Long opinion. Seems like some ineffective lawyers for Plaintiff. MSFJ was not uo to par. Appels Court seemzd to dump on him. We ALL know about Howard and his egomaniac personality. Unfortunately he was the boss and she was an employee at will. Boss Man and Satz had the same unfettered power. Boss Man just happened to be very cool and understood leadership – I remember that strict 4th DUI policy before he would terminate. Bottom line: Mess with the bull and get the horns.
So in your opinion it would better to be one of the first to publish.
Who cares about accuracy.
You’re probably one of those drivers that cuts off people to be the first one at the red light.
County judges, not circuit judges, are assigned to oversee elections. Maybe you should study the election law before you start flapping your mouth. And btw who cares if it’s county or circuit judge? Anyone can canvass an election. And both circuit and county are qualified. Seriously, there’s no difference between a county and circuit judge. You’re just dumb man!
This’s basic election law. About county judges. But maybe the poster is onto something. With the sheer number of election snafoos in Florida. Probably should be a DCA member assigned? Someone used to having more responsibility?? I’m surprised the laws haven’t been reviewed and changed. When top tier lawyers from around the nation are often involved in Florida’s myriad of election problems. There should be comparably talented judges involved. It might help?
I’d like to remind you that by this time next week I’m either your worst nightmare or a realtor who’d really love the opportunity to handle your upcoming listing
Thurston is a lying racist pig who refused to see a constituent on a criminal justice prosecutorial misconduct reform issue because he was a white man, despite the fact he is a crim def atty in Bowowoward and has to face this shit from team Satz, when or IF he ever actually tried or fought a case.
How dare you call Mr. Thurston a lying racist pig because he ignored a white man’s requesting prosecutors be held accountable. This same circumstance applies to every Broward crim defense atty turned legislator. They are all alike in this—none of them want such reform legislation. They all would rather see their cliends convicted than fight for thier right to fair trials–they get paid anyway, and then then also get to give work to an equally incompetent appellate attorney buddy to feather his or her nest. You’re all racketeers.
When you fail in private practice, run for public office. That’s the norm in Broward. When you get booted from office, run for judge.
Its the best of both worlds.
Opinion says Dadawoski told HF about the podcast. I wonder where she saw it. Right here on Jaab backboard I bet. Like me and everyone else. Too stinkin funny.
She had to do what she had to do. Roll in the mud to keep her job. It sure didn’t make Rene very popular with the rest of the office. I don’t think she ever tried a case the whole time she was in the office. I don’t think she was able to.
Ruby ran a good campaign. A few more years on her and she’s a shoe in. Finkelstein will be long gone with nobody who even remembers him. Not that he ever did anything worth remembering.
Howard instead of taking Ruby’s pod cast in stride got his fragile ego bruised and then fired her. He was on his way out anyway. What he failed to realize is everyone in the office knew he was out playing golf, happy that he seldom showed up to work. That was the least of everyone’s complaints about how Howard had run the office into the ground. His so called legacy will forever be tainted by his inability to control his ego and the way people were treated when he was Public Defender. Howard was a legend in his own mind with little to substantiate his view of himself.
Finkelstein never tried a case as the Public Defender and very few cases before he was busted for drugs as an asst. pd.
The rest of his BS is invented.
Ruby makes al these comments about disproportion and then goes to the state atty office and consistently puts people of color in prison. Her offers are ridiculous. Very disingenuous. It will be interesting when she tries to run for an office. People will be coming out of the woodwork to show the hypocrisy of her statements vs. her actions
This is incredibly petty to post. No wonder you lost the board of governors election and that people think this blog is racist. Her termination was all the way messed up, everyone knows it so what was the purpose of titling the post this way? Finklestein lost the second he treated her that way and the office morale hasn’t been the same since. They really think people are quitting because they don’t get paid enough…they are quitting because they don’t get paid enough for this shit
Ok. So Ruby speaks out about her feelings about her former boss and the environment where she worked. She makes many claims. Did anyone else notice that her words (via The transcript) were very unclear. She couldn’t complete a full sentence. There were a lot of “you know” and “like”. Hard to take her serious with the fact that she couldn’t clearly express her complaints . I’m no fan of Howard! But not so excited about Ruby either. Btw. Florida is a “fire at will” state.
