HB 543 – Constitutional Carry goes into effect July 1, 2023.
No more CCF charges after that for people who don’t carry in restricted areas, or otherwise are entitled to carry.
But what about open, pending third degree felony CCF cases?
Will the new law be applied retroactively?
While no one can say for sure, it’s likely, under Dean v. State, which is why good lawyers everywhere should be asking for continuances until after July 1st on cases that could be impacted. Good judges should be granting them too.
As far as the thorny constitutional issues involved in closed CCF cases, or for those on probation, definitely a wait and see …
COMING SOON – Is Liz Scherer getting a show afterall?
Crazy 🤪
Who the hell would want to see Liz Scherer with her punked-out
Fish Lips 👄 ? What could she possibly have to say that would be of any interest to anyone ? She can’t even complete a sentence properly. This idea will be flushed down the toilet just like the crap that Larry Seidlin was trying to push before it flopped into oblivion! Lol
Liz is a total airhead.
She would be the perfect fit for Judge Judy replacement. She has looks, no talent, condescending, Botox, short attitude daddy power, and only dealing with small claims matters which was her level to begin with. Should never have handled the Cruz but everyone thought it was a slam dunk death penalty case. How naive. She will be a tv star. I want to be her agent
How does JT allow this absenteeism? Does the JQC know about her? About him looking away? Or is he clueless about the Judges he’s in charge of? Like where they are during the week? In which case he needs to be out of office. Replaced by someone who can handle the responsibilities of the CJ.
Got you covered, baby. Filler up. How long does this stuff last anyway ?
Is Sao still filing these?
Bill your dislike and obsession with Liz is growing very odd. More concerning is why you don’t write anymore about Pryor’s BS criminal justice reform. How about you write about how he picks and decides what CCF cases he’s going to file based on who is the defense attorney of record ? How about how he is now mandating that ASAs are required to file dwls 2nd or subsequent, which by statute is a mandatory 10 days in jail? How about you write about his advisor Sean who is not a lawyer, works part time while making 170k a year when really all is does is a continuation of his role as a campaign advisor? How about how he breaks down cases for black defendants in case filing, but slams white defendants to make his stats look better for the NAACP? How about you write about the mass exodus of all the ASAs that are leaving the office? Is the box any less black? Nope nothing has changed under Pryor just different hands being greased. Same shit just a different face.
Very odd. Why keep on ragging on Liz? And, good for her. I hope she does get out of this godforsaken Broward County cesspool where no one sees or says anything as long as they are getting $$$$$.
I guess business is good!