Bailey is spending more time lookin over his shoulder than he is thinking things thru by the sounds of it. His order bespeaks volumes and its starting to look like he’s over his head. Why Broward Judges can’t do the simplest job in the courthouse is a question that’s been on the minds of many for a long time. Maybe he should dispense with acting like he’s so important with his bluster and knuckle down to the nitty gritty of doing what he’s being paid to do. He’s made himself an easy target for contention and will undoubtably be challenged when he has to run again to keep his job. Broward can do much better than Bailey. Wish him luck with his book.
Not only is there no necessity for such a long order, it is completely improper. This guy has no clue what rules are, and continues to compound the obvious conclusion that he is not fit for the job.
“The judge against whom an initial motion to disqualify under subdivision (d)(1) is directed shall determine only the legal sufficiency of the motion and shall not pass on the truth of the facts alleged. If the motion is legally sufficient, the judge shall immediately enter an order granting disqualification and proceed no further in the action. If any motion is legally insufficient, an order denying the motion shall immediately be entered. No other reason for denial shall be stated, and an order of denial shall not take issue with the motion.”
Maybe he’s worried about DJ because the Court would be blamed for the mistrial, hence the cya order which would be a nullity if not contemporaneously issued with the oral granting of recusal.
The big time networkers didn’t pan out. Both came limping back to be gov. gophers. Now one wants to be Murphy’s maid and the other would do better at giving some thought to opening a BBQ stand with his own special sauce.
Daniel Mahoney
Yeah right like a case of water you can’t put in your purse who goes to the grocery store and puts it in your purse before they go to check out no one
John Pothews
she dropped the Cosmetics into her purse but didn’t clandestinely attempt to hide them. Only a moron would believe that story. It seems down there Justice is a metaphor for just us,and the hell with you.
Daniel Mahoney
One law for them one law for us welcome to the pig Nation
I just heard something: in judge FEIN today, there’s two Nicholas Hernandez defendants. One in the box. One out of the box. In the box, guy has long black hair passes shoulders. Guy out of the box has a buzz cut. Turns out, the one in the box had his bond revoked by judge WEEKES who knows how long ago, because she thought he was the other guy. Imagine. Imagine how easy it would be to just ask him for his birthday with such a common name before you lock a guy up? Or look at a booking photo. Imagine
What’s wrong with this situation? As bad as I may feel about Ginsberg’s present health problems, she should consider stepping down from the Supreme Court before she’s forced to give up the ghost for good.
How can this old crone continue to be effective on the highest Court in the land when she can’t even stay awake ?
Looks like Trump Daddy may score another one very soon.
I hope so but I don’t see it on the div elections website. She will kick butt and ask for honesty at that dump. Bad guys won’t stand a chance. Violent offenders and corrupt officials beware.
if she wins, will she install a serious honest conviction integrity review unit to try to put some actual integrity in Bowser Co. SAO? Will Teresa? will ANYbody???
“if she wins, will she install a serious honest conviction integrity review unit to try to put some actual integrity in Bowser Co. SAO? Will Teresa? will ANYbody???—————-
Sheila Alu ???
If she runs as an independent, she’ll be an independent.
Appearance of impropriety is the standard. Did this go to Thomas Cooley? He’s a good guy. Maybe err on the side of Defendant like every long-standing and fair-minded judge does. Interlocutory bc he wasn’t sure what he wanted to.. he talked it over & didn’t get appealed. How many of these things go unnoticed? First degree murder a judge jumps ship any time he’s able. Weird. Like a prosecutor.
Appearance of impropriety is the standard. Did this go to Thomas Cooley? He’s a good guy. Maybe err on the side of Defendant like every long-standing and fair-minded judge does. Interlocutory bc he wasn’t sure what he wanted to.. he talked it over & didn’t get appealed. How many of these things go unnoticed? First degree murder a judge jumps ship any time he’s able. Weird. Almost like s first year prosecutor.
The sooner Broward Judges realize they are just cogs in the wheel of justice and not some kind of celebrities , the better Broward will be. Most of these jokers never made it in private practice or came squirming up thru the ranks of so called public service to what they consider the height of their careers sucking at the public trough. It’s time they do something for what they’re getting paid other than screw up. Vote these parachutists out of office and elect people that aren’t afraid to put in the hours. Vote out Broward incumbent judges.
A Judge Shall Uphold the Integrity And Independence of the Judiciary
An independent and honorable judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society. A judge should participate in establishing, maintaining, and enforcing high standards of conduct, and shall personally observe those standards so that the integrity and independence of the judiciary may be preserved. The provisions of this Code should be construed and applied to further that objective.
