I don’t believe we’ve ever been properly introduced.
My name is Bill Gelin.
I am a husband and a father, and I play a bit of electric guitar for fun. I have the tinnitus to prove it.
Professionally, I am a lawyer, a journalist, and a whistleblower.
I have been the principal author on JAABLOG for years now. Other contributors fell by the wayside for various reasons, and new authors have been hard to attract, most certainly because of the way I’ve been treated by the Bar, seemingly for helping to expose corruption, racism, unprofessional behavior, and hypocrisy in the justice system, and for being associated with a blog that doesn’t moderate comments.
Up until now I have written as “we”, and never wanted to become “I”. That’s because the blog has always been foremost about the issues presented, and because anything that has been accomplished or exposed here has always been a group effort. The truth is no one ever wants the public credit they’re due, for the same reason other authors have been so hard to find. I look good because of all of you, and I hope one day attorneys, judges, law enforcement and others won’t have to be afraid to stand out and tell the truth on a public forum such as JAABLOG, and will be able to receive the praise and thanks they’ve earned for making their community a better place.
So why the change in pronouns?
Because I have decided to run for Board of Governors of the Florida Bar, a hidebound organization that I believe is gravely in need of reform, and I would like any attorney reading here to help me get my name on the ballot.
Further articles will greatly detail my positions and specific ideas, but in general terms, I will now state five general areas of interest:
- I am interested in utilizing the BOG’s pulpit to raise awareness of long-standing traditions of institutional racism within the legal system, and to direct the legislative advocacy function of the Bar to deter and compromise same.
- I am interested in reforming the judicial appointment process to ensure merit-based elevations and diversity on the bench commensurate with the general population. I also want to work with the judiciary as a whole to improve professionalism and performance on the bench, not only to improve the system for everyone, but to preclude judicial problems before they become public embarrassments.
- I am interested in ending the Bar’s war on free political speech and efforts to chill criticism of public officials by those who work with and know them best, to ensure fairness, efficiency, an informed electorate, and public confidence in the legal system.
- I am interested in reforming the attorney discipline system to make it effective and due process oriented, instead of the current system which I believe disproportionately targets sole practitioners and goes easy on politically active or powerful lawyers, or those that can hire same, and ironically serves in most cases to simply distract a lawyer mentally and time-wise from his or her sacred and time-consuming duties owed to clients.
- I am interested in having a Bar that all lawyers can be proud of, and not, as is often the case, one they resent, and one which can rehabilitate the reputation of the legal profession in the eyes of the general public.
I pledge if elected to not capitalize on the position to transform or grow my practice, or to sell my services down the road as an expert witness in fee disputes or other marketable areas open to past-officers. If fortunate enough to serve, I will remain a committed criminal defense sole practitioner.
Finally, I must address the elephant in the room, Brenda v. Blog.
There have been recent bizarre developments that mainstream media will hopefully be reporting on shortly. However, in advance of any news coverage, I want to stress that Brenda v. Blog is not the driving force in my seeking Bar office, while it is the straw that broke the camel’s back.
I want it to be known at the outset that current frustrations aside, I have always been keenly aware and disappointed that whatever accomplishments JAABLOG can claim regarding the overarching goals of tempering racism and injustice in the legal system are clearly more like bandages on symptoms than cures. Any trip to a felony courtroom in Broward or throughout most of Florida unfortunately drives that point home with a vengeance. The daily lessons of life in a courthouse are the driving force as to why I am now stepping up to the plate and seeking your preliminary support, just as they were the impetus to start blogging all those years ago. This fact needs to be made clear, and I hope everyone will weigh all the issues before deciding whether or not to support me.
Thank you,
Bill Gelin
(Disclaimer/Unsolicited Mass Communications – anyone subscribed to JAABLOG not wishing to receive blogs regarding my candidacy for president-elect of the Florida Bar should immediately UNSUBSCRIBE to JAABLOG. Furthermore, the traditional “we” shall continue to be used for JAABLOG reportage not dealing with the petition drive or my candidacy)
You buried the lead.
I would support and vote for you if I could, but I am not an attorney. You are the best Billy Boy!
Where do I sign
This will keep Forman’s name in the papers too.
Run, Bill, run.
How do we sign? Is there a link for
E signature?
Sounds nice, but my experience with you is that you talk out of both sides of your mouth…the talking side and the doing side. makes me wonder which real side you will really be on. On the talking side–I support you and wish you success, but if you get there, what will the doing side really do?
Oh Conway…
Um, what did Conway do? His free speech issue has nothing to do with this.
He sure does.
Starting off his campaign with a BOLD FACE LIE!
He has deleted several of our comments and most here know that is true. We can also prove it.
Maybe the Bar should be aware of this fact.
We don’t play favorites, Let’s see if this gets deleted.
