2022 RACES

Congratulations to Broward county court judges John Fry, Kal Evans, Florence Barner, Dan Kanner, Nina Di Pietro, Kathleen McCarthy, Jay Hurley, Betsy Benson, Kim Mollica, Tabitha Blackmon, Ken Gottlieb, Debbie Carpenter-Toye, and Giuseppina Miranda, who have been reelected without opposition.

The Broward county court match-ups for 2022 are:

Mike Ahearn v. Chris Brown v. Suzette Hyde v. Jordanne Alana Spencer

Mardi Cohen v. Kaysia Earley

Congratulations to Broward circuit judges Ken Gillispie, Elijah Williams, Carlos Rodriguez, Hope Bristol, Barbara Duffy, Michael Davis, Carlos Rebollo, Mike Lynch, Stacey Ross, and Ed Merrigan, also elected without opposition.

The Broward circuit match-ups for 2022 are:

Lauren Alperstein v. Andrea Gundersen

Alex Arreaza v. Bill Haury

Gary Farmer v. Rhoda Sokoloff v. Tania Williams

Tamar Hamilton v. Denise Kistner v. Lorena Mastrarrigo

Congratulations to all the Palm Beach judges elected without opposition, including Marni Bryson.

The Palm Beach match-ups are:

County: Paul Damico v. Karen Velez

Circuit: John Kastrenakes v. Caryn Siperstein v. Alcolya St. Juste


Yes, Barbara Duffy is running to retain her seat, and will be in Tallahassee tomorrow morning to straighten out the paperwork to convert her current “Active” designation to “Qualified.”

She’s likely to see Alex Arreaza and possibly other Broward people on the flight up …

Pete Holden will be covering Duffy’s docket Friday.


CIRCUIT AND COUNTY COURT JUDGE: Noon, Monday, April 25, 2022 – Noon, Friday, April 29, 2022

Partial list of judges up …

JUDICIAL PAY RAISES (and don’t forget the pension):

Budget negotiators treated court spending requests generously, and included Chief Justice Charles Canady’s top priority, a 10% pay raise for trial court judges.

Under the proposal, effective July 1, a circuit court judge’s salary would increase from $165,509 to $182,060, and a county court judge’s salary would rise from $156,377 to $172,015.”