Good Morning Miramar | 05.01.24 | Broward County State Attorney Harold F. Pryor

We didn’t get more than a few minutes into this recent interview before being compelled to post:

HAROLD PRYOR SAYS @ 3:47 : … “one thing I wanted to point out and I I wanted to really um hammer in on or or really illustrate the point um my office whenever we make a decision or whenever we look a case our goal isn’t to to to win a case um our goal is to seeK Justice um and I wanted to change that my part of my goal and part of my job as I always say in my my my office is to Rebrand um or not just Rebrand but bring us back to what the original intent of a prosecutor is or a criminal justice fighter is and that is to seek Justice I think we we perverted or we we really messed up the idea or the concept of what a prosecutor is right um a prosecutor was seen as someone that’s tough on crime a prosecutor is seen as someone that wants to win at all costs get a guilty verdict at all costs um and that’s not the intent the job of a prosecutors to seek Justice and what I often tell my prosecutors in my office in the Broward County’s office is that um our job is to seek the truth to seek Justice and Justice is so many different things” …



I think we we perverted or we we really messed up the idea or the concept of what a prosecutor is … a prosecutor is seen as someone that wants to win at all costs … “

COMING SOON – Harold Pryor, Harold Pryor, Harold Pryor …

212 thoughts on “REBRAND?”

  1. 5


    That office is still 98% Satz people at the top. Running things.
    Pryor’s just locking up Blacks willy nilly like Satz.

        1. 3


          I don’t think it’s fair to mix up all the younger prosecutors with the old guard special units. Its
          much improved with them.

    1. 5


      This Web site violates the ethics standards of the Floria Bar. Someone monitors every post and deletes all criticism of the PD office. Basically the fix is in. Without the comments it serves no legitimate service. It’s a scam. It provides lawyers an easy way to ignore the well know prohibition of openly criticizing judges without any possible action by the Bar. Just remove all anonymous posting and require the writer to identify himself.

  2. 8


    Harold you are full of shit. You promised this rebrand but have created structures to not allow your prosecutors to seek justice. They are oftentimes bound to convict at all costs because they’re not allowed to break things down or do the right thing. You’re either lying or you have no clue was to what you have done. It’s incompetent either way

      1. 4


        The man still doesn’t know what the min mans are. You could talk to him about a case and he’ll look at you with a blank stare. Lights on. Nobody home.

      1. 6


        Uh, um, I done got elected because I be black. No other reason.

        Um, this be Broward. It’s how we vote.

        In Broward, we care more about how “colorful” our airplane pilots are, than their competence.
        Same be true for who we elect!

  3. 6


    He’s not a leader. He’s afraid. Him being the first African-American blah blah. It’s worse than before. For shame Mr. Pryor.

    1. 2


      Driving While Black stopped being a thing after all the offices went to Black men and women.

      Didn’t y’all get the memo?

          1. 5


            GHETTO UNEDUCATED BRENDA gave her management “team” one of her signature TANTRUM LASHINGS yesterday. Say you’re unqualified for your position without saying you’re UNQUALIFIED!!!! Brenda always delivers!!!!

    1. 8


      Oh shyte! Look at Liz’s face?!
      WTF went wrong at the plastic surgeon’s office?


      She looks like a bloated mullet fish

      1. 9


        Mrs. Professionalism should talk about why she was always so late and where the hell she disappeared to during the Pandemic.

        1. 4


          Did not take the bench for 18 months then tried setting things that hadn’t even been arraigned yet for trial her first day back

    2. 5


      I can’t believe she shared this article on her socials. This does NOT make her look good. Read the room weirdo.

      1. 8


        She’s still trying to profit off this horrific tragedy. After she botched the trial in full public view. She ought to be ashamed of herself. The poor families.

          1. 9


            She’s an awful person. The way she’s marketing herself off the sickest thing that ever could happen. It was always about her. The way she blew off court and/or kept everyone waiting too. The rocket docket. Compassionless to low level offenders. All about Scherer. All the time.

