The following is 100% un-confirmed:

George Odom replaces Pete Holden in felony DVU.

Holden replaces Marina Garcia-Wood or Dan Casey in circuit criminal.

Garcia-Wood takes over an expanded civil Andrea Gundersen division, and Casey replaces Barbara McCarthy in civil.

Bill Haury replaces Sandy Perlman in civil; Laura Alperstein to Haury’s family division (or Odom).

As far as the remaining open criminal divisions, possibly Tom Coleman, and Lorena Mastrarrigo for the 3rd degree felony spot. As a Chief Assistant with the PDO, Lorena didn’t personally represent many individuals with lower level allegations, so conflicts would be minimal.

In county, Chris Brown to First Appearances, and Phobee Francois to Mindy Solomon.

Charlie Greene is expected to retire in February, leaving an open probate division, which we believe will not be filled by Liz Scherer. Conventional wisdom has Scherer staying put in criminal. Writs to the Fourth DCA are expected to be filed shortly on the denied motions to disqualify. In the meantime, adding to the confusion, some of the Scherer cases which had disqualification requests denied but are ready to be resolved are popping up on Ari Porth and Mike Lynch’s dockets, but only for coverage purposes (ie, not transferred), even though Scherer is actively holding court in her division on other matters. The Clerk’s Office was kind enough to confirm the cases are merely being “covered.”

The official AO assigning judges is reportedly to be issued Monday or Tuesday, hopefully after Jack Tuter meets with BACDL concerning the ongoing Liz Scherer controversy. The BACDL meeting was reset from last week, and is believed to now be scheduled for Tuesday. In the meantime, expect a few wild cards, especially from within the family division (aka “the doghouse“), and in other areas too.

Again, the above is 100% un-confirmed and not even remotely official …

COMING SOON Lost to Speedy …

59 thoughts on “MOVEMENT!”

    1. 6


      Judge Elizabeth Scherer may have made
      a mistake hugging some of the prosecutors
      and the Parkland victims’ family members
      after the sentencing when the case was
      over. But earlier it was not a mistake
      to shut down Gordon Weekes who showed
      up at the televised sentencing and said
      In front of the Parkland families that
      “no one in this courtroom has endured
      what the defense has endured”.

      1. 3


        The Parkland murderer and Weekes’ assistant laughing at her flipping the finger

        1. 3


          Back at you… He stood up for his lawyers against the personal attacks by those family members. And you know what I’m sure the attorneys would do it all over again the same way because their client won’t die in a death chamber and those family members won’t see him die either.

          1. 5


            The defendant did not get the sentence he ultimately wanted. (He was too incompetent or too sick to even understand the process going on around him.) The defense was an obligatory matter of course. Disgusting and unprofessional stunts, among many, were done. Tragic and embarrassing for the legal profession. (The middle finger in open court is an unforgivable offense.) Yet, the killer will spend the rest of his useless life in prison, which was not his goal. Therefore the result makes it a truer punishment. Because he did not get what he hoped for.

            1. 4


              Nonsense, the only thing embarrassing was the Courts role, and the pathetic display of the families rage that went unchecked in the courtroom. I feel bad for the families especially the father who was allowed to stand in court and stick a middle finger at the defense table. All the shame rests with he court for enabling and expressly approving the conduct. They should have interrupted him and objected at that moment and put him in his place, but they were strong enough to sit back and let the charade continue. Perhaps a less controlled defense attorney would have stood up and told him to fuckoff. But the only shame rests with the court and the prosecutors who also fed into this shit storm of rage and hate directed at the Defense team. They should be embarrassed and reminded they failed in their efforts to secure a death sentence. Last attorney who actually intended to use a middle at the press was Chaney Mason after the Casey Anthony verdict. His reputation certainly wasn’t tarnished a bit so give it a rest already and move on in life. Try to heal thyself if you can, or at least make an effort instead of projecting on to others.

              1. 3


                Satz is already a “legislator,” having written and had enacted, a change to Art 1, sect. 16(a) denying fair trials to defendants by removing the protection of “the rule” from due process, and allowing alleged victims and their families to be present to negatively react to testimony and influence juries ove the right of a defendant to a fair and prejudicial error free trial, and make it easier to cheat and allowing judges to opionally refuse this defendant protetion. So it is no surprise he promotes this prosecutor malpractice in the 17th and the judicial support of it without, interference. It just exposed the underling bvias and orejudica of the broward judiciary to do the SAO’s bidding. That’s how he spends his close to a bilion dollar budget.

            2. 3


              His defense was better than most defendant’s get from the PD in trial or on 3.850. Think about that, you phony BACDL and FACDL attorneys.

            3. 1


              Why do people keep saying the finger was “in open court?” Court wasn’t in session, the Judge wasn’t on the bench, the families didn’t see it live. They got shown a video to fan the flames of their over privileged upper class rage.

              The embarrassment was in the State Attorney actively fueling their rage and the Judge letting it continue. Actively stoking their rage lead to a complete shit show where these people who lost their children were worked up into a frenzy where they lost their dignity as well. The families have nothing to be ashamed of. It wasn’t their fault. However, they need to realize that they were being used to put on a show. It was nothing but theater at that point. Sherer let it go so she could look “tough on crime” ……… a Judge that “doesn’t take any bullshit from the defense.” It might be a good way to get votes, but she shit on the same people that she has to work with and nobody in the courthouse is going to forget it.

              1. 2


                “Privilege upper class rage?”
                Are you kidding me??
                You mean the parents who sent their children to school on 2/14 only to be murdered by a satanic devil monster. Gunned down.
                I think rage transcends rich -poor-middle class, the parents have had to endure something that no parent should ever have to, so sad

                1. 3


                  Look at the difference between the victim impact statements from the families of the deceased in the Waukesha parade incident opposed to the Parkland incident. Waukesha – dignified. Parkland – undignified.