“If we do not get the funding (for Cruz), we may have to start declining any future capital murder cases,” Finkelstein told us. “This case cannot be absorbed in our normal budget.”
Howard maybe you could fire some of those over paid underworked supervisors to help defray the cost…
hahahahahaha. hasn’t this been the point all along–just like most indigent counsel appointments–to fail. In fact, isn’t that why Jerry Cunningham used to get so many cases?
So much smoke, Howie. Supervisors in the office do next to nothing and its not like you’ve ever taken a case. Your logic is flawed and your argument even more laughable.
You’ve managed to get rid of the most capable capital murder lawyers to keep your political sycophants in the fold, most of which like yourself don’t handle any cases themselves. And its not like the Cruz case is breaking anyone’s back with as little as has to be done on it. Quit your puffing. The game is up. Did you really think you could pull the wool over everyone’s eyes forever? Your grandstanding BS is coming to a grinding halt.
The newbie Judge out at west Satellite is extremely condescending to staff and the public. She brought her clerks to tears in court today. Hopefully she is a ONE TERM judge.
you sir are what the common man calls a village idiot. If in anyway you are referring to Natasha you are either 1. a moron 2. a total moron 3. an absolute moron. Now I do not want to insult morons but she is one of the most pleasant, genuine people on the bench. She tries to do what is not only just but fair. Expect her to rise through the ranks to Circuit Judge fairly quickly.
We are very happy to hear that Shiela Alu is running for Broward County State Attorney. Sheila we are with you 100%. When you get elected please clean house starting with Satz’s little do girl Saranell Murphy. Please do us all a favor and FIRE HER. Sheila Alu for State Attorney 2020 !!!
I’ve done Sheila a few times and she a very very HOT woman. I’m voting for Sheila Alu for Broward State Attorney. Go Sheila Go. The ultimate Head Queen.
Ms. Williams, you are clearly the best candidate for State Attorney. There’s so much corruption in Broward, we desperately need someone like you to bring some integrity to the Office of the State Attorney. I’m just sorry you didn’t win last time against Satz and his cronies so we could have had a jump on flushing out the detritus at an earlier date. You almost beat the scumbag last time but I’m looking forward to you doing it this time around. You can count on my support and that of all those who want to clean out the double dippers, trough suckers and political pimps. Endorsements are for scumbags. I appreciate your candor and stance on not soliciting them. Remain independent of the same barfbags who have sought to keep the squirrels supplied with nuts for their own purposes.
We stand behind Teresa Williams.
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.
“severe consequences” were the words of CJ CANADY to Dennis Bailey when he got a public reprimanded. I just viewed the public reprimand of Judge Kollra. No such words were used towards him. What does the CJ know about Bailey that we don’t. perhaps more in the pipeline?
No alcoholic beverages? How about virgin frozen coladas?
The guy from the Wonder Years?
What’s the necessity for the long Order?
Bailey is spending more time lookin over his shoulder than he is thinking things thru by the sounds of it. His order bespeaks volumes and its starting to look like he’s over his head. Why Broward Judges can’t do the simplest job in the courthouse is a question that’s been on the minds of many for a long time. Maybe he should dispense with acting like he’s so important with his bluster and knuckle down to the nitty gritty of doing what he’s being paid to do. He’s made himself an easy target for contention and will undoubtably be challenged when he has to run again to keep his job. Broward can do much better than Bailey. Wish him luck with his book.
Not only is there no necessity for such a long order, it is completely improper. This guy has no clue what rules are, and continues to compound the obvious conclusion that he is not fit for the job.
“The judge against whom an initial motion to disqualify under subdivision (d)(1) is directed shall determine only the legal sufficiency of the motion and shall not pass on the truth of the facts alleged. If the motion is legally sufficient, the judge shall immediately enter an order granting disqualification and proceed no further in the action. If any motion is legally insufficient, an order denying the motion shall immediately be entered. No other reason for denial shall be stated, and an order of denial shall not take issue with the motion.”
Maybe he’s worried about DJ because the Court would be blamed for the mistrial, hence the cya order which would be a nullity if not contemporaneously issued with the oral granting of recusal.
Who is DJ? The prosecutor?
From Rydell’s past website: “Yo, I’m from up Northeast…and I bring my Northeast attitude to my practice of law.”
WTF does that even mean? You go around saying ‘hey Paulie’ all the time?!
The issue is he should have disclosed this relationship to the parties. Kudos to the Detective and ASA for proper disclosure.
