55 thoughts on “MASKS!”

    1. 20


      Are we to argue motions and try cases while wearing these stifling, suffocating and ineffective masks? Ive seen different jurisdictions handle this mask fiasco, some where litigants argued and tried their cases through a mask and others, like with the Floyd trial, where as I recall , the litigants were free to remove them. In any event, the parameters should be open to debate and discussion. But masking up while arguing your case or conducting cross or direct or otherwise is is just plain idiotic, inappropriate and unnecessary.

        1. 8


          The brown nosers of bacdl (Kaufman, schwartzy, Kreiss, etc) aren’t gonna do a thing about trying to get Calendar Calls back onto Zoom where they should be.

          BACDL is too busy giving trophies to their own ranks to stand up for anything.

          Judge Usan (who lost an election but then cops miraculously found 5000 more ballots to change the result) actually tells lawyers he won’t go back to Zoom bc he “misses seeing all the lawyers on person”

          1. 4


            Don’t forget. The current BACDL President worked for Mike. He’s also married to a Judge. It is what it is.

          2. 2


            “He wants to see the lawyers in person?” That is so inconsiderate and selfish. I hope come election time people remember things like this. I get motions and trials are better live- but bringing everyone back for calendar call is just dumb

    2. 2


      ” possible exposure in open court” wtf does that even mean? Any opportunity to exploit this fake Covid pandemic while having a 99.98% recovery rate is being free of a morning docket. Im calling bullshit

  1. 7


    Broward Judges are too territorial about their cases to make it work like in Miami.

  2. 14


    Are we to argue motions and try cases while wearing these stifling, suffocating and ineffective masks? Ive seen different jurisdictions handle this mask fiasco, some where litigants argued and tried their cases through a mask and others, like with the Floyd trial, where as I recall , the litigants were free to remove them. In any event, the parameters should be open to debate and discussion. But masking up while arguing your case or conducting cross or direct or otherwise is is just plain idiotic, inappropriate and unnecessary.

  3. 7


    They gave a plaque to Mayor Bogen ETC.
    Now they want to dedicate a room to Judge Tuter.


    The Seventeenth Judicial Circuit and the Broward County Bar Association today presented the Broward County Board of County Commissioners an appreciation plaque in recognition of the incredible support they give to the legal system in Broward County. At the opening of the County Commission meeting, Chief Judge Jack Tuter took the podium to thank the commissioners, both past and present, who were instrumental in getting the new courthouse built and opened for business. There to present the plaque were Judge Jack Tuter, Judge Jeffrey Levenson, Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips, Chief Deputy Court Administrator Cheryl Anderson, Broward County Bar Association Executive Director Braulio Rosa, and Broward County Bar Association President-Elect Robert C.L. Vaughn.

    1. 10


      When do these people work? The lunches, the functions, the ribbon cuttings, the dedications, teaching school for $$—— WHEN DO THEY DO COURT?

        1. 7


          I hate when the they show up after lunch late. Like after lunch court is a luxury. Like we should be thankful they’re not drunk or sleeping or something. Then they apologize and say they had some stupid banquet or CLE thing. They’re so sorry. They’re so important. Like they don’t work for doughnuts and a pension. The JQC needs to pull all the records. Lots of them are ripping off Americans that work for a living.

    2. 11


      The new courthouse is a piece of crap. It can’t stand a Hurricane over cat 3 and already had mold. Oh and my favorite ramp that slides at an angle. It’s a poorly made too expensive piece of crap.

  4. 10







    1. 1


      Jack Tuter, a self-described “political novice,” comes to voters with a 18 years of civil trial litigation, much of it insurance work involving corporations, insurance companies, doctors and other professionals or businesses defending themselves against lawsuits. He has represented Marriott Corp., the North Broward Hospital District and American International Group.

      “I have spent my entire life devoted to the practice of law,” Tuter said.

      Tuter received his undergraduate degree in criminal justice at Middle Tennessee University and his law degree at Memphis State University before coming to Fort Lauderdale in 1983.

      One of Tuter’s unique experiences was working as a baseball umpire and basketball referee through college and law school. “I learned a great deal about making decisions under pressure and these experiences … gave me a better understanding of how to evenhandedly make sound, fair and decisive decisions,” he said.

      He said he also received valuable experience as managing attorney at his current firm, Stephens Lynn Klein LaCava Hoffman & Puya, P.A.

      He has participated in more than 70 jury trials and was nominated for a Circuit Court position last year.

      “I have a singular top priority if elected to a circuit court judge, and that is to be the best circuit court judge in Broward County,” Tuter said.

