If you have too much time on your hands, here’s a newspaper paywall go-around that works like a charm for news junkies.
Cookies are placed on your phone or computer when you read a free article on a newspaper website. That’s how they know to lock you out when you go back for another free read. Browsing in incognito or secret mode no longer works to get around the one-free-read paywall, as they can detect secret mode and block access to all content.
The answer is to delete cookies after the free read is used up, but to do it from a second newspaper reading-only browser so as not to inadvertently delete all your passwords and other information stored and saved for your go-to sites. It’s a pain to re-input all that stuff over and over again.
Google Canary is a great second browser to use for newspapers only, but any will do. Download it on your phone or computer, and go through the cookie cleaning process through the Clear History function as often as you like, pictured above. You can literally go back to the same newspaper seconds later for another free read after clearing the cookies, and it works for any newspaper except the Wall Street Journal and others like it that don’t allow any free reads at all.
And while we’re in time killing tip mode, try a little 5:00 PM concoction the scientists here at JAABLOG created some months back. It’s called The Medicine Ball. In a large pint glass, fill all the way with ice, add two parts vodka, one part 99 Bananas 99 proof banana schnapps, and fill with carbonated water. A splash of Drillaud Banana Liqueur is optional.
If you get the mixture just right, it tastes and kicks just like that ten year old bottle of prescription cough syrup your buddy liberated from the back of Grandma’s medicine cabinet way back in the crazy days …*
*Disclaimer – The Medicine Ball does not ward off or cure Covid-19.
As most of you are aware Chief Judge Tuter extended his administrative order, closing the courthouse to the public and jurors, for another 3 weeks effective Monday March 30th through April 17th.
In addition, the Governor has directed the State Surgeon General and State Health Officer to issue a public health advisory to urge all persons over 65 and persons that have a serious underlying medical condition which may place them at high risk for COVID-19, to remain at home.
We are monitoring all announcements from the Governor, but at this time the office must remain open and appropriately staffed as cases are still being presented and processed as required by law.
During this COVID-19 crisis our priority is the safety and security of our employees and most importantly to make sure your pay checks continue for as long as possible while maintaining the essential functions of our office.
Effective Monday March 30th:
Emergency Paid Sick Leave Option
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak Congress enacted the ‘Families First Coronavirus Response Act’ which is effective April 1, 2020. We will implement it Monday, March 30th.
The Act establishes an Emergency Paid Sick Leave program which authorizes us to provide each employee with paid sick leave if the employee is unable to work or telework due to one of the following reasons:
1. The employee is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order due to COVID-19;
2. The employee has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19;
3. The employee is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking a medical diagnosis;
4. The employee is caring for an individual who is subject to an order to quarantine or isolate or has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine or isolate due to COVID-19;
5. The employee is caring for a son or daughter of such employee, if the school or place of care of the son or daughter has been closed, or the child care provider of such son or daughter is unavailable due to COVID-19 precautions; or
6. The employee is experiencing any other substantially similar condition specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Labor.
If you qualify under one of these conditions the amount of hours of paid sick leave is as follows:
A. For full-time employees, 80 hours.
B. For part-time employees, a number of hours equal to the number of hours that such employee works, on average, over a 2 week period.
Emergency paid sick leave shall be available for immediate use. Employees shall not be required to use their accrued leave before use of the emergency paid sick leave.
Emergency paid sick leave is not eligible for any type of leave pay out or donation to a sick pool. Emergency paid sick leave shall not carry over from 1 year to the next and is no longer available as of December 31, 2020.
Once an eligible employee exhausts their emergency paid sick leave they may utilize their accrued annual or sick leave. Restrictions will be lifted on the use of your leave while we are under the emergency COVID-19 conditions. You may use either or both.
You must notify HR by email or phone if you qualify and will use this emergency sick leave option.
Over these last two weeks we have been very generous with the granting of administrative leave even though this resulted in some units being so short-staffed that many had to cover multiple assignments. Our current administrative leave option is only available through Friday March 27th.
