Who will you really be voting for?

Should Judges Seek Reelection Knowing They Can’t Finish The Term?

Judges who reach the age of 75 must retire.

The Governor picks their replacements.

Republican appointed judges probably won’t be concerned.

But does it make any difference for judges who have won elections in the past by building trust and community relationships in progressive, minority-majority Broward County?

In those cases, should the ongoing Ron Desantis led culture wars, and his successor’s likely adherence to the same, play a role?

Or is concern over the rightward shift of the judiciary from the U.S. Supreme Court on down misplaced?

Should judges consider all factors when weighing a run, or simply their own desires?


117 thoughts on “YOU MAKE THE CALL!”

    1. 6


      Bill Gelin Unmasked Actor

      Gelin acts like he’s targeting corruption
      when he really is targeting individuals
      whom he dislikes.

      1. 3


        Billy Boy doesn’t want anyone to know about Judge Kollra aging out. Judge Kollra could barely beat Schneider. Judge Diaz knows how to win campaigns. Judge Kollra is easy to beat.

          1. 1


            They’d be both 72? They’re the same age I believe. Maybe each could do half a 6 yr term. 3 yrs around.

            1. 1


              Who posted this “Kollra Innocent?”

                1. 0


                  The Supreme Court is not infallible but to say they’d outright convict an innocent man is dishonest to the core.

    2. 5


      Bill Gelin’s Twit News

      Described by the Sun-Sentinel on Jan 20th
      as “the courthouse gossip website JAABlog”

      1. 4


        Like anybody cares what that WOKE rag of a paper has to say about anything ! Nobody reads the Scum Sentinel. It’s been in large part the problem, not a solution to these weasel left wing activist judges sucking at the public trough until they drop !

    1. 14


      How is it “less government” when they want to police women’s bodies, who people can marry, what books people are allowed to read and so on. It seems like they are obsessed with having government in every aspect of our lives.

      1. 4


        A baby is not a womans body, gay marriage is no marriage before God, pornographic books don’t belong in a childrens library…. Just shut up….

        1. 1


          Marriage before god? That is your oppressive religion. It doesn’t belong in government. He isn’t banning pornographic books- he is banning books he doesn’t like. A baby isn’t a baby until it’s born. We are talking about forging girls to give birth. Again- how is it less government to want to control who people can marry and all these other things? You are a crazy person.

            1. 0


              Thanks. I hope you get some help and stop trying to dictate what everyone else can do with their lives. I don’t think the government should have so much control over us-but you think the government belongs in people’s bedrooms. You have a problem.

              1. 1


                Lol… “stop trying to dictate what everyone else can do with their lives” , but you want vaccines and mask mandates right? I thought my body my choice….#democratshypocrite…

                1. 1


                  This is clearly two of the deranged lawyers that post this crap all over social media. No need to continue responding. Either one of you is a sad pathetic excuse. I feel bad for you to be so obsessed with what other people do in their bedrooms. Just worry about your bedroom and stay out of other peoples

          1. 0


            I agree government should stay away from marriage altogether. he is banning sexually explicit book to minors, get your facts straight. So if a baby is not a baby till born why are turtle eggs protected by law if they are not turtles yet?….. who is crazy now? #democratmoroniclogic

            If it wasn’t for my “oppressive” religion we will still be doing human sacrifices. I suppose that’s better right?…..

      1. 5


        And liberal judges don’t do the same? Stop pretending that liberals/democrats have all the answers. If anything liberals are the biggest hypocrites out there.

  1. 1


    Mom’s for Liberty, reporter Chris Nelson and the Dads version of MFL have been watching this blog. They are looking for the boy Charles, Bowman adopted. We hope they are looking into Lee’s Jose too

  2. 4


    The conservative shift in the judiciary is troubling for lots of reasons. First: the judiciary should be impartial and non partisan. Right off the bat, we’ve lost it. Second, if they won’t get involved to give better pleas than the state, then they are the reason for their backlogs that they love to bitch about. And it’s always the conservative judges that bitch about their backlog. The liberal judges are willing to help.
    And before anyone says anything about don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time? I want to see every prosecutor or conservative, who says this who also has done a little coke or driven a little drunk or bought a counterfeit purse, do 5 years in prison immediately. (1 yr in county for that driving drunk thing). Or do just one week in jail and see how ridiculous your 24months in prison offer for getting high and pinching a twenty off your mom’s purse is. It’s absurd. It’s all absurd.

