The debate video is now available, courtesy of’s Tom Lauder.
The SAO video is here. The questions start at 10:40, following the opening statements.
The more informal PDO debate video is here. The questions start at 4:20, following opening statements.
Thanks to David Ovalle from the Miami Herald, Rafael Olmeda from the Sun Sentinel, Erin Daniels from the African-American Library, Jennifer Spillane and Monica Elliott from the League of Women Voters, Antony Page from FIU College of Law, Tom Lauder from RedBroward, Chad Shuck from Total Rental Solutions for the solid on the audio presentation, and all the candidates for their participation.
Gordon Weekes is still going to win this election. Gordon did not attend a meaningless debate that nobody in Broward watched.
He showed everyone in Criminal what he’s made of.
Is that meaningless?
What was his conflict? Why didn’t he debate?
With all the money he has raised?
My client is perfectly sane with voices in his head.
And he’s completely guilty.
Shrinks, Meds, Week’s friends at school Admin, and social workers had nothing at all to do with this.
We need to get some light on this….
If Green stays in Gordon is done.
The questioners should have asked all the candidates what they thought of Gordon Weekes pussyfooting out of the debate and his unbelievably bad judgement in the Cruz case !
Gordon Weak.
try using a dictionary–it’s Wreak
McCormack is more experienced than people thought. Makes valid points. I like that he prosecuted corruption. We need that in broward.
Did anyone notice how Lynch downplayed is time as a judge and built up his experience working in the public defender office
What was Lynch afraid of, other than his harsh sentences
The best choice for Pblic Defender is
The PD video ends in the middle of closing statements.
Any way to post the full video – so that EVERYONE’S closing statement can be heard?
Nah, someone from Jaab clipped out 1 of the 3 PD closings in that youtube video – due to a friendship Jaaber has with Lynch.
Probably same reason Lynch got extra time for his opening, and why Lynch was asked additional ‘filler’ questions.
We don’t know if all that’s true but we are aware of the picture posted here a couple of years ago that shows M. Lynch with M. Ahearn and T. Lauder of Red Broward.
Not sure that picture is legit either, but it does appear it is.
Maybe someone will re-post it.
Well then that explains why Lauder cut out Conway’s closing statement.
Lauder didn’t want the viewers to have Conway as the last point they heard.
We think he is the best candidate for the job.
Good luck Sean Conway.
Bias on the Bench
Conway / Alu.
Th logical choice.
the best of the worst. but somebody needs to lead the pack.
The years and miles have been hard on ConJob
Ha, Ha (here comes the Conway envious hater).
Nice try but the Supreme Court heard Conway’s case and ruled.
Trying to recreate the facts won’t work.
Careful.. That Conway hater has serious health problems and you will only make it worse by reminding him how sad and pathetic it is to be so envious of others.
Not true.
Florida Supreme Court Docket
Case Docket
Case Number: SC08-326 – Closed
Good find SFC!
Yep, SFC shows us that the S.Ct. actually heard Conway’s case.
So a big “F.U.” to the Conway hater
Thank you SFC. Its a really good find hidden in plain view.
Please don’t miss South Florida’s ‘s Big Court Drops.
Keep Up The Good Work
You can extract, Skully can disburse.
Stay Tuned for the upcoming.
SFC posts than he thanks himself
He also is the campaign consultant for Lynch
Yeah right. We are a campaign consultant for Lynch, but say vote Sean Conway.
You’re an Idiot.
This helps back this;
Remember all those comments by us over the past years saying we wanted Johnny McCray to run for Public defender?
Makes more sense we would back Sean.
than a judge.
Some of our first comments ever here on this blog were his famous now words:
“Evil, condescending witch”
Here’s your campaign consultant!
Hey fool, that was not us.
Look at the SFC.
We do not use periods in OUR comments. You must be blind and stupid.
Not one of those folks have represented someone on a Death Penalty. But they sure seem like they know how to handle a death case, 17 people killed and they second guess what is the only offer that will ever be offered in this case. Politicians suck. Especially the ones that work within the office. No backbone to support your partners, just an opportunist.
