*UPDATE*SS: Prosecutor Fired Over Facebook Post


The following is from the SAO’s PIO:

“Following our review of the Facebook posting by Ms. Amy Bloom, we have made the decision to terminate her effective immediately. The views expressed in that posting are entirely inconsistent with the ideals and principles of the Broward State Attorney’s Office and the duties and responsibilities of an assistant state attorney.”

82 thoughts on “CANNED!”

    1. 2


      She’s always been an unmistakable bimbo with the brain the size of a pea. Who could possibly expect anything less from this dimwit?

  1. 7


    You have all the people running for SAO condoning the protest activity by offering to defend anyone arrested. somebody needs to stand up and be a leader here. Despite the “peaceful” intent, we see that it continues to attract the combatants that give everyone else a bad name. Take the lead here. Call it what it is. Don’t condone protests because it only incites the bad actors to capture the headlines. Come on Broward. We can do better.

  2. 7


    Please Amy, do not insult the golden retriever breed. None of its members would want to trade places with you.

  3. 0


    As she should be. If you feel this way, I can only imagine how her true feelings affect her work.


    1. 0


      The problem is we do know you Amy …
      Now go get a job somewhere else

  4. 19


    And Steinberg and Loe are still there…if it wasn’t so sad it would almost be funny

    1. 14


      Unfortunately, a complete lack of empathy and sensitivity to the issues of the day is a-ok over there (and makes for promotions) so long as one is not foolish enough to broadcast it in layman’s terms on social media.

      1. 43


        I’d love to see all candidates promise to fire Loe as a campaign promise. Let’s start that. Sarahnell won’t get rid of either. The possibility of Chief assistant Steinberg or Loe should be a frightening enough threat to oppose her

    2. 5



      1. 0


        Sarahnell does NOT wear any panties, ever. I know that for a fact.

          1. 1


            You are correct. Sheila’s never worn panties and never will. And I am very glad that she does not. She’s hot.

            1. 0


              Working in LTC, I too have seen this happen time after time—diabetic dialysis patients coming home without having received their mealtime insulin, incontinent patients sitting in soiled briefs, patients with B/Ps in the 60/30 range. I know there are at least some dialysis centers that employ techs; why can they not change/toilet patients when necessary? Why aren’t blood sugars checked and insulin given when chair time goes through lunch? And why are patients sent back while their blood pressures are still in the dumper?

              As most everyone knows, staffing at LTCs is already terrible, and certainly doesn’t allow for a CNA to accompany a resident to dialysis. Maybe if there were a good reason (NOT money) for why the care at dialysis centers seems non-existent, LTC nurses might be a little less upset when our residents who are on dialysis come home with FSBS of 40 or 400, and often reeking of stool that they’ve been sitting in for hours. 🙁

            2. 0


              Diarrhea can be caused by issues beyond Chronic Kidney Disease specifically. Examples include a liquid or food intolerance, stress, anxiety, use of laxatives or poor Dialysis Cleaning. For patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, applesauce may help slow down the bowel. Patients may discuss with their Nephrologists, the idea of taking a tablespoon of Kaopectate (oral medication that may help treat diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, and upset stomach) after each bowel movement. According to the good doctors Vickery and Fries, “If Kaopectate is not effective, try Parepectolin or Parelixir.” Please note that patients should always discuss taking any medication (over the counter or otherwise) with their Healthcare Team, before beginning a regimen.

              1. 0


                Although male fertility may remain normal with kidney disease, loss of sex drive and impotence (not being able to raise an erection) are very common. There are a number of causes for this, including anaemia and testosterone deficiency. These can be tested for, and in many cases treated.

                Men with kidney failure have a variety of sexual problems. These include having sex less often, loss of interest in sex (sometimes called loss of libido), and being unable to ejaculate (come). However, the most common sexual problem – and usually the most worrying for the man – is difficulty in getting or keeping a hard penis (erection problems). This is usually called impotence. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an alternative name.

                What normally happens first in men with kidney failure is that they become less able to keep an erection for as long as usual, although they are still able to ejaculate. Eventually, many kidney patients lose the ability to get a hard penis at all. This can obviously lead to frustration, particularly if the sex drive is unchanged. The situation can be even more upsetting if the man’s partner interprets the problem as a loss of interest in them personally.

