Bousquet is not a lawyer and knows nothing about the law, sufficient grounds for recusal, or the job of a judge. But he still spouts out his strong opinion on those issues. He is too stupid and too washed up to be taken seriously. How about a change, Sun Sentinel??. It’s time to kick him to the curb!!! Bousquet doesn’t even live in Broward County.
The judge’s recusal order was public Monday. He signed it Friday, the day the Sun Sentinel posted a column by Opinion Editor Steve Bousquet, urging him to recuse himself.
Coincidence? Not likely. What matters is, the judge did the right thing.
First, the article talks about a “change of venue”. Totally wrong. Look at the pleading. It’s a Motion to Transfer. By granting that, Robinson gets off the case. BUT, the Plaintiff objected. Why? Because they wanted to keep the case in Broward. Their reasoning was that in Broward, maybe a judge would allow a convicted felon to hold office even though the law prohibits it.
Now fast forward to a different case. The Scum-Sentinel wants Trump off the ballot. Why? Because in their view, voters shouldn’t get to vote for someone who many think caused the January 6, 2021 events at the Capitol.
In the first case, actual convicted felon and clear law saying he doesn’t qualify. In the second case, no convictions and the 14th Amendment Section 3 which does NOT prohibit one from being a candidate. But, the Scum-Sentinel has of course a double standard. This is why you should look at the court file and not simply trust the articles.
Lastly, there’s a big difference between a Motion to Disqualify and a sua sponte Recusal. The articles conflate the two because the Scum-Sentinel does not appreciate the difference. They don’t exactly think about the law but that’s not a shock.
Dead end job. Who cares. The insults aren’t necessary. We need to thank people willing to work for peanuts. Otherwise who would push the cases through? Business professionals and successful lawyers (and the people they employ) need the civil servants.
I remember him when he used to chase SPD cases and everyone felt sorry for him because he was a husband of a Judge.. Then he went to work as a GM for like 80g’s a year. Sad. Sad. Sad.
What kind of a monster are you? This brilliant woman was one of the few female, African-Americans on the Bench in very bad times for equality. She’s a true leader. The fact is she worked her butt off and deserved elevation over the many less qualified she was skipped for. Did race play a role? I bet. And that’s more than sad. It’s disgusting.
Who was she skipped for who was less qualified? And before you answer, make sure she even applied.
Bottom line is Judge Mary Robinson was appointed by a REPUBLICAN. She couldn’t get elevated when Lawton Chiles was Governor. She rarely applied after that.
But, it’s not sad that she’s a judge but not Circuit. County judges handle Circuit cases all the time. There’s an AO saying each level can do the other level’s work. Most judges don’t care about that difference.
That makes me a monster?? Maybe you need to get some facts.
But he appointed MANY minorities. So your hypothesis that it’s race based has no merit. He also passed up other minorities than her who didn’t complain he was racist.
To make everything about race is ridiculous. Governor Bush had a MUCH better record of appointing minorities than Governor Chiles. Get over it. It’s the Republicans that appoint minorities. Although Chiles did give you Holmes and Gardiner.
Seriously? How could the Democrats appoint anyone to the Bench? When they haven’t been Governor in decades? The Republican JNC is responsible for a Bench that doesn’t reflect the ethnic breakdown of the County. There should be tons more AA and Spanish people on the Bench in Broward County.
Governor Bush was serious about diversity. Meanwhile the Florida Bar chose a drinking, to be removed judge to chair their committee. Those who fault Governor Bush really ought to do some research—oh wait, they don’t want the truth.
Back when Mary Robinson sought the circuit seat there were many county judges who also sought the seat and never got it. They were white men. So race wasn’t an issue. Robinson was a nice judge but not a smart judge. Did it ever occur to you that she failed to get appointed to Circuit because she wouldn’t have handled it? Lawyers talk. Here skills on the bench were not strong. The JNC and governor knew that.
All judges who get appointed should be chosen for their legal and life experience. Not their race. If you’re qualified you should be chosen. If you’re a minority that’s needed on the bench to make the county look better, but not qualified you shouldn’t be appointed. Judicial appointments must be based on qualifications not on race or politics.
Seven felony charges against a Broward prosecutor’s husband have been dropped, but the State Attorney’s office responsible refused Friday to explain why.
