155 thoughts on “CANNED!”

  1. 25


    Saddened at this beyond words!
    Another commentary on how sick this world has become!

    1. 7





    1. 34


      Howard really showed his true self. The battle is over. Shake hands if you’re a man Howard. I figured all those taunts on here came from her but who knows/cares. She was fired for running for a public office Howard thinks belongs to him. He’s a ex coke addict & couldn’t make it in private practice. Crashed his Corvette and came limping to the PD. And a big fake.

  2. 18


    Surprise – surprise. Too bad Ruby didn’t win to end the incompetence that has become the PD’s office.
    She was the only candidate that told it like it is. And for this she gets canned.

  3. 26


    Are we shocked? Gordon said he would fire her so I guess Howie did it first. A single mom during a pandemic. Someone who handles serious cases—will Gordon take her caseload?? doubt it.

  4. 47


    Just goes to show you how petty things have become under Finkelstein and his cronies. Confronted with a woman of obvious conviction and a trial record to show up the rest of the skaters, she gets the ultimate thanks for your efforts.
    Very sad indeed but not unexpected.

    1. 5



      1. 1


        He could care less, at least he is rid of the toxic bitch. History repeats itself and she will try to back stab and take over any place she goes.

        1. 3


          Ruby has tried more cases in two years than Howard has in his entire legal career.
          And Gordon, well, we all know he can’t try a case at all.

  5. 11


    Seriously? She couldn’t be assigned to a sh*t detail like jail interviews until she finds something better and quits on her own?

  6. 27


    So wait- the guy that threatens a female prosecutor with violence doesn’t get fired- but the woman who dared question the status quo does? WTF?

      1. 20


        It’s called petty and being a complete uncaring jerk. We are in a pandemic, no notice, single mom, she didn’t do anything that rises to the level of being fired. Weekes wouldn’t get in until January. At least give her until then so she can find a job

        1. 0


          You mean daiquiri that’s what we had back in the day when the PD’s office was a great place to learn and work

    1. 9


      Kory just sucked harder. Sort of like Brian Reidy all over again.
      Don’t look for any dignity within this bunch of groveling idiots.

      1. 2


        Reidy had to humble himself to such an extent he’s never recovered from it to keep his job. He was resigned to jail visits daily the remainder of his tenure in the PDs office.

  7. 39



      1. 4


        Already have. She has the support of the whole office who thinks its a disgrace the cowardly way Howard canned her the day after the election.

  8. 27


    This from the guy who ran against the Boss Man, after he was the only one willing to employ him when he was arrested for drug trafficking. Nice work Howard the hypocrite.

    1. 6


      Howard brought shame upon the Public Defender’s office doing this. Alan would have given her a trophy.

  9. 4


    I got a thank you note from Gordon but I don’t think you’ll be getting one from Tom

    1. 2


      Election is over. Why talk about Lynch? He didn’t fight dirty. Weekes fired Ruby is the focus dumbass.

  10. 52


    Howard and Gordon are petty. Mad that she pointed out the obvious which is the supervisors do not have cases. Howard stabbed Al after Al had helped him. Gordon stabbed Nadine in the back when she was his bestie. They both would stab mom in the back for power. So they fired the tough, black, lawyer that dared to run against Gordon. The fact that she is a single mom and we’re in a pandemic is actually the cherry on top for them. Disgusting!

    1. 5


      Who gives a rats ass that she is a single mom, her and a million other women. Hopefully she knows who baby daddy is and receives support and also saved some of her pay checks. Look at a ton of lawyers trying to stay afloat with no clients or cases since March. There are thousands of single moms out there right now with no jobs because of the pandemic.

      1. 15


        That’s not the point. The point is this was the PD’s office and she was fired for no good reason and it was purely political and heartless. Says a lot about the idiots and creeps in charge. That’s the point.

        1. 5


          The “point” is she needs to take responsibility and realize her actions were not in the best interest of her family and she ended up on the losing end of the stick. I hope it was worth it but I don’t think so, you don’t screw with some ones friends or family.

          1. 5


            Now Ruby can’t even run for judge, which is great actually

            The Spvsr Elections scrutinize the financials in judicial races – can’t run w $348,000 in unpaid defaulted student loans.

            Plus the voters would learn she STILL took out a $40k car loan, shafting the taxpayers.

            She’s toast. Burnt black toast.

