11 thoughts on “4/3 DOCKET”

  1. 5


    In 44 years I never would guess my legacy would be emptying out the jails over a flu scare and letting a mass murdering punk escape the Death Penalty

    1. 3


      Nothing can compare to all the people over the last 4 years, that you and your office and your people have falsely and fraudulently prosecuted, wrongfully convicted and even illegally sentenced for crimes you and your office KNEW your targeted accused did not commit, but maliciously prosecuted, so knowingly used known false and perjured testimony without correction, extensive and extreme prosecutorial criminal and other misconduct and misleading misstatements of fact and law, prejudicial improper comments that violated most of the section of Fla Bar Rules 4 and 3, and then protected and defended it on appeals to obtain, maintain and sustain for decades. You deserve this Satz, and the community that has kept you there for all these years, that now even You, you low life POS, can’t stop or prevent this because a bigger disease than you has come along.

    2. 0



    3. 1


      But secretly, I wish to keep them all confined and let them all get infected and die of the virus—hehehe… so even the misdemeanors and those just being held effectively get the death penalty even without trials. I’m so sad for my loss.

  2. 0


    RE; Todd Watson.
    Remember judge Stone, the floating judge, would not let Linder restrict his communication with just anyone, only the supposed victims? Look at it.
    Well, we have been given access to his phone, via his family sent them to us, and have the new recordings that resulted in those new charges.
    Anyone want to hear them?

    Unless or course the SA office already let you hear them.

    We are only interested in the truth.

    1. 3


      A serious message to members of law enforcement.
      We are breaking no laws and you know the FBI paid us a visit.
      To make you aware, last March, 2019, I had my right lung removed because of cancer.
      Last PFT test shows the left lung that I still have, is only functioning at 47%.
      Do the math, any physical confrontation, could actually kill me.
      If you want to play games, govern yourselves accordingly.

  3. 0


    RE; Todd Watson.
    Remember judge Stone, the floating judge, would not let Linder restrict his communication with just anyone, only the supposed victims? Look at it.
    Well, we have been given access to his phone, via his family sent them to us, and have the new recordings that resulted in those new charges.
    Anyone want to hear them?

    Unless or course the SA office already let you hear them.

    We are only interested in the truth.

  4. 0


    A serious message to members of law enforcement.
    We are breaking no laws and you know the FBI paid us a visit.
    To make you aware, last March, 2019, I had my right lung removed because of cancer.
    Last PFT test shows the left lung that I still have, is only functioning at 47%.
    Do the math, any physical confrontation, could actually kill me.
    If you want to play games, govern yourselves accordingly.

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