            1. 2


              On this podcast, is her podcast show a call in show? Can people ask questions about the Jqc? About if they asked her about Covid? Etc?

            2. 1


              Try as she may, she’s a no sell. She can’t change history no matter how she tries. She’s a lightweight idiot with baggage she’s going to carry around with her for the rest of lousy loser career.
              Thank daddy and Pimp Tuter for all their help.

    1. 9


      I think the “loser” here is the attorney that is flashing the middle finger in court, while representing a child killer and joking around with him. Gross.

      1. 9


        The loser is the lowlife trying to squeeze a buck out of the tragedy. I don’t see anyone but the former Judge doing that.

  4. 1


    Black DA, Black Sheriff Tony, Black Judges …that’s the REBRAND

    Same Corrupt Broward Swamp….just Black men in Charge

    1. 6


      Why did that lady seated next to Satz punch him?

      You can see her left fist ready and poised to punch him again

      1. 6


        One may belittle MJS like as an anon coward but the man has built a lasting legacy still firmly in control of the SAO keeping Broward County citizenry safe.

    1. 4






        1. 7


          Hopefully more than the ones casting a vote for the same person we have seen destroying the country for the last 46 months. Just look at the border, economy and that we are almost in war. Are you better off today than you were 3 1/2 years ago?

          1. 1


            Most people are better off now than 4 years ago asshole. 4 years ago we had empty shelves in supermarkets and parks were being used as morgues because people were dying in such crazy numbers. WTF is wrong with you?
            If you like the fat, gross demented old man that wears make up- just say that you have a crush. lol

            1. 2


              Are you a moron the fake pandemic caused that bs.
              What were gas prices, price of eggs, milk, and any other groceries.
              Were there wars raging?
              What world are you living in?

          1. 3


            Why not, you’ve had two in there for the last 46 months. Harris broke up Willie’s marriage being a prostitute and both her and Biden are brain dead liars.

            1. 1


              Dementia Don paid for his hoes and his mail order brides and played with married people.

              Next whataboutism, please

            1. 1


              Are you done jerking off to fat disgusting bloated demented old senile man? The photo shop is funny- we all know he is an obese slob.

  5. 6


    Hey Blog
    This new zoom hearing stuff is BS. I understand the convenience of it but you lose the personal interaction of attorneys.
    You knew who’s breath stunk who dressed like they just rolled out of bed and who dressed to the nines. You learned personal interaction with your legal adversaries and judges and it assisted you in the legal strategy.
    But most of you saw the intelligence of the other side.
    All I see now is a bunch of bumbling lawyers that don’t even know their case because it’s on the computer.
    I sit watch these hearings and I can answer the Courts questions before they can and it isn’t even my case.
    A 5 minute calendar call meant 5 minutes not 25 minutes of mumbling through numerous discovery requests or a partial summary judgement or jurisdiction dispute re probate civil division.
    Why don’t these judges shut this bs down
    It wastes everyone time.
    Where’s Estella and Moe and the other judges that understand motion calendar.
    Notice I didn’t mention Korda who show at 915 for 845 motion calendar and end it at 930.
    Puff Puff
    That place is a joke
    comforts of home has destroyed that intermingled atmosphere of all participants.
    Personal interaction and personal observation is vital to achieving one’s goals.
    Everybody says there are anonymous posters I being one
    But if you had personal interaction the anonymity would be less

        1. 4


          They allow Zoom because the Supreme Court said so after a bunch of no business lawyers fought for it because they got tired of driving all over the state because they have to go to where the crumbs are.
          The Judges would rather have the lawyers come to court because they like to see lawyers grovel but the Supreme Court caved in because overall it benefits the actual people that matter in the world namely the citizens who have to go to court and don’t want to sit there all day watching a bunch of dopes with law degrees telling each other how important they are.

