*UPDATE* – SS: A Broward judge makes the only sensible call | Editorial (4/25)

… It’s obvious that for the sake of his daughter’s career, the judge cannot antagonize the governor. That’s an obvious appearance of impropriety, but the judge denied a motion by Velez’s lawyers to disqualify himself

The judge’s recusal order was public Monday. He signed it Friday, the day the Sun Sentinel posted a column by Opinion Editor Steve Bousquet, urging him to recuse himself.


Michael Robinson

A Broward judge sees no conflict, but we do

By Steve Bousquet, South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

” … The case of Rod Velez v. Ron DeSantis was assigned to Circuit Judge Michael Robinson, who has been on the bench for 13 years …

With Velez’s suit against him pending, DeSantis must soon decide whether to appoint the judge’s daughter, Allana Robinson Woods, to a vacant circuit judgeship …

Judge Robinson never disclosed to the parties that his daughter’s legal career is solely in the hands of the defendant — DeSantis …

This is an important case, and it should be decided by someone other than Judge Michael Robinson. For the reputation of the Broward bench, step aside, Judge.

121 thoughts on “SS CALLS OUT ROBINSON”

  1. 5


    Wow. 13 years already. I remember when he was a SPD type lawyer. Then he became a GM. Time flies.

        1. 5


          Rick Scott wanted to sunset Medicare
          and Social Security. Florida’s #1 clown

    1. 2


      For the reputation of the Broward Bench ? Now that really is a good one ! We’ve got the bottom of the barrel here all looking to score.

    2. 2


      She’s got no chance of catching the brass ring anyway. Just another woke toker pushing from a Democratic Stronghold like Broward hoping to slurp at the public trough.
      This little pond is full of minnows as it is.

    3. 2


      He had that crappy little office out in Lauderhill, didn’t he ? He was sharing office space with that other former SA lollipop loser chick until neither one of them could afford the rent. Lol

    1. 4


      Is it Broward Health or maybe it is browser health that’s how small claim he was

      1. 3


        He was raking in the dough before he was a judge. He runs a good Courtroom, really never yells and is not one of the crazies. He accommodates attorney vacations, conlicts, ect.. as much as much or maybe more anyone else in Circuit Civil. I don’t wince when I see his name on a new case like I would with plenty of others.

        1. 3


          Agree. I had trials with him as a prosecutor and he was always Fair and pleasant with all the lawyers. I also don’t cringe when I see his name on my civil cases now.

        2. 2


          Lol ! Anybody that knows him knows he’s a schmuck ! And he was as small time as small time gets in the nickel and dime department before he greased his way to becoming a Broward judge. Now he’s just as small time but with a Tude!

  2. 5



      1. 3


        Too bad for him they killed the SPD golden goose. Or maybe it was good for him,, Because then he couldn’t ride her coattails for SPD handouts as a judicial spouse no more. He had to change course. Now he’s a judge too instead of a Mrs. Judge. He made it.

    1. 1


      Pathetic moochers and now they want to grease in their daughter as well ? Gag me ! The Broward Judiciary isn’t chock full of lazy morons as it is ?

  3. 3


    Was this the same chick found passed out on the side of the road a few years back that was reported in the paper ?

  4. 0


    And yet again Bousquet and the SS make something out of nothing. This is a non issue.

    1. 5


      Who milked the system better? If Mary R gets her daughter the job she’ll tie Dale R for being best at JKF —- Jobs For Kin.

      1. 4


        Judge Michael Robinson has worked hard to get where he is. That’s for sure. It must’ve been quite humbling after being a private practice attorney to accept a lowly GM position with a pittance wage. But he did it. He worked hard. He didn’t complain. His wife was an actual Judge. That must’ve stung too. But his hard work and humility paid off and led to a Circuit Court judgeship. He’s an inspiration to many to follow their dreams. What others may think isn’t important. One’s dreams do come true if one is committed to working hard and seeing the job through.

          1. 4


            Kaysia will never- ever- get appointed. But she has a good chance in a county court election, unfortunately.

                1. 4


                  Hope she has more smarts than either of her parents. Dumb as stumps and twice as slow.