Ana la Cubana Gardiner was one of the hottest Judges in Broward county. Ana la Cubana I sorely missed.
whaaaat no more suckey-fuckey with annie bananey for you–who are you–Juan Carlos Ariasssss? call Bogey and ask for a rental for old time sake…
What’s the bit about consumption of alcohol? Lol
I hear the clock ticking.
I envy people who drink. At least they have something to blame everything on.
Oscar Levant
Here’s to all the unethical lushes.
Trafficking children has its challenges.
The cover up is always worse than the crime.
Col. Dennis explains why dark meat costs 719% more using his special blend of justice.
Read the book, don’t wait for the movie.
Tell me he wasn’t sitting on another one of tony Loe’s trials. AGAIN.
weren’t they partners in the same law firm? How does that happen?
The big time networkers didn’t pan out. Both came limping back to be gov. gophers. Now one wants to be Murphy’s maid and the other would do better at giving some thought to opening a BBQ stand with his own special sauce.
Protagonist and Scribe?
The Protagonist and Scribe?
Couple of Genius’s ?
Not much of a big seller. I bought the only 2 that went to print.
Daniel Mahoney
Yeah right like a case of water you can’t put in your purse who goes to the grocery store and puts it in your purse before they go to check out no one
John Pothews
she dropped the Cosmetics into her purse but didn’t clandestinely attempt to hide them. Only a moron would believe that story. It seems down there Justice is a metaphor for just us,and the hell with you.
Daniel Mahoney
One law for them one law for us welcome to the pig Nation
Hope his work of fiction is better written than his order
I just heard something: in judge FEIN today, there’s two Nicholas Hernandez defendants. One in the box. One out of the box. In the box, guy has long black hair passes shoulders. Guy out of the box has a buzz cut. Turns out, the one in the box had his bond revoked by judge WEEKES who knows how long ago, because she thought he was the other guy. Imagine. Imagine how easy it would be to just ask him for his birthday with such a common name before you lock a guy up? Or look at a booking photo. Imagine
But to be fair did he look like Nicholas Hernandez?
Did anyone catch the line the book is fiction?
What’s wrong with this situation? As bad as I may feel about Ginsberg’s present health problems, she should consider stepping down from the Supreme Court before she’s forced to give up the ghost for good.
How can this old crone continue to be effective on the highest Court in the land when she can’t even stay awake ?
Looks like Trump Daddy may score another one very soon.
Any day now.
Did Sheila Alu file to run for state attorney today as an independent? That sure will change things around here!
I hope so but I don’t see it on the div elections website. She will kick butt and ask for honesty at that dump. Bad guys won’t stand a chance. Violent offenders and corrupt officials beware.
Finally someone to stand up to violent criminals in Broward courts!!!!!!
I would vote for her. No one else will kick the double dippers out.
This would make for fun. She’s more qualified then Murphy. She’s handled budgets before. Is Mike backing her?
Of course mike is backing her. He is getting out his checkbook and writing her a $250 check right away.
if she wins, will she install a serious honest conviction integrity review unit to try to put some actual integrity in Bowser Co. SAO? Will Teresa? will ANYbody???
Teresa will lose. You can bank on it. Affiant Sayeth Naught.
“if she wins, will she install a serious honest conviction integrity review unit to try to put some actual integrity in Bowser Co. SAO? Will Teresa? will ANYbody???—————-
Sheila Alu ???
If she runs as an independent, she’ll be an independent.
Billie Holiday 4 Sheila Alu. SA 2020
Morgan speaks about Sheila Alu’s Independent Run
I sure hope so, Alu would bring honor to a twisted bunch of self serving number crunchers who it seems can never get enough.
Is it true or a blog joke?
If Alu wins will she keep Murphy?
She’s never been in a good place.
I ruled that the court house is to remain closed.
Appearance of impropriety is the standard. Did this go to Thomas Cooley? He’s a good guy. Maybe err on the side of Defendant like every long-standing and fair-minded judge does. Interlocutory bc he wasn’t sure what he wanted to.. he talked it over & didn’t get appealed. How many of these things go unnoticed? First degree murder a judge jumps ship any time he’s able. Weird. Like a prosecutor.
Appearance of impropriety is the standard. Did this go to Thomas Cooley? He’s a good guy. Maybe err on the side of Defendant like every long-standing and fair-minded judge does. Interlocutory bc he wasn’t sure what he wanted to.. he talked it over & didn’t get appealed. How many of these things go unnoticed? First degree murder a judge jumps ship any time he’s able. Weird. Almost like s first year prosecutor.
Working title…
“Brother, be nice and shut up”
Bailey’s always been a bozo. Loe is just a hose.