Anthony Mercer was arrested May 21 as a suspected drug dealer in possession of more than an ounce of cocaine, nearly a pound of marijuana and 21 prescription pills. The day he bonded out of jail, his wife filed for divorce.
Mercer has been married to Elizabeth Scherer-Mercer, a prosecutor in the Broward State Attorney’s Office, since May 4, 2002. Mercer, a contractor, also is the son-in-law of Bill Scherer, a prominent Fort Lauderdale attorney, sometime developer and Republican Party fundraiser.
Mercer admitted to police that he had packaged the drugs for distribution and said it was “basically paying the rent,” according to an arrest report.
I learned that Grady did in fact date one of State Attorney Michael Satz’s most loyal and prized prosecutors, Elizabeth Scherer-Mercer, who is also the daughter of downtown courthouse powerbroker Bill Scherer.
Why don’t they stop rubbing it in everyone’s faces. All the Ross, Scherer, Robinson, ad nauseum. If they want it so bad let them earn it by running. Just stop the inbred patronage club.
Is that modern day slavery if you have a black judge working peanuts and all the lawyers making more than peanuts appear before him or her?
Just wondering.
After all the NFL/NBA wants to end racism. Hello what’s the demographic of both leagues? If racism existed they all be blue collar workers!!!!!
Now that Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the presidential race, maybe he can start making some of these judicial appointments that have been sitting around. I guess it will be another Trump-Biden race after all.
This comes with nothing but stupid empty accusations,…MAGA people are repulsively lamebrained! Biden is good; all around good. And, republicans with a brain will start telling the rednecked MAGA trash to go to hell; except are they cowards,…? I think they are.
This list recommended to the Governor looks like who’s who of the feather weights ! You’ve got yo be kidding. Laventure ! LOL
Same group of potstickers with their greasy little hands out for a job that pays squat.
Why doesn’t someone look at Alix B college records where she lied about some guy raping her in college and the poor guy wasn’t even in the country? This poor Demons guy doesn’t have a prayer for a fair trial with these liars who are trying to send him to death. Wtf? His defense team needs to get this case moved to another State Attorneys Office!! The cop is a liar and so is the prosecution while HP looks the other way 🧑🎓👨🏭🙅♀️🙏
I hope she sues you- gets the IP address and exposes you for spreading hateful lies about her. Honestly, I have seen some hateful crap on this sometimes- but to accuse her of falsifying a rape!? That is disgusting. I hope you have some actual proof of the defaming statements you make. POS
I dont know man, im not the OP but every single one of those homicide prosecutors is a liar. they lie to the judge, they collude with cops. just for a conviction. they are unscrupulous as all get out. no integrity. none. Is it really that outside the realm of reality that she would lie for attention when she was younger? like its the same thing. lying to win a conviction is ultimately for attention. they have no credibility and thats their own fault.
There hasn’t been any evidence that Alix has done anything shady. She was given this trial because of the issues with the prior prosecutor. Even if there had been- this person is making a serious allegation against her. To accuse a woman of lying about a rape? If they have evidence of this- that is one thing- but if they just wrote this and pulled it out of their ass (which I bet is just something they made up). But to accuse her of that is actionable. The person that wrote that better have some evidence to back up their statement- or they could be facing a serious defamation suit. If I was her- I would be speaking to attorneys.
You have hit a new low even for a slimeball
1) To say another woman lied about a rape, that absolutely happened is sick. HTU had to take this case because you purposely tried to ruin your fellow attorneys and a hardworking homicide detective because you are deranged. No one chose this case. I will never look at you the same again. Saying this is a false rape claim- YOU ARE A MONSTER!
2) Everyone forgets that this Defendant brutally executed two people. YOU ARE TRYING TO SET A MURDERER FREE. Your ego made you lose sight of what’s this about. You used to give a shit about justice.
3) You purposely tried to destroy an honest detective’s career. Good thing the woman your husband allegedly harassed wasn’t as vindictive.
4) I would never ever wish anyone ill. IT IS A FACT THAT CANCER HAS A HIGH RATE OF COMING BACK. Also chemo and radiation can fuck up your brain. I don’t know what religion you are but since you almost died, YOU NEED TO MAKE RIGHT WITH YOUR HIGHER POWER. You have children! Why are you doing this? Are you truly evil, I would hope not. You still have time to make it right. Do right before it’s too late.