Here is some proof of that.
After this comment was responded to, a lot of our comments were systematically removed throughout the blog over two years.
No, he doesn’t moderate comments.
Think he just uses this blog as a tool for personal vendettas.
He has all of your IP addresses too.
I have forwarded your comments to my contacts. Know that you have my support. I hope that I have the eventual opportunity to tell you all the reasons why!
If you win does that mean you move to Tallahassee? If so, then yes, sign me up!
Brian Reidy for President!
Reidy is chump change. Been reduced to camping out at the jail. Poor guys at the jail having been reduced to hearing that blowhard. Thanks Howie.
Hmmm….sounds like someone has hard-on for Brian Reidy. Don’t be frustrated. It’s not his fault you’re clearly a loser. Maybe you need to get laid or better, maybe you need a friend.
I am here for you.
Post a link-let us know where we can sign.
Please let us know where we can sign. I may not have always agreed with you on everything, but I have always found you to be a fair person. I agree that it should be an open process. You have also always supported the little guy and not always taken the easy route. I hate most of the comments on your page, most of the time- but you are only responsible for what you post- not for what cowards post anonymously. Good luck Bill!
Is Adriana that fat chick that left the SA, flopped in private practice and then came crawling back begging for her old job back ? That Adriana ?
Fuck You- Adriana can kick your ass in court any day! she beat Diaz
Deep breaths Bob, deep breaths
Sounds like someone that is bitter. Did she kick your ass in trial?
No, she is a beautiful woman, mother and great advocate. She is the one we all know.
Bar doesn’t do anything but take our money.
And serve as the enforcement arm of crooked Broward Judges that carry a grudge.
as does the JQC
Can Judges sign?
I’d like to support you Bill. After dealing with so many imbeciles over so many years, I can truthfully say you’re a man on the side of righteousness as opposed to all these sellouts. That includes several that have sat on the Bar Grievance Committee over the years. I’d be proud to be a signatory supporting your candidacy.
He’s not going to pimp the presidency out? Say whaaaaat?
This is how it’s done dude:
Why not use it for ads?
Run, Bill, Run
another bar brainless clown.
She helps Legal Aid Traffic Children.
Ever notice that those who claim to care about children, always seem to get high positions?
Sacrificing children is Lucifer’s favorite past time.
Good stuff Bill. Busting up that little club can only improve things ! Where do I sign up ?
I would vote for you but when they punched my ticket and convicted me of all those felonies I lost the ability to even vote for Mr. Trump again.
Suggestions? Stop wasting so much paper/money on the stupid newspaper and magazine they send out? It’s not something anyone reads.
It comes in handy with tp crises.
Maybe carry a copy of the petition or have it on your iPad/laptop so people that wish to sign it can do so. I’ll sign it.
I have passed out hundreds of palm cards at the condos tonight, they assured me they are going to vote for you.
Bizarre? What’s so bizarre?
What’s Brenda Forman going to do after she drops the ball in 2020 ? The Clerk’s Office needs a major overhaul.
What’s going on with BSo website?
Someone pepper sprayed the server?
Talk about a seriously ugly mug staring at me first thing in the morning. It is bad enough looking at your ugly ass in the courthouse, now I have to look at your disgusting smirk on my computer too? You don’t have a chance in hell of playing with the big boys and you could not get elected to elephant shit scooper at the circus. What a laugh! Your blog is about attacking people that are in power, desperately trying to make yourself relevant, and trying to embarrass people who don’t kiss your ever-growing fat ass. Do us all a favor, stay in your lane… the really slow one.
Speaking of ugly mugs, I want to take this opportunity to announce that I, RICHARD BRIAN KAPLAN, will NOT be running for President of the Florida Bar.
Please stay tuned for future announcements on RICHARD BRIAN KAPLAN for CLERK of COURT, SUPERVISOR of ELECTIONS, SHERIFF and/or JUDGE.
did someone say ugly?
F U. My work address is 600 S. Andrews Avenue, 6th Floor. Why don’t you come look me up sometime.
You people are disgusting. I met Kaplan’s wife through my friend. (kids the same age). Rachel is a wonderful person. and this pic is photo shopped. Grow up!
Is that Mrs. Gordon Wwekes?
Is every idiot lowlife from Regional Counsel trying to find a way out of there ? Its almost as bad as the Public Defender’s Office.
Hmmm…this reply wreaks of a certain lawyer that has in the past put up billboards about an ex gf that has rejected him. Hmm… once a loser always a loser.
who did that? Billboards? Seriously, most of us don’t know who you are talking about.
Poor Sheriff Tony, no brother love from Gordon.
5000 votes for 1 bitcoin to a server in Tazaakistan.
It actually has this on TFB website:
It’s like 1000 names required?
What is this not a reality?
No. a new bar pres was already elected at the Boca meet.