The office was never the same after Howard took over. He and that Kathy ran it into the ground along with idiots like Rene Dadowski and several other worthless minions, all so they could keep their jobs and get out of ever having a caseload.
Ruby just told the truth and for that got fired, pure and simple. Howard was the worst thing that could happen to the PD’s office. The way he treated Schreiber after Schreiber saved Howard’s skin after being busted for drugs and losing his law license was equally deplorable and Howard never recovered any reputation he hoped to have after that. Everybody knew it. Nobody believed anything Howard had to say after that.
Howard set the worst example of someone having Narcissistic Personality Disorder that can be remembered from any public official and was hated and disrespected by everyone having any contact with him and the office suffered because of it.
The best trial lawyers left right away and the remainder left following Howard’s election to PD. The worst part was being required to sit thru Howard’s rambling diatribes about what a great lawyer he was in the day when everybody knew it was a bunch of chit and then being constantly criticized for doing our jobs when there was never any help offered by anyone when our caseloads were soaring and all the so called supervisors ran from courtrooms like their lives depended on skirting any responsibility except creating problems for everybody else who were carrying more than their share of cases.
Ruby was just the first to speak her mind about the wreckage that was the PD’s office, but everyone agreed with her and kept their mouths shut until Howard was gone. Then the real chit hit the fan and everybody called out Howard for the bad job he’d done as PD.
Ruby will forever be a hero for telling the truth in the face of a egomaniacal failure such as Howard Finkelstein in his tenure as Public Defender.
I was hired at the PD office just after Howard took over and broke my ass for almost two years before I said no more. I’ll never forget him telling large group of us that all the top defense lawyers in town “work 70, 80, 90 an hours a week. Look at their offices windows, lights still on at midnight, this is what you should aspire to. ” Right. On $40,000 a year.
I put in about 45-50 hours a week but there were a lot of true believers who spent each and every weekend doing jail visits, all day. Dadowski would go around telling people, “You can work weekends too, you know.”
Pryor: Every stupid decision you make I will be there to shine a light on your lies and deceit. And it’s so easy because you are so corrupt and stupid. You ain’t Satz !! You should have never taken the rules from his playbook! You promised to be the champion on criminal justice reform. You promised to treat people fairly and equally You are a disappointment to the people who work for you and elected you!! And when you fall and you will, I’ll be right there with everyone else celebrating your political demise.
He’s put a lot of Black people in the lower rungs staffing the courtrooms so it looks better but the top is all Satz people running the same horrid mouse trap.
The number 2- Gina is black, number 3- Neva is black. Head of training and hiring- Tania, black and the new Executive director, Jared is black. So your statement has no facts.
Pretty stupid.None of them Ivory Towerers have a thing to do with the Courtrooms daily grind of grinding up poor people. All that’s left up to the Satz Republican Division ASAIC’s. Neva has SBU where the guilty deserve a trouncing. That’s it though.
They Gina and Neva may have a brown skin color but inside they are white racist pieces as shit as Satz! These are Satz people bought and developed by Satz who sold their souls out a long time ago!!!! Are you trying to say these are the people of change? Give us a break!! 🤣🤣
They’ve given it to Finkelstein and Schreiber. I wonder why Gordon Weekes hasn’t been. He’s been fighting publicly against the SAO and bad police practices for years. He’s helped all in Broward. He’s the first elected Black man as Public Defender. That’s historic. Why Finkelstein and Schreiber but not Weekes?
Then he should get it. I thought it was a trial award. He doesn’t qualify for that. But if it isn’t- then he should get it. He has done a lot. Not all lawyers are trial lawyers and that is ok. I hope he does get it.
This particular recognition has only been awarded to individuals of color a few times meaning like a lot of things in this County there’s institutional bias badly in need of redress.
Mr. Pryor will get it. He’s kept everything exactly as before. Mr. Pryor’s good for business. Mr. Pryor gets personally involved for the right attorneys and right clients. Mr. Pryor should be a shoo-in to get the Gulkin. Mr. Pryor’s learned well from the Old Man Upstairs.