Ruby no cry….Gussy no
Somebody get this poor dude a booger bag … The next thing he’ll be doing is whipping it on the podium.
Howie directed the non-defense of Cruz.
Weeks was just a filler.
The handling of the Cruz case by the PD has already determined the loss of Weekes in his bid to become Howie’s pick as the next Public Defender. They know this. It’s one of the reasons Weekes was a no show at the debate and why Finkelstein hasn’t ever publicly endorsed Weekes campaign.
Stupid is as stupid does and Finkelstein and Weekes by definition fall into that category.
That’s the real news… Cruz’s “so called” defense was disgusting. It was planned and designed by Broward’s deep state.
Week’s was spent well before the race.
H should come clean and tell the truth about the his dive.
I couldn’t agree with u more. A bunch of Career Government Straw Suckers looking to suck some more at the trough because they can’t do anything else where they’d get paid as much for doing as little.
It’s sad but true.
You’d think poor old Daddy Husk Lynch had sucked at it enough under his butt buddy Ross. He should really take a hint from that scumbag and take up dumpster-diving like his buddy.
Only the 17th and its judges would have allowed a complete moron like Ross to remain the chief judge for so many years!
And they ring their hands and sob when another Broward judge gets knocked off the bench.
The thing if it is: Ross was the smartest of them all. Hence the need for a Jaab.
A Weeks Defense.
Butt Floss Technician
Some men’s names are etched in stone
Some in ice
Gordon Weekes’ name is soon to be forgotten along with his pimp Finkelstein
Vote Thomas Lynch for Public Defender in 2020 and end the hypocrisy of double dealing …
Right That’s what Broward needs, a former judge with a harsh sentencing history as public defender.
A career politician at that.
Vote Sean Conway.
NEVER A PROSECUTOR! Always a defense attorney.
Someone said he gave in with Aleman.
At least he had the balls to say what everyone else thought. He had the balls to take a chance and knew when to back down.
An asset in our opinion to know when to quit.
Gustavo Digging in
There’s no cafeteria in the Courthouse what else can one do?
Now, every time I see Gus, I can’t help not looking at his tie and noticing those little smudges.
Someone buy this guy a box of kleenex.
It’s probably better that Gordon didn’t participate. He’d only embarrass himself and expose the reason why he doesn’t have much support within the office. That and Finkelstein probably told him it would be a really bad idea.
Funny ! Lol. Howard’s always used a high chair.
Don’t sweat it. Howard knows Gordon is already done. He and Lynch were public Defenders together before Howard tried private practice with Ron Dallas. It didn’t last long before he was busted and had to come crawling to Big Al to beg for a job as a PD investigator after he was busted for drugs after running into the back of a cop car.
He’s done nothing but bad mouth Big Al ever since for giving him a hand along with that talentless barfbag Kuthy Kuethan who he let run the PDs office into the mud. Weekes would be just as bad for the office.
Gordon, just know that when you lose this election, it is not just about losing a job opportunity. Your loss will really be about the public’s rejection of you as a person and all of the things people have learned about you over your career. This is about your flawed character, lack of courage, and absence of substance. It is about your lack of ethics and principles. People don’t just vote for an office, they vote for the people they trust and believe are honest and worthy of their vote. You have been around a long time, people know you, and they don’t like you. Look at all of the comments in this blog alone about you. They are overwhelmingly negative in record number. You are especially disliked by those who know you the best in your own office. You will soon get a chance to see for yourself what people really think about you when they don’t have to pretend to like you in order to keep their job. Save this post and reread it after the election. The truth will set you free.
Gordon is just a pretender. Lit’l Howie just wanted to look all magnanimous trying to leave it to a minority. Its more about how Lit’l Howie wants to see himself and be remembered which has never been the real picture. That’s why all the real lawyers have left the office a long time ago and it’s turned into a nursery school for newbies so all the focus would remain on Howie. The supervisors have little to no caseloads and cause more problems than what they’re worth with the clients suffering the outcome of bad management and even less talented lawyers. Howie has avoided the courtroom since he took office for fear of being seen for what the reality is. Gordon has followed in the footsteps of a real pretender. That’s the real reason Gordon won’t attend any debate. He’s scared for being exposed for what he is. So he going the political route and he’s got his begging face on at the condos where he thinks he can pull it off.
