South Florida legend John Kastrenakes is hanging up his 15th Circuit robe, after qualifying for reelection just last week.

The following email was reportedly sent to supporters today:

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Today I sent a letter to the Florida Division of Elections officially removing my name from the 2022 ballot for Circuit Court Judge, Group 23.

As someone who has served in our judiciary since 2009 and who dedicated their entire career to public service, this was an incredibly difficult decision to make. We tentatively reached this conclusion last Monday, and now firmly believe that this is the best decision for my family moving forward.

Recent developments in the election landscape created new circumstances that would have substantially impacted my family and my job as a judicial officer. As my career has amply demonstrated, being a good husband, father, grandfather and dedicated, hard-working judge takes priority, especially over politics.

I have been humbled by the overwhelming support and encouragement I have received across our legal community. To all those who donated, thank you for your generous support. My campaign plans on making a refund of your donation.

I have been blessed to know the best of our legal community and citizens over a 42-year career of public service spanning from Miami to Washington, D.C. During that career, it has been my honor and distinct privilege to serve the citizens of our State and my country in multiple capacities. It has been a labor of love and gratitude. During that time, I was blessed to work with incredibly talented and dedicated public servants, not the least of which have been my colleagues here on the bench in Palm Beach County.

I plan to serve out the remainder of my term and then spend more valuable time with my wife, Pia, of 42 years and our children and 9 grandchildren. I also plan on expanding my national teaching schedule with multiple agencies whose mission is dedicated to making our nation safe. Of course, if called upon, I would not hesitate to come back in any capacity where I can further serve our community in the future.

Sincerely yours in service,

Johnny K.

41 thoughts on “KASTRENAKES OUT …”

  1. 5


    He was a fine ASA and a super Judge who will be missed. A credit to the legal profession. Wishing him and his family all the best. Thanks

    1. 5


      Bill Gelin Shoots Blanks

      from the email that Gelin posted :

      “Recent developments in the election
      landscape created new circumstances
      that would have substantially impacted
      my family and my job as a judicial officer.”

      Come on Bill … do more than just copy
      and paste … fill in the blanks if you know
      how and aren’t too lazy.

      1. 0


        And why isn’t Bill reporting what JT wants to talk about at the Monday meeting?

            1. 6


              Lets hope so. He’s been the biggest do nothing chief judge in Broward Judicial History.

    2. 1


      He was highly intelligent, hard working, prepared and above all else he was a fair judge who knew the law and followed it. A huge blow to the judiciary.

  2. 2


    A hellova good judge (although a lousy softball player). I am happy for him and his family.

  3. 10


    He is the one who locked up the young black kid juror who over slept right.

    1. 7


      The juror did not “oversleep” – he admitted not showing up because he did not think it was important, then refused to answer calls to his phone. A sworn juror. Any judge would be ballistic. I’m sure the parties and the rest of the jurors were too. Kid was lucky he didn’t get 6 months.

  4. 3


    He was a pain. But he was also one of the few that earned his job by merit.

    1. 4


      At the very least he came into work unlike so many judges that slide

  5. 4


    Sun Sentinel columnist Randy Schultz is right to question the wisdom of the Nikolas Cruz sentencing trial. But he’s wrong to criticize Judge Elizabeth Scherer and retired State Attorney Mike Satz.

    Judge Scherer is seeking to carefully and painstakingly traverse the most difficult area of the law: death penalty proceedings. Satz is carefully and painstakingly trying to present a case for 17 death sentences, knowing that if even one juror concludes that death is not appropriate, the proceedings will be for naught. Therein lies the problem: the proceedings will be for naught.

    Steve Bousquet, in a Sun Sentinel editorial several weeks ago, pointed out the dilemma. Cruz committed an unspeakable crime. He was and is so obviously damaged that many recognized the danger that he posed to others, and many failed to act on what they saw. The sentencing trial will present the evidence of his tortured history.

    A death sentence requires juror unanimity, and that will not be achieved. Judge Scherer, Mike Satz, the prosecution team and defense lawyers are partners in a sad kabuki dance. They do not deserve criticism. They deserve our respect and understanding.

    Bruce Rogow, Fort Lauderdale


        1. 1


          He always looks silly! With that bow tie. And his overinflated ego. He’s an old timer with no relevance. Law professors are the losers who teach instead of practice in the courtroom arena. And yes, he’s very tied to Bill Scherer.

      1. 1


        The idea that the jury has to be unanimous in order to put this monster to death is repugnant.

  6. 2


    Judge K was always fair and professional towards me and my clients as a Judge and when he was Federal Prosecutor. I wish him well on his future endeavors.

  7. 3


    Cut the crap, John
    He’s jumping ship before he’s thrown overboard…
    Demographics is determining judicial races across the board. That leaves a number of lifers out on a limb. At least those that don’t want to work for it.

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