The term “social worker” is defined in various ways.

Oxford Languages defines it as “a person whose job is to help people in a particular area who have social disadvantages or personal problems.”

Cambridge Dictionary describes a social worker as “a person who is trained to help people who are at a mental, physical, economic, or social disadvantage.

The ABA defines a judge as:

Judges are like umpires in baseball or referees in football or basketball. Their role is to see that the rules of court procedures are followed by both sides. Like the ump, they call ’em as they see ’em, according to the facts and law—without regard to which side is popular (no home field advantage), without regard to who is “favored,” without regard for what the spectators want, and without regard to whether the judge agrees with the law.

In Florida, can a judge be both judge and “social worker” in either a therapeutic setting like Drug or Mental Health Court, or in an adversarial criminal trial division?

One Broward judge with a reputation for leniency, Gary Farmer, thinks the answer is yes.

Presiding over everything from forcible felonies and sex offenses to simple drug possession and felony driving charges in Broward circuit court criminal trial Division FO, Farmer trumpets judicial social worker status on Threads:

(click to enlarge)

The above “currently a social worker with a robe & gavel” is linked through the @garynole tag on Instagram:

(click to enlarge)

Is Gary correct that post-onset Drug War trial court judges are in line with social workers, presumably trying to help defendants, alleged victims, and other litigants? Can defendants and victims even be helped at the same time in an adversarial system? Or is Ron Desantis led Florida the wrong place and wrong time for what would be categorized as activist, sympathetic judges? And while a defense attorney with a drug-sick and possession-charged client may want a social worker/judge on the bench, would he or she also want the same judge on a child victim molestation trial, or any type of vulnerable victim case? And what should the State’s position be in all this?



          1. 2


            Satz was too rigid but this place just funnels everything to the probation department now under Pryor. Equally sickening

            1. 2


              Pryor would never buck Farmer because he was Mr. Tallahassee so we all get to be messed with cause of politics.

              1. 3


                Harold has done a lot as far as lobbying for more livable wages for his employees. But when it comes to running a government office he’s extremely weak. This office is a complete mess in every aspect.

              2. 3


                Judge Farmer should go back to farming and do us all a favor. The fake humility thing of being a wannabe social worker is a farce. He more likely identifies with the old song “House of the Rising Sun”.
                If you can’t keep it in your pants, you become a judge in Broward. There’s a reason it’s referred to as the bottom of the condom.

                1. 4


                  Hey, c’mon man!

                  Gary Farmer was likely never an actual farmer. Just because he sows his own rules, that’s not the same thing.

                2. 3


                  No, not everyone gets to win. I think we all remember a pretty embarrassing loss at the last minute because the dumb ass lawyer was dating his opponents best friend.

        1. 2


          I wonder if any Canons have been violated? As to thr maintaining an appearance of impartiality?

    1. 4


      Farmer’s penchant for doing things his own way stems from his family’s early days as rugged pioneering farmers. They even took the name “Farmer” bc farming and growing new things is how they do it:

      Don’t like a particular rule? A Farmer makes his OWN rules!

      Litigants reminding you of the poor “back home” days, and the SAO is lame? Well then of course a Farmer BECOMES a social worker!

      1. 3



    2. 5


      Judge Farmer is brilliant, compassionate, funny, and an all around good dude.

      You idiots who complain about him should be forced to endure Destry, Aleman, Gardiner, Liz, Babs McCarthy, Rosenthal, etc. till the end of time.

      1. 3


        Judge Farmer’s wisdom and legal brilliance shines so brightly it cannot be contained in a standard 3 hour morning docket. It requires 4-5 hours.