    Anyway, yeah. We should all be worried about the conservative trend in judges. It’s a scary thing.

    1. 4


      It wasn’t conservative or liberal judges it’s how that place has been. Judge Cohen Judge Wright. Then Mike Satz empowering all them women Asa to offer ridiculous plea offers that’s why all the male Asa left mike liked looking at dresses than suits. The problem was the defense bar had no push back or suffer consequences for their clients. Go to trial to many times you’re in trouble. You better plea it out. Then other times we drop these charges because of racial diversity. What a joke.

    1. 1


      Thank you Governor for appointing
      Judge Matt Destry
      Judge Vegina Hawkins
      Judge Cindy Imperato
      Judge Barbara Mccarthy
      Judge Nina DiPietro
      Judge Lynn Rosenthal

        1. 4


          How is it possible that the strangler is in the Bahamas a week after she started back at the sao. Someone best remind her she isn’t allowed to keep a judges schedule anymore.

      1. 0


        But only one of these judges was not qualified to work as a judge. The rest were intelligent and capable, but just couldn’t get out of their own way.

        Appointment judges almost guarantee a smart and experienced judge on the bench. The election yields judges with “outgoing, friendly” personalities but no guarantee of quality.

  3. 5





    1. 2


      End democrats woke socialist idiots funding the war in Ukraine, funding abortions and mutilating “trans kids”

      1. 1


        Right on, time to protect our kids from the judicial groomers and their ja hand maidens

  4. 0


    ScOTUS doesn’t seem likely to be helping 17 out against its Section 230 Jaab problem:

    WASHINGTON — In a case with the potential to alter the very structure of the internet, the Supreme Court did not appear ready on Tuesday to limit a law that protects social media platforms from lawsuits over their users’ posts.

  5. 0


    At the same time SCOTUS is dealing with online threats. Florida/17 needs this kind of Colorado law to lock up the creeps threatening violence on Jaab:

    Mr. Counterman was prosecuted under a Colorado law that made it a crime to send repeated communications that would cause a reasonable person to have serious emotional distress and did cause such harm. The law did not require proof that he intended to cause the distress. He was convicted and sentenced to four and a half years in prison.


    “Was that you in the white Jeep?”

    “I’m currently unsupervised. I know, it freaks me out too, but the possibilities are endless.”

    “You’re not being good for human relations. Die. Don’t need you.”

  6. 6


    FK DeSatanis & his POS ass kissing followers.

    WE will not let Florida be America’s breeding ground of anti anything not like him is hated state.

      1. 0


        Right- because believing in some entity that watches over all the atrocities that happen in this world all the time is more acceptable? Lol

            1. 0


              Prove the resurrection didn’t happen…just that….go ahead….try..

              1. 0


                Extra ordinary claims require extra ordinary proof. The claim that a man resurrected is a pretty extraordinary claim. What is the proof? None. That’s ok. You can still believe. It’s called faith. But don’t force it on other people.

                1. 0


                  You won’t disprove it because you can’t….The resurrection have extended biblical and non biblical documentation from Jewish historians…..and nobody is forcing you. Don’t force your ridiculous karma ( because I guess that makes more sense) on other people then.

                    1. 0


                      That’s why people like you get called libtards: the bible calls you a fool(see above), you won’t research before you speak, history illiterate. You don’t want moral laws based on scripture(when our whole system was built upon it, see founder’s Father’s faith, but you won’t research that either)…. so move to China, Faith is forbidden there…..byeeeeeee

      2. 0


        Hypocrite! You say don’t let America be anti anything , but obviously you are anti religion….

        1. 0


          😂 I’m not “anti religion” I’m just anti- your religion making laws that impact everyone (even those that aren’t Christians). But using words like “libtard” reminds me not to engage with people as ignorant as you.

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