216 thoughts on “20 FOR 2”

  1. 18


    Pascale Achille is an unethical, dishonest, bad person.

    But for the first time i see someone who isn’t garbage on one of these lists: I would love to see Jackie Powell elevated.

    1. 8


      I just think it’s funny that she thinks she has a chance. Does she not know how this politics game works? She wants an appointment? And she’s that awful to EVERYONE? What events is she at? I’ve never seen her at one. Who does she know? Nobody. Who thinks highly of her? Herself.

    2. 9


      Powell is plugged into Brenda Forman’s network and is as dumb as a stump. That’s the last thing we need is another gopher.

      1. 10


        You clearly don’t know Judge Powell.
        She works her ass off for her community and as a Judge.
        You sound like a bitter POS.

    3. 12


      Pascal is the worst, nastiest most unethical ASA I’ve ever had the displeasure of having a case with.

      She needs a different career, not a judgeship!

        1. 2


          I hear there’s one in the works. But people always say that and never do it. I bet actually going through with one will prevent her from ever having a chance not that she has one.

    4. 5


      Imagine pascal in family court where they’ll stick her. She’ll deny every adoption just to watch people/children cry. Divorce? Nah, you guys made a choice 20 yrs ago, you have to stick to it. Sorry. Not signing the final order. Time sharing? She’ll remove the child and put it in foster care. Restraining order? Doubtful. You chose to date the guy. If he comes after you, whose fault is that sweetie?

      Pascall loves being the one who gets to hurt people. Imagine being married to her.

    5. 3


      Same old group of moochers including but not limited to Jackie Powell. I remember when she didn’t tell the truth about her friend girl Brenda Forman a few years ago. They stick together like flies on crap in hopes of elevation. Don’t see a single exception. Just a bunch of losers looking for a free ride and benefits. Just what Broward needs. More cheese nibblers.

  2. 4


    Why did all the County Judges decide now’s the time to try for elevation (all at once) when no one stepped up before.

    1. 2


      There’s a big difference between dealing with traffic tickets and more complex cases. Look what happens to Liz Scherer as she went down the crapper !

  3. 4


    Puleasseee the same ol people trying get a ride at the public trough. Candidates 6,7,19. Go away already

  4. 6


    Do you think all the county judges get together and talk about getting elevated? Each person takes a look at their own lives and decides whether they want to try now or not. Some hateful morons on this blog.

    1. 1


      Yes. There’s a large sect of the county freeloaders who actively try to hide, have no ambition, and just want to collect a paycheck. They will tell anyone who listens that it’s better to be county because the stakes are low and the pay differential is only 10k. They’re the incompetent ones who don’t now the law and are afraid that they’ll get reversed on a case they sentenced someone to 20 yrs for because they fucked up a trial so bad on something stupid. They’re dumb. We know who they are. They know who they are. Catalina avalos and Jackie Powell aren’t among them.

      1. 6


        Odds are Break gets it. Common sense indicates getting three separate interviews indicates high interest from the Commission and probably from above.

        1. 4


          All the other interviewees only got 12 minutes. The fact that Break gets 30 minutes, shows the fix is in.

      2. 8


        Tynan is old as shit. Desantis likes lawyers with less than 10 yrs experience so they are forever grateful and provide him future political capital.

        1. 9


          Tynan has made enough people’s lives miserable over the years. Hope he gets flushed down the toilet big time. I can just imagine what he’d be like as a judge.

      3. 3


        How can tynan be I he represents lawyers for grievances. How many cases would he have to recuse himself my guess a ton.

    1. 5


      Liz must have just gotten her lips 👄 pumped in that pic. Rather painful I would assume, but not as painful as having to watch her make a fool of herself. She should never have been greased into a position of authority as a judge. She just doesn’t have what it takes.

    1. 4


      She has a name. She is brilliant, hardworking, and a dedicated member of the community. She would be an incredible judge.

        1. 5


          No. No it’s not. I’m her friend. Have you ever had a friend stuck up for you? Foreign concept? I bet she’s too busy to be looking at this blog like us losers.