Paula McMahon how do you sleep at night knowing you continue to try and stop any stories about your boss? When did you sell out your integrity before you left the sunsentinel or since you’ve been hired at the SAO? You are a disgrace to your profession. Stopped the double dipping story—got printed anyway in other outlets. Lie constantly about “no story here to see. “The real problem lies with your editors that would listen to you now that your mouthpiece for the state attorneys office. But it doesn’t matter there are so many other outlets and thank God for the FBI. I hope they take your ass down too!
You mean that Paula !!!!! good for Satz for hiring her. She hides a and lies about everything going on in the office. We didn’t know she was a reporter? Does that mean she’s supposed to be honest??????
Public Defender’s office kickback special. Every in custody
is interviewed by the same assistant public defender. The assistant public defender gives each in custody three different lawyer’s cards. Always the same three attorneys. MONEY, Money for everyone.
That’s always been the policy. That’s how scubags like Gerry Cunningham got work, and when he intentionally blew the trials as a shill for Satz, kept getting many more appontments because he knew Satz’s office would be his defense atty if anyone filed IAC claims, and then appointed postconviction APD’s would cause the 3.850 proceedings to fail, so as not to expose what a useless defense fraud Cunningham was going to be, when again appointed.
Oh stupid Pryor you should have wished Dale moved on to DC. Now he’ll stay right here in Broward to fuck with your political career everyday. Stupid move Pryor. You don’t endorse someone unless he/she is going to win. Moreover state attorneys should not be in the business of endorsing candidates. This is gonna be so much fun to watch. I never have heard of a newly elected official that has this many enemies!!
Holness will win his Commission seat back toot sweet. Then I hope he remembers how Satz/Pryor cost him Wash DC. I hope all Broward remembers Pryor chose Satz over his campaign promises for reforms. I hope Holness runs a real reformer against Satz/Pryor.
Holness will need to carve out some visitation time with his going away daughter. She’s not the only one by far who rec’d funds; will likely take time to sort it all out – or should I say all of them out.
Oh Pryor you keep making your jokes about Dale and all of the 5 votes you were able to garner, but the joke will be on you. You have no clue how politics works in Broward. But you’re about to find out!
Word is there was a crazy County Court Judges meeting this week where Judge Evans and Blackmon openly declined Turor’s demand they move to a satellite.
Having actually been at this meeting, neither Judge Blackmon or Judge Evans did any such thing.
Judge Blackmon has a great relationship with Judge Tuter and she was more than willing to go to satellite. In fact, Judge Tuter requested that she do magistrate to begin with, and has been extremely pleased with her performance in that job.
No one gives a damn about facts in Broward, which is why the bar (not the bench, which has improved dramatically the last 5 years thanks to great appointments by Scott and DeSantis) is a laughing stock compared to Palm Beach and Miami.
These types of falsehoods are why, too. Do better lawyering, and less lying.
Tuter is more interested in getting a ceremonial courtroom named after him a taking selfies than he ever has been in administering a circuit in desperate need of judicial reform. The consequences of his lack of action are obvious.
Tuter is nothing more than a political pimp who has little respect from the other judges. Hope he enjoys his last term as CJ for I suspect he’ll have to get used to working for a living pretty soon.
Long opinion. Seems like some ineffective lawyers for Plaintiff. MSFJ was not uo to par. Appels Court seemzd to dump on him. We ALL know about Howard and his egomaniac personality. Unfortunately he was the boss and she was an employee at will. Boss Man and Satz had the same unfettered power. Boss Man just happened to be very cool and understood leadership – I remember that strict 4th DUI policy before he would terminate. Bottom line: Mess with the bull and get the horns.
October 10th
So in your opinion it would better to be one of the first to publish.
Who cares about accuracy.
You’re probably one of those drivers that cuts off people to be the first one at the red light.
A Clown driving a Clown Car full of Clowns suspended from the Circus for being Bad Clowns.
We need more trash in the Broward courthouse
First I seen.
Green said something about Black Faces in High Places.
Look where she’s working now. Look what they’re doing.
Can we get back to criminal justice reform under HP
Criminal justice under HP? Now that is funny!!
Satz’s minion (I mean HP) in a death penalty trial right now with OCCRC.
Not gonna happen. All talk—he will never address the real problems- otherwise he would file charges against Satz et al., and prosecute them.
Satz is never leaving. Even Pryor won’t get rid of him. Probably because it helps to deflect off his so called non-existent ‘reform’.