  11. 46


    Everyone always uses Broward as the example of incestuous corruption and gross incompetence. Is anyone surprised that the Public Defender that led police on a high speed chase with a trunk full of cocaine sunk Broward to a new low! Even for Broward it’s unconscionable that Howard would retaliate against an employee running against his heir by firing a single mom during a pandemic.

    1. 11


      As a single mom her first priority should have been thinking about what was best for her family not politics. When you play with fire you always take the chance of being burnt. At some point you have to take responsibility for your actions. Seriously she never gave it a thought that she was running against Howard’s heir?

      1. 8


        I’m sure this single mom’s kids are (or will be when they are older) very proud of her.

        1. 3


          Yes mommy we are so proud that you put your job on the line to run for office. You were so smart to run around bashing people that had the power to beat you in an election and fire you. We just want you to know we don’t have a problem eating hot dogs every day and you have taught us a very valuable lesson, DON’T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU. The voters didn’t believe you, you lost a good job and in a few days no one will give a shit what happens to you.

      2. 10


        Right, don’t bother to run against the status quo. Don’t challenge authority. Let the corrupt continue in their corruptness. SMH.

        1. 5


          Well the “corrupt is continuing in their corruptness” and she is without a job. What a warrior!!!

      3. 5


        It’s America. Like her or not that seat belongs to the voters. Not one goofball with a ponytail & fake virtue-signaling. Doubt that cocaine ever wore off.

  12. 33


    We in the office are with you, Ruby. This proves everything you’ve been saying is true about Howard and his sycophants. The office remains more in disarray than ever before. You have more courage than all the rest of Howard’s little bum kissers put together and your standing up with the truth about what is going on within the office tells the whole and complete story about Howard’s lack of leadership and care for the black community.
    Everyone who works here knows it and we are all looking forward to Howard stepping aside even though our faith in Gordon isn’t much better.
    We all know you will come through this and will be back on the political stage to bring the change much needed to the Public Defender’s Office in the near future. Our hopes are with you.
    Howard has made a fool of himself over and over again and he will be remembered for the disingenuous publicity seeker he’s always been.
    Look forward to you making Howard’s hand picked Gordon a one term thing of the past soon.
    Our prayers and hopes go with you !

    1. 3


      Honey now that the election is over do I have to keep wearing these ridiculous clothes?

  13. 6


    Lynch should find somewhere for her to go.
    He put her in the race to pull black votes from Gordon. That didn’t work. That’s the game they play.

    1. 4


      Del Gato is clearly not a lawyer.

      The fuckin FLA constipation (I mean Constitution) itself says APD’s serve “at the pleasure” of the PD

      And it would certainly be no pleasure having Ruby there

  14. 20


    Normally it would be against my morals to leave an anonymous post on this blog but I truly have no choice because as a current employee at the PD’s office, I am sure there would be repercussions for my opinions. It is shameful that Ruby was fired, and that it was done in such an unprofessional way. After 8 years of service to this office as a TRIAL attorney (which many attorneys are not), Ruby is shown the door the day after losing an election in a tone that there really is no excuse for. If Howard was truly upset about the comments she made about him, then she should have been terminated immediately. The fact that he WAITED until AFTER the election plainly shows how unwarranted the termination is. He clearly knew that it would hurt Gordon’s chances of winning if he fired her before the election was over. How much could it really have upset him if he was willing to allow her to continue working until the election was over? The fact that she can not even return to the office to retrieve her belongings just adds insult to injury.

    Howard’s statement on Buddy’s blog included the following statement: “It is also why I am so proud of Gordon. He took the highroad and talked about issues and change rather than personal attacks and insults of everybody and everything.” I can tell you first-hand that is not a true statement. Gordon included personal attacks in his campaign efforts, including to Former Judge Lynch and insinuated that he was a racist at a debate. When Ruby and Gordon made these comments , they were not acting as public defenders. They were acting as political candidates running for office. It is not right that Gordon is protected and Ruby is kicked to the curb.

    And while Howard did the firing, Gordon is not off the hook. It is clear that the culture of not caring about the public defenders who are in the trenches every single day will continue under Gordon. Administration wonders why the turn-over is so high. If they don’t appreciate someone like Ruby who has been a true asset to the office over the years, then they clearly don’t care about anyone else either.