  1. 10


    Bill I like you a lot as a person but this post stems from a personal quarrel that you have with Judge Farmer and not about what you think is right or wrong. In any other context if you got along with him I don’t think you or any defense attorney would care that he gives the courthouse away. Most of the other judges in Broward County are extremely lenient. Judge Farmer upset some peoples apple cart because at times he can be a little unrefined on the bench but he is ideologically the same as the entire private defense bar. The only reason they love the other judges and not him is because the other judges suck up to the private defense bar and he doesn’t. From a strategic standpoint I can’t imagine why you would want to tear someone down who essentially does your bidding with respect to outcomes of cases just because he’s a goofball sometimes. I mean no disrespect but I think this post is very disingenuous.

    1. 12


      With that being said, my personal view is that he does not handle victim cases well and the State should absolutely be upset with the way he handles cases.

        1. 4


          Victim advocates are a type of social worker providing support and services to people who have been the victim of a crime. While they do not provide counseling like a therapist, victim advocates are trained to listen, solve problems and connect individuals to resources such as counseling, financial tools, academic support and legal services.

          The PD is ok with this????..

          1. 2


            Twisted Lit’l Howie turned the Office of the PD from a connected group of seasoned trial lawyers into a group of social workers to facilitate a central organizational scheme where all attention was focused on him. Many thought he suffered from NPD brought on by the deep insecurity of being born a poisonous dwarf. Of course screaming for a box at every opportunity to show his azz didn’t help.

      1. 5


        Coming from a family of farmers Gary knows the importance of a balanced fertilizer ! LOL. He’s a failed political lightweight. Why else unless like Peter Weinstein, when you’ve run the gambit of smalltime politics, you become a judge in a one horse County like Broward ?

    2. 2


      At least Bill is doing something about it now. It’s unfortunate we had to wait until the quarrel you mention. But it’s something. Judge Farmer has been ripping lawyers for too long. When they didn’t do nothing to warrant it.

  2. 4


    This sums things up perfectly. I think Judge farmer is a good man but he needs to learn how to handle criminal cases more appropriately. I believe he genuinely thinks he is helping people but he isn’t. The criminals in his courtroom think the entire thing is a joke because that’s the energy that he brings to the process.

      1. 0


        It doesn’t help Judge Farmer when Assistant State Attorney’s are shuffled in and out regularly. How’s he to blame about that?

          1. 2


            I’ll bet Farmer thinks he’s a public servant as well ! His behavior from the bench is in many ways a cry for help.

        1. 7


          This is because it’s a shit show in there. No SAO wants to stay. Dockets that run into every afternoon. Crazy behavior and comments from the bench. If he ran a decent docket the SAOs may want to stay.

      2. 3


        He should have remained a farmer where only the crops he was growing would have to listen to his incessant drivel.

        1. 3


          I think it’s former Senatoritis. His mouth runneth over with deep love for his own voice. Similar to Seidlin’s busted vaudevilleisms.

      1. 1


        Judge to accused I know the food is terrible here’s a treat enjoy while you can now go back to the cage

    1. 2


      At least it wasn’t two of his subordinates. And at least he didn’t get one of them pregnant breaking every rule of ethics ever in favor of sexual misconduct.

    1. 4


      One of the felony PD chicks. Keep in mind he was also sleeping with another one at the same time and is also married with kids.

      1. 5


        Obviously some hard-up chick who was the last slag standing at last call. It would be like bopping a sea cow with a bad skin condition.

        1. 5


          Plus Wheeler smokes like a Marlboro factory smokestack.
          Must’ve stunk being under his fat ass as he meat-sweated his way into her with his ashtray breath.

        1. 4


          Why do they still have their jobs if this is all supposedly true? It’s clear many pds know given all the comments. How is he still a supervisor and how does she still have her job since she had a child with him and didn’t advise administration? She said the baby didn’t have a father… why did she say that knowing she’d come back to work and it wouldn’t be something she could hide if all this were true? Either she thinks everyone is absolutely stupid or it isn’t true. And, if it is true, why would a bunch of lawyers allow that to stand? It’s unacceptable. If I was a woman, and his subordinate, I wouldn’t feel safe. Why does everyone come on here and comment, but no one goes to admin in the pd and complain? Feels like there are a bunch of cowards on this blog, willing to spread rumors, but not willing to stand up for what seems to be a pretty egregious ethical violation, if true. Just a bunch of lawyers with no backbone and no action. Wasn’t she given preferential treatment for what seemed like an eternity by him? Everyone was complaining. So why come on here and beat them down but not go to their bosses? Surely they can’t keep either of them on with these allegations and, IF IT IS confirmed, even less so.