While I’m stuck here on this recount there’s 100’s of Open Container and Toll Evasion cases languishing
Seriously? A County Judge is involved with something as important as a Congressional Election? Why wasn’t a Circuit Judge available?
County judges, not circuit judges, are assigned to oversee elections. Maybe you should study the election law before you start flapping your mouth. And btw who cares if it’s county or circuit judge? Anyone can canvass an election. And both circuit and county are qualified. Seriously, there’s no difference between a county and circuit judge. You’re just dumb man!
This’s basic election law. About county judges. But maybe the poster is onto something. With the sheer number of election snafoos in Florida. Probably should be a DCA member assigned? Someone used to having more responsibility?? I’m surprised the laws haven’t been reviewed and changed. When top tier lawyers from around the nation are often involved in Florida’s myriad of election problems. There should be comparably talented judges involved. It might help?
I agree. Florida should take elections seriously.
I’d like to remind you that by this time next week I’m either your worst nightmare or a realtor who’d really love the opportunity to handle your upcoming listing
If you think that box of ballots is heavy just wait until you get my bill
I guess now I’m going to have to follow the Weinstein playbook and pull a string for Judge
Unfortunately everyone chickened out and Scherer got in recently.
Mr. Thurston will make a fine judge.
I had a terrible nightmare–I lost an election for an important job and had to become a State Court Schnorrer.
Thurston is a lying racist pig who refused to see a constituent on a criminal justice prosecutorial misconduct reform issue because he was a white man, despite the fact he is a crim def atty in Bowowoward and has to face this shit from team Satz, when or IF he ever actually tried or fought a case.
How dare you call Mr. Thurston a lying racist pig because he ignored a white man’s requesting prosecutors be held accountable. This same circumstance applies to every Broward crim defense atty turned legislator. They are all alike in this—none of them want such reform legislation. They all would rather see their cliends convicted than fight for thier right to fair trials–they get paid anyway, and then then also get to give work to an equally incompetent appellate attorney buddy to feather his or her nest. You’re all racketeers.
When you fail in private practice, run for public office. That’s the norm in Broward. When you get booted from office, run for judge.
Its the best of both worlds.
Oh HP better hope Dale doesn’t win because he’s coming for HP!!
Why is it so effing hard to call me up with a DUI diversion program? Palm Beach, Miami Orange Osceola, Seminole County WTF?
Opinion says Dadawoski told HF about the podcast. I wonder where she saw it. Right here on Jaab backboard I bet. Like me and everyone else. Too stinkin funny.
The same Dadowski that was unceremoniously dumped right after Weekes became public defender ? That Dadowski ?
Nobody could stand the hog.
She had to do what she had to do. Roll in the mud to keep her job. It sure didn’t make Rene very popular with the rest of the office. I don’t think she ever tried a case the whole time she was in the office. I don’t think she was able to.
I yanked the box from underneath Fink’s feet by telling the truth and got a raise for it
Ruby ran a good campaign. A few more years on her and she’s a shoe in. Finkelstein will be long gone with nobody who even remembers him. Not that he ever did anything worth remembering.
Do you solemnly swear to meander on endlessly and thoroughly confuse all those before you?
The new Bar Rule goes into effect when?
Florida can do better.
Loosen these handcuffs immediately or I’ll file a Bar Complaint.
I don’t mind wearing these but please don’t file one of those 7 year Bar Complaints.
The cuffs wouldn’t do much about Mickey’s inane babbling…
Duct tape might be a better option. Just saying.
Howard instead of taking Ruby’s pod cast in stride got his fragile ego bruised and then fired her. He was on his way out anyway. What he failed to realize is everyone in the office knew he was out playing golf, happy that he seldom showed up to work. That was the least of everyone’s complaints about how Howard had run the office into the ground. His so called legacy will forever be tainted by his inability to control his ego and the way people were treated when he was Public Defender. Howard was a legend in his own mind with little to substantiate his view of himself.
It’s a shame because he was a legendary and fearless defender of some of the greatest Defendants ever to appear on Miami Vice. I know. He told me.
Finkelstein never tried a case as the Public Defender and very few cases before he was busted for drugs as an asst. pd.