              1. 3


                He will milk it as long as he’s able to. That’s the norm for Broward judges. You can’t think he’s able to do anything else but slide as a judge. With this fiasco he appears even dumber than most have him him credit for. Robinson had little to no practice before becoming a judge, so this is a big achievement for a small-time slumber.

    2. 0


      What a confused judge and her bailiff the matre de at a restaurant what a joke that courtroom was. Every client I had left that courtroom wondering wtf

  5. 2


    The Scum Sentinel is at it again. At least they spelled the names right this time.

    1. 3


      Because Broward picks Judges based on connections and outright nepotism, not ability. The best people have no chance.

  6. A California lawyer cashed in on criminal justice reform by fanning the hopes of inmates’ families says:



    Spolin, a Princeton-educated former McKinsey consultant, bought up online search terms so that people googling the laws saw ads touting the firm’s expertise. He mailed pitch letters directly to some of the state’s 100,000 prisoners introducing himself as a former prosecutor now “in the top 1% among California criminal lawyers” and informing them they might be eligible for “sentence shortening under various new laws.”

  7. 2


    In February, the judge outrageously granted a change of venue motion by DeSantis to move the case to Tallahassee without a hearing, never giving Velez’s side a chance to be heard — “a denial of due process,” they argued. Later that day, Feb. 28, the judge vacated his own order.

  8. 2


    He used to fine all those poor people with criminal dispositions.

    Why on earth would someone do that.

    With all the research done on the effects of fines on rehabilitation.

  9. 3


    Interesting pitch, Mike. But the conflict it presents won’t do you or any member of your family any good. I remind you that judges are to avoid any appearance of impropriety.

  10. 0


    I wonder why someone whose parents are both in such so called “prestigious” positions (Bosquet’s terminology for a State Judge) that the offspring can’t get a truly coveted high paying job at a law firm.
    If these judgeships were as important as a layperson believes then she’d already have a job capable lawyers actually want.
    For further evidence of the so called “prestige” and “high pay” (less than a 1st year at a top firm) look at the low caliber and general paucity of numbers of those applying for the open positions.
    I say let them have their little jobs for their little kids. Let them have ceremonies and trophies. Let the market handle the rest and save the good jobs for the best.

    1. 5


      Stupid comment. The civil boys pick and choose the Judges through the JNC. They don’t hire them or their kiddoes. They hire people who function way above the bureaucratic level who can do the complicated/lucrative work. Having Judges who will afford them the utmost respect if a case goes to court is part of the game.

          1. 2


            Time to call Judge Judy– it would be perfect for her spin-off show “Hot Bench” Imagine: Hot Family Bench

    2. 6


      The “little ceremonies” and “little trophies” really got me. Why DO they have so many ceremonies and trophies?? For what?? What have they accomplished?? It’s so cringe. Like ok congrats you got a job…but we have to have a ceremony and circle jerk every other day to continue congratulating them on getting a job?? It’s a damn fever dream.

      1. 2


        It’s to keep them in the chair. Instead of good pay. And to make civilians think they’re important so too many questions don’t get asked. Like in Oz.

        1. 4


          The good ones have no use for it. They’re at work. Or home at night preparing for next day work or with their family like normal people. The ones that cling to the robe for their entire identities are big on the trophies. The ones with self-esteem issues. The worst ones are the ones who show up to court late in the afternoon or leave early to attend some stupid trophy back slap function which only requires getting elected or greasing a position from the Governor.

          1. 1


            This only applies to a handful of judges. Most never get the silly lil trophies and awards. They don’t care. Just go to work and go home. Stay out of sight. Smart.

          2. 0



            1. 3


              Bob Diaz has been an embarrassment to the Broward Judiciary for years. Isn’t it about time this clown hits the road ?

    1. 0


      She bought all that crap at the Sunrise Flea Market along with her baby back ribs for the week

  11. 5


    The box of trophies you bought from that Judge are plastic……they aren’t worth a nickel in scrap

    1. 0


      Lamont you always tell the truth and bring down. Elizabeth I’m coming to see ya soon.

    1. 3


      Their daughter has little to no experience so I sincerely doubt she’s got a chance. Every putz looking for a free ride on the Broward Judiciary will be out to snag a lift.

      1. 6


        Tarlika had no experience. Blackmon had no experience. And they got appointed.

