The following is 100% un-confirmed:
George Odom replaces Pete Holden in felony DVU.
Holden replaces Marina Garcia-Wood or Dan Casey in circuit criminal.
Garcia-Wood takes over an expanded civil Andrea Gundersen division, and Casey replaces Barbara McCarthy in civil.
Bill Haury replaces Sandy Perlman in civil; Laura Alperstein to Haury’s family division (or Odom).
As far as the remaining open criminal divisions, possibly Tom Coleman, and Lorena Mastrarrigo for the 3rd degree felony spot. As a Chief Assistant with the PDO, Lorena didn’t personally represent many individuals with lower level allegations, so conflicts would be minimal.
In county, Chris Brown to First Appearances, and Phobee Francois to Mindy Solomon.
Charlie Greene is expected to retire in February, leaving an open probate division, which we believe will not be filled by Liz Scherer. Conventional wisdom has Scherer staying put in criminal. Writs to the Fourth DCA are expected to be filed shortly on the denied motions to disqualify. In the meantime, adding to the confusion, some of the Scherer cases which had disqualification requests denied but are ready to be resolved are popping up on Ari Porth and Mike Lynch’s dockets, but only for coverage purposes (ie, not transferred), even though Scherer is actively holding court in her division on other matters. The Clerk’s Office was kind enough to confirm the cases are merely being “covered.”
The official AO assigning judges is reportedly to be issued Monday or Tuesday, hopefully after Jack Tuter meets with BACDL concerning the ongoing Liz Scherer controversy. The BACDL meeting was reset from last week, and is believed to now be scheduled for Tuesday. In the meantime, expect a few wild cards, especially from within the family division (aka “the doghouse“), and in other areas too.
Again, the above is 100% un-confirmed and not even remotely official …
COMING SOON – Lost to Speedy …