We’re told former judge Gina Hawkins, with JQC and Bar issues behind her, is returning to the SAO’s Sexual Battery Unit …
*UPDATE* – WSVN – Officials share images of structural concerns at Broward County Courthouse
Disgusting. But honestly, with the cracked courthouse situation at hand, who gives a rat’s ass?
Wow how embarrassing that Pryor took her back but what else would you expect from Pryor? It’s so disgusting.
Just what we need. Another grudge bitch with a chip on her shoulder and a propensity for good judgement. The internal politics in this place is one for the books ! Lol
I for one will avoid dimly lit corridors while this one is back in the fold. Don’t know what Pryor is thinking or where he’s getting his advice, but this is a disaster in the making.
Black is black, he got is baby back.
Obscene to bring back a criminal to the SAO. A criminal who still refuses to accept responsibility for her actions. Guessing she will be in the 6 figure club. Harold… what is wrong with you. Do you truly have no understanding of how this makes the rest of your office feel? Do you care?
Hid video footage?
So they’re just gonna keep pretending there was some magical footage that would have proved she didn’t put her hands on this man????? We all saw the footage, and so did she, and she lied to the bar about it anyway. Knowing they had the footage. How will she have any credibility in court?? How do we know she won’t delude herself into believing that she must destroy or hide evidence because she was called to do so by her lord and savior Jesus Christ? Like what is this?? It’s madness. What are you doing Harold?? She can’t have any credibility with judges or colleagues. She’s been unemployed for two years for a reason. Why would you take this person back?
Is that the Gilman assault in reverse but with cameras? Why are his hands in his pockets?
Poor planning on HP’s part. SBU? She should be his bodyguard.
Be on alert … the strangler is back in town
This is absurd. Time for a no confidence vote on Harold.
Apple, Microsoft, Holland & Knight, and other Blue Chip employers aren’t in the market for a prestigious Broward Judge????
Lock your doors. She is back
Place your bets for a one term SA
In today’s news, local Defense attorneys are stocking up on neck guards..
I’m sorry the hearing didn’t go better but that prosecutor plays rough
If my files aren’t in order by the next court date there’ll be problems with your legs too
All violent crimes to be dismissed by July 1, 2023 per ASAIC Vagina. How could you possibly go forward?
Does Zaccor and Vegina at least get special parking spaces??
The five minutes as a Judge parking pass. Let’s see what else they have in common. Both suspended, both booted judges, and both way too impressed with themselves .
Not fair. VAG suspended for 90 days. See Florida bar attorney profile with discipline history. Zaccor and kaytya each suspended for 2 days each. Fair is fair.
Is this true? If so why?
is this true or a rumor…what happened
True DAT
Famous Holden text messages.
They just figured Kaytya was a bimbo and really couldn’t be held answerable for herself. That’s probably the answer. Or she suffers from cat scratch fever. Whatever the reason, it would have been better for all if she had just gone back to Mother Russia and stayed put with Igor.
Not to mention both are stupid airheads with hormone problems ! LOL
Looks like she hasn’t missed a free All you can Eat Buffett since the day she was born.
They’re all a bunch of boomerangs
Proud to be a prosecutor
But we could use a little more toe jam in the right division…
Why is this lying ass about to sit on me and more importantly why is this lying ass choking me.
Bill needs to do a school board blog.
Cartwright fired with mutual agreement for termination. She was originally hired on a conditional basis that she would not apply for the full time job. Yet she got the job then rescinded and fired and rescinded. She’s been fired like 3 times. Wtf
What did she know?
What team was she playing with or against?
Obviously the school board is cess pool of corruption.
Where the school board construction contractors the ones that built the courthouse. You know 800 million dollar bond program to repair schools that hasn’t been done.
Wow. Fla Ru Dah.
Check out Chris Nelson
The only people who care about the school board on this blog are the msd parents. Please go away. Bill doesn’t need to start another blog for you. Do it yourself.
Just who is it that Vagina is saying lied on her ? Seems to me that the only lies were coming from her instead of facing the music with any integrity.
The Vagina was on courthouse video caught choking out the docket clerk. She should have been criminally charged. And now she’s completely denying ever doing it from day one. The Vagina is no different than the defendants sitting in custody in the courtrooms caught on video Clear as day committing a crime and yet they’ll sit there watching the video swearing up and down.. that ain’ts be me, that ain’ts be me. Exactly what the Vagina is doing, she’s no different. Lying through her teeth just like the Crack head defendants. And now we’ve got her back to work.
Pryors problem and his political demise will be that he listens to Gina Faulk and Neva Rainsford Smith. Two women who absolutely have no clue what they are doing except helping out their buddies and causing chaos.
It’s called the Bro’s and the Sista’s sticking together. Something that white folks should do. Power to the People.
I have a Motion To Suppress and a Bond Hearing this afternoon. What do you guys have?
With my luck the G- damn building will collapse on me on my last day before my pension kicks in/retirement.
The Tarot Cards say run call in sick or evacuate down the escape shoot go to lunch and don’t come back.
Hey what’s that sound, somethings going down. Or coming down. Crack Crack Crack
What’s the big deal. Give the chick a job and see how she does. She’s been unemployed for 2 years and hasn’t assaulted anyone else, has she ? Maybe she’s beat the anger thing with the help of church people and wants redemption. Just keep a close eye on her to make sure she doesn’t slip back to her old ways. Everybody deserves a second chance.
It must be bad for her Cole Scott Kissane didn’t hire her!!!!! Only an insider hired her.
She belongs on the street hang your shingle out and find out how to work.
There was no way even a butt-kisssing firm would hire her after the allegations hit. They have become worthless without a client base. Broward judges are getting hit hard as challengers take on the established judicial corruption and win. Then many become part of the same racket they ran against. Good argument for term limits to curb the established cronyism that runs rampant on the Broward Bench.
They don’t flush these scab Broward judges even when they puck up. They just roll them back into the scam after a period of time has gone by. It’s insulting the way these scabs think everybody has such a short memory.
Broward judicial and prosecutorial fraudulent cesspool scum has and always will rise to poison again and again. Thank you Michael Shatz who shitz on everything and all those who enjoined him in the orifice, the bench and the entire legal “profession,” including the Bar and the JQC.
In the context of things has anyone heard of
“Inadvertent Error”. I only thought ASAs used that excuse. Now Political figures are using this term to explain the possession of confidential documents.
Maybe the courthouse contractors had an inadvertent error in the construction of the building????
Does anybody know an ASA that used that term to exhaustion?
Please excuse our inadvertent error, your safety is not at risk. Lol lol. There will be no questions answered at this time. Because we still don’t know the reason for the cracks. (Broward County Commission)
If concrete cracks appear in the beams, i’m Just wondering what other damage is not so easily seen and needs to be investigated. Very concerning. What’s it going to take, some sort of catastrophic failure to face up to the fact that the building is indeed compromised?
County commissioners pushed this thing thru over the objections of taxpayers in Broward. They should at least be concerned of the consequences of a shoddily built courthouse where the citizens of Broward are at risk.
Can I have a continuance or zoom hearing because I’m afraid for my safety?
Judge where are you?
I’m out of the office.
Can someone stop the elevators from saying Going Down when a button is mashed?
The building is unsafe and in danger of a collapse and you clowns are upset that the lying criminal ex judge The Vagina is back. I’m more worried about the building collapsing on top of us.
Let me try to remember. Did I use concrete or Chinese Drywall?
Hurry up Marsha. What happens at the top doesn’t make any difference.