    Rumor has it that Ruby’s trial partner will be handling her entire case load in a very serious trial division for the next few months. Do you think this lawyer will get a raise because the case load just doubled? DOUBTFUL. Today is a very dark moment for the public defender’s office in Broward County. I think Howard needs a refresher course on the Florida Rules of Professional Responsibility.

  15. 6


    Welcome to the world of politics for those of you not aware of how it works. I can’t believe you’re dumb enough to think he wouldn’t wait to fire her until after the election, what then she gets the pitty votes? I can’t feel sorry for her or any one that don’t know how the political game is played. FAIR plays no part in the political world.

  16. 9


    I won’t be the most hated Black woman in Broward County after Judge Holmes comes back.

  17. 10


    I would like to know the specific statements she allegedly made that were the basis of her firing. Looks like Howard can’t stand a little criticism and instead supports only sycophants who suck up to him. Sounds like someone else.. hmm. Where will Howard go now that he’s leaving the PD office? Maybe Trump’s White House has a place for him. He and the president seem to have the same leadership style.

  18. 5


    Ladies and gentleman of the jury if Drug Trafficking was legalized I wouldn’t have to waste your time and mine defending this Drug Trafficker……..I rest my case.

    1. 8


      SCHMEKEL is a jewish (yiddish) work. Best translated: an anatomically deficient jewish male. Also might include insecure as well.

  19. 9


    The only issue with HP is that we may have to endure more of that disgusting filthy animal Ilona. Other than that, the office should be ok.

    1. 4


      W-T-F She’s back for real? Or more blog nonsense? Did he make a deal or something?

      1. 9


        Holmes is the worst. Having her involved in any way would be a huge mistake for the new administration. She will wan to take credit for any good he does and she will instill a reign of terror. No one liked her. It would be terrible for morale.

  20. 12


    The hypocrisy is disgusting. Ruby ran on the idea of firing all the Chief’s. She spoke negatively about Howard, Gordon, the majority of the Chief’s and many attorneys. Howard and Gordon would have to be completely stupid to keep her undermining the management. It’s a shame but it’s her own doing.

  21. 8


    Howard may think he’s gottten rid of a bad apple, but she sounds like she’s not done with spilling the beans on Howard’s little game. Not by a long shot.

    1. 2


      She needs to shut up and move on and try to find a job. A great many of us took a real dim view of her stupidity and the way she bashed and underminded authority. If she did this in one office she will do it again. A real risky back stabber.

      1. 12


        She just differs by having the courage and fortitude to confront the massive problems that exist within the Public Defender’s Office and not pucker up to the line of BS Finkelstein is trying to push. Her passion for the truth is threatening to Howard and his sycophants. This office is a mess and they know it.

        1. 10


          Ruby arrived in the PD like a rush of wind. A fresh sort of wind accompanied by new ideas and Howard doesn’t like it. Simple. He doesn’t approve of anything that doesn’t go thru him so he can take credit for it. He’s a classic narcissist. This latest move more than explains it.

        2. 3


          That’s awesome now she can take her courage and fortitude to the unemployment office….oh she can’t get unemployment because she was FIRED. We shall call her Zina the dumb ass warrior.

          1. 3


            She can get unemployment. What on earth are you talking about. Unless you are fired for cause you can get unemployment. I hope you aren’t an employment lawyer.

              1. 8


                Howard Finkelstein is a little whimp with no balls but his miniature golf balls, and they’ve gone soft.
                Ask him the last time he was even in the office after his firewall incident.
                Its amazing how little time it takes before these softballs start believing their own BS after they take public office, and how quickly they forget what losers they were in the real world.
                Howard Finkelstein is such a person.

      1. 0


        Gee. Hi Mr Gelin.

        It is clear that TFB does not like your unethical behavior. Why aren’t you taking more photos of Ms Forman as a “journalist?” What are you afraid of ?

        Maybe you now realize that you need to choose between your “careers”: unethical attorney or unethical journalist.

  22. 2


    Sarahnell Murphy just announced that she will be joining her husband Richard Merlino in his law office and they are changing the name of their practice to “Racist R’ Us, Attorney’s At Law” We’re going to hire The Big Vagina as our token lawyer to handle all of our negro clients. Richard and I will only be representing White, republican Trump supporters.

  23. 5


    Sheila Alu has dropped out of the State Attorney’s race in November. Sheila is going to be appointed as the head of the Homicide unit and will get rid of the idiots working there, thank God.