Not sure who you’re talking about don’t have kids and never had cancer and I would never work in that corrupt shithole office. I guess you didn’t go to college with her dumbass!
He should recuse that whole office. If he’s found guilty, it is going to come back on appeal anyway due all the shenanigans that Office played in this case.
Recusal of the Broward ASA office and change of venue is required. Why do these judges keep playing the game it’s my ball and I’m keeping it – so either play with me or too bad.
Every one should listen to Taylor for political advice, I mean she’s such a political authority. I truly hope Mr Football takes her off the market since no other guy has kept the headcase. It’s really a good thing she can sing because she knows nothing about real life or relationships.
Lol. You old jealous fool. You hate on some woman because she has dated several people!? Do you also hate on all the male rock stars that have also dated a ton of people? You sexist loser. Maybe she hasn’t wanted to “keep” any of those men. lol. Especially since her boyfriend now is the hottest one yet. 😂😂
You are just losing your mind because she is telling people to register to vote and she isn’t endorsing that deranged obese orange old man. Men losing their minds over Taylor Swifts power is hilarious. Keep crying snowflake. She keeps registering more and more young people to vote- and you can keep crying about it and complaining about Taylor Swift’s love life- you sad, old, outdated loser. 😂
With the s#it show of the indicted one, Taylor is what they find most important to deflect from the Hamburdler.
Now we wait for her to endorse Joe to her millions of fans & sit back watching Team Q go further bat-s#it apoplectic. She’ll squeeze Donny by his balls….if they can be found.
They’re scared of Taylor for sure!
I think anyone that values democracy won’t vote for the guy that tried to have his past VP hung and invited an insurrection, has multiple indictments pending, a jury has found to be a rapist….and so many more reasons. Oh- and I like Taylor Swift too.
These cult right wing fascists are losing their mind about her getting people to register to vote is insane. Lol
Sure- maybe just like last time when the criminal Trump loses he will try to get violent again. He is a deranged old fat criminal. The Republicans have lost their minds.
We have a feeble old man with obvious dementia leading our country, that’s in very serious condition. He tries to call on dead people in the audience, thinks he just had a picture with a woman who he hasn’t seen, then claims to be sitting next to a leader of a foreign country that has been dead for over six years. Biden falls down constantly, even though they have tightened his pants as close to his ankles as they can and you will never see him standing or walking for any period of time. The economy is so bad people can’t feed their families, the immigration situation is dangerous and out of control, the fentanyl and drugs are killing our youth by staggering numbers, we are on the verge of war on several fronts yet people choose to follow Taylor Swift who gives nothing back financially to this nation as she flies around on her private jet killing the environment. What is wrong with people that they can’t see we are running out of time to turn this mess around and stop being viewed as a weak nation with an even weaker leader.
lol. I’m glad you care about the environment. The economy is improving after the disaster that deranged orange fat blob left us. But I agree. I think Trump and Biden are too old. But I’ll take Biden over Trump any day. At least Biden doesn’t want to end democracy, isn’t a criminally indicted defendant and hasn’t been found by a jury to be a rapist. Thanks.
Apparently a lot of young people do. She has registered thousands of voters and polls say if her fans register and vote it could absolutely impact election. Like her or not/ people care what she has to say
This really says one hell of a lot for the mental capacity of our youth today. How stupid do you think you would have to be, listening to some one that sings for a living and depends on your ticket money and buying her music , to make her money. At the rate this country and economy is failing under the Biden administration, another four years of him and she will be broke because our youth can’t even make a living wage. Mr Football will dump her.
Wow- this singer really eats up a lot of your thoughts. The youth will be fine old man. I’m sure you are an old white guy. It’s ok- the kids know way better than you do. They will be ok as long as the guy that a jury found to be a rapist, has multiple indictments pending and tried to end democracy doesn’t win. Trump’s fat old ass belongs in jail
😂😂😂😂😂😂 sanity😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I think his defense for his crimes should be he isn’t competent to stand trial. He would get away with it all. He is deranged and so are his cult members. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sanity…. Thank you. I swear I haven’t laughed this hard in a while.