The rest of his BS is invented.
total trials of Gelin and Howard since 1992 – zero
Ruby makes al these comments about disproportion and then goes to the state atty office and consistently puts people of color in prison. Her offers are ridiculous. Very disingenuous. It will be interesting when she tries to run for an office. People will be coming out of the woodwork to show the hypocrisy of her statements vs. her actions
What ever happened to her elections law violations ?
This is incredibly petty to post. No wonder you lost the board of governors election and that people think this blog is racist. Her termination was all the way messed up, everyone knows it so what was the purpose of titling the post this way? Finklestein lost the second he treated her that way and the office morale hasn’t been the same since. They really think people are quitting because they don’t get paid enough…they are quitting because they don’t get paid enough for this shit
Ok. So Ruby speaks out about her feelings about her former boss and the environment where she worked. She makes many claims. Did anyone else notice that her words (via The transcript) were very unclear. She couldn’t complete a full sentence. There were a lot of “you know” and “like”. Hard to take her serious with the fact that she couldn’t clearly express her complaints . I’m no fan of Howard! But not so excited about Ruby either. Btw. Florida is a “fire at will” state.
If you know,she like is so smart then you know, like why didn’t she like know that FL is like a you know at will state?
The office was never the same after Howard took over. He and that Kathy ran it into the ground along with idiots like Rene Dadowski and several other worthless minions, all so they could keep their jobs and get out of ever having a caseload.
Ruby just told the truth and for that got fired, pure and simple. Howard was the worst thing that could happen to the PD’s office. The way he treated Schreiber after Schreiber saved Howard’s skin after being busted for drugs and losing his law license was equally deplorable and Howard never recovered any reputation he hoped to have after that. Everybody knew it. Nobody believed anything Howard had to say after that.
Howard set the worst example of someone having Narcissistic Personality Disorder that can be remembered from any public official and was hated and disrespected by everyone having any contact with him and the office suffered because of it.
The best trial lawyers left right away and the remainder left following Howard’s election to PD. The worst part was being required to sit thru Howard’s rambling diatribes about what a great lawyer he was in the day when everybody knew it was a bunch of chit and then being constantly criticized for doing our jobs when there was never any help offered by anyone when our caseloads were soaring and all the so called supervisors ran from courtrooms like their lives depended on skirting any responsibility except creating problems for everybody else who were carrying more than their share of cases.
Ruby was just the first to speak her mind about the wreckage that was the PD’s office, but everyone agreed with her and kept their mouths shut until Howard was gone. Then the real chit hit the fan and everybody called out Howard for the bad job he’d done as PD.
Ruby will forever be a hero for telling the truth in the face of a egomaniacal failure such as Howard Finkelstein in his tenure as Public Defender.
I was hired at the PD office just after Howard took over and broke my ass for almost two years before I said no more. I’ll never forget him telling large group of us that all the top defense lawyers in town “work 70, 80, 90 an hours a week. Look at their offices windows, lights still on at midnight, this is what you should aspire to. ” Right. On $40,000 a year.
Any one dumb enough to work 80 or 90 hours a week for 40 grand a year must not be very bright. It’s called fast food pal, plus you will have benefits.
I put in about 45-50 hours a week but there were a lot of true believers who spent each and every weekend doing jail visits, all day. Dadowski would go around telling people, “You can work weekends too, you know.”
You didn’t hear much from Howard on his way out, did you? It’s like he ran out with his tail between his legs. Lol
Report card for Pryor could only be an F.
Howard had the reduced the whole office to a bunch of tattletales with no talent !
He must’ve learned it from Satzie.
Pryor: Every stupid decision you make I will be there to shine a light on your lies and deceit. And it’s so easy because you are so corrupt and stupid. You ain’t Satz !! You should have never taken the rules from his playbook! You promised to be the champion on criminal justice reform. You promised to treat people fairly and equally You are a disappointment to the people who work for you and elected you!! And when you fall and you will, I’ll be right there with everyone else celebrating your political demise.
He’s in bed with the establishment. To stay in power forever.
He’s put a lot of Black people in the lower rungs staffing the courtrooms so it looks better but the top is all Satz people running the same horrid mouse trap.
The number 2- Gina is black, number 3- Neva is black. Head of training and hiring- Tania, black and the new Executive director, Jared is black. So your statement has no facts.
Pretty stupid.None of them Ivory Towerers have a thing to do with the Courtrooms daily grind of grinding up poor people. All that’s left up to the Satz Republican Division ASAIC’s. Neva has SBU where the guilty deserve a trouncing. That’s it though.
