103 thoughts on “CLOSED THROUGH JULY 31ST …”

  1. 20


    Q: Now that they’ve closed the Courts through July, what are you going to do ASA’s and APD’s?

    A: We’re going to take vacations in August and September and then ride the Judges’ coattails doing as little as possible through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years before quitting and going to the private sector in January!

      1. 18


        This is simply running private practice attorneys out of Business. No way can we pay our rent and expenses if we can’t conduct business.

        1. 5


          Who cares about them. The inmates are entitled to regular hearings. SAO and PD and Judges/Privates can volunteer and wear PPE. Many will volunteer.

          1. 1


            If I can’t use the court for my cases why the hell would I volunteer? The inmates aren’t b”entitled” to anything!

        2. 1


          Who are the Stakeholders, would that not be the Tax Payers? Or is that the silent Majority/Minority who will be sending the Eviction Notices out on July 1st?

          How are the 2nd Quarter Financial Statements looking?

        3. 0


          I’m going broke. Seriously. Why I’m running for office. Who am I kidding???

          1. 0


            Why is the clerks office still opened, being exposed my other employees and not practicing social distancing? Confirmed cases at the central satellite. They literally sit together in pods. My husband works there and employees were forced to leave Friday, June 19, 2020, after being exposed to the virus.

    1. 7



    2. 4


      Please let me know if this is normal: probably is. My bf says it’s fine. Im 4 years out of law school. I was called directly by Judge Phoebe Francois awhile back. She said “this is Judge Francois. Can you help with my campaign?” I don’t socialize with her; if that’s relevant. No idea if that’s even a violation. Not accusing.. just wondering. No follow up asking for money specifically. Don’t hold this against her unless it’s wrong.

      I said how? She repeated she needs help and said “look at my website and figure it out.” In a friendly but firm tone. Kind of said it with a smile but seemed taken aback I said “how.”?

      My bf says no issue. Kind of weighing on my mind. I gave a small donation. But without knowing why. Actually, I feel a little guilty and violated. Mad at myself. I felt bullied tbh.

      I imagine the established lawyers get more calls than me. Thought they had others call for them? I could be wrong. I’d like to stay anonymous please. Please tell me this call was ok. I didn’t assist in anything untoward.

      1. 1


        Never in over 20 years been approached by a judge to help on a campaign or been asked to donate to one.

        1. 2


          How can that be? After 30 years in practice, I regularly get letters from campaign managers for donations. I’m sure they can do that and if they have money left over they reimburse me, pro-rata.

          Now it used to be certain attys at XMAS would go around with stacks of cash up to thousands for the JAs. I remember Judge Birken prohibited his JA from taking anything, maybe cookies. But cash money was flying around the courthouse back in the day for staff. I’m assuming that’s stopped for years now. Looked bad and the big gifters did get preferences, how not?

          1. 1


            I remember the cash for JA’s too. And I remember when you were told as a rookie lawyer you were supposed to give money for the judges campaign even though they always ran unopposed. It was a matter of fact you have to give. And They always ran unopposed until Gelin appeared on the scene. They still win races most of the time but today they don’t run unopposed if they’re questionable. There have been some dents in the armor so to speak but there’s still a long way to go.

      2. 2


        And the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION IS, why are you on the blog LYING 🤥!!!!! Please 🛑 stop!!!! Is this Jacob attempting to discredit Judge Francois. Try again. WE all know you’re only running so you can have a steady pay check to pay your alimony and child support. TRY AGAIN!!!!

  2. 25


    Confirmed case of COVID-19 at West Satellite and the clerks office is still open for business. The real question should be, WHAT HAS BRENDA DONE WITH ALL THE MONEY!!!! She claims she doesn’t have money to have the clerks at home to be safe. However the budget has already been provided for the fiscal year. She obviously cannot manage money or has she MISAPPROPRIATED THE MONEY (basically stolen the money). The finance department is looking thin. People leaving left and right. Has she been asking the finance department to do unethical financial business practices.