            1. 2


              Diaz looks like he’s got some kind of inflammatory problem he’s dealing with. Besides the one he’s suffered from for years dealing with his inflated sense of self.

    1. 6


      Zoom is the future. You either evolve and adapt or die. I think zoom saves time and money, the only in person hearings should be evidentiary.

      1. 0


        Like a disgraced disgruntled Broward Judge like Liz Scherer should be attempting to lecture anyone about the law is the height of absurdity! Only in Broward where the clowns continue the act long after the Big Top has moved on leaving only its bad odor behind.

  6. 7


    Except when it comes to the Drug Unit…then it is to justify their Job with charging possession cases as 25-year min mans….The Feds actually laugh at the cases that the Broward Drug Unit charges. When its an actual case the Feds pick it up. Broward is left charging 18-year-old kids with 15 pills as a drug king pin….its laughable.

  7. 5


    They’ve got to legitimize their overpaid salaries somehow. Broward has always been known for these types of pranks among government gophers in the state Attorney’s office.

    1. 6


      Prepare for the inevitable transfer of views. Old Crooked Joe and Swallow Kamala have had their chance and look at what they have done to the American Economy.

  8. 6


    From my perspective as a longtime prosecutor, Prior & past Broward state attorneys and their administrations were unremarkable. One will be remembered for falling out of his chair and that’s it. Then, Broward voters had better options but voted based on skin color.

    1. 1


      Never forget Freddy Haddad take on new son in law prosecutor Tom Coleman being an a-hole” what do you expect he went to St Thomas and is a republican “

      1. 1


        Always thought he was a bit retarded, but I guess that’s the best she could do. He schleped his way into a gov job after a lackluster stay in the SA’s office. He was never cut out for much.

        1. 1


          High school years had to be tough on him
          Lotta sand kicked in his face so when he got hold of a little power he saw it as pay back time

          Mean lil m- f er

  9. 2


    A vote for me is a vote to further destroy what I started between 2016 and 2020.

    I lost once, watch me lose again

      1. 4


        Government parasites could easily be cut in half with no detrimental influence on taxpayers.
        The government was never meant to be the largest employer in the US by our founding fathers.
        It has begun to feed on itself. A political outsider with a new vision is the only answer. America is in decline. More government parasites will only hasten our decline and I see Kamala Harris as another horrible example of a do nothing, know nothing political parasite of the worst kind.

  10. 2


    DJT has found a new, more apropos place to live since the White House eviction in 2020 & it’s probably a no-go for the trash man himself on 11/5.

    Make America Greater – Throw out the trash that stained the United States

  11. 5


    They can all pack it in and disappear with all the money they’ve stolen from taxpayers. They’re all too old and decrepit to ever make a comeback like the Fearless Leaders they never were. Just scumbag politicians that had their their day in the sun that has now set for them and their hacks with their heads hanging in shame.

  12. 3


    The scumbag swamp tried everything they could think of and still couldnt keep a good man down. Just how long did they think they could keep their self serving narrative going until citizens had had enough and vote their tired asses out ? Not very long.
    Now The Donald with the full might of American citizens will clean out the corrupt swamp down to the last cheap donkey.
    Lock’em all up and throw away the key to the last man I say.
    The ride is over and the hangman has been sent for. Its like a Quentin Tarantino film come back to haunt the self enriching Washington insider swamp with all of them scampering down their holes. LOL

  13. 1


    Nobody tells my wife to lie to me about who she voted for. Not the Democrats, not Kamala, not anybody !!

  14. 1


    The pussy grabbing felon won the hearts of the uneducated. May each of them get screwed by the major screwer himself, CONvict CONald.

  15. 3


    If you ask me, the whole Biden Administration was an abortion and nothing less. A career Corrupt slop-sucking low IQ Lousy politician as President and a Lazy Moron of a Couch Slut for VP.

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