    1. 7


      Howie has lacked balls for years ! Lol. He hasn’t been in the office that I’ve seen for as long as I can remember. As soon as Kathy left, his heart wasn’t in it anymore if it ever was. He’s left it to be run by even worse managers than he is, all of which don’t carry caseloads.

  24. 1


    The following ASAs will soon be out of a job. So long… T.D. J.M. H.H. L.D. T.L. M.S. And many others. The ones mentioned are the cream of the crop Trump supporters. They will be gone.

  25. 11


    Can I have my old job back? I was rejected by the people of Broward and now I’ll have to go back to my failing practice. I blew my last 10k on the campaign. Please please please- will work for food and green beer.

  26. 7


    Who tries the most cases in the PD’s office now? Who’s the best trial lawyer? I haven’t worked there in 20 years.

    1. 3


      Llorena Granha is the hardest working attorney in the PDs office. She is always in trial and always working.

      1. 1


        Am I still relevant with 17% of the pet vote? How many dogs voted for me? How many cats? How many Black, Brown or white pets voted for me ? Does anyone have the Aturd stats?

  27. 5


    Everyone here knows that none of us are lawyers so excuse us if this sounds like a dumb question.

    How is firing Ruby Greene even legal? The Pd’s office is also taxpayer funded.
    So how can someone be canned solely for running against someone else? This is not at least a tort? Not a violation of her first amendment rights?

    If this is actually legal, anyone want to work with us to see if we can do something about it with the legislator?

      1. 3


        Come on aaron you were once a legislative aide, you know Florida is a right to work state and ruby can be fired without issue

        1. 1


          Hey, Aaron and Buddy Nevins, Why don’t you let this A-Hole how full of it they are.
          Or go for it. Like we told Aaron about four years , and you were honest and answered he was your son, just do not use our name or brand, or we will have a problem.

          BTW, Aaron, Post our emails to prove it if you want,or tell us it’s OK.

          Hey Aaron, remember emailing us, and saying you were taking bullets for us? Told us you could walk down with with both fingers in the air?

          We have no problem with either of you, but come on man,or just let them play games.
          We can ALL prove it.

          What say we let these people show show ignorant they really are?

    1. 2


      When you’re a government employee it means you are an “at will” employee and can be let go without reason. There is no legal action that would stand up in court, trust me those bases are covered.

      1. 1


        That’s why we asked, should not be allowed to fire someone employed by a publicly funded org.
        Come on, free speech.
        We will give (“PRIVATE”) orgs. that privilege, but to fire a person that is employed with taxpayer dollar SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED!

        We know that is an effort that would have to be changed in the legislature,

        Know that would be a lot of work. That’s why we asked some attorney crying about nothing to do, to maybe help out and draft some legislation to make political speech the way the first amendment meant it to be;

        Thanks for that candid answer.

        1. 3


          I wouldn’t say they fired her for no reason. From what I saw she trashed the entire administration repeatedly for months. She basically called Help me Howard a lazy racist. In what world wouldn’t you get fired for that???

          1. 8


            Gordon has to be jealous because she is actual trial attorney and everyone knows how scared he is at the sight of a jury. Has he ever tried a case?

        2. 2


          This Opioid rant coming from sfc the disbarred sewer cleaners attempt to practice law.

  28. 9


    She’s one of the few good attorneys still left in the PDs office. Its a bad situation.

  29. 1


    Yeah. Unfortunately these Black candidates are nothing special to say the least. There were brilliant white candidates in most elections that deserved to win but for BS BLM you fools. They won because black. Winners all fully outclassed. But they are black. That’s what to take away. Broward Courthouse? I call it the DMV. No spirit. No brains.

  30. 11


    Ruby Green asks at the end of her response email. “What are you afraid of? This is not going to stop me”
    Howard is obviously afraid that you told the truth in your vid interview. Little men are always afraid of the truth.

    He’s been trying to push a narrative that’s deceptive for years. You just called him out on it.

    1. 4


      Let’s be honest. Everyone knows she had a side deal worked out with Lynch. She thought she was good as long as either Lynch or she won. She got cocky like most millennials do and shot her mouth off too much. She called Howard a racist and insulted everyone in her administration and it blew up in her face. Could’ve just run a clean race without getting nasty. Instead she came off as a disgruntled malcontent. Say what you want about Gordon but he ran a clean race. Road Warrior, more like dumb ass!

