The Public Defender’s petitions to the Fourth DCA regarding Liz Scherer’s denials of the Motions To Disqualify based upon her comments during the Parkland case were denied today:

January 20, 2023

COMING SOONBACDL Harry Gulkin Award for Team McNeill?

22 thoughts on “DENIED!”

  1. 3


    She would’ve already been bounced from Crim. If there was any chance of the 4th overruling Judge Scherer. JT would’ve moved her already.

        1. 2


          Why does Judge Scherer seem to be a part time Judge?

          Is she in court every day.

          Is she in court in the afternoon?

          Is anyone from Court Admin paying attention?

      1. 8


        Why does Judge Scherer seem to be a part time Judge?

        Is she in court every day.

        Is she in court in the afternoon?

        Is anyone from Court Admin paying attention?

          1. 11


            Why bother pumping those lips if what comes out of your mouth doesn’t make an sense ?
            Broward judges have their priorities all mixed up. Scherer in particular. It’s what happens when you put a bimbo on the bench fellas.

    1. 0


      Just a bumping of egos. Tooty Top man’s pulse and then Patti’s been around for a long time. It’ll shake out with some flowers and a little oil palming.

  2. 6


    The so called courthouse issues? Bait and switch. It’s about Judges who aren’t in court. It’s about withdrawal of attention from the slackfest.

    1. 0


      No, the building is cracking.

      The judges not doing their jobs is a separate and constant issue.

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