Sanity? 🤣🤣💀💀
If Ms. Unswift, or any person with a brain in their head watched the embarrassing mess Bidens family let him make of himself last night, there’s no way ANYONE would say he’s fit to be the leader of this country. I can’t even imagine what China or any other county thinks of how weak and vulnerable the United States really is. Do you realize this mentally unstable man is the one that has his finger on the button that could create a nuclear disaster? His wife and crack head son need to be charged with elderly abuse. People have been making jokes and laughing about Biden but after last night something has to be done, this is not safe.
You’re describing TRUMP, unfit and weak. Even Stevie Wonder can see TRUMP is not smarter than a 5th grader. The only advice he could give us is how to file several bankruptcies to clear out bad debt and start from scratch. Do we need a CROOCK to represent our country?
Obviously what you know about politics could fill a thimble. You’re so ignorant your not worth anyone’s ones time to debate with. You truly validate my point that Democrats only know how to drink the Kool Aid and play follow the leader no matter what shape our country is in.
Look you RACIST with the kool aid comment which happens to be old as dirt just like TRAILER PARKS. Trump is not a leader and he never will be.
VOTE BIDEN for President ✅
I guess all the black performer’s that were in the Half Time for the Super Bowl some how managed to become successful, even though their ancestors were slaves and their people can’t become anything because they are black. That just shows you crying black is a crutch and a crock of shit. As in any skin color, it takes hard work and determination to become successful.
Good point White TURD! Just like all the white performers somehow become wealthy, even though their ancestors lived in Trailer Parks, and y’all neighbors on welfare can’t become rich because their Redneck Crackers. This is proof you can take you out the Trailer Parks but it can’t take the Trailer Parks out of YOU! It’s time to stop hiding your food stamps and public assistance white folks.
Low life Fani and her boy toy are going down. They tried to take money from Biden to go after Trump, now he’s going to take them all out. How ignorant were they to think Trump didn’t have the money and ability to investigate what type of toilet paper they use?
Oh look, daddy Fani is on the stand. They should ask him, “while you were teaching your daughter to keep a butt load of cash in the house, did you also teach her to pay for all the meals and trips that she was taking with her pimp that has now dumped her?” How humiliating to be dumped by a guy that you picked up the tab for all your dates and big trips.
I think that wad at the base of her ass crack might be where she’s hiding her money that daddy Fani taught her to do. How long do you think it I’ll be before someone visits her house to look for her stash? Her and her boyfriend need to lose their job, their law license and go to prison.
Powell up?
Powell couldn’t operate a paper shredder if she had to. Another boink in bed with Brenda Forman as I recall.
Except he did recuse himself, and he did so before this article came out. There’s a reason the paper is called the Scum-Sentinel.
Why did he deny it the first time. Until a newsman reported on it.
Bousquet is not a lawyer and knows nothing about the law, sufficient grounds for recusal, or the job of a judge. But he still spouts out his strong opinion on those issues. He is too stupid and too washed up to be taken seriously. How about a change, Sun Sentinel??. It’s time to kick him to the curb!!! Bousquet doesn’t even live in Broward County.
“Then Velez’s lawyers filed a motion to disqualify the judge for that, and Robinson denied it.”
Nice try.
LOL. Your defense is a quote from the news article that everyone agrees is wrong. Maybe look at the court file instead of the newspaper??
There’s another article says this,
The judge’s recusal order was public Monday. He signed it Friday, the day the Sun Sentinel posted a column by Opinion Editor Steve Bousquet, urging him to recuse himself.
Coincidence? Not likely. What matters is, the judge did the right thing.
First, the article talks about a “change of venue”. Totally wrong. Look at the pleading. It’s a Motion to Transfer. By granting that, Robinson gets off the case. BUT, the Plaintiff objected. Why? Because they wanted to keep the case in Broward. Their reasoning was that in Broward, maybe a judge would allow a convicted felon to hold office even though the law prohibits it.
Now fast forward to a different case. The Scum-Sentinel wants Trump off the ballot. Why? Because in their view, voters shouldn’t get to vote for someone who many think caused the January 6, 2021 events at the Capitol.
In the first case, actual convicted felon and clear law saying he doesn’t qualify. In the second case, no convictions and the 14th Amendment Section 3 which does NOT prohibit one from being a candidate. But, the Scum-Sentinel has of course a double standard. This is why you should look at the court file and not simply trust the articles.
Lastly, there’s a big difference between a Motion to Disqualify and a sua sponte Recusal. The articles conflate the two because the Scum-Sentinel does not appreciate the difference. They don’t exactly think about the law but that’s not a shock.
