43 thoughts on “A NEW DAWN”

  1. 7


    Maybe that fuckhead will now FINALLY make a payment towards his $200,000 student loan debt?!

  2. 2


    No runoff dumb ass.

    That’s only for judicial elections if one doesn’t get 50%.
    Pryor/Holness just goes to the November general election

  3. 0


    Don’t sleep on Sheila as an independent. Turn out in November may be 3x what it was today.

  4. 9


    Bye Bye Sarahnell Murphy and all of the Racist Trumpers in the State Attorney’s Office. GET OUT NOW !!!!!

  5. 11


    All of the ASAs in the primo units need to be fired, all of them. Nothing but a bunch of racist Trump supporters.

    1. 10


      Satz, Marcus, Donnely, Countrymann, Hofheinz, Mccann. Show the double dippers the door!!

  6. 3


    Who is Harold Pryor, where did he come from.? Did Sarahnell Murphy finish in last place.?

  7. 20


    Most of the old guard got butt kicked today but Tobin/Weinstein/Tuter is still dragging the judiciary down.

    1. 5


      Two bimbos and a zoot suit make for a losing combination. At least the two floozies are canned tuna fish now.

    2. 2


      Wow! What a dashing, handsome, brilliant guy this Assistant State Attorney Jeffrey Chukwuma is! He is a very fine and fair prosecutor. I hear he would be going into private practice sometime this year or next year. I wish him the best. He will be successful no matter where he is or goes. God bless him.

  8. 16


    I think President Trump is right to be concerned over the validity of mail-in elections

  9. 5


    I’m sorry but everyone was aware that in the event of an election loss there was only enough room, food and fuel in the escape pod for one

  10. 16


    If I can’t cut the prison numbers with a Black Sheriff and Black State Attorney I’m totally screwed

    1. 4


      Like Weekes gives a chit. He’s as bad as Finkelstein’s crap.
      Maybe Weekes can pay back his student loans now.

  11. 14


    A Kimok win would have been something, but Pryor winning is an even greater repudiation of Satzism than all of Kimok’s ideas because after all the indignities heaped upon the African-American and other minority populations of Broward, a minority is the one who has shown Satz and his cronies the door.

  12. 16


    Is this good news for BACDL?

    Harold’s going to staff the place with ASA’s that win trials instead of losing 80% of the time.

    1. 10


      Is he going to fire anyone at the State? Because if he really wants to implement change, he needs to get rid of a lot of people over there—but will he?

  13. 2


    Wow! What a dashing, handsome, brilliant guy this Assistant State Attorney Jeffrey Chukwuma is! He is a very fine and fair prosecutor. I hear he would be going into private practice sometime this year or next year. I wish him the best. He will be successful no matter where he is or goes. God bless him.

    1. 1


      You mean I’m going to be a one term Public Defender ?

      That should give me enough time to have totally screwed up the PDs Office …

  14. 0


    Fyi everyone, Ilona Holmes is coming back to be the second in command at the State Attorney’s Office. Have fun boys and girls. Better start packing NOW and looking for new jobs ASAP.

  15. 2


    Her second career as the greatest, most fantastic, trailblazing, international genius, more important than sliced bread, Princeton Yale can eat it, hasn’t panned out?

  16. 3


    Out: Backman, Speiser, Lynch

    In: Forman (put in by Howard Forman), SAO = Holmes, Satz + cronies staying on Parkland (Baby Pryor needs adult supervision), Finkelstein (Weekes), CJ Tuter

    So much for the end of the old guarders and BLM

    1. 0


      Its so odd. Why she back? She was on front lines doing mass incarceration as the bench. She was good at it. She was a relentless imprisoner of minorities. Why Pryor doing this? I think its got to be untrue.

  17. 0


    Tim Donnelly and Sherri Tate will be out of a job very very soon. Both are liars and criminals. Good riddance.

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