    1. 19


      Brenda has to go. If she’s re elected more will leave. People are hanging on to see if she gets the boot in November.

    2. 3


      Because the IT department is a joke and Brenda listens to the wrong people. Who in this day and age isn’t set up to work remotely. She has no business being clerk of court. Howard put her there.

      1. 0


        We need more computer people and less leeches. But it’s only the Bill of Rights. Oh, and a motion or two would be nice. Jail is on lockdown 22 hours a day. Most be out if had enough money for bail. The bondsmen might write a bond or two.

  3. 8


    Probation officer at west tested positive for COVID-19 and the west is still open? Wtf is Brenda bitch ass doing???

  4. 36


    So please explain why judges, court reporters and attorneys are all working remotely from home meanwhile all in court clerks are being made to go into the courthouse to zoom from their office with no audio or video??? I’m confused 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

    1. 12


      The clerk can’t run the office and the good people with skills have left in droves. She hires flunkies and butt kissers. Since she has no idea how the complexities of the office work she can’t recognize a good hire from a bad. And she listens to a select group of people. And the IT department is an absolute joke. Run by a control freak who thinks they know everything. NOT!!!! The whole situation is a disaster.

    2. 10


      Because the clerks IT department is a joke. But don’t worry! They focus on all that security not needed for public documents. In the process make everyone’s job harder to do or with some who have left impossible. Archaic systems and not being able to work remotely in a crisis is not a priority for them. And Brenda is too unqualified to even see the issues.

        1. 23


          She needs two, she help her lie her way out of MISAPPROPRIATING (stealing) the clerks office money. She is a thief and a complete ISIOT!!!! When she leaves ALL of these so called chief directors have to go. A complete waste of money. These funds can be used to update the IT department (only after the upper management is also fired). And provide additional raises for the employees. BRENDA MUST GO!!!!!! For the record I DID NOT VOTE FOR THIS VILE WOMAN.

          1. 5


            I see she donates money too. Does she use clerk of court funds for that? Someone needs to look into that. I don’t think that’s allowed. Donates money as clerk of court for her reelection. Somebody needs to look into her expenses.

          2. 0


            Can’t update IT with that control freak in charge. They will just run around talking about more security like the federal government. Meanwhile it’s the clerks office not the federal government and we have Mostly public records. Don’t need the NSA. We don’t need IT making it harder to do our job. We need better systems and to be up to date. How about the ability to operate remotely in a crisis.

            1. 17


              Good point. Never saw a place where IT is running the show. IT can’t do it own job right. Now exposing employees to the virus because they can’t make it so people work remotely. Judges are working remotely. Clerks office has Old falling apart systems. IT telling divisions how to operate. Sticking their control freak nose even in the finance department since the real cfo couldn’t stand anymore of this shit. That place is a mess now too. miss the cfo. Miss the others who left because of the way Brenda runs the place. There are problems everywhere because of poor management. What a mess the clerks office is since Brenda took over. She just can’t get re-elected.

  5. 27


    Subliminal messaging ain’t working Gordo. Better brush up on your burger flipping skills. Looks like you’re gonna need’em.

  6. 23


    So the word on the street that Olga Gonzalez Rodrigues Lopez Levine And Republican Asian Natasha DePrimo put out a memo that NO ONE can upstairs around the judges and their staff. The memo’s tone was more the Judges are better and cleaner than everyone else in the courthouse. Let that sink in. The other two Judges in the building were not informed of the memo until it was forwarded to the other offices in the building and they were delivered a copy. Olga and Natasha, we WILL NOT FORGET THIS.

    1. 9


      wth are you talking about, and there are more than 2 other judges in the building
      is this from a clerk that likes to commandeer (hide out in) the jury rooms, use the kitchen, refrigerators, on floors that they do not work on and have no business being there china virus or no china virus?