          And how was it confirmed exactly?

          1. 2


            Yea that’s how everyone knows. Somewhere in their infighting in the courthouse they let it slip during their love triangle.

            1. 4


              If rumors are true, John James is described to be another serial cheater and is also said to be linked with subordinates like Dionne and Margo among others. Only difference is Wheels and Christina have been lying about a baby for months.

              1. 5


                This is why whoever is so hard up to post about Wheeler daily is pathetic. Get over it. Everyone cheats. ASAs fuck PDs. Coworkers fuck. Coworkers cheat. Until there’s a claim that it wasn’t consensual by the two adults involved then who the fuck cares?

                1. 0


                  I hooked up with a PD once . It was honestly one of the best lays of my career. Sometimes I miss her.

                2. 3


                  It’s not an ethical issue for a PD to sleep with an ASA so long as they aren’t working on cases together. It is an ethical issue for two PDs to simultaneously be sleeping with their boss and then one of them gets knocked up by him while he’s married. I always knew they had a warped perception of morality over there considering some of you think this is ok.

                3. 9


                  Seacow demoted and seacow babymama not returning to the Broward PD. Tayron is the new felony chief. We had a meeting this afternoon.

                    1. 0


                      Sign him up for conjugal visits. At least he can’t get that little worm pregnant.

                    2. 7


                      Dave is married with two kids and he still can’t keep it in his pants ? Can’t say I blame him completely when he runs across some bimbos who can’t keep their skirts down. But you gotta question the bimbos’ decisions. If Dave is the best they can do, they must be some real skanks ! He’s gotta turn sideways to fit thru the door.
                      I remember the half ass job he did in the Cruz case lecturing Judge Scherer on family values. Always impressed me as just a slob in a cheap suit. Not too bright.

                    1. 0


                      “In the Halls of Justice the only justice is in the internet”— Lenny Bruce.

                  1. 1


                    You work in the office and this is how you publicly talk about colleagues?!? You’re a special type of scumbag aren’t you?

                    I hope Gordon realizes the scumbags that he has in that office that would talk this way about colleagues. What a trash office that place has become

                1. 5


                  Its where they all go until they’re fired from there for being incompetent and then they’re back to the public defender’s office again at a lower pay rate. Its a cycle of incompetence that’s repeated itself countless times.

            2. 2


              I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding

              1. 2


                It’s 2024. You are free to be your authentic self. The A in LGBTQIA is for Attack Helicopter

  3. 6


    You make the call (What’s worse edition)

    1. Drunk driver politicians prosecuting DUIs

    2. Knocking up your subordinates

    3. Giving snacks to defendants from the bench

    4. Forging a breakdown memo

        1. 2


          I heard it was 4th of July week off and it coincidentally went along with a preplanned vacation?

  4. 3


    Man makes mess. Man takes zero responsibility for mess. Man blames everyone else for mess. Man takes vacation. Hey Ho FO.

  5. 0


    He changed his social media description and removed social worker. Now he labels himself “civil justice and equality crusader.”

    1. 6


      Oh cool! That means the Farmer reads the blog!

      Hey Gary, go chase some lobbyist poon, then plow the back 5 acres.

    1. 5


      So there I was, checking the pH soil levels on the farm, when I heard the call.

      I must crusade!

      Gary “the part-time social justice crusader” Farmer

            1. 2


              Farmer isn’t nearly as clever as he thinks he is. He may think he’s subtle, but he comes off more of a putz. If he’s so smart, why settle for the chump change he gets paid as a judge?
              No. He’s just another gopher lookin for the easiest way to rustle up some grub.