Dead end job. Who cares. The insults aren’t necessary. We need to thank people willing to work for peanuts. Otherwise who would push the cases through? Business professionals and successful lawyers (and the people they employ) need the civil servants.
I remember him when he used to chase SPD cases and everyone felt sorry for him because he was a husband of a Judge.. Then he went to work as a GM for like 80g’s a year. Sad. Sad. Sad.
Oh and poor Mary desperately tried but could never rise above County. Sad.
Why is any of this sad? You people are nuts.
What kind of a monster are you? This brilliant woman was one of the few female, African-Americans on the Bench in very bad times for equality. She’s a true leader. The fact is she worked her butt off and deserved elevation over the many less qualified she was skipped for. Did race play a role? I bet. And that’s more than sad. It’s disgusting.
Who was she skipped for who was less qualified? And before you answer, make sure she even applied.
Bottom line is Judge Mary Robinson was appointed by a REPUBLICAN. She couldn’t get elevated when Lawton Chiles was Governor. She rarely applied after that.
But, it’s not sad that she’s a judge but not Circuit. County judges handle Circuit cases all the time. There’s an AO saying each level can do the other level’s work. Most judges don’t care about that difference.
That makes me a monster?? Maybe you need to get some facts.
Governor Bush. Appreciate it.
Governor Bush said no to Circuit.
But he appointed MANY minorities. So your hypothesis that it’s race based has no merit. He also passed up other minorities than her who didn’t complain he was racist.
To make everything about race is ridiculous. Governor Bush had a MUCH better record of appointing minorities than Governor Chiles. Get over it. It’s the Republicans that appoint minorities. Although Chiles did give you Holmes and Gardiner.
Seriously? How could the Democrats appoint anyone to the Bench? When they haven’t been Governor in decades? The Republican JNC is responsible for a Bench that doesn’t reflect the ethnic breakdown of the County. There should be tons more AA and Spanish people on the Bench in Broward County.
Governor Bush was serious about diversity. Meanwhile the Florida Bar chose a drinking, to be removed judge to chair their committee. Those who fault Governor Bush really ought to do some research—oh wait, they don’t want the truth.
Back when Mary Robinson sought the circuit seat there were many county judges who also sought the seat and never got it. They were white men. So race wasn’t an issue. Robinson was a nice judge but not a smart judge. Did it ever occur to you that she failed to get appointed to Circuit because she wouldn’t have handled it? Lawyers talk. Here skills on the bench were not strong. The JNC and governor knew that.
All judges who get appointed should be chosen for their legal and life experience. Not their race. If you’re qualified you should be chosen. If you’re a minority that’s needed on the bench to make the county look better, but not qualified you shouldn’t be appointed. Judicial appointments must be based on qualifications not on race or politics.
Seven felony charges against a Broward prosecutor’s husband have been dropped, but the State Attorney’s office responsible refused Friday to explain why.
Anthony Mercer was arrested May 21 as a suspected drug dealer in possession of more than an ounce of cocaine, nearly a pound of marijuana and 21 prescription pills. The day he bonded out of jail, his wife filed for divorce.
Mercer has been married to Elizabeth Scherer-Mercer, a prosecutor in the Broward State Attorney’s Office, since May 4, 2002. Mercer, a contractor, also is the son-in-law of Bill Scherer, a prominent Fort Lauderdale attorney, sometime developer and Republican Party fundraiser.
Mercer admitted to police that he had packaged the drugs for distribution and said it was “basically paying the rent,” according to an arrest report.
The Pervert Cop and the Prosecutor
I learned that Grady did in fact date one of State Attorney Michael Satz’s most loyal and prized prosecutors, Elizabeth Scherer-Mercer, who is also the daughter of downtown courthouse powerbroker Bill Scherer.
Why don’t they stop rubbing it in everyone’s faces. All the Ross, Scherer, Robinson, ad nauseum. If they want it so bad let them earn it by running. Just stop the inbred patronage club.
Is this the most current list of dating sites ?
That’s the power of her Dad Bill Scherer. He needs to be stopped! but what will HP do? Nothing!!
Anybody, even a moron can be a county judge. Look at what we’ve got ! LOL
Hoggin’ all the judgeships for one family.
And call it diversity.