  5. 12


    Seems like a very quick and ill thought out decision on both ends (and both ends now stink like the ass end) !! Her choice to post that was insanely ignorant but the immediate decision to shit can her is not any better !!! More political pandering by that irretrievably broken excuse of an SAO office . Discipline the cops and ASAs that are the real Fi@&@ problem instead of just making an example of one who didn’t think about what she wrote or was too drunk to decipher ! She has always been a decent SAO in my opinion . One moment of stupidity should not define anyone . Hold all those holier than thou SAO s and cops ti the same “STANDARD”.

      1. 8


        Oh, they’re all hard at work at 10 am saying big fat no to everything or I have to ask a supervisor.

        1. 0


          Who the f* would surrender a law license and their integrity to that place?

    1. 9


      this post of hers was strike number 2…she did not learn her lesson from the other time she got in trouble for publicly airing her complaints…

    2. 5


      Decent??? You must not have been around when Destry was on the bench. That clown bloom made Destry look like a nice guy. Good riddance to her awful racist, unreasonable self.

  6. 3


    And Broward’s newest PA and soon to be BACDL President is born………………

  7. 12


    ive read her post several times and I am fascinated that the hoodlums who cause either damage or physical harm are now heros to so many of you. The folks who protest this violent, inane act peaceably are justified, but the scum who despoil the protests are exactly what she stated in her post, shame she has to fall to political blindness……..

  8. 8


    And we thought Honowitz was bad when she got caught giving herself the two finger discount for makeup at Publix. But she is back!! Satz must have believed her Necessity defense – she was trying to protect the public from looking at that 10 shots of Tequila Mug (that wouldn’t even be enough) Politics at play

    1. 5



      1. 2


        If Honifits wasn’t thinking about a penis book, she was thinking about spackling that face with two inches of cover girl. Believe me when I tell you, you don’t want to see it when the goo hasn;t been applied liberally. 🙂

      2. 1


        In her pea brain she thinks she looks good – spackled face hooker heels and all . A disgrace to all over the hill skanks

  9. 5


    The office stayed in power for decades because they were good at cultivating young minds and corrupting them to their terrible goals. Nobody cares what happens to any of the kool aid drinking accolades but it’s not entirely fair to blame the young manipulated ones entirely. Many of them wake up due to to a traumatic event like this or when they get to middle age and have an epiphany. Many don’t. Either way they are somewhat victims but not the kind anyone should or could feel sorry for.

  10. 7


    “Act civilized and maybe things will change”

    Too bad she wasn’t talking to Uncle Mike.

  11. 5


    Fanning-Williams got her first scalp today. Finish the job in August. For goodness sake.

  12. 16


    I’m sorry I see that policeman is strangling the life out of that man but I can’t stop it without supervisor approval.

  13. 7


    Why do people “friend” bosses and malign individuals who will turn against you? Not excusing her actions but this could have been avoided if her Facebook “friends” were truly her friends.

  14. 17


    Did you get fired for racist comments? Come join the misfits at OCCCRC! We’ll hire anyone with a law degree and a pulse.

    Fired from AG’s office for incompetence and dishonest behavior? We’ll take you!
    Fired for lying to supervisors? We’ll take you!
    Sex with inmates in attorney interview room? Been there, done that!
    Served with multiple domestic violence restraining orders? You’re hired!
    Meth addict? Come on down!

    We’re holding spaces for Gordo and Bloom.
    OCCCRC – people who can’t find jobs representing people without jobs!

    1. 4



  15. 7


    Gordo announced this at the SS endorsement interview today. If he wins, she will not be retained. This was assumed, but saying it out loud looks terrible. If she warrants being fired, why hasn’t it happened? So a single mother who works a second job besides being a PD is being fired for exercising her first amendment right to run? The truth is, if Lynch said this, everyone would call him a racist and be up in arms. Since Gordo is black, I guess it is ok to fire your own, and no one can say anything about it.

    1. 2



    2. 7


      Good luck trying to keep the office staffed if Ruby gets fired. Some of the finest trial attorneys were trained while Ruby was chief and supervisor of county court. And please if you haven’t tried a case in 2019, don’t comment on what a good attorney is.