  6. 2


    Is anyone going to demand to know why Harold Pryor lets someone who used his political influence to escape a DUI prosecute DUIs ?

  7. 8


    Gary Farmer has always been a cheater and lazy AF. Horny MF always trying to bang anything and everything. Lookout clerks and JA’s. Farmer always sniffing for putang.

    1. 3


      This sounds like so many lawyers we all know. How stupid for you to be posting about him knocking off a piece, most all of you have had an extra piece now and then.

  8. 0


    Perhaps a better way? Maximum Dan Futch’s courtroom: absolutely no talking. None. Utter silence; take it out in the hallway. He made it work in his courtroom.

  9. 4


    Beside getting Lauren Book to call him out about demeaning women?

    1. 3


      Seriously, women know when they are screwing a màn. How is it demeaning women when they willing go to bed with a guy? This is not the 1940’s, if you’re an adult, man or woman, you know what sex is.

  10. 5



    1. 4


      No chance. After today’s assassination attempt by a democrat extremist, such a cry of desperation, the election is sealed. Trump all the way!!!

      1. 4


        They have finally tried everything they know to stop Trump. Biden once again looked pathetic with how long it took to make a statement. Someone had to write it and then they had to coach him on how to read it.

        1. 2


          VOTE BIDEN/HARRIS 🇱🇷💙
          Let’s agree there’s NO PLACE FOR VIOLENCE🇱🇷

          1. 0


            Are they the same ones OJ Simpson wore
            Bruno Mali’s? They are expensive and a key point of evidence.

  11. 4


    If Gary Farmer has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Gary Farmer has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Gary Farmer has only one fan then that is me. If Gary Farmer has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Gary Farmer, then I am against the world.

    1. 3


      That’s right ! Judge Farmer, if you are reading this don’t let all these malcontents get you down. A lot of people love and respect you.

    2. 1


      How can you not love farmer. I find it so peculiar that bill would pick this beef with a nice guy. There are literal maniacs on the bench hurting people and making ASAs and PDs cry daily and you’re focused on a guy who wants to help people so much he referred to himself as a social worker? Like oh noooo please don’t be good to the defendantttttsssss! Bill, your classist shit peaks out from time to time. This is one of those times.

      1. 1


        My point exactly. If Farmer was one of the judges who kissed his ass he wouldn’t be making this post at all. It’s like he doesn’t care that Farmer is probably the best for his clients. It’s almost like he’s saying the quiet part out loud. They don’t actually care about their clients.

    1. 3


      Farmer has been a pap schmear since taking the bench. He’d easily be trounced by some popsicle headed black female candidate. So lets hope we get this activist dumbass off the bench when the time comes. He can always go back to growing corn since he’s a big corn dog as it is. Lol

      1. 7


        Then why don’t you run against him if you’re so brave ? Oh wait, you’d rather just post on an anonymous blog run by washed up malcontents.

  12. 3


    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Judge Farmer His humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Judge Farmer’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who Judge Farmer truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Judge Farmer’s existential catchphrase “I’m a crusader,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Judge Farmer’s genius wit unfolds itself on the north wing of the courthouse. What fools.. how I pity them

    1. 2


      My name is Joel Aalto, I’m 19 years old and from Finland. I’m not playing in any team at the moment. I’ve been a Judge Farmer fan for around 10 years more or less actively. I’m only streaming Judge Farmer content and i’ll try to stream everyday.

    2. 4


      Judge Farmer’s brilliance eclipses all those, including the leadership ranks. Those ungrateful so and so’s couldn’t understand what he was saying or doing and voted him out with a No Confidence vote. The truth is their little peon brains couldn’t comprehend the subtleties and greatness of his logic and vision. They shot all Florida’s in the foot by their own stupidity. His unappreciated greatness is now the Courts gain however.