It doesn’t seem to be working very well.
I’m leaning towards Sean Conway as an outsider who sounds a lot smarter than the others.
Ruby sounds like a bimbo with little actual experience as a public defender and Lynch needs to retire permanently from any public office. As a former Broward judge, he’s milked it long enough.
Conway is exactly what Broward needs. Qualified and not a career politician, at least for now.
Look at his website content. Seems to truly care about his clients rather than some B.S. award or pat on the back.
He stresses he was NEVER a prosecutor. Like that one. Not a disadvantage if you have enough experience at defense.
From his website:
If you have seen ‘Hat Trick Award’ noted on an attorney’s site, local criminal bar associations give them to their members whenever one of them achieves the rare result of getting 3 consecutive Not Guilty verdicts. This is a rare event, and some attorneys apply for this award if they achieve it.
As my Trial Record shows, there have been SEVEN times where I have achieved 3 consecutive Not Guilty verdicts – I just have never applied for an award when it happens.
We are not being compensated in any way for anything we say or print about ANY political candidate, and will under no circumstance knowingly accept anything of value for such.
By doing that we keep ALL our First Amendment rights to criticize any idiots we want to.
that’s nothin’ after having 4 cases overturned for prosecutorial misconduct after decades and even death in prison, see “Strike Four for Carney,” Satz got him onto the Bench so he could complicity allow prosecutorial misconduct to poison more fair trials where Carney actually scored a “hat trick” reversal from the 4th for it, [excerpted from a 3.850] “…Knight v. State, 672 So.2d 590 (4th DCA 1996), Bacon v. State 672 So2d 658 (Fl. 4thDCA 1996), and Williams v. State 677 So2d 113 (Fl. 4thDCA 1996), the Fourth District Court Of Appeal reversed the convictions and sentences in a cases presided over by the Honorable Robert B. Carney, Circuit Court Judge, the same judge who presided over the case at bar, based upon an improper prosecutorial argument and Judge Carney allowing it over attorney objections. In Knight, Bacon and Williams defense counsel did not object to the State’s improper comments until the conclusion of the prosecutor’s closing argument. The defense contended that the prosecutor commented on facts not in evidence, and improperly argued that defense counsel accused the police officers of perjury. In Knight, Bacon, and Williams ,the Court reversed, inter alia, because of an improper argument grounded upon facts not in evidence, where the prosecutor stated several times that an individual who had been seen with the appellant and the co-defendant on the date of the incident was a “criminal.” Ibid. Knight. See also Ryan v. State, 457 So.2d 1084, 1090 (Fl.4th DCA 1984). Judge Carney was further reversed in Knight, Bacon and Williams for error for denying motions for mistrials that should have been granted.” Luckily for Satz and the SAO, judge Gardiner had the case and protected it in collusion with Satz and Howie’s office not to litigate it. n other circles like bowling, such triple victories are called called “Turkeys”
HBO’s “Watchmen” Is The Best Show On TV Right Now
Creator Damon Lindelof’s thriller isn’t just politically radical and formally stunning — it’s also so fun to watch.
By Tomi Obaro
Portions of article printed here, not the entire article, for brevity.
Now that there are only two episodes left in the season (fingers crossed that there will be a second!), I am eating my words and urging you, dear reader, to enjoy this dizzying, complicated, thrilling, poignant, hilarious, bizarre, sexy show that feels unlike anything else on television right now. That Watchmen upends some pervasive myths that comic books have helped create around the police and the American government at large — namely that both are inherently honorable institutions unblemished by white supremacy — is the icing on the cake.
Watchmen is set in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 2019, but in an alternate America. (The events of the comic take place some 34 years before.) In this new America, Robert Redford is president, Vietnam is the 51st state of the union, and police officers wear masks to hide their identities after a vicious attack by a white supremacist group called the Seventh Kavalry. There’s also a museum where you can discover the lineage of your ancestors, thanks in part to a holographic Henry Louis Gates.