Why Judge Hawkins Went Off
The sooner Broward Judges realize they are just cogs in the wheel of justice and not some kind of celebrities , the better Broward will be. Most of these jokers never made it in private practice or came squirming up thru the ranks of so called public service to what they consider the height of their careers sucking at the public trough. It’s time they do something for what they’re getting paid other than screw up. Vote these parachutists out of office and elect people that aren’t afraid to put in the hours. Vote out Broward incumbent judges.
Canon 1
A Judge Shall Uphold the Integrity And Independence of the Judiciary
An independent and honorable judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society. A judge should participate in establishing, maintaining, and enforcing high standards of conduct, and shall personally observe those standards so that the integrity and independence of the judiciary may be preserved. The provisions of this Code should be construed and applied to further that objective.
“If we do not get the funding (for Cruz), we may have to start declining any future capital murder cases,” Finkelstein told us. “This case cannot be absorbed in our normal budget.”
Howard maybe you could fire some of those over paid underworked supervisors to help defray the cost…
hahahahahaha. hasn’t this been the point all along–just like most indigent counsel appointments–to fail. In fact, isn’t that why Jerry Cunningham used to get so many cases?
So much smoke, Howie. Supervisors in the office do next to nothing and its not like you’ve ever taken a case. Your logic is flawed and your argument even more laughable.
You’ve managed to get rid of the most capable capital murder lawyers to keep your political sycophants in the fold, most of which like yourself don’t handle any cases themselves. And its not like the Cruz case is breaking anyone’s back with as little as has to be done on it. Quit your puffing. The game is up. Did you really think you could pull the wool over everyone’s eyes forever? Your grandstanding BS is coming to a grinding halt.
The newbie Judge out at west Satellite is extremely condescending to staff and the public. She brought her clerks to tears in court today. Hopefully she is a ONE TERM judge.
Worse than Fishman?
Phoebe? Sounds like another out of control black Judge going off on clerks like Moon and Hawkins
She’s not condescending in no way shape or form. Find another judge to troll.
Sounds like DePrimo, new she was going to be another waste.
you sir are what the common man calls a village idiot. If in anyway you are referring to Natasha you are either 1. a moron 2. a total moron 3. an absolute moron. Now I do not want to insult morons but she is one of the most pleasant, genuine people on the bench. She tries to do what is not only just but fair. Expect her to rise through the ranks to Circuit Judge fairly quickly.
DePrimo is a snooty spoiled brat not deserving of the bench. She brought her clerk to tears in open court. For that sir she is the VILLAGE IDIOT.
Florida Supreme Court Public Reprimand of Broward Judge Ernest A Kollra Jr
We are very happy to hear that Shiela Alu is running for Broward County State Attorney. Sheila we are with you 100%. When you get elected please clean house starting with Satz’s little do girl Saranell Murphy. Please do us all a favor and FIRE HER. Sheila Alu for State Attorney 2020 !!!
You say you won’t take endorsements from anyone…
I’ve done Sheila a few times and she a very very HOT woman. I’m voting for Sheila Alu for Broward State Attorney. Go Sheila Go. The ultimate Head Queen.
Ms. Williams, you are clearly the best candidate for State Attorney. There’s so much corruption in Broward, we desperately need someone like you to bring some integrity to the Office of the State Attorney. I’m just sorry you didn’t win last time against Satz and his cronies so we could have had a jump on flushing out the detritus at an earlier date. You almost beat the scumbag last time but I’m looking forward to you doing it this time around. You can count on my support and that of all those who want to clean out the double dippers, trough suckers and political pimps. Endorsements are for scumbags. I appreciate your candor and stance on not soliciting them. Remain independent of the same barfbags who have sought to keep the squirrels supplied with nuts for their own purposes.
We stand behind Teresa Williams.
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.
Teresa gets it.
Greeting’s From G.I.T.M.O.
I left an envelope to fiance Teresa’s campaign.
word is that Bailey gets a substantially funded candidate when he has to run…I believe he has ruffled the wrong feathers one too many times.
“severe consequences” were the words of CJ CANADY to Dennis Bailey when he got a public reprimanded. I just viewed the public reprimand of Judge Kollra. No such words were used towards him. What does the CJ know about Bailey that we don’t. perhaps more in the pipeline?
word is that Bailey gets a substantially funded candidate when he has to run…I believe he has ruffled the wrong feathers one too many times.
Williams loses by 10 to 15%
Can some please RUN against Feld when here seat it up. She needs to be humbled.
And now Sharpee Gate – the 7-year old who will never grow older, please lets get rid of this A-Hole.