          1. 5


            Forgot about that. Isn’t the new last name also extremely Anglo sounding and High up in the alphabet? Just checking the boxes.
            On that note, wonder why Tarlika didn’t change her last name when she got remarried? Oh right. Because she can’t give up the Hispanic last name.
            What a joke all these name games they play are. All for a job. Just a meaningless detachment to any real identity. Their identity is whatever it has to be to get this dumb stupid job. It’s so pathetic if you think about it.
            Tarlika didn’t change her last name from her ex’s last name and they have no children so she has no good reason to keep Navarro. Tabitha changed her last name from her ex’s even though they do have children…and a good reason to keep it. But, super strangely, she decided to have a different last name from her children? Maybe she wanted to break ties with the ex…but rather than revert to her extremely ethnic sounding maiden name, she takes the next white name she can take.
            It’s all so yucky. No pride. I identity. Just a billboard, for sale.

    2. 1


      Robinson is just a clown. He waited hoping he’d get his name in the news and so he did. He had no choice but to recuse himself. Even somebody as stupid as Robinson knew it wasn’t going to fly, but he pushed the envelope seeking the attention.
      Can’t judges in Broward just show up and do their jobs without all the hoopla? Apparently not.

  12. 2



    1. 0


      It was out in the public domain before the Cruz trial. I suspect it played a bigger part in the verdict that Mike acknowledged or even knew. Playing politics all the time is a double-edged sword. Mike found that out with a whimper.

    1. 6


      40 yrs of wrongful convictions, losing big trials, turning a blind eye to corruption and pounding on the poor minorities to look effective.

    2. 5


      It’s said even the fastest of deer will eventually get hit by a car when it crosses the road too many times ! Lol

  13. 6


    Tuter WORKED with Scherer’s Dad – At his law firm…. that was nepotism at its finest….

    Tuter needs to GO!!

  14. 3


    DeSantis will not appoint a third member of the Robinson family in Broward as a judge. Woke attempt will fail.

    1. 3


      He may, particularly if Michael is going to retire and give another one to Governor Desantis.

    1. 0


      Leading by example.

      And don’t forget the Chief Justice is worth 29 mil.


      I wonder what the founding Mothers and Father’s would think?

      After their all expenses paid 1st class trip to Israel, of course.

  15. 2


    Why does Judge Michael Robinson act like he do when everyone knows where he came from?

    1. 4


      Just remember Mike scrounging for SPDs and anything else he could scrape up to make ends meat. When it all ended he had to do something to pay for the ham so he started on the State Plan following his wife’s lead. Like so many others with no talent and even less motivation, he’s become even more an incompetent, arrogant gopher who has to convince himself of some sort of self-worth so he scabs and belittles his own people because he thinks in his very limited capacity that’s the thing to do to puff himself up. In the interim he’s lost his sense of humanity and integrity he may have had in small quantity, trading it for a measly state paycheck and a drum to beat on his way out.
      As dumb as Mary was as a County Judge, she’s got twice the smarts Mike has ever had.
      Mike is just hopelessly dumb. Just the way we seem to like them here in the 17th.

    1. 1


      The scum sentinel has always cozied up to power. Otherwise you might say they’re a bunch of suckwads

  16. 2


    I don’t agree with all the comments here but why wouldn’t he immediately disclose an obvious conflict.

    1. 3


      Because he does not fear any accountability. It took 10 years to finally hold Gardiner accountable for her misconduct, and minor at that. It’s the SOP.

  17. 0


    It is actually a very simple legal question, and judges get it wrong all the time. But I am sure there are a lot of bad motions filed that we never get to see. Motions to disqualify the first-assigned judge MUST be granted, unless a weird exception applies like the reason for the motion wouldn’t even bother a nervous lawyer trying to protect his client. So… if the client walked into a hearing with a big grin and held out his hand to shake with the judge, and the judge instead cleared her throat and said “good morning,” that is not a reason for disqualification.

  18. 2


    A lot of you make comments and judgements without any actual knowledge. I tried numerous cases in front of both Robinsons and each was polite, professional and though I didn’t always agree with either, both deserve to be treated with respect. Decent professionals should not be treated so callously just because there is an anonymous blog.

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