It was sad. She was a real good Judge. They never let her advance beyond dealing with baby lawyers. I know she was frustrated.
RACISM so Sad. You people are SICK!
Fuck your racism bullshit! people of color run this cesspool Broward County. How’s that working out for everyone 😂😂. Broward residents better wake up!
Is that modern day slavery if you have a black judge working peanuts and all the lawyers making more than peanuts appear before him or her?
Just wondering.
After all the NFL/NBA wants to end racism. Hello what’s the demographic of both leagues? If racism existed they all be blue collar workers!!!!!
Racism exists. And morons exist too.
It’s just another social construct. Populations increase, Societies divide, War and Dissolution follow.
It’s called human DNA we all have to varying degrees.
Now that Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the presidential race, maybe he can start making some of these judicial appointments that have been sitting around. I guess it will be another Trump-Biden race after all.
This comes with nothing but stupid empty accusations,…MAGA people are repulsively lamebrained! Biden is good; all around good. And, republicans with a brain will start telling the rednecked MAGA trash to go to hell; except are they cowards,…? I think they are.
He may give some time to the circus AKA Broward Clerk of courts!!! Shame on you Mr DeSanti.
I’m heading back here to Dunedin until Daddy Donald forgives me.
You were never meant to be President, Ron. You just don’t have what it takes !
he is a cartoon character
The Don says he’s ours now.
smart and cruel or dumb and cruel? what a choice
Desantis, smart but craven and cruel or Trump, delusional, dumb, amoral, immoral and feral, what a choice Republicans have, SAD
And the Democrats choice is Dementia Joe 😭😭😭
That Shotwell lady on the JNC is a Cunt nasty bitch
This looks like the next appointee
Disney: The Happiest Place on Earth
Feeling at home.
This list recommended to the Governor looks like who’s who of the feather weights ! You’ve got yo be kidding. Laventure ! LOL
Same group of potstickers with their greasy little hands out for a job that pays squat.
Why doesn’t someone look at Alix B college records where she lied about some guy raping her in college and the poor guy wasn’t even in the country? This poor Demons guy doesn’t have a prayer for a fair trial with these liars who are trying to send him to death. Wtf? His defense team needs to get this case moved to another State Attorneys Office!! The cop is a liar and so is the prosecution while HP looks the other way 🧑🎓👨🏭🙅♀️🙏
Wow that office is disgusting bunch of liars!!
I hope she sues you- gets the IP address and exposes you for spreading hateful lies about her. Honestly, I have seen some hateful crap on this sometimes- but to accuse her of falsifying a rape!? That is disgusting. I hope you have some actual proof of the defaming statements you make. POS
I dont know man, im not the OP but every single one of those homicide prosecutors is a liar. they lie to the judge, they collude with cops. just for a conviction. they are unscrupulous as all get out. no integrity. none. Is it really that outside the realm of reality that she would lie for attention when she was younger? like its the same thing. lying to win a conviction is ultimately for attention. they have no credibility and thats their own fault.
There hasn’t been any evidence that Alix has done anything shady. She was given this trial because of the issues with the prior prosecutor. Even if there had been- this person is making a serious allegation against her. To accuse a woman of lying about a rape? If they have evidence of this- that is one thing- but if they just wrote this and pulled it out of their ass (which I bet is just something they made up). But to accuse her of that is actionable. The person that wrote that better have some evidence to back up their statement- or they could be facing a serious defamation suit. If I was her- I would be speaking to attorneys.
You have hit a new low even for a slimeball
1) To say another woman lied about a rape, that absolutely happened is sick. HTU had to take this case because you purposely tried to ruin your fellow attorneys and a hardworking homicide detective because you are deranged. No one chose this case. I will never look at you the same again. Saying this is a false rape claim- YOU ARE A MONSTER!
2) Everyone forgets that this Defendant brutally executed two people. YOU ARE TRYING TO SET A MURDERER FREE. Your ego made you lose sight of what’s this about. You used to give a shit about justice.
3) You purposely tried to destroy an honest detective’s career. Good thing the woman your husband allegedly harassed wasn’t as vindictive.