They Gina and Neva may have a brown skin color but inside they are white racist pieces as shit as Satz! These are Satz people bought and developed by Satz who sold their souls out a long time ago!!!! Are you trying to say these are the people of change? Give us a break!! 🤣🤣
No DUI diversion. Death penalty cases still going forward. Direct files of kids continue. Where is the reform broward voted for.
DIP is dead too.
Anyone know whose getting the Galkin Award this time?
It’s called The Harry Gulkin Award.
They’ve given it to Finkelstein and Schreiber. I wonder why Gordon Weekes hasn’t been. He’s been fighting publicly against the SAO and bad police practices for years. He’s helped all in Broward. He’s the first elected Black man as Public Defender. That’s historic. Why Finkelstein and Schreiber but not Weekes?
Isn’t it a trial award? Has he ever tried a case?
It doesn’t say that.
Then he should get it. I thought it was a trial award. He doesn’t qualify for that. But if it isn’t- then he should get it. He has done a lot. Not all lawyers are trial lawyers and that is ok. I hope he does get it.
This particular recognition has only been awarded to individuals of color a few times meaning like a lot of things in this County there’s institutional bias badly in need of redress.
Johnny McCrae would be a great choice. He is an amazing trial lawyer.
People who loved Satzie always ran it. Don’t know about now though. Didn’t know it still was a thing, frankly.
Gordon has never done anything but kiss butt and hide in his office. I can’t imagine him getting any award except one for dodging work,
Howie won before he started stirring the shit. He wasn’t the PD then. Bacdl doesn’t award those rocking the boat. Gordon doesn’t have a chance.
Harry must be rolling over in his grave realizing the incompetent morons his award has gone to and the real reasons why …
Is it that time again ? We need another Bozo Barry to give the Glupkin Award.
Mr. Pryor will get it. He’s kept everything exactly as before. Mr. Pryor’s good for business. Mr. Pryor gets personally involved for the right attorneys and right clients. Mr. Pryor should be a shoo-in to get the Gulkin. Mr. Pryor’s learned well from the Old Man Upstairs.
What’s he done for black folks?
Tell Mr. Pryor I’ll see him now
Mike for Glumpnik trophy!!!!
Sir, I served with Harvey Glapnik. I knew Harvey Glapnik. Harvey Glapnik was a friend of mine. Sir, you’re no Harvey Glapnik.
Harvey Glapnik was one of them but he was a good one in my book.
Paula McMahon how do you sleep at night knowing you continue to try and stop any stories about your boss? When did you sell out your integrity before you left the sunsentinel or since you’ve been hired at the SAO? You are a disgrace to your profession. Stopped the double dipping story—got printed anyway in other outlets. Lie constantly about “no story here to see. “The real problem lies with your editors that would listen to you now that your mouthpiece for the state attorneys office. But it doesn’t matter there are so many other outlets and thank God for the FBI. I hope they take your ass down too!
OMG I work near her and hear her on the phone. I had no clue she used to be a reporter. Wow I’m shocked. She lies all of the time
You mean that Paula !!!!! good for Satz for hiring her. She hides a and lies about everything going on in the office. We didn’t know she was a reporter? Does that mean she’s supposed to be honest??????
Paula has always been an Oreo. Stunk as a reporter for that garbage newspaper. Now she’ll stink this newest pander up. Just watch.
Public Defender’s office kickback special. Every in custody
is interviewed by the same assistant public defender. The assistant public defender gives each in custody three different lawyer’s cards. Always the same three attorneys. MONEY, Money for everyone.
Who the lawyers?
That’s always been the policy. That’s how scubags like Gerry Cunningham got work, and when he intentionally blew the trials as a shill for Satz, kept getting many more appontments because he knew Satz’s office would be his defense atty if anyone filed IAC claims, and then appointed postconviction APD’s would cause the 3.850 proceedings to fail, so as not to expose what a useless defense fraud Cunningham was going to be, when again appointed.
What happened to that nasty fat chick APD Rene Dadowski ?
She was unceremoniously dumped as soon as Gordon took office. …
Like Loe on the other side.
Took a long time for the Sentinel to report on Jaab story this time.