                  Then again, compare the two Judges. Judge Dorow – professional, polite, firm, not biased, in control of her courtroom despite the defendant’s repeated attempts to turn it into a Sovereign Citizen fiasco. Judge Scherer – unprofessional, not polite, extremely biased, not in control of herself let alone her courtroom. Judge Dorow is being universally praised for her conduct and there is talk of her being on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Judge Scherer is being criticized by everybody except the families and the State Attorney’s office. The only talk of her switching jobs is to another division where she can’t screw things up. Even with all of her father’s pull, she will never leave the circuit court and will probably have to be removed from the criminal division via the 4th District Court of Appeal. The two judges are polar opposites. One is a great judge and one was never really qualified to be a judge and definitely never had the temperament to be on the bench.

        2. 5


          That Tammy Curtis is one unglued bottom feeder even for a public pretender! Somebody should get her a paper bag.
          No wonder her hair is falling out. She’s as ugly inside as she is on the outside.

          1. 1


            What a F****** a****** you are 9:31. Tammy is a beautiful person inside and out. Maybe it’s you who needs to look at the mirror and while you’re at it stick your head up your ass a little further.

    1. 2


      Jaab IS dumb …
      Bill Gelin is in it for himself
      and notoriety

        1. 9


          Bill is the best thing that Ever happened to the courthouse. People can make jokes all they want but he has forever changed the corruption in the courthouse!!! And at least he has a BIG set of balls and he’s not afraid to expose anyone unlike most of you that put your heads in the sand as long as you’re making the $$$$

          1. 7


            More of you nickel grubbing corrupt pimps should all take note of the work Gelin has done to clean up the scum that has infected our judiciary. He’s the only person I know who has taken on the corrupt establishment and beaten them by exposing the truth of their squirmy back room dealings. Broward deserves better and Gelin deserves a metal in my view. While the rest of you azz kissing perps chase pennies, he works tirelessly to shine light in very dark places.

      1. 4


        Your jealouy of Gelin is showing… upset that he has a larger back account than you? 🤣🤣🤣

      2. 6


        We all know he does this altruistically to call out f****** assholes in the system. And there’s plenty of them ruining people’s lives every single day.

  1. 3


    Look at the “*”

    This candidate who took the oath is a candidate who’s residency is being challenged via the city charter.

    The city refused to swear in this perosn until the challenge is addressed. Yet Rodriguez hosts and participated in a sham swearing in to give this guys claim needed credibility

    If judges are not to engage in politics why is Rodriguez weighing in on a contested matter that will most likely end up in court.

  2. 0


    Broward County is having a bowel movement and the sphincter is getting tight.
    But after it passes all will be ok

  3. 4



    1. 0


      He looks like Scrooge of Mr Smithers from the Simpsons. Either way good bye. Where is his blonde pin cushion wifey?

  4. 3


    Welcome to obscurity Charlie. Just follow my lead. May your beak be dipped in turpentine at least 3 times a day. God knows you’ve outlived your usefulness on the bench.

  5. 4


    Greene’s been hiding in Civil since being transferred out of Criminal years ago for his reference to a defendant as NHI or Non-Human-Involvement. It was a black defendant. Nobody’s been fooled. He showed from the bench his bigotry and bias as a judge and as a human being. What’s worse is he still thinks everybody else is stupid or has forgotten about it. Greene won’t be missed as she crawls out of his hole and into retirement.

  6. 2


    One of the last old whimpering putzes who has milked the system for all its worth and never given anything back. Charles has hid behind his robe as long as he’s been on the bench only slithering off when he got his tit in a ringer. Unfortunately we’ve got a few more judges here in Broward that do the same thing. Most have never been in private practice so they don’t know how to produce anything, just hold on to a meager government job for as long as they can. Never had any respect for Greene or his cronies. Thank goodness most of them have entered assisted living by now ! Lol. The guy has never put in an honest day’s work in his life.

      1. 1


        All the sleaze in the kingdom couldn’t make Aturd a judge ! Just goes to show you that they’re losing grip on the old way of greasing your way to the bench in Broward.

  7. 0


    Surprised ole Greeney made it to the finish line without his big mouth getting him in trouble again. Good to see the end of this Walleyed Pike.
    As far as Broward judges go, there are worse, but this old pike ranks right up there with the likes of Moron Ross and Shekel Putz Lazarus! There are lots of us that remember these Putzes for what they are. State Scabs with little to no talent.

  8. 2


    Back in the day. Did a young attorney have the law and facts on their side and lose at motion calendar or other hearings. The bailiff would give you the tip off, to not argue to hard or you would be restrained, the judicial clerk would look away, and the topper was the judge would wink at you or if a woman dismiss you like lady Macbeth Lizzy.
    It’s a pool of sleaze the other entity that rivals is the School Board.

    1. 2


      Remember the bailiff, matre de, in judge Mary Rudd Robison courtroom. He read and decided more motions than she did with a wink or nod of the head. While she would rub her temples and pretend to ponder the motion.
      If you greased this guy like the matre dear Joe’s stone crab in Miami Beach you got heard first and usually had your motion granted.
      I greased him with a dollar one time what an insult it was done on purpose.
      He knew I was on to his game.
      That’s the broward county courthouse environment

  9. 1


    Here Ye Here Ye all those having matters before the Honorable Leroy Moe come forward.
    May it please the Court
    Leroy Moe
    Can I sleep in my chambers?

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