Bailiffs are the backbone of the courthouse, without bailiffs the courthouse and the courtrooms can not open or work a fact that everyone is realizing now. The bailiffs are always working and doing their job unlike the Deputys that just hang out playing on their cellphones all day actually they are second rate fat slob security guards and overpaid. The bailiffs are not going anywhere
Bailiffs are arrogant assholes passing out next court date notices on taxpayer dime
You sound like a 3rd rate traffic ticket lawyer that couldn’t pass the test to become a Bailiff. Don’t be jealous. I’ll get you your next court date notice when I am good and read.So sit down be quiet and wait because I am in control.
You sound like a 3rd rate traffic ticket lawyer that couldn’t pass the test to become a Bailiff. Don’t be jealous. I’ll get you your next court date notice when I am good and ready. So sit down be quiet and wait because I am in control.
Give them a mop and put them to work. Bailiffs aren’t worth squat. We could easily do without them.
Bailiffs are the backbone of the courthouse, without bailiffs the courthouse and the courtrooms can not open or work a fact that everyone is realizing now. The bailiffs are always working and doing their job unlike the Deputys that just hang out playing on their cellphones all day actually they are second rate fat slob security guards and overpaid. The bailiffs are not going anywhere
Bailiffs are arrogant assholes passing out next court date notices on taxpayer dime
You sound like a 3rd rate traffic ticket lawyer that couldn’t pass the test to become a Bailiff. Don’t be jealous. I’ll get you your next court date notice when I am good and read.So sit down be quiet and wait because I am in control.
You sound like a 3rd rate traffic ticket lawyer that couldn’t pass the test to become a Bailiff. Don’t be jealous. I’ll get you your next court date notice when I am good and ready. So sit down be quiet and wait because I am in control.
Give them a mop and put them to work. Bailiffs aren’t worth squat. We could easily do without them.
Idgaf about my employees