    2. 4


      It is funny- only because she isn’t a federalist, Republican religious zealot- and that is all this governor appoints. She has no chance- even though she would be a great judge. Hopefully she runs.

        1. 5


          You’re a scab looking for attention, but too afraid to put your name on that comment. What a loser.

  5. 7


    Know your audience. Desantis will pick a former prosecutor with under 10 yrs experience who is a member of the Federalist society. If you don’t meet those qualifications then you’re just wasting your time. Better chance to get elected.

          1. 3


            The Republicans want to control everything. They want to control women’s bodies. They want to control who grown ups can get married to (no gay marriage). They want to force prayer in school. They want to control what teachers can teach. The list goes on.

              1. 2


                What a smart and thoughtful answer. Obviously you are ok with the control the GOP wants over women’s bodies and who people can marry. I’m sure you are an old man that is clinging to homophobia and sexism because you are scared that at some point you were attracted to men and you do t know how to deal with your feelings because your generation is judgemental as fuck . Soon you will all die of old age and the young people won’t have to deal with you dinosaurs and your bigoted way of thinking. Let’s see who wins the culture wars in the end.
                Oh – and the gun argument is so dumb. Forcing rape victims to cary a baby hurts no one but the woman. Guns kill people. We have an epidemic of gun violence in this country that isn’t experienced anywhere else in the first world. You are so dumb. I hope that you aren’t a lawyer- or at least retired.

  6. 11


    My practice is in federal court. Sometimes I will drop into this forum when I feel like having a good laugh at the small mindedness. What I love most are all of the anonymous posters, who are the bigger pieces of sh*t. Something tells me not one of them would ever say any of this garbage to the person’s face. But would be the first one lining up to kiss a$$ if that person becomes a judge. SMH.

    1. 3


      I would say it every day and have said to their faces in the past. And they walk away with comment. I have called out many of these sleeze balls to my own disadvantage.
      I would love an open forum to address them face to face. You’d be surprised once someone breaks the ice the glacier will run them over.
      That courthouse is a whore house disguised ASA place of justice. Please men n women keep your bottoms on and stop fornicating each other.

      1. 6


        Why you posted anonymously, right? Did you lose enough times to these same ASAs that the only place you can say your peace is by anonymously saying “I’ve said it to their face”. I don’t know any of these people you anonymously attack, but you sound like a punk. Get a life.

    2. 3


      The Jqc would likely not approve of the Judges whom post here so of course they aren’t going to use their names you big dum dum.

        1. 0


          The best President since Reagan. Clinton close second.
          Where is Debbie? I mean DWS as she likes to be referred to.
          What about our borders?
          The jury boxes may soon be full of MS13 members, but the defense bar will love it, special appointments because the PD office is over worked and political pay back.
          The circle jerk continues.

          1. 1


            😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 best President😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 reagan?😂😂😂😂😂😂
            Clinton? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Trump?😂😂😂
            You are hilarious! Thank you. That was funny.

  7. 3


    Same old gophers looking for a handout. If any of them had any balls they’d run for it instead of putting their names in over and over. None of them stand out from this pack of losers.

    1. 3


      They don’t wanna work for it. They know how to cheat for it. And that’s what the conservatives are good at. Cheating.

  8. 4


    You’re saying the Internet is advising me to stop talking about slavery and start talking about Ramaswamy?

        1. 6


          Maybe, but I sure love watching him shine a light on all the pervs and pedos (trans), the racists (with their CRT bs), and beating up on Disney!

          1. 6


            His phobias are shared by a lot of insecure people.
            But about Disney they’re the ones doing the beating.
            In Florida and across the USA.
            Disney killing his campaign in Fortune 500 boardrooms all across the country.

  9. 5


    Blunders ? Not unlike Tuter and his clown-house full of fellow carnival participants. He may as well have handed Liz Scherer the shovel with which to bury her judicial career. And the clown is still squeezing beans.