      1. 5


        There are four judges in the West Satellite, sir/ ma’am. No this is not the person you are speaking of (that hangs out in courtrooms). Which is no different than BSO sitting around watching TV on their phones all day in the courtrooms or jury rooms. And please learn proper capitalization and punctuation. This will help with your next post.

        1. 3


          I agree, BSo shouldn’t be hiding watching their phones like the clerks do either.
          Just publish the letter, or the exact content.
          Show us the money or go back to your phone.

            1. 17


              F Olga. The Courthouse is owned by the citizens of Broward County and I’ll go to the second floor anytime I want and will wear a mask until this is over.
              She never did have her shit together. I think it’s time she gets run against to teach her some humility. She’d be easy to beat.

    2. 1


      Good for them exhibiting common sense. They are actually going to work and earning their pay. Why should they be put at risk or put anyone else at risk. Maybe the rest of the court house and offices should follow suit. But I get it you must be one of those wonderful highly intelligent folks that believe its all a hoax. “we WILL NOT FORGET THIS” what the hell is that for putz? who is ‘we” Never mind…it doesn’t matter. Go out and get yourself sick.

      1. 2


        Only on Jaab would a moron that can’t use contractions call someone else a moron…………

        1. 2


          Only on Jaab would someone take the time to point that out. Then again I am doing the same thing. Guess we are all morons….

            1. 21


              I’m not a moron. I’m just not very smart.
              But I make a mean enchilada.

              1. 0


                Ok why is this necessary? I’m all for free speech but what exactly is this saying? The references to food

  7. 26




    1. 21


      Sharp Eyed political consultant ? Now that is a laugh ! She’s a crusty smelly old yenta with a slack jawed swindler’s penchant for rubbing two nickels together until they get warm enough to burn a hole thru your pocket and end up in her cookie jar.

      I wouldn’t trust that old worm of a woman to do my laundry. With a real washer woman, you’d at least get your clothes back.

    1. 27


      Just imagine the numbers in main … And the Clerk’s Office is up and running ???

      1. 14


        The idiots in IT can’t make it so people work remotely? The clerks office IT department is such a joke. And they focus on the wrong things to make your job harder. Brenda needs to go so someone else can fix the place.

  8. 21


    Sweetie, you cant keep a man happy with those unattractive black bags around your eyes. Get it together, sister; your man deserves better.

  9. 14


    Broward we gotta move forward. Not backwards. How can the man that might be elected as the next public defender even run for Pd when he sentenced blacks to more than double the amount of time than whites! How can anyone endorse or vote for Tom Lynch? This has to be a dealbreaker if you have ethics and morals. A conscience.

    It’s like if Satz now ran for PD! Enough bull😡😩 already.

    1. 23


      Tom Lynch will bring us back to Jim Crow days. Please spread the word. BLACK LIVES MATTER.

  10. 16


    Newly confirmed COVID case at central misdemeanor division. As of 6/19/20 the misdemeanor division has been evacuated.

    1. 8


      What will the clerk do now? Will the IT department finally make them able to work remotely? Or will they continue to ignore the other office needs and regulations that need to be followed in the other divisions that don’t seem to matter to them? Stay tuned as the clown show continues.

  11. 27


    Clerk Howard Forman once demoted Mrs. Dian Diaz. His goal was reported in The Sun Sentinel was to make the office “professional” but at some point Mrs. Dian Diaz was brought back to top Administration. The article was from 2001. I think the new Clerk (if it’s not Clerk Forman) or Clerk Forman (if she wins) should review all of Administration and make some changes.

  12. 16



    Tom Lynch says New College professor Pat McDonald debunked the Herald-Tribune’s claim that he sentenced Blacks to prison twice as long as whites. This statement by the “honorable” could not be farther from the truth. WHY LYNCH NEVER DEMANDED A RETRACTION. BECAUSE ONE NEVER ASKS A QUESTION YOU DON’T KNOW THE ANSWER TO.

