Conducted between 1:39 PM and 1:45 PM, June 29th, 2021.

Out of twelve circuit felony courtrooms checked, there were three in use on a Tuesday afternoon.

Circuit judges have been able to set in-person hearings since Monday of last week, for both in-custody and out of custody hearings.

Morning dockets have been running smoothly since the partial reopening began, although many judges, circuit and county, seem to be concluding early in the morning, or well before noon. Judges have also been sorting out scheduling issues due to the large volume of cases previously noticed for Zoom.

Busy lawyers working in other courtrooms are being called to courtrooms where some judges’ dockets are concluding far too early. In some instances, cases are being reset when lawyers are unavailable, begging the question, how can taxpayer funded judges be less busy than attorneys given the historic case backlog and desperate conditions created by the pandemic?

The full reopening starts after July 6th. Let’s hope fighting to get cases on dockets will be a thing of the past, and that all types of hearings will be heard on both morning and afternoon sessions. Judges with less to do should also be encouraged to assist busier judges and share workloads. In the meantime, we’ll be sure to monitor both county and circuit courtrooms while the Supreme Court continues to actively direct the lower courts to cut through the backlog, to ensure the 17th Circuit is properly managing scarce court resources.

50 thoughts on “FELONY JAABWALK”

    1. 5


      Bill Gelin : saw empty courtrooms 1:39-1:45pm,
      did not post if he made specific inquiries,
      instead he throws spaghetti on the wall

      1. 2


        Specific inquiry #1:

        Why did I get hit with a fault when Fancy’s hoof was nowhere near the white border of that last water jump.

      2. 2


        Specific inquiry? Why not Sunshine requests for all dockets the last year??????????

      3. 11


        Stop being so jealous of Bill Gelin. Get over yourself or find your own blog

    2. 3


      The JQC can’t cripple the State’s judiciary by going after all the goof offs. They pick and choose. To set an example. It’s all they can do.

      1. 2


        Everybody knows judges here don’t work after 11:00
        If they conducted an audit of judge’s time spent working, half of them would get flushed down the toilet.

    1. 0


      At 40 hours a week they only make about $70 an hour.
      I’d phone it in too.

  1. 18


    Cases are out of hand because the ‘new SAO’ is just the same as the old. Not resolving anything at least not without supervisor approval.

    1. 5


      The Judges don’t work afternoons (I get it) but there’s no one at the State or Defender Offices to staff anything anyway. It doesn’t make it right the bad Judges not working but that’s what they’ll say about it.

      1. 8


        Wouldn’t be a big deal that they are all white if they weren’t so stupid and satzonian.

  2. 6


    There’s no Admin Judge doing oversight. There’s no Admin Judge checking to make sure every Judge is occupied. Most Judges if given an inch will take a mile. It’s why they mostly didn’t make it in Private. No hustle or drive. They cap the dockets and vamoose as early as possible. An Admin Judge reviewing or setting dockets is what’s needed to shut down the lazy Judges. Also to help the ones who have no management skills structure a full day’s work. All the trial ready cases need to be pooled and dispensed by an Admin Judge. If it pleads then the Admin Judge hands out the next one on the pile. Judges are regular people and need to be supervised like anyone else. Judge Tuter needs to pull all the Judge’s dockets from the last year. If any of them weren’t holding daily court they should be dealt with appropriately.

  3. 7


    May I remind you Bond Hearings are only heard on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:45 and 10:02 AM……next case please

  4. 3


    I like the idea about them helping each other out but that’s never going to happen.

    1. 2


      With the tantrums regularly on display regarding them having to address their own cases I believe expecting them to lend a hand on a colleague’s case is highly naive.

  5. 0


    Guys, I’m like so ready to be a judge. Daddy grease head will support me.

  6. 5


    Channel 7’s been monitoring my docket since 10 this morning and I told Mort I’d meet him at the club at 1:30……..

    1. 4


      I’m totally sick of them blocking dockets. I guess it wouldn’t be a big deal if they had afternoon hearings. Does the Chief Justice Cannady know about this? It seems against the grain.

  7. 5


    Judge: Good morning, Counselor.
    Attorney: Good morning, Judge. I’d like to set a bond hearing for my client.
    Judge: Clerk, how many cases are set for the rest of the week?
    Clerk: Too many.
    Judge: Counselor, contact my office and wait for a week for a reply and then set your hearing down for next month. Docket concluded. I’ll see everyone tomorrow morning.

    1. 3


      He’s right about some of it. Done at 10:30 in the morning. It’s outrageous.

  8. 10


    For starters: Things might be improved if we had anything but a phone-in chief judge. Tuter is a disgrace as a chief judge and has little or no interest in putting lazy judges to task. Just as long as he can garner their vote to stay where he is, he’s happy. In any other circuit he would have been told to hit the road a long time ago,

  9. 2





      1. 1


        True dat. Who cares if they ever even get a trial–it will be rigged, anyway. It’s the 17th–where even mandamus is withheld in the 4th, in deference to Mikey and agreement with the PDs. As long as they are there, they re cash cows.

  10. 1


    People may Zoom from hovels, but they don’t have to go on Zoom looking like a slum.

  11. 3


    Plenty of lazy judges I’m sure.

    But in this reopening rush to clear case backlogs, we know that 99.99999% of lawyers are frantically filing motions to continue for each and every case. Who the hell is actually ready for trial?

    During the lock down period, lawyers couldn’t meet with their clients, meet with witnesses, do depositions, etc. Of course, there’s telephone and ZOOM, but some stuff just can’t be conveyed remotely. And it seems lots of defense attorneys haven’t taken well to remote and virtual methods and have to do stuff live and in person. Were prosecutors even allowing ZOOM depositions for cops?

    But even when it comes to the work that could have been done during the closures and didn’t require in-person interaction, we know there’s a good share of lawyers who didn’t do shit for 15 months. And now that courts want to pretend they’re getting back to work, those lawyers will have to start spewing out the motions to continue like before.

  12. 3


    Does anybody know what’s going on with McCarthy’s division?
    It looks like she hasn’t even scheduled any hearings or statuses since March 2020.

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