  10. 1


    In response to that and all other challenging questions I’m going to refer you to the dark regions of the Internet for my positions.

    1. 0


      Why women have bad depth perception–they’ve been told this is 8 inches. It’s a test question on the Bar exam.

      1. 0


        She’s had exceeding bad luck in her past with boyfriends and husbands. Doubt that size has anything to do with it.

  11. 7


    I still can’t believe a man of that caliber got his name permanently enshrined on the courtroom wall.

    1. 3


      Scherer mole. But his incompetent butt is due to get scabbed as CJ in 2024. The last of that spoon is eagerly anticipated. He’s milked it for all its worth. Time to skid on out.
      Of all the worms this circuit has had as CJ he’s got to be the most pathetic. The days of honoring himself are almost gone.

    1. 2


      Wait what happened to Marcus Griggs?? I just went to his fb and there’s a post from his aunt saying she’ll love him forever? But nothing else? What happened!?!

  12. 8


    Pascal shut up. The whole seventh floor can hear your loud obnoxious mouth. Just STFU and use your inside voice. We don’t want to hear your obnoxious manly attention-seeking voice. You are obscene. Keep your voice down loud mouth. You to Heather. STFU

    1. 5


      Wow it’s good to know that it’s not just the defense bar that loathes her!!! What will be done about her? She’s going to mess with the wrong person eventually.

    2. 6


      Hahahaahahaha pascal achille you are not liked at all. not even by your own office. music to my ears. Good luck getting that judge spot dummy. Literally everyone will have a basis to disqualify you. “Raise your hand if you’ve been personally attacked by pascal Achille”
      Additionally, doesn’t she know they reach out to your opposing counsel on your last few cases to see how you behaved yourself? No one will hold back for you. Everyone knows you hide discovery and play dirty. Everyone knows you tamper with witnesses and evidence. Everybody knows you play reaaaaal reckless with that bar card of yours.

      1. 12


        No, nobody at the office likes her. She lacks the self awareness to see how offputting she is. She thinks people are laughing with her but they’re just uncomfortable. She’s so aggressive and condescending all the time, but in a weird mentally ill, is today the day she snaps, kind of way. So you just smile and nod and slip away, grateful she didn’t turn on you today. She’s scary. And not in a “she’s respected” kind of way. She’s scary in a “she’s a liability” kind of way. And again, she lacks the self awareness to know that people are just enduring her incrementally until she leaves them alone. I watched her luring a meek cop into some devious plan of hers one day. I could hear her cackling down the hall—I thought maybe they were laughing together. I walked by the room, and he just looked nervous as hell. And she just kept physically overwhelming him. It was hard to watch. She has no idea what her actual reputation is. And she could read this and interpret it as power and deference. Because she’s delusional.

  13. 5


    A man who many loved and admired died possibly by suicide. It’s not something to joke about. Karma is a bitch! Grow up and get some compassion! Better yet go fuck yourself asshole!!

    1. 5


      And that’s why he did it. So the truth wouldn’t come out. Dude took the easy way out. He was weak.

    2. 5


      Is Marcus Griggs the same Marcus Griggs who was arrested for Domestic Violence while working as a Broward ASA

  14. 1


    I’ve seen lists of losers that can’t make it in private practice before looking for a handout, but this bunch looks like it came from the county landfill ! Lol
    No wonder we have the worst quality of judges in the state if this is the best cadre of chumps to choose from.

  15. 5


    He’s pretty much a meat and potatoes person but he absolutely won’t eat bananas, corn dogs, or fruit cake.

  16. 0


    I don’t care what anyone says. Florida Trump and Florida pizza are better than the real things from New Woke City.

    1. 5


      Does anyone else get the feeling Governor Desantis got played? Like his memo was “leaked” so he couldn’t follow the script without looking dumb? Leaving Pence and Haley to beat up on Vivak instead and looking much better than Ron did, who was darn near invisible?

      1. 7


        Worst conducted debate I’ve ever seen. The narrators repeatedly inserted themselves personally into the debate and very few questions regarding policy were posed. A real carnival if you ask me. Trump was right to steer clear of it.

