1. 5


      Judge Elizabeth Scherer may have made
      a mistake hugging some of the prosecutors
      and the Parkland victims’ family members
      after the sentencing when the case was
      over. But earlier it was not a mistake
      to shut down Gordon Weekes who showed
      up at the televised sentencing and said
      In front of the Parkland families that
      “no one in this courtroom has endured
      what the defense has endured”.

      1. 2


        Weekes assistant laughing
        with the Parkland murderer
        at her flipping the finger
        in the courtroom

      2. 3


        It will cost him in the next election if I had to guess. Big money will be backing a Republican contender for Public Defender. It’s already in the making.

  1. 6


    Why not put in motion she never worked during COVID and by not showing up to work she can’t be fair because of her own back log she created.

        1. 3


          I never said I was an elocution. More like foot in the mouth. Just keep the cameras rolling.
          Gordon Weekes has proven he is as dumb as everybody says he is.

        1. 2


          I doubt it was even communicated to every client. They probably shoved the affidavit in their face and forced them to sign it at the next hearing they show up for. The client has no idea what he signed or why.

  2. 6


    It’s clear as day that the parents are too emotional to speak rationally on the topic so they keep spaming the comments with how wonderful Scherer is. The video link says what every reasonable person has said. 1) Scherer is atrocious; 2) the defense did nothing wrong.


    1. 4


      Wrong. The link shows one lawyer
      saying that the judge may face a
      “complaint” for not being a better
      gatekeeper for the scope of some
      victims’ statements, and it shows
      a second lawyer saying that it
      doesn’t, however, justify any sanction
      against the judge. He also says that
      although the “worst part” was when one
      of the defense (Gordon Weekes) said
      no one has been through as much as we
      have in this courtroom, that low moment
      also does not justify a sanction.

      1. 4


        Dave Aaronberg is a Florida attorney and is limited to what he can say publicly about Judge Scherer. They said Weekes used a poor choice of words, but everybody knew what he was trying to say Curtis’ middle finger was outside the presence of the judge and jury and not directed at the family members. They both predicted no discipline for the defense because there was no unethical conduct. The PD from California was the only one that commented on Scherer and he called her a freaking disaster, albeit he used more polite words.

        It was obvious Scherer wanted to execute that kid. I think people will look back and see how her biased demeanor ended up hurting the state’s chances. If it were a better judge, kid would be on death row.

    1. 0


      I like flip out of chair better
      Jury verdict slap on forehead fall out the chair.
      What happened Mike.

  3. 3


    Judge Bryson was treated shabbily. Many Judges did a disappearing act during the Pandemic. Why was Judge Bryson singled out?

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