Another last minute docket cancelation this morning for Liz Scherer. Court staff and members of the public are leaving the courtroom at this time.

Last week Monday, it was the same thing. Another last minute cancelation.

Friday, of course, was a pre-scheduled day off.

Meanwhile, it’s nearly a daily occurrence recently wherein we’ve been called or texted that Scherer’s resignation letter from the circuit bench has been received somewhere in officialdom, with a last day of June 1st or June 30th.

But no one has a copy.

Does Liz’s rumored impending resignation have something to do with her legendarily light court schedule? Is she Hollywood or private practice bound? Or is she staying put, with the attendance rules which apply to all other judges somehow not at issue?


COMING SOON Bryson v. Scherer update:

48 thoughts on “WHERE’S LIZ?”

      1. 3


        Why doesn’t she just quit now if she’s not going to do her job ?

    1. 1


      Maybe they help her because of hope to be invited to parties and social events above their caste? She’s so totally more important than everyone else. It’s an opportunity to better oneself?

          1. 0


            She would last forever there. Federal judges have very little checks on them.

  1. 6


    If the bimbo is on her way out, I’m surprised she shows for anything at all. Common practice among Broward judges. When they’re done eating from one end of the public trough to the other, it’s on to crapping in the next valley!
    She’s just a little more brazen about it because Tuter has her back. He doesn’t do much for what taxpayers put in his pocket either.

  2. 2


    Probably presented a conflict with her lip filler appointment.
    It’s all about priorities.

    1. 2


      She can’t even get the dates right. Her courtroom always always always a mess!

  3. 4


    Her division instructions say to set motions on CMS, but she’s not on CMS. Does this violate constitutional access to the courts?

  4. 0


    Judges must’ve never heard about ‘leading by example’ otherwise this stuff would’ve stopped.

    1. 3


      Liz doesn’t even know where she is most of the time. Not unlike a couple of other Broward judges I could name ! Lol

  5. 3


    Why did she take the job in the first place if she doesn’t want to be there?

  6. 10


    1. You were never fair or impartial. One might as well have been in North Korea or Iran because your courtroom provided no due process. The Constitution meant nothing to you.
    2. You were cruel and callous in the manner you treated defendants and defense attorneys.
    3. You rarely worked. You did not provide bond hearings when needed, particularly during the pandemic. Your efforts were lazy and you lacked the work ethic of a good judge.
    4. You were nasty and disrespectful to defense lawyers.
    5. You lacked both the patience and the ability to follow complex legal arguments.

    You will be remembered for being cruel, condescending, and cantankerous. A lot of people were hurt by your actions (and inaction) over the years.

    It is wonderful that you are leaving.

    1. 2


      So how does that translate into a JQC complaint, especially to the equally dismissive JQC? What duty and /or Canon did she violate and what are the specific recorded acts that demonstrate it, to be attached? Come on you fat-ass lawyers–certainly you know how to write. Or are you equally incompetent and ineffective when representing your clients, too?

          1. 1


            Why did they pull Judge Bryson’s security cards? What about Judge Scherer’s?

  7. 2


    Why did the Jqc go after Judge Bryson but not Judge Scherer. How many court dates did she have over Covid?

    1. 3


      She had approximately 1 hearing a month throughout 2020, especially in the summer, whereas other judges were running court multiple days a week. Even on the days that she did “have court” she was usually about an hour late, and then would suddenly end it halfway through, with half the docket still unheard!!!

  8. 2



    1. 1


      It’s time to end political patronage in Broward courts once and for. The next time they’ll likely have to change the Constitution to fix the clusterf*ck. It’s an insult to all of us hard working people.

    1. 0


      Tuter the Great Chief. How come so many Judges have self-destructed under him and Weinstein.

  9. 2


    Not sure if Liz can be re-elected. The wealthy Parkland families will probable make short work of Liz when she has to run to keep her seat after what they’ve been through and witnessed from yet another Broward judge that clearly was way over her head from the get go of the trial.
    Liz makes chicken feed in comparison to any number of them and I’m sure they’ll put it to good use making sure she fails in any reelection bid.
    Poor Liz. I actually feel a little sorry for her. But she made her bed and the time will come when the mattress has to be replaced.

    1. 1


      You are wrong. Parkland parents love her and so does the public. I understand that they aren’t in the thibk if things like most of you- but she would have very little chance of not winning. She could totally keep her job if she wanted it.

    2. 1


      The Parkland families love her because she allowed them to bash the defense lawyers. Facts:She isn’t that bright; she doesn’t realize that she didn’t earn her spot; she is condescending; she is kinda hot, and she trashes defendants and defense attorneys publicly. The only two things that matter to the public are that she is kinda hot and she is “tough on crime.” The public wants a judge that is “tough on crime!” Fuck reasonable. Why the hell would we want a reasonable judge. She won’t lose.

      1. 0


        Don’t know what you’re used to but she could only be described as hot if she were the last bean in the bottom of the can. And then she’d still be cold mush. We saw what happened when she was pressed to do her job and we’re seeing it now as she slinks off the bench. Although you’d have to be pretty desperate to take the chump change you get as a judge in Bubba Broward were they think that’s the pinnacle of achievement. These are not people that build anything. Just parasites sucking on the taxpayer’s wallet with a chief looney tune judge that lets them get away with anything so he can name a courtroom after himself while cruising Wilton Manors at 4 am in his effort to report weather conditions.

  10. 2


    That’s not what I’ve heard. They blame her for the carnival that was the trial from it’s start.

    1. 1


      Just look at the people article. Trust me- she would absolutely crush any opponent. Between her $ and her publicity- she would be untouchable. But it doesn’t matter, because apparently she doesn’t want to be a judge anymore. I can’t blame her- it’s not a great paying job.

      1. 2


        She probably would’ve quit years ago if any of the chickensratchers round here had had the stonies to run against her. She’s way too self involved to have run a good campaign. It’s beneath her.

  11. 3


    Has any one noticed the “illegals” that have walked for hundreds of miles, had to swim, battled the weather all have smart phones, (who are they calling) clean up to date clothes, shoes, nice jewelry and fresh haircuts? America has to wake up before we lose this country and everything we have ever owned. Feeble Joe should be impeached NOW before he creates a disaster we will never recover from. He is unfit to run this country, his family is only putting him through this because they want to ride the government gravy train. This is not what our military should be doing. This is a slap in the face to any one that has had to go through the process to enter our country legally. When is the people of this country going to say ENOUGH?

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