The good news?
Mr. Stewart is from north of Palm Beach County.
Much less corruption in that neck of the woods, and may still have maintained ethics providing he was not sneezed on by the infectious and corrupt, evil monsters of SEFL.
Maybe he’ll do some of the much needed reforms.
For example, he can instruct intake to forward the complaint cases to investigative members, instead of sand-bagging them for friends.
Donald Trump Thanks James O’Keefe at White House Social Media Summit
I bet the phones are ringing in Tallahassee.
You got that right…. 🙂 This is great news. 🙂
Do a Twitter
Impeccable timing for many reasons.
You’ve made our day. Thank you.
All the slimy shit lawyers do and Jaab is the bad guy.
I will be happy to support you
where do i sign?
maybe you can add JAABLOG to the Florida Bar web site so all 67 counties can participate in the fun.
Bring it on Bill ! I’d be happy to help you anyway I can. Where are when are you going to be gathering signatures? The Bar is long overdue for reform. It’s become more politically motivated than anything else.
Set up an e-signature and make it easy. Pls. Post it when you’ve done so. You’ve done more to expos up this corrupt backslapping rat’s nest than anybody, Bill. You bet I’ll give you my signature.
They will destroy him before they give him the pulpit to speak truth to power.
Or a rule change could happen.
Joe Biden just KNOWINGLY lied to the American people and stoked racial hatred.
It MUST be exposed.
Let it rip, Bill. Where do I sign up ? Judges in Broward have used the Bar to silence their detractors for years. Its time for a change.
What soul ? You mean a bunch of politically motivated morons who cater to crooked Broward judges who file complaints against honest hardworking lawyers and then don’t even acknowledge it? Give me a break. Broward judges have used the Bar to silence and create problems for lawyers for years. They’re a bunch of smalltime clowns.
Way to go Bill. If you can’t beat them, join them
Amazing how strong the Kool-Aid is.
President Streisand
Creepy Joe wants your vote and to cop a quick feel …
Somethings got to give
Mike is good with the whoops.
America’s Savior for another term
Dear Mr. Gelin,
I’m just not sure you are in sync with our shared journey to masonic redemption.
Please refrain from doing good by becoming part of the solution.
We control all of humanity, and need to usher in everlasting darkness…. Please refrain from being a human, because its disruptive.
Thank you in advance.
Not on Bar reading list
They’d rather self=destruct than allow you into the club
You’re missing the point. That’s the first gut reaction.
By Gelin running, allows us to be “The Club”.
Lawyers should be free to defend their clients.
Lawyers should be allowed to give “an opinion”, to a client about the integrity, (or lack thereof), of any sitting judge.
I’m counting on Mr. Gelin to restore First Amendment rights the same professionals who protect those very same rights for others. Math, logic , and the fluidity of information is key.
If a clients asks for an opinion, and is paying 250.00 to 600.00 per hr. for an opinion, the customer should receive the opinion. When the Bar forbids Lawyers from giving opinions, or prohibit them, (intrinsically), from honest and forthright representations, The Bar is forcing its members to commit a crime.
Its time we shed The Myths of the diabolical and fictional collectives.
The last guy to stifle an attorney, would be Gelin.
Restoring the truth seeking functions, (that the fl bar destroyed), to the court purview’s is paramount to Due Process, and the profession concerning public optics as a whole.
Ask yourself, would you prefer a The Club’s Choice?
Most dues paying members don’t. Lets get Gelin in…..
Gelin has the media behind him.
Today, Harry S Truman would have been disbarred.
Truth is hurtful, and hate speech has no place.
You go Ruby…
We call her Six Horse Judy here in the pd’s office …
Gordo’s not a happy camper
We call him One Horse Loser
Keep on dividing the racist voters who vote only on race! Stay in the race, don’t bow out
Counting on you
Is there a breakdown somewhere like how Bar spends the dues all lawyers are compelled to pay? It seems to me it should be public.
My opponent and former wife is under criminal investigation and that’s why you should vote for an 80 year old man who put you in this position in the first place
Howard is divorced now, he needs a new pool of ladies to hit on and the office always did him well.
It looks like he’s doing a Steve Martin Wild Crazy Guy impression.
Where can we sign and lobby to get Bill Gelin nominated?
Can he have a go-fund-me page set up for that purpose?
Should we all contact the board of governor’s?
Or will there be a petition in an attachment?
How can my firm help in an anon platform?
This is a worthy cause. Do you have a to do list?
Still waiting for a response.
New Management is needed across the board.
Think trickle down.
Evil Clowns Surface. Masks Off.
All that applause for Ruby at the democrat black caucus meeting last night. Bigger round of applause then even you received. Where did all those people go who PROMISE (d) to support you?
Who’s going after the white straight guys voting blocks?
Give Me Liberty