  13. 7


    It’s 30 years later and the ghosts of the cold war return. The toxic swamps of Florida become the battleground for the 2nd Vietnam War. The Government’s only choice is to thaw out the man they put in Cryo-prison for a crime he didn’t commit. His name is Gary Farmer. Not only must he contend with the blood thirsty and dangerous J.A.A.B Blog, but also Mutated Backwoods Cannibal Hillbillies, Overgrown Gators and a Rogue US Military outfit lead by a man who he treated like his own son. This time War just got personal. Long live Farmer.

    1. 1


      This is the precise hyperbolic juxtaposition these morons need to see how absurd their reaction to “social worker” is.

        1. 4


          ?? It’s not about the lobbyist loving, no confidence man now sowing disarray in 17 instead of Tallahasse? I’m confused.

  14. 6


    There was a baby shower in the breakroom that ended badly and the rest of it is none of my business.

  15. 8


    Today on Social Worker’s Shopping Network we’ve got great deals on all kinds of great junk.

    1. 9


      If Judge Farmer kept his mouth shut more often rather than using the bench to play to a captive audience he might glean more respect from attorneys and litigants appearing before him. Just a suggestion to a judge who seems to have a problem knowing how to conduct a courtroom.

      1. 6


        He should own his mistakes too. Blaming others to cover is a bad look and makes people not want to be around.

        1. 9


          Is anyone going to talk about him always being late? So freaking inconsiderate. What gives him the right?

        2. 0


          I heard he has a sick father who lives with him which delays his arrival sometimes. Have some empathy

      2. 1


        Ala kal Evan’s go back to case filings
        Ms Pritcher please challenge him again
        I’ll campaign for you

    2. 0


      I’m selling this signed photo of Dan Marino really cheap as long as you donate to my re-election campaign

  16. 9


    What percentage of Broward judiciary went to Tier 4 diploma mills like Nova & St Thomas?

    Same question re Tier 1?

  17. 4


    Remembering, when he told the Sun Sentinel he had a petty theft case in the 1980’s and he pled nolo and got community service? What was it all about? Does Jaab (or anyone), know about the facts and circumstances of the petty theft case?

    1. 0


      I think it’s more important for them to investigate why a politician who uses his influence to escape a DUI is prosecuting DUIs

      1. 3


        Maybe the same reason why a person with a FELONY is running for President😳 Investigate that!!!

  18. 4


    i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Farmer. u wouldnt say this shit to him at the courthouse. he is jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest chicks. yall are pathetic

      1. 4


        Clearly you are so out of touch with reality. Your allegiance to your politics and radicalism leads you to such an illogical conclusion. Irrespective of one’s political beliefs, political violence should always be condemned. “The idea that” this was a staged political stunt is disgraceful and insulting. This was an inside job by the desperate left. You all are screwed. Election over!!!

        1. 4


          Is it true the sniper was a 20 year old white registered REPUBLICAN ?
          Why are people blaming Democrats?
          Please explain

            1. 0


              Only Moses can bring the Pharaoh down and I don’t think Joe Biden or the Democratic Party ala DWS can bring him
              Go Trumpy

              1. 0


                Moses is a fictitious character invented by a bunch of religious fanatics. The same ones that created the myth of the Exodus and how the Hebrews built the pyramids which is widely recognized by those with half a brain as a bunch of crap.

        1. 4


          PRAYERS FOR THOSE INNOCENT REPUBLICANS WHO WERE INJURED OR DIED. As PRESIDENT mentioned we don’t have to agree but the violence must stop! RE-ELECT / VOTE BIDEN/HARRIS for unity and peace! LET’s have a great week USA people.

          1. 7


            How funny Biden wants peace now. He’s the one that called Trump every name in the book, accused him of every ridiculous thing you can think of and kept calling him a “Sucker.” Biden knows he’s DONE, especially since Trump showed such strength, after being shot. Playing nice is the last card Biden can play because he knows saying one bad word about Trump now would make him look like a pile of dog shit.

    1. 6


      An innocent person died and some lowlife is comparing a stupid blog article to lethal political violence?

