/mistake. There’s no comparison here.