      1. 2


        Gordon Weekes after years of doing nothing is completely unable to act as the next Public Defender. His level of competence is questionable on so many levels. Its the main reason why so many within the PD’s Office are dissatisfied with selections of supervisors by Howard Finkelstein on purely political grounds, as opposed to any merit or competence, and it continues to remain a bone of contention; thus the lack of support of Public Defenders within the office aside from a few in their attempt to remain employed after the upcoming election. Otherwise, the situation that exists for Weekes continues to erode as he continues to rely on a support that was never there to begin with.

        1. 1


          What is a diabetes dialysis diet?

          The diabetes dialysis diet is specifically for patients who have stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD), also called end stage renal disease (ESRD), in addition to diabetes. The diet’s goal is to manage blood glucose levels and help you feel your best.

          What can I eat?

          Like the other dialysis diets, the diabetes dialysis diet is filled with nutritious foods. You will work closely with your dietitian to create a balanced eating plan that will feature high-quality proteins and the proper balance of carbohydrates and fats to meet your individual needs.

          What can’t I eat?

          Your diet will have restrictions regarding foods that contain high amounts of phosphorus, sodium and potassium. But because of your diabetes, your carbohydrate intake will be tightly controlled in order to manage your blood glucose levels. High-sugar foods increase blood glucose. All carbohydrate-containing foods ( e.g., bread, cereal, pasta, rice, starchy vegetables, fruits, juices, many sugar-free desserts) increase blood glucose levels. Therefore, the total amount of carbohydrates you eat will be balanced with your medicines and activity level. Your dietitian may teach you a system called carbohydrate counting to keep your carbohydrate intake balanced.

          Why do I have to eat this way?

          Your dietitian and doctor will advise you to eat this way to reduce the risk of other health problems associated with diabetes and kidney disease.

          How does it help?

          Diabetes affects your entire body. It can cause nerve damage, problems in blood circulation and blindness as well as kidney disease. By following this eating plan, you can control your blood glucose levels and lessen the likelihood of developing other diabetes-related problems.

          Phosphorus isn’t cleared well through dialysis. It can build to high levels in the bloodstream and cause complications such as weak bones, heart problems, joint pain or skin ulcers. Too much or too little potassium can cause muscle weakness and heart failure. By controlling foods that contain these minerals, you lessen the risk of developing additional complications.

          Sodium causes your body to hold on to more fluid and raises your blood pressure. It also makes you thirsty, causing you to drink too much . When you have too much fluid in your body, you may feel uncomfortable and short of breath. When this excess fluid is removed during dialysis, you can feel dizzy and weak afterwards. Eating less sodium and controlling your fluid intake can help you feel comfortable before and after your dialysis sessions.

          Uncontrolled blood glucose level can also increase your thirst. Check your glucose and keep it controlled to help manage your thirst.

          What about fluid intake?

          Your dietitian will recommend a specific fluid allowance, based on your health, remaining kidney function, level of activity and the type of dialysis you choose.

          How long do I have to follow the diabetes dialysis diet?

          This is dependent on what your doctor and dietitian recommend.

          How do I know if the diabetes dialysis diet is working?

          You’ll know if the diabetes dialysis diet is working by how you feel and through lab test results. People with diabetes are instructed to monitor their own blood glucose levels through a simple test using a home blood glucose monitoring machine. If you don’t have one, ask your doctor for a prescription for a glucose monitoring machine and testing strips. You’ll be able to see if your blood glucose levels fall within an acceptable range at anytime.

          Another test, called a hemoglobin A1c or A1c test, is performed by your doctor. This test measures the average blood glucose level over three months. The results can tell you how well your diabetes has been controlled. Your diet may require changes when your A1c level is too high.

          In addition to controlling your diabetes, your diabetes dialysis diet is designed to help you with your kidney disease. By sticking to your fluid allowance, eating the recommended foods and watching your phosphorus, sodium and potassium intake, plus taking your prescribed medications, you will eat well and should feel better and stay healthier.

          Your dietitian will monitor your health and conduct a nutrition assessment when you start on dialysis and then each year after that. This assessment will check for any signs of nutrition problems, changes in weight and energy levels plus any problems that may interfere with eating.

          If I follow the diabetes dialysis diet will my kidneys get better?

          No diet or treatment can reverse the damage done to the kidneys. The diabetes dialysis diet will keep you healthy by managing your blood glucose levels and lessening the chances of other complications resulting from diabetes and kidney disease.