  17. 9


    Add up how many times most of these gophers have applied for judge and you get an idea just how desperate most of them are. Maybe i’d Have a little respect for any one of them if I thought any of them would make a good judge, but I can’t say that.
    It’s kind of sad that only the desperate flakes want the job but that includes most of the sitting judges in Broward already. What’s a few more.

    1. 0


      Thanks for the support! Didn’t make it this time, maybe next time. All things in time. Have a good weekend!

    1. 4


      Raising $ for legal fees isn’t the problem. Facts are.

          1. 4


            Talk about a slime ball ! Kay was the poster child for everything that is slimy within the crooked sewer of what we call the justice system in Broward.

  18. 8


    Everyone used to talk shit and accuse Satz from hiding Brady material. Birds are chirping when Pryor does it. Disgusting!! You have all been played! The black community should be up in arms and so should anyone else who really believes justice is blind under Pryor and I’m a person of color. So don’t start your racist BS!

  19. 6


    Melly’s mom is going to kick Pryor’s ass and rightfully so. Christine Bradley should be prosecuted for prosecutorial misconduct knowing that the prime Detective was under investigation and on Brady for excessive force against a witness in Melly’s case and never turned over Brady to the defense. She can’t say she didn’t know because she gave testimony in the case. Wow! We need to go back through all our cases and make sure that corrupt office didn’t hold back Brady with our clients. Wtf is going on over there?

    1. 8


      Every one of Carney’s and Gardiner’s cases NEEDE to be reviewed. The BS Pub Corruptions Unit is a useless fraud, as is most of the Overwhelmed CIU because they have not been given the tools to do so, and Broward has too much to hide. that is why they have set their standards unapproachable for the numbers of cases. The unit adopted the minimal criteria of other such Units, where they leave thousands still in the lurch and prison of a wrongful conviction, regardless of the fats and evidence concealed.

    2. 5


      Every single one of the homicide girls withholds exculpatory evidence intentionally. Every single one. Except heather.

      1. 4


        Isn’t Heather the one who threatens witnesses with deportation if that don’t do as she asks? The same Heather that lost a murder case to speedy trial?

    1. 16


      He doesn’t have that many supporters. Most of us democrats agree that he hasn’t done a lot of what he promised, especially with student loans. But he is still better than the deranged religious zealots on the other side that want to turn America into a theocracy. So we hold our nose and vote for him- because the other option is completely insane.

  20. 13


    If you have enough confidence in a doddering old fool who has sucked millions of dollars over his tenure in government to pad the wallet of the Biden Crime Syndicate and who is pushing us toward the next World War, by all means vote for this snake oil pusher who the Democrats themselves want to see the back of, by all means prop up this disgraceful criminal dementia patient who represents the fall of the American Ideal and the diminishing power of America on the world stage. Another term with this buffoon and America will write its own epitaph without the use of a complicit media.

    1. 5


      If this old fool thinks for one minute people are going to be wearing masks and forced to take a shot that does not work, he can stick it in his ass.

    2. 7


      If you can honestly say you’re living better today then five years ago, then by all means vote for feeble Joe again. Do you like the price of food, gas, the boarder crises, the lives that were lost pulling out of Afghanistan, the mortgage interest rate, the way the government is trying to take our rights away as parents, the list goes on and on.

  21. 5


    If Trump is the Republican nominee, I’ll definitely be voting for Biden. You’d have to be deranged to vote for a wannabe strong man thieving faux thug born with a silver spoon in his mouth never worked an honest day in his life not that that smart bully like Trump.

    1. 11


      You liberals are fucked in the head and stupid too. Biden is a crook change the channel from CNN and start thinking for yourself.

      1. 4


        Which ones do you recommend? Newsmax? OAN- oh, never mind on that one. IJBOL.
        Ok, so you’ve been seduced by malignant narcissist loser Trump. The rest of us recognize that, you’re not a bad person. Thoughts and prayers for you and his other victims.