4) I would never ever wish anyone ill. IT IS A FACT THAT CANCER HAS A HIGH RATE OF COMING BACK. Also chemo and radiation can fuck up your brain. I don’t know what religion you are but since you almost died, YOU NEED TO MAKE RIGHT WITH YOUR HIGHER POWER. You have children! Why are you doing this? Are you truly evil, I would hope not. You still have time to make it right. Do right before it’s too late.
Not sure who you’re talking about don’t have kids and never had cancer and I would never work in that corrupt shithole office. I guess you didn’t go to college with her dumbass!
Damn Judge Murphy just slapped the SAO! They can’t cross Boutros again if she takes the stand in the Demons trial. Murphy does not play 😂😂
He should recuse that whole office. If he’s found guilty, it is going to come back on appeal anyway due all the shenanigans that Office played in this case.
Recusal of the Broward ASA office and change of venue is required. Why do these judges keep playing the game it’s my ball and I’m keeping it – so either play with me or too bad.
Nobody missed me, but I’m back…….
He’s woke. President Trump exposed him.
How is Lior Minkowitz on this list ? She’s one of the craziest people in that office. Beware anyone in Broward who ever smoked weed.
America ain’t about White Nationalists. Keep ’em out of office
Poor DJT hates Taylor because she cam do him in.
Every one should listen to Taylor for political advice, I mean she’s such a political authority. I truly hope Mr Football takes her off the market since no other guy has kept the headcase. It’s really a good thing she can sing because she knows nothing about real life or relationships.
Lol. You old jealous fool. You hate on some woman because she has dated several people!? Do you also hate on all the male rock stars that have also dated a ton of people? You sexist loser. Maybe she hasn’t wanted to “keep” any of those men. lol. Especially since her boyfriend now is the hottest one yet. 😂😂
You are just losing your mind because she is telling people to register to vote and she isn’t endorsing that deranged obese orange old man. Men losing their minds over Taylor Swifts power is hilarious. Keep crying snowflake. She keeps registering more and more young people to vote- and you can keep crying about it and complaining about Taylor Swift’s love life- you sad, old, outdated loser. 😂
With the s#it show of the indicted one, Taylor is what they find most important to deflect from the Hamburdler.
Now we wait for her to endorse Joe to her millions of fans & sit back watching Team Q go further bat-s#it apoplectic. She’ll squeeze Donny by his balls….if they can be found.
They’re scared of Taylor for sure!
Well I like Taylor but I in no way consider her any type of political expert and I will be voting for Trump.
I think anyone that values democracy won’t vote for the guy that tried to have his past VP hung and invited an insurrection, has multiple indictments pending, a jury has found to be a rapist….and so many more reasons. Oh- and I like Taylor Swift too.
These cult right wing fascists are losing their mind about her getting people to register to vote is insane. Lol
I think you’re in for a big surprise!!!
Sure- maybe just like last time when the criminal Trump loses he will try to get violent again. He is a deranged old fat criminal. The Republicans have lost their minds.
We have a feeble old man with obvious dementia leading our country, that’s in very serious condition. He tries to call on dead people in the audience, thinks he just had a picture with a woman who he hasn’t seen, then claims to be sitting next to a leader of a foreign country that has been dead for over six years. Biden falls down constantly, even though they have tightened his pants as close to his ankles as they can and you will never see him standing or walking for any period of time. The economy is so bad people can’t feed their families, the immigration situation is dangerous and out of control, the fentanyl and drugs are killing our youth by staggering numbers, we are on the verge of war on several fronts yet people choose to follow Taylor Swift who gives nothing back financially to this nation as she flies around on her private jet killing the environment. What is wrong with people that they can’t see we are running out of time to turn this mess around and stop being viewed as a weak nation with an even weaker leader.
lol. I’m glad you care about the environment. The economy is improving after the disaster that deranged orange fat blob left us. But I agree. I think Trump and Biden are too old. But I’ll take Biden over Trump any day. At least Biden doesn’t want to end democracy, isn’t a criminally indicted defendant and hasn’t been found by a jury to be a rapist. Thanks.
Nobody in their right mind would care about what a bimbo has to say just because she’s a popular singer.
Cheers to that.
Gimme Three Steps
Devil’s advocate: then why does anyone listen to Trump, who was a game show host?
President Nixon tried to illegally deport John Lennon because he was worried about reelection.
Nobody cares about these airhead’s endorsements. Their opinions aren’t worth the toilet paper they’re written on.