Telecommuters/Working from home
We continue to increase the amount of SAO employees who have been authorized and equipped to telecommute/work from home. We are purchasing additional equipment to expand this even more. Please remember that telecommuting employees must remain available by phone and email during core hours, which are 8:30am – 5:00pm. Telecommuters are also subject to being called into the office when staffing shortages require it. Telecommuters can enter their attendance records into BOMS and must still communicate with their supervisors for any leave requests. Telecommuters remain subject to SAO policies and procedures, especially when it involves our code of conduct, confidentiality and use and access to proprietary information. Therefore telecommuters will continue working at home and will be considered as working employees.
Non-telecommuters and Non-emergency sick leave employees
Not all employees’ job assignments qualify for telecommuting/working from home but we are trying to find ways to expand this.
We greatly appreciate the SAO employees who continue to come in to the office and assist with critical office functions. We may need to reassign some of you in order to cover short staffed units. Employees who are not telecommuting or in need of emergency sick leave should report to work on Monday March 30th. We will continue our social distancing practices in the office to make sure we remain in compliance with CDC guidelines.
Again, each ASAIC and Support Supervisor are responsible for maintaining communication with their staff and must notify HR on a daily basis.
The Emergency Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) Expansion Act
Another option, if you do not qualify for the Emergency Sick Leave and you have a child care conflict, is the expansion of the FMLA.
Effective April 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020 the FMLA has been expanded to cover employees who have been employed for at least thirty (30) days with up to twelve (12) weeks of Emergency FMLA leave when the employee is unable to work or telework due to a need for leave to care for a son or daughter, under 18 years of age of such employee, if the school or place of care has been closed, or the child care provider of such son or daughter is unavailable due to the public health emergency COVID-19. The child must be the son or daughter of the employee. Grandparents or other relatives are not covered under this provision unless they are raising the child.
The first 10 days of this FMLA leave is unpaid, however, you may opt to substitute the emergency eighty (80) hours of paid sick leave for the first ten (10) days. Under the Act the employee’s rate of pay for the remaining ten (10) weeks of this emergency FMLA will be equal to two-thirds (2/3) of his or her regular rate of pay with a cap of $200/day. I know this is very confusing. FMLA is usually unpaid leave but the amendment for these circumstances will allow for partial pay. BUT, you may elect to substitute accrued leave for the FMLA leave during this twelve (12) week period. Use of accrued leave will allow you to receive 100% of your regular rate of pay during this period. Emergency FMLA is terminated once the school or place of child care has been reopened and/or the child care provider is available.
Finally, remember everything is subject to change should the Chief Judge amend his Administrative Order and/or the Governor issue an Executive order affecting state employees.
This information is probably too large for me to send via ReadyOp. I will try, but please, ASAIC’s and Supervisors, make sure all your staff (onsite, home or telecommuters) receive a copy.
I see Broward is locked down now.
All but essential employees have to stay home.
Are the SAO staff people responsible for sending out subpoenas for depositions on defense witnesses on misdemeanor cannabis cases classified as essential workers?
Cough Syrup Blues
Buffy Saint Marie
My mother and father said whiskey is a curse
But the fate of their baby is a many times worse
And it’s real, and it’s real, one more time
Someone had asked on another thread if the Hawkins trial as still on next month, the answer is no. It’s een postponed until the emergency is over.
There has also been a Special Counsel for Judicial Qualifications Commission notice of appearance.
Now she’s the only Judge doing nothing all day until May or June who’s not collecting a paycheck.
Guess everyone could use a laugh this week-
Shit’s super funny.
Broward Clerk of Court Files Malicious Prosecution Against Local Blogger
Trick works, thnk you.
Hate to admit it but that asshole came up with a neat trick.
Cottage Industries and Pay For Play Private Contractors Rule.
For more,please see the fake scribes and spin the wheel.
If you don’t want to buy Norton utilities, here’s a great program that does a lot more but actually does a better job than all this.
Sometimes cookies will remain those other ways.Program is called AIDA-64.
Continues to work after expiration.
After installing go to the network tab, choose 1st “Delete browser history”.
Then choose the tab “Delete Cookies”
Works better than the other methods. Either of the methods you will loose your browser history.
P.S. that newspaper work around does not work on all site. More and more of them are starting to use IP addresses.
Is this some type of ruse to get a bunch of provincial Judges to read big city liberal newspapers?