      1. 2


        Not True! I agree with PRESIDENT BIDEN/HARRIS STOP THE VIOLENCE! Please Understand the snipper who did this terrible act was not a DEMOCRAT. Prayers for both parties 🙏❤️💙🇱🇷

  19. 3


    Welp. It was fun while it lasted. The political freaks are out again. And I’m not saying what happened this weekend isn’t discussion worthy. I this just isn’t the place here in the Broward (Key word Broward) judicial action blog.

    1. 3


      I hate when the political MAGA cult guy shows up and ruins shit for everyone. It’s like he loves screaming into a void. There are so many blogs that are on his topics and he chooses to mess up this one. I wonder if goes on cooking blogs and just randomly starts posting memes and crazy MAGA shit there too.
      “Sir this is a Wendy’s”. Lol
      He is a retired lunatic that has absolutely nothing better to do with his time. I just hate that he has ruined this blog

    2. 3


      Poor Jill. She’s about to learn what its like to play wet-nurse to a babbling idiot when joe is confined to a nursing home.

  20. 5


    Trump’s classified documents case dismissed by judge who said the appointment of a special counsel is unconstitutional. I wholeheartedly agree. Its what happens when you try to weaponize the DOJ.

  21. 5


    Attorney Dan Newlin from Orlando, donated a million dollars to the man that got killed at the Trump rally, and one hundred thousand to each of the injured. Most of us lawyers don’t make that type of money in ten years. What are we doing wrong?

    1. 3


      Why do you think Broward Judges fight so vigorously to hold onto their petty jobs? It’s because it represents a raise in pay over their two-bit practices.

      1. 0


        Like so many communities home to Tier 4 diploma mill, Broward judiciary natural evolution of marginal college graduates with marginal LSAT barely gets law degree at Nova, again marginal grades and no offers from reputable law firms.

        So since Nova inception first stop is public teat at Broward SAO. Trained as cold hearted prosecutor seeking convictions and advancement first justice second they get addicted to public teat but can’t bust thru 100k ceiling so start the kiss butt routine to get appointed as unable or unwilling to raise the dough to get elected.
        Then that innate laziness now 225k kicks in and inevitable arrogance and we get exactly what it is.

        A sh.. show!

        Look up communities of Tier , they all complain about the same

      2. 0


        Sounds like your jealous.

        If you’re doing so well why be a COWARD and post anonymous?

        In actuality, probably didn’t make the cut to be a judge several times….

        1. 0


          To make the cut you have to have a failed practice and promise fealty to a host of like suckers. The plan has always been the same.

    1. 3



  22. 3





    1. 3


      If Trump wins he sending all y’all back across the border! Mexicans and Haitians start taking swimming lessons. Poor trailer trashers there will be no more food stamps.

  23. 3


    Really, the music and entrance of Mrs T was like they were waiting for a Disney Princess. Absolutely no interaction between her and the Donald. I’m trying to figure out what Kid Rock brought to the table? The convention was pretty classy till these two bloopers. Where’s autistic Barron?

    1. 2



  24. 3


    The Democrats saw nothing wrong with Feeble Joe, defending him every inch of the way of being mentally and physically fit for office. Now, when they see Trump is going to win, they want to replace Old Joe because he can’t win, 3 months before the election? How is that legal? According to Joe, no Doctor has said he’s unfit to be President. Then what’s even worse, they want to screw a black woman VP and not give her the job.

  25. 2


    Feeble Joe is out, thank God. Now bring on the other Democratic losers. I wonder if they are going to keep having their candidates drop out up till election day?

    1. 2


      The whole thing was planned. The mumble fest debate. The Covid. And now the extended media crescendo of an open primary into a hapless Trump and Maga moron drubbing November. Progress isn’t beanball.

  26. 2


    We’ll see what happens but at least it’s good to know only one of the two candidates for President will be wearing adult diapers.

  27. 2


    You can blame Biden’s mental issues on his age. What can we say about Harris othen than she’s a giggling fool?

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