      Tuter also mentors students and teaches with Junior Achievement, in addition to pro bono legal work for Broward Lawyers Care and volunteer work in federal courts.


        1. 12


          Judge Usan a bin laden kept saying this to lawyers who asked him why C.Calls can’t just be done on Zoom:

          “And also I just miss seeing all the attorneys in person”

          Really?! You cock sucker, just bc of your odd desire to see people say “I need a continuance” the rest of us have to take a needless risk and waste time.

          (p.s. way to go BACDL for doing nothing)

          1. 3


            It’s insane. BACDL should do something. The chief judge should do something. If they kee calendar calls via zoom they save attorneys time, money and most importantly HEALTH. Let’s not pack a ton of lawyers into court. Let keep court open for important hearings

        1. 3


          Haha….the only thing reffing prepares one for is total knee replacement surgery…..if that was Tuter’s stump speech it’s why he lost.

      1. 4


        Sadly if rarely being in a courtroom is the qualifier Jack T has achieved his goal and that of many other Broward County Circuit Judges.
        “I have a singular top priority if elected to a circuit court judge, and that is to be the best circuit court judge in Broward County,” Tuter said.
        But being the best Judge should mean being in court.
        The Broward Judges that believe being in a courtroom is what being a Judge is all about should take heed and elect a new Chief Judge. There’s a backlog of cases. Judges should be in court.

        1. 0


          How ironic to dedicate a Ceremonial Courtroom for a man who doesn’t handle trial work except for once in a blue moon?

      2. 0


        When I was in front of Judge Tuter I was impressed with his personal demeanor and his attention to facts and law. Complaining about how the courthouse system works, ie judicial rotation, difficult judges, bad judges, disappointed clients etc has nothing to do with his judicial abilties. He is a very good judge. Blaming him for other judges seems a little crazy too. They are ELECTED OFFICIALS, complain to the voters. Getting all tied up in knots about naming a courtroom? Who really cares??? Broward is a county that has paid attention to SCIENCE, not FOX talking points so the caution shown has been warranted and appreciated.

    1. 9


      Why didn’t Toots stick with it? A professional ref makes a mil a year. Like a partner at a small but decent firm. Why did he go for 180K a year pocket change instead? He must be dedicated. But the fact he doesn’t work a daily docket makes me think other things. Like why doesn’t he lead by example and work a docket? Like why does he want to have the rules broken to name stuff after him? Why doesn’t he acknowledge Judge Tobin’s role in the building of the building? He seems like the ego is important. The ref thing could have paid off if he wanted dough. The thing about not doing what other Judges do daily is a bother. The name game thing is totally gross though. It’s only my opinion. But no ref asks to name the auditorium after him when Lebron is on the floor. It’s totally inappropriate. What he’s accomplished is nothing compared to Judge Gates, Judge Murphy, Judge Lee, Judge Weinstein, Judge Merrigan, Judge Tobin. Those are only the living ones. There’s a lot of dead people that climbed mountains (not ant hills). The rules wouldn’t have to be broken for them. Judge Tuter couldn’t win an election. He got apppointed. I saw that here. This man suffers from hubris when I look at the whole picture. I’m thinking aloud. But he’s not right about this thing at all. Its sad the other Judges want this man representing them and all of the judicial circuit.

      1. 2


        1st year lawyers at a good firm are starting at $205,000.

        Florida should raise judicial pay to at least $350,000 a year.

        Otherwise Florida will continue to draw from the lower echelons for its judicial officers.

        1. 1


          It is never about the money–it’s about character and integrity, the lack of which is where Florida, especially Broward Co., continues to successfully draw from the assholes of the Bar ranks, the actual shit that gets in.

      2. 0


        Have you sat in his courtroom? He always had cases, some of the complex civil litigation and the Jimmy Ryce cases. Do you know what you are talking about?

  5. 10



  6. 6


    When I get finished slapping myself on the back, I think it might be time for a nap 💤
    Jack Tuter after getting the heave-ho from Scherer was put on a course for politics like all the rest of the whimps that can’t pull their own weight. I can’t tell that he’s ever done much after that but ride a wave of inaction, incompetent administration and feeble excuses for the same. That is unless you count the number of times he’s tried to memorialize his administrative weaknesses by getting things named after himself. The guy is a LAMO as it gets and proves it repeatedly.

  7. 0




  8. 1


    File for all their schedules. See how many have court in the PM session. Remove the slackers once and for all.

  9. 0


    Idiotic? Inappropriate? Unnecessary? Really? Wow! Even when mandated, I’m sure you didn’t wear one. The courthouse and State Attorney Office need to enforce and not look the other way. I’m sorry for the people that are trying to keep themselves and others safe

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