2022 RACES

Congratulations to Broward county court judges John Fry, Kal Evans, Florence Barner, Dan Kanner, Nina Di Pietro, Kathleen McCarthy, Jay Hurley, Betsy Benson, Kim Mollica, Tabitha Blackmon, Ken Gottlieb, Debbie Carpenter-Toye, and Giuseppina Miranda, who have been reelected without opposition.

The Broward county court match-ups for 2022 are:

Mike Ahearn v. Chris Brown v. Suzette Hyde v. Jordanne Alana Spencer

Mardi Cohen v. Kaysia Earley

Congratulations to Broward circuit judges Ken Gillispie, Elijah Williams, Carlos Rodriguez, Hope Bristol, Barbara Duffy, Michael Davis, Carlos Rebollo, Mike Lynch, Stacey Ross, and Ed Merrigan, also elected without opposition.

The Broward circuit match-ups for 2022 are:

Lauren Alperstein v. Andrea Gundersen

Alex Arreaza v. Bill Haury

Gary Farmer v. Rhoda Sokoloff v. Tania Williams

Tamar Hamilton v. Denise Kistner v. Lorena Mastrarrigo

Congratulations to all the Palm Beach judges elected without opposition, including Marni Bryson.

The Palm Beach match-ups are:

County: Paul Damico v. Karen Velez

Circuit: John Kastrenakes v. Caryn Siperstein v. Alcolya St. Juste

52 thoughts on “2022 RACES”

  1. 17


    A fart would be better than Haury. Unfortunately, Arreaza is not as good as a fart.

    If you vote for Gundersen in that race, you probably are either Gundersen or you hate humans.

    Farmer already violated the judicial canons criticizing Ron DeSantis. Good luck to him on not being removed if he wins.

    The other races are as interesting as the shorter Justice League film before they released the Director’s Cut.

  2. 10


    John Fry, Kal Evans, Florence Barner, Dan Kanner, Nina Di Pietro, Kathleen McCarthy, Jay Hurley, Betsy Benson, Kim Mollica, Tabitha Blackmon, Ken Gottlieb, Debbie Carpenter-Toye, and Giuseppina Miranda

    All great!


    1. 0


      Did all of those who raised money and went unopposed give the money back to their loyal servants or did they mooch off of the donations for their qualifying check too? All of these clowns are pathetic.

  3. 7


    Ken Gillispie, Elijah Williams, Carlos Rodriguez, Hope Bristol, Barbara Duffy, Michael Davis, Carlos Rebollo, Mike Lynch, Stacey Ross, and Ed Merrigan

    All great!


      1. 0


        Wrong! No she did not work for Alcee Hastings or Marion Berry. She was an volunteer for a congress rep in Virginia.

    1. 7


      Not hard to find her on social media and youtube, Kaysia Earley
      On social media she admits that she was arrested for embezzlement. Stole thousands of dollars of shoes from a shoe store and went to jail. Then went to St. Thomas law. The bar accepted her??! That’s crazy! She was a PD for a year. Was she fired? Anyone know? Wow Broweird this is one for the books.

          1. 5


            Nah. It was DSW. But she stole a lot of shoes. She gave them to friends and family. Nice gifts. Maybe the friends paid her and she pocket it. Who knows what her criminal enterprises were. She stole from Macy’s too. But never got caught.

    2. 6


      It just shows you how any one can become a lawyer, the least respected profession in the world. The only qualifications you need are no real intelligence, no conscious and a thief.

    3. 6


      This chick with a bad tude spells even more trouble down the road. Seen it before. Like the world owes her respect and admiration. She done lost that a long time ago. Guess she didn’t learn much while she was in prison!
      Like I said, we’ve seen it before and it ain’t pretty.