The SS is a joke. Can’t even call it a newspaper and those left journalists.
They even block the link to this story unless you pay them.
I need a job man
I could’ve been somebody
Tell Dale Holness the 6 votes I control do make a difference
ouch (:))
This can’t be good for Pryor.
Some day I may ask for your help Harold
Hey Holness if you can read a map…… MISTER PRYOR may let you run subpoenas LOSER…..
Holness you lost LOSER…….
She was smart enough to remain loyal to Dale.
Huh? He lost.
Oh stupid Pryor you should have wished Dale moved on to DC. Now he’ll stay right here in Broward to fuck with your political career everyday. Stupid move Pryor. You don’t endorse someone unless he/she is going to win. Moreover state attorneys should not be in the business of endorsing candidates. This is gonna be so much fun to watch. I never have heard of a newly elected official that has this many enemies!!
Holness will win his Commission seat back toot sweet. Then I hope he remembers how Satz/Pryor cost him Wash DC. I hope all Broward remembers Pryor chose Satz over his campaign promises for reforms. I hope Holness runs a real reformer against Satz/Pryor.
As Jaaber would say ‘ Satz 1 Honess 0’
I’d like to single out Mr. Satz and Mr. Pryor for making all this possible
The next time Mike says he’ll deliver I’ll remember to ask for whom
Corruption 101…they’re coming for you Pryor. Sleep well 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Gitty-up cracker. The posse’s to the rescue…
Who’s the Satz worshipping winner of the next Harvey Glumpberg BACDL trophy???
Mike Satz is long overdue for the BACDL Gulkin Award. All his former employees run the place. It’s disrespectful.
Holness, chin up. He made it to the WASHINGTON POST. He never will again though. 5 Big Ones. Back to small time mediocrity FOREVER.
Holness will need to carve out some visitation time with his going away daughter. She’s not the only one by far who rec’d funds; will likely take time to sort it all out – or should I say all of them out.
Oh Pryor you keep making your jokes about Dale and all of the 5 votes you were able to garner, but the joke will be on you. You have no clue how politics works in Broward. But you’re about to find out!
Holness needs Pryor now, not the other way around. Politics is fickle.
Hat tip to SAO. They gutted him.
We’re going to need Twitter Girl now.
If Mr. Satz says the best place to mount a TV is on the ceiling then that’s the best place to mount a TV period.
He’s got a lot more toys than Mike ever gave to Jeff or Chuck.
My lawyer Herbie Glumpkin will have me out before the end of your shift
Glumpkin would have walked this kid if he’d known about the polygraph statement locked in my office safe
Maybe I’d still be alive if I’d had Glumpkin
Word is there was a crazy County Court Judges meeting this week where Judge Evans and Blackmon openly declined Turor’s demand they move to a satellite.
Anyone else here that certain black judges are going to stand and turn their back to Tutor when he gets introduced at the courthouse naming?
All the Judges are too afraid to stand up to him.
3 arent
Who movng? Mchugh, Coleman, Evans, Blackmon?
This is a blatant falsehood, for what it’s worth.
Having actually been at this meeting, neither Judge Blackmon or Judge Evans did any such thing.
Judge Blackmon has a great relationship with Judge Tuter and she was more than willing to go to satellite. In fact, Judge Tuter requested that she do magistrate to begin with, and has been extremely pleased with her performance in that job.
No one gives a damn about facts in Broward, which is why the bar (not the bench, which has improved dramatically the last 5 years thanks to great appointments by Scott and DeSantis) is a laughing stock compared to Palm Beach and Miami.
These types of falsehoods are why, too. Do better lawyering, and less lying.
Lol. Please!! The Broward bench is a laughing stick. Which is sad, because there are some really good judges. Tutor is not one of them.
Stop Lying!
If I wasn’t drunk right now I’d lock you up for being drunk in court!
The Judges behave because of Jaab.
Tuter is more interested in getting a ceremonial courtroom named after him a taking selfies than he ever has been in administering a circuit in desperate need of judicial reform. The consequences of his lack of action are obvious.
At least that goddamn blog can’t say I had anything to do with the Malcom X exonerations
Tuter is nothing more than a political pimp who has little respect from the other judges. Hope he enjoys his last term as CJ for I suspect he’ll have to get used to working for a living pretty soon.