Apparently a lot of young people do. She has registered thousands of voters and polls say if her fans register and vote it could absolutely impact election. Like her or not/ people care what she has to say
This really says one hell of a lot for the mental capacity of our youth today. How stupid do you think you would have to be, listening to some one that sings for a living and depends on your ticket money and buying her music , to make her money. At the rate this country and economy is failing under the Biden administration, another four years of him and she will be broke because our youth can’t even make a living wage. Mr Football will dump her.
Wow- this singer really eats up a lot of your thoughts. The youth will be fine old man. I’m sure you are an old white guy. It’s ok- the kids know way better than you do. They will be ok as long as the guy that a jury found to be a rapist, has multiple indictments pending and tried to end democracy doesn’t win. Trump’s fat old ass belongs in jail
Mental status of the youth?
A very severe mental status would be anyone who would find tRUMP & his actions acceptable to run America.
Pure con artist 🗑
😂😂😂😂😂😂 sanity😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I think his defense for his crimes should be he isn’t competent to stand trial. He would get away with it all. He is deranged and so are his cult members. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sanity…. Thank you. I swear I haven’t laughed this hard in a while.
Sanity? 🤣🤣💀💀
If Ms. Unswift, or any person with a brain in their head watched the embarrassing mess Bidens family let him make of himself last night, there’s no way ANYONE would say he’s fit to be the leader of this country. I can’t even imagine what China or any other county thinks of how weak and vulnerable the United States really is. Do you realize this mentally unstable man is the one that has his finger on the button that could create a nuclear disaster? His wife and crack head son need to be charged with elderly abuse. People have been making jokes and laughing about Biden but after last night something has to be done, this is not safe.
I would vote for anyone that isn’t Trump or DeSantis. Sorry. I want the US to remain a democracy.
If it was Trump vs Mickey Mouse for President I would vote for MICKEY MOUSE ☑️
You’re describing TRUMP, unfit and weak. Even Stevie Wonder can see TRUMP is not smarter than a 5th grader. The only advice he could give us is how to file several bankruptcies to clear out bad debt and start from scratch. Do we need a CROOCK to represent our country?
Obviously what you know about politics could fill a thimble. You’re so ignorant your not worth anyone’s ones time to debate with. You truly validate my point that Democrats only know how to drink the Kool Aid and play follow the leader no matter what shape our country is in.
Look you RACIST with the kool aid comment which happens to be old as dirt just like TRAILER PARKS. Trump is not a leader and he never will be.
VOTE BIDEN for President ✅
50 years living off taxpayers and still sucking for more
Well SAID intelligent person! 😂😂😂😂
BIDEN has my VOTE!
The other person is an EMBARRASSMENT to society.
Here in Broward we live for incompetence …
I guess all the black performer’s that were in the Half Time for the Super Bowl some how managed to become successful, even though their ancestors were slaves and their people can’t become anything because they are black. That just shows you crying black is a crutch and a crock of shit. As in any skin color, it takes hard work and determination to become successful.
Good point White TURD! Just like all the white performers somehow become wealthy, even though their ancestors lived in Trailer Parks, and y’all neighbors on welfare can’t become rich because their Redneck Crackers. This is proof you can take you out the Trailer Parks but it can’t take the Trailer Parks out of YOU! It’s time to stop hiding your food stamps and public assistance white folks.
Not a Racist just sick and tired of the Prejudice foolishness. Leave folk alone and Pray for everyone 🤲
MAGA wants nothing but the best for America in 2024 aka Germany 1933
Low life Fani and her boy toy are going down. They tried to take money from Biden to go after Trump, now he’s going to take them all out. How ignorant were they to think Trump didn’t have the money and ability to investigate what type of toilet paper they use?
Oh look, daddy Fani is on the stand. They should ask him, “while you were teaching your daughter to keep a butt load of cash in the house, did you also teach her to pay for all the meals and trips that she was taking with her pimp that has now dumped her?” How humiliating to be dumped by a guy that you picked up the tab for all your dates and big trips.
She was getting her big fat wrinkled butt pounded alright. And paying for the pounding with taxpayers funds. She’s as guilty as sin.
I think that wad at the base of her ass crack might be where she’s hiding her money that daddy Fani taught her to do. How long do you think it I’ll be before someone visits her house to look for her stash? Her and her boyfriend need to lose their job, their law license and go to prison.