      1. 10


        Mardi Levy Cohen sounds so weird when she’s trying to disguise her writing voice. “Done lost that a long time ago?” Lolol Mardi we know it’s you. Literally no one cares about kaysia earley’s record. Only you. This race is interesting only to you. And maybe your philandering husband. Keep your head down and be nicer to people. And get off the blog. It’s embarrassing. We are all embarrassed for you.

  4. 5


    So much interest in the judicial races on here. But no one really got opposed. And there were easy pickings this time.

    1. 9


      Because Howard F and Jaab turned the tide here. These Judges are good Judges. Broward has good Judges now.

        1. 1


          Howie got one already. Schreibs too. Weekes hasn’t. He’s made history. He’s an example to all. The Office runs flawlessly and is running rings around Judge Scherer in the worst/biggest case ever. BACDL—-look in the mirror.

          1. 9


            Are we talking about the same Gordon Weekes ? He’s done more harm to the quality of representation by the PDs Office than any PD. He’s a skater who locks himself in his office and only comes out to collect a check. Those under him are equally as useless. Flawless? Everybody that could try a case has left except those that are slurping at the trough in the same manner. McNeil has made a total joke of the Cruz case because she doesn’t know what she’s doing and never has. They should have farmed out the case to competent counsel instead of carrying on this pathetic charade.

      1. 1


        Sokoloff running again for 7th time, hope the clowns running mates throw her in the trash where she thrives prior to the election, she is the least qualified for the position, and would just be another Ehrlich, and is totally incompetent to ever serve on the bench, she has no respect for her opposition, and prolongs litigation, and refuses to mediate, just wants to prolong litigation, has a personal life, financial life that’s a mess, nothing good for Broward if she is elected.

      1. 0


        it’s a noodle and a couple of heads of cauliflower for hands 🙂

      2. 0


        How’d the photographer get the glasses to stick to the pasta so well?

  5. 6


    I just want to know how on earth gundersen thought she wasn’t going to get an opponent. She treated people terribly but was also flagrantly wrong most of the time. She had no team to help her with fundraising…because everyone hates her…and she doesn’t have daddy scherer to protect her. Why couldn’t she just be decent? She did this to herself. I doubt any big law firm will hire her either…because she’s a loud mouth who is impossible to get along with.

    1. 8


      She’s fallen into the same trap so many other Broward judges have. She thinks she can get away with being arrogant and dismissive and now pays the price of having to defend herself for a job that can be done by a 12 year old. All she has to do is show up and pretend she’s interested. Judges are just referees and are not any more important in the process than the janitorial staff who clean the courtrooms. The sooner the judges of Broward figure this out, the easier they’ll rest knowing they may not have to get opposition to keep their jobs. Most can’t even make it to work on time. Step up to the plate and do your job because you can easily be replaced by someone who will. Gundersen is just another grunt with a job to do. Get with it or get out. It won’t be easy if you have to get a real job to pay for the chicken.

      1. 4


        Hey, it’s not a meritocracy if that’s what you’re looking for. Broward judges are made up of some of the worst jurists you’ll find in any part of Florida. Here we have flunkies looking for a way to make a living. Not legal scholars or for that matter even good administrators.
        Furthermore, there’s a chief judge that’s not interested in supervising them, but only rolls out when one of them get into trouble, which happens here more than in most other circuits. Add to that a media who is in bed with these jokers like the Sun Sentinel who equally isn’t much interested in what kind of jobs they’re doing. There’s no supervision or checks on what is a bad scenario of second or third shelf purveyors of mediocrity.

        1. 0


          It’s a halftime job for those who prefer putting in half the effort of good lawyers and don’t mind making a lot less than half of what a good lawyer makes.

  6. 4



  7. 4


    Ignorance and arrogance are a bad combination, especially for a judge.

  8. 7




  9. 7


    Its a bad combination for any position. It sounds like the combination a great many of you have when you slam every sitting judge and any one that runs, even though some of you have ran for the position and got your ass kicked.

  10. 3


    You can kiss Alspector goodbye next cycle. I promise you that. C U Next Term

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