    In fact, in a statement to the Herald-Tribune, New College professor Pat McDonald wrote, “I am a mathematician, not an expert in criminal justice.”

    “No one has ever denied the bias in the criminal justice system that we found, but time and time again all we kept hearing was ‘It’s not me,’” Josh Salman, a Herald-Tribune investigative reporter who worked on the project, said. “The more we dug into it, the more we found that absurd.”

    The Herald-Tribune spent over a year cleaning up their data, the coding for which required an inch-thick book. They consulted often with system administrators who compiled the data to ensure that their interpretations of complicated codes in the data reflected reality.
    “It’s a really really complicated database,” Michael Braga, investigations editor at the paper, said.

    Plea deals come with recommended sentences, where judges may change or alter the sentence, or open sentences, where the judge is ultimately responsible for choosing the length of time a defendant will spend in jail or on probation. While some judges simply approve any legal plea that crosses their desk, others alter the offered plea based on their experience and professional

  13. 28


    This bozo Lynch happens to be the ONLY judge in Broward County who made the top 4 most racist judges in the state of FL. Why wasn’t Ross, Imperato , Levenson or other tough sentencers from Broward on that list? Simple. Because Tom Lynch is the Jim Crow of our State

    1. 12


      Will people of color feel comfortable with this super white supremacist as their public defender? Conflict Counsel will have to take over every case.? This is not good.

    1. 20


      I noticed Brenda didn’t answer the direct questions. It’s an interesting thing to watch and can still be seen. Trying to decide which judge to vote for. She has to go but which judge to vote for is the question.

      1. 39


        Fuck all the incumbent judges. A few losses and the rest will become much nicer .

      2. 16


        Considering it between Paulie and The Speez, I don’t know that either would be an improvement over the idiot we have now, do you ? The Clerk’s Office continues to be a mess.
        Two long time milkers that belong in assisted living with pampers at the ready, and a complete imbecile who needs to check in at the earliest convenience to the nearest asylum.
        Some great choices !

        1. 4


          Well she is in the process of running it into the ground. And the morale is very low. I think things will come out eventually that will show what a disaster she is. She’s just unfit for that office. At least the judges would have to capacity to understand the complexities of the office. She doesn’t.

    1. 2


      She’s lying right now! All her high paid friends have masters degrees? My ass they do.

  14. 9


    Judges don’t make a ton of money but just think, they don’t work a lot of hours and now when all of us are stuck at home about to go under they are making a full paycheck and benefit package.

  15. 8


    Oily scum RET Lynch lives up to his Lynch ‘em name sentencing minorities to prison twice as long as his white onlys. What was he thinking???what a mean Crazy buffoon Either way he lives with his JIM CROW image for the rest of his life. Unite against Lynch ‘em. BLACK LIVES MATTER. Lynch has badly hurt the black community.

    1. 0


      Another fine example of how the voters of Broward really vote…Schrieber best lewis big time

    2. 0


      Come on David, guess you have to post about yourself because everyone else knows what a joke you are.

  16. 5


    HOW can you sleep at night after destroying black lives for over 30 years? All you say is “It’s not me” That is absurd.

    Instead of trying to show that you care and respect minorities and offer ways to improve yourself, you deny deny deny. You should seek help for your problem. Maybe a shrink would help. There is a reason you never had one black friend growing up.

  17. 11


    Yet there has been 25 more cases of COVID within the clerks office. Each time someone comes up positive for COVID, the Clerk Brenda Foreman sends us home just to come back the next working day. Also the clerk added that their would be a deep cleaning which never took place. In Civil there have been at least 7 cases, felony 9, T&M about 12 plp. To make things worst we’re not social distancing at all. It’s like walking into a concentration camp.

    1. 0




  18. 1


    Protest……go burn down stores and then loot them. After your done rip down a statue!! All Lives Matter

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