The writing about Watchmen, of which there has been plenty — often very good — has tended to center around the show’s sure-footed approach to race. When Topher, Angela and Cal’s oldest child, refers to another student in his class as a racist in the pilot, I did a double take — because it still feels so rare to hear a white person say that so assuredly, in real life or in fiction. I felt similarly when FBI agent Laurie Blake (played with pitch-perfect world weariness by Jean Smart) says in the seventh episode, “I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t at least entertain the idea that the chief of police of Tulsa wasn’t a secret white supremacist.” Oh really? Word! The pilot even begins with a wrenching reenactment of the real-life Tulsa massacre of 1921, which left hundreds of black people dead and their businesses burned by a mob of racist white people. That scene helps provide context for setting Watchmen in Tulsa.
Fortunately, I’m not the only one raving about the show. As word of mouth has increased, it’s become a bona fide hit and is HBO’s most-watched new series besides Big Little Lies. Each week, the momentum appears to grow. It’s must-see TV for me, and I humbly suggest that it might be for you too. ●
Cue to 204:35, and watch sneaky Williams equivocate a solution based on speculations of funding. Hence, deferring her success to how she’s placing success for her solutions on a fictional source.
Williams BS Training 101= > Deflect, and Except Failure.
A clear shot, for a fresh start. Stop the infections.
Vote For Alu, Conway, Tony, Canova, Gelin 2020.
Race Bait Haters need not apply.
Broward rally needs to move forward with non-incumbents
Cool suggestion. Sounds good. Try “The Irishman” about the life and death of Jimmy Hoffa. It’s a bit long but I found it to be really entertaining.
Drops coming….
Rumor has it that Soros is looking at the SAO race and may drop money into. Who would he back? Kimock doesn’t arguably have a chance?
Stop The Lawlessness – Alu and Conway 2020
The Only Logical Equal Protection Rule Of Law > Choice.
For a Great Flush in Broward and a Breath of Fresh Air,
Escape The Deep State Cesspool.
Save Broward, and Vote Independent.
it was interesting that those SAOers that responded to Q 2, felt it important to “apologize” to all the people shitz’s team wrongfully convicted. So I wondered whether they would create a scale of apology, like the “Objections” in A Few Good Men: 1-5 years gets a simple apology; 5-10 gets a sincerest apology; 10-15 a very sincerest apology; over 15 gets a “strenuously” sincerest apology to make it all better. And the comments that identified all the reasons for wrongful convictions except Persecutorial misconduct and criminal misconduct like eliciting, using and suborning known perjured and false testimony while suppressing contradictory favorable and exculpatory previously sworn testimony, concealment, omissions and destruction of favorable and exculpatory evidence, improper vouching for and bolstering of witnesses, especially cops; prejudicial false and misleading misstatement of law and facts not in evidence; impermissible personal attacks; impermissible comments of guilt, credibility of witnesses, impermissible golden rule arguments irrelevant to the charges, impermissible comments on witnesses who do not even testify; deals with def attys to intentionally fail to do even basic trial tasks to assist the state against their clients as well as give new ASA’ a leg up in their careers and much, much more the Broward SAO teaches and trains it people in? All y’all are jokes—especially frauds like Theresa who needs dental work to correct her crooked teeth after every time she opens her mouth. How do you “apologize” for that and then do what to correct it? Sorry for your “beat down?” And so sorry we defended and protected it on appeal? And third: when tis criminal misconduct like the felony perjuries etc , will you prosecute your own who committed it? And those like Alu who said no integrity unit she would create can be part of the SAO, then where exactly would she put her Conviction and Sentencing Integrity Unit IF elected? Inquiring minds want to know—what will you do with the criminals who have infested the SAO for decades as well as the complicit bunch in Howie’s office? You all know who they are and what they routinely do and are trained to do and train others under shitz.
Only The Beginning…
Go Teresa Williams Go !!! Loved the debate.
Lets get it right with more funding that may possibly occur.
LOCALIZED: by Major Zigzag
I love the informational montages of Miami.
God Bless Admiral Rogers.
How is it that So.FL. draws more clown heat than all other states combined?
We got our problems too.
Vote Independent…
Trust The Plan….. Q-
We are going to need more rope.