  16. 5



    1. 2


      It’s important to remember that people with kidney failure can have healthy marriages and meaningful relationships. They can fall in love, care for families, and be sexual. Staying intimate with those you love is important. It’s something everyone needs.

      Many people think that sexuality refers only to sexual intercourse. But sexuality includes many things, like touching, hugging, or kissing. It includes how you feel about yourself, how well you communicate, and how willing you are to be close to someone else.

      There are many things that can affect your sexuality if you have kidney disease or kidney failure — hormones, nerves, energy levels, even medicine. But there are also things you and your healthcare team can do to deal with these changes. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or get help from a healthcare professional.

      1. 1


        I hear Judy was going to run her for Judge in 2018 is that true?

          1. 1


            Didn’t Stern try run her against Kollra and then moved to Schneider?

            1. 2


              The relationship between extreme obesity and kidney diseases has been known for years. The obesity-kidney disease connection has been confirmed in a number of studies, including a study of 320,252 participants enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente health system between 1964 and 1985 showing a 600% increase in end-stage renal disease in subjects with a body mass index exceeding 40 kg/m2.3

              1. 2


                Judy it is so obvious this is you. You can’t run and hide from your association with Amy Bloom Cowen. Keep putting up distracting medical posts but it doesn’t matter. People know the racist you are and those you associate with. We remember what you and Oliver Parker did to Judge Gillespie.

                1. 1


                  Judy spreading rumors again?

                  Please focus on the campaigns and not your enemies for once.

                  1. 2


                    Thirst is a common problem for people on dialysis, and if you are thirsty, it probably means you are trying to stay within your fluid limits. The good thing for you is this will help you stay healthier. Here are a few tips that other patients have used:

                    Reduce salt in your diet. Salt makes you thirsty. Learn to read food labels to look for sodium content. Ask the dietitian how many milligrams of sodium you should have in a day.
                    Bring a list of the medicines you take to a pharmacist and ask if any of them have thirst or dry mouth as side effects. If so, the doctor may be able to prescribe a different medication.
                    Find some sour lemon hard candies to suck on.
                    Put a spray bottle of a favorite beverage in the refrigerator. Spray it in your mouth for a cool rinse.
                    Ask other patients how they deal with thirst.

                    1. 1


                      Is there a point to all this stupid posting? If there is would some one please post what the hell is going on!!!!

                    2. 2


                      Most cases of advanced kidney failure are preventable or delayable if properly diagnosed and treated. Failing to diagnose or treat kidney disease can lead to complete kidney failure and the need for a lifetime of prescription drugs, time-consuming kidney dialysis and one or more kidney transplant operations.

                      While medical negligence typically does not cause kidney disease, kidney failure can result from a failure to diagnose kidney disease in its earliest stages or a failure to treat kidney disease properly. In some cases, medical negligence involving a prescription drug error could cause acute renal failure.

                    3. 0


                      Judy please stop making up illnesses about your enemies, all they do in return is go after your candidates.

                    4. 4


                      There really is nothing more lame than an inside joke no one is in on. Tell us Judy what is this all about?

                    5. 2


                      Main Points

                      Plan ahead
                      High protein
                      Low salt (sodium), potassium, and phosphorus
                      Smaller portion sizes
                      Talk with your dialysis dietitian before you go for more advice.
                      Planning Ahead
                      Follow your diet extra closely before and after dining out
                      Extra low salt
                      Extra low potassium and phosphorus
                      Less fluid intake

                      Choose a restaurant where you can ask for your food to be made without added salt and where they have freshly cooked options

                    6. 2


                      Medicare is a federally funded health insurance program for Americans over age 65 and people who have been deemed disabled. In 1972, people requiring dialysis became newly entitled to this health benefit. The law was amended in order to provide coverage to people who may have forgone treatment due to the high costs of dialysis treatment. Today, if you have chronic kidney disease (CKD) and need dialysis, you are eligible for Medicare.

  17. 3


    Judge M. Powell does not wear panties either. I’ve been there and done that. Hot Stuff.

  18. 0


    Ellison confirms additional charges over Floyd killing
    Minnesota attorney general Keith Ellison has confirmed the murder charge against Derek Chauvin has been elevated and the three other police officers fired over the killing of George Floyd have been charged.

    Chauvin will now be charged with second-degree murder, and the three other officers — Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane — will be charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder.

    The attorney general thanked the American people for their “patience” in recent days as his office sorted through the additional charges.

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