  22. 6


    If the choices are Biden- or a bunch of religious Zealots that want to turn America in a theocracy- the choice is easy.
    If it’s trump- then it is even easier. I would never vote for that criminal traitor that tried to overthrow our government.

    1. 14


      Did you ever notice the Democrats are like a cult following? No matter how ignorant or non performing their leader is, they still will follow and drink the cool aid. How much more do they have to see before they realize this country is in very deep, serious trouble?

      1. 7


        Biden in my opinion belongs in an asylum for the severely demented.
        He has done more damage to America than any other president in history. Just as long as he takes that whacked out wife of his Jill with him. Just how much has she skimmed off the American people is yet to be determined, but I suspect it’s a lot of loot.

      1. 3


        Obviously she’s not very good at that either? Check out the 70s bangs, heavy black eye liner and pinkaling lips. Next time she should take someone with her to steal shades that flatter her ugly face.

  23. 19



    If anyone wants to check the finances of our elected officials. They just had to file by June. I’m just gonna say one circuit court judge has a NEGATIVE net worth. Another one can’t figure out how to fill these forms out—instead of listing the value of her home in assets and her mortgage in liabilities, she wrote 18.5% ownership in homestead and listed NO LIABILITIES. at what point is that an intentional misstatement of her finances?
    we should all be seriously concerned about a lot of these peoples finances. If they can’t make good decisions financially, how the hell are they sitting in judgment of anybody? How can they be trusted? It’s pretty bad. There’s a handful who are financially healthy…but there’s way too many who appear to be living paycheck to paycheck or are too leveraged to where they’d lose everything if they lost this job. This is the very reason they have to do financial disclosures. Now we know who is in a desperate position to keep their jobs.

      1. 0


        Maybe he/she has no mortgage or a quit claim deed with an 18.5 percent interest maybe if a mortgage it’s in spouses name only. Who knows definitely not sticking up for any of them

        1. 5


          If it’s only in her spouses name, then it shouldn’t be exempt from public record. Either way though…it’s not. It’s only in her name. And she writes 18.5% interest. It’s so odd and such a poor interpretation of her reporting responsibilities. How does she interpret caselaw? Incorrectly I presume.

      1. 2


        If either a man or a woman is ok to fool around in a car, in a parking garage they must be pretty low life. I hope you at least have enough class to bring a package of wipes.

          1. 1


            Oh and you must be the cheap ass that screws in a car? Trust me cheap ass good sex has nothing to do with where you have it. Having class is the difference in what type of person as an adult has sex in a car in a parking garage vs a clean, classy motel room. If you give or get sex in a parking garage as an adult you’re both pathetic.

            1. 0


              Lol. Ok. Just outed yourself as a prude. It also seems like the comment really got to you. The truth hurts. I can have great sex in a hotel- or a car. You are just someone that probably only fucks missionary with a sheet between you..

            2. 0


              Oh- and the fact you consider a motel “classy” also speaks volumes. Lol.
              My car is cleaner than most motels. Lol

              1. 1


                If you’re having sex in a car your dick must not be very clean nor is the hole you stuck it in. You just keep having car sex, probably the best you can get or afford. Oh, and the fact that you responded so quickly must mean you’re a pathetic cheap ass that can only screw women as pathetic as you.

              2. 1


                Dude, you have sex in your car in a parking garage and most of the motels you have been are not clean? WTF…..I wouldn’t touch you with some one else’s dick.

                1. 0


                  Lol. You keep thinking motels are some kind of flex. Lol. They aren’t. Try a hotel-you loser. Who TF goes to a motel?

                  1. 1


                    I think you missed the entire point of the post pal. It wasn’t about hotel or motels, the point was humping in your car in the parking garage where you work is trashy. Perhaps if you didn’t have ADD and had some reading comprehension you would have caught the point.

                  2. 1


                    Who TF goes to a motel? Some one a hell of a lot better than an adult having car sex in a parking garage.

    1. 5


      You people who are worried about location location fail to keep your eye on the ball.

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