      1. 8


        Gordon isn’t a fraction of the lawyer Ruby is. She is a real trial lawyer and will land on her feet. Gordon is not known for his “trial” skills. My question is when has he tried a case.

        1. 4


          Ruby is talented and I hope she lands on her feet as well. I’m simply saying that shooting your mouth off and calling your boss a racist while secretly working with Lynch who sentenced African Americans to much longer sentences than whites makes her look like an idiot. I just hope she grows up and takes responsibility for her actions and learns from her mistake. There is nothing noble about what she did.

          1. 7


            She was fired because Gordon is threatened by a strong outspoken woman who is a better lawyer than he is.

            1. 3



              she was fired because she’s an at-will employee who said awful things about her employer and the office and deserved to be fired.

              plus she’s lazy re: her student loan (she’s let it grow to almost half a mill!)

  31. 0


    this comment was posted today on our YouTube channel in relation to Sunday’s first appearance court.

    The comments about those two judges are usually the exact opposite but we thought the judges may want to read it.

    A little moving.

    1. 0


      Today the disbarred unlicensed lawyer & sewer cleaner/Plumber will embark his delusional narcotic addiction fed rants into the religious field, can I get a witness……Amen South Fentanyl Consumer.

      1. 4


        I thought she was offered a great new job with lots more money? She was a government worker, she can be fired, when you’re fired you don’t get benefits and a severance package. All things as a single mom she should have thought of before bashing people and threatening to fire people.. KARMA’S a bitch and so was she.

        1. 5


          Fuck that stupid petition.

          Ruby knew exactly what the consequences would be as an At Will employee, so why is she acting surprised and victimized?!

          That racist bitch said negative things about one of her PD election opponents at the Weston Bar event to the Weston Bar president (not knowing that the president was good friends with that candidate).
          Ruby has a tendency to run her mouth and it’s just appropriate that it caught up with her.

      2. 14


        I recall Ruby quoted as saying “What are you afraid of ? You are not going to stop me.”

        She is fully within her rights to criticize her employer without fear of retaliation. Particularly with the exemplary record of trials she has completed and when compared to Howard’s supervisors with little to nothing to show in the way of trial experience.
        Further, attendance records for Mr. Finkelstein could easily be obtained, if Finkelstein found that offensive and that was the reason for Mr. Finkelstein’s knee-jerk reaction and the subsequent firing of Ms. Green.

        Its and interesting set of circumstances surrounding the rather hasty firing of Ms, Green immediately falling the election and could make for good argument as to why it might have been unwise.

        Howard could easily find himself in a sticky situation should she decide to seek legal remedy on several grounds in my opinion.

        1. 2


          Being fired for political reasons is a perfectly valid reason.

          maybe she should seek the advice of legal counsel rather than emotional beliefs?

          hey Ruby the only reason you can sue for being terminated as an at-will employee is if you can prove there is some sort of discrimination. oh what’s that? You think being fired because of politics is a valid claim?! you are stupider than you look

  32. 11



    1. 1


      Good luck with that. Being a black woman, the race card, is not a sure win in legal matters. Bottom line is an at will employee; aka government worker can be let go without a reason. If she goes forward with this it will prove to the legal community what is already being said, she is trouble and stay clear of her.

  33. 11


    What happened to good trial lawyers being supported instead of whimp kiss asses who don’t try cases and sell clients down the river ? Is this the kind of representation the PD offers now ?
    No wonder why so many of us are leaving to seek employment elsewhere.
    More resignations on the way I hear.
    Ruby is highly respected among those of us that acknowledge she is telling the truth about what she espouses for changes within the PD and nobody likes the way Finkelstein fired her.
    If Howard came into the office more often, he would see for himself what has happened regarding the lagging quality of representation that has taken place. Instead he prefers for all intents and purposes not to care and play golf instead on his way out the door to retirement. Very sad for someone who has preached the opposite as Public Defender.

    1. 4


      What happened? I’ll tell you what happened, she thought she was a bad ass and was a for sure win, bad mouthed the wrong people and got bitch slapped down to size. Just because she is black and a woman that does not entitle her to a government job or anything else. She f**ked up, it’s done MOVE ON and learn from this stupid mistake.

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