It appears Brenda really doesn’t want to answer any questions posed in open court by Bill Altfield.

Today her attorney Tom Loffredo filed this Petitioner’s Motion to Cancel January 31, 2019 Hearing. There’s even a footnote advising the court that Brenda will file a writ of prohibition if the motion isn’t granted.

Ed Hoeg was kind enough to file this objection, but since Altfield’s email concerning the proposed colloquy was simply a request, it’s likely we won’t be getting our day in court after all.

Should we now ask John Howes to formally and succinctly respond ready for trial in the still pending Bar matter, to ensure a full and fair public airing of this entire affair?

Wait and see …

Coming SoonSurveillance Video!

Gregory Tony, Broward’s affable new Sheriff, poses for JAABCAM earlier today …

18 thoughts on “MOTION TO CANCEL!”

  1. 7


    Howes should announce he’s ready for trial.
    Brenda should be made to appreciate there are consequences for her actions.

  2. 7


    I’m mostly curious why Loffredo didn’t write to the JA and say a respectful “no thank you” about the hearing.

  3. 3


    Loffredo didn’t call Forman, Madam Clerk. Just Clerk Forman.
    How disrespectful coming from her own attorney. Its obvious she doesn’t feel compelled to answer for herself or her filing of this suit.

      1. 3


        To be fair he should be commended for having the courage to wade into the Jaab minefield where so many others have met doom before.

  4. 3


    Even a better reason for Judge Altfield to colloquy Ms. Forman. Either that or Dismiss with Prejudice.
    With what’s happened so far on behalf of Ms. Forman’s suit and previous bad faith suits, I wouldn’t except anything less.

  5. 0


    I guess that scare tactic didn’t work for the Tyrant! Now let’s hear what she has to say.

  6. 0


    has anyone seen how well former clerk forman looks since he left her?is that not prof enough that she was messing with his meds? She is as arrogant as they come and nasty as heck and her cohort is worse shes hoping she gets booted out so she can slip in and the place will be worse if that’s even possible

    1. 2


      Natty is putting it mildly. They are like High School bullies. They need to be taken down a peg or two.

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