The Florida Rules of Judicial Administration provide the following:

A chief judge may serve for successive terms but in no
event shall the total term as chief judge exceed 8 years

In Broward, that clause is known as the Dale Ross Rule.

Accordingly, Jack Tuter sent the following letter announcing he’s running for his final term as chief judge in Broward County:

Instructions for upcoming chief judge election …

In the event anyone challenges Tuter for the throne, they have until 5:00 PM tonight to file.

Since it’s highly unlikely anyone will dare take on Tuter, who is known to wield his reassignment powers mightily, we’d like to be the first to wish Jack congratulations on his final term as CJ …

COMING SOONWhere’s Patti Englander Henning?

75 thoughts on “CJ ELECTION”

  1. 5


    He’s got Judge Bloman vote


    BREAKING: Abuse Allegations Against Judge John Bowman Cap a History of Conflict With Ex-Foster Son

    STEFAN KAMPH JANUARY 25, 2011 11:33AM

    Update: Details of the sex abuse allegations from a police report.

    Original post, 1/24 5:30 p.m.: In December, 18-year-old Charles Harper was arrested on charges of stalking his ex-foster father, John Bowman. Bowman is a circuit court judge in Broward County and presided over hundreds of adoption cases before bringing Harper into his own home.

    Now, a month after his arrest, Harper has made detailed allegations to New Times of sexual abuse by the judge during his first few years in the house. He has not substantiated the claims except for corresponding stories from his mother and sister.

    Harper told New Times that he was going to give a statement to Plantation police today alleging abuse by

    Bowman. [Update 1/25: Here is a police report of that statement.]

    The back story shows Judge Bowman mixing his judicial work with his personal life, both in his decision to bring Harper into his home after the court took away Harper’s mother’s parental rights, and in his subsequent marriage to a former assistant attorney general who advocated for children in his court.

    Harper and his family have aired some serious allegations against Bowman, including abuse. The accounts provided to New Times by Harper and Bowman are sharply divergent. 

    When asked about the abuse allegations, Bowman told New Times, “If you publish that, I will sue you into the ground.” He flatly denies the claims of abuse. “That’s sort of outrageous, of course, and crazy,” he says. “He never said that before…. This is a first [from him]. In all this time, this is a first.” 

    “I’m not going to be slandered by a dirtbag,” he adds, referring to Harper.

    Harper, his mother, Debby, and his half-brother, Joseph Gibbs, 26, say they appeared in Broward family court around 2001 or 2002, when Charles was 9 years old. They say a judge terminated Danielle’s parental rights, barring her from seeing her children because she was living with an abusive boyfriend.

    Bowman says that the injunction barring contact between Debby and her children already existed when he became involved with Charles Harper’s case: “When I took that case over, her rights had long since been terminated,” Bowman says, explaining that he was presiding over routine six-month reviews of Harper’s foster-care situation.

    State records show that Bowman’s wife-to-be, Claudette Vanni, was working in Bowman’s dependency court from September 2001 to September 2003, but she was never assigned to Harper’s case. The Harper family is unable to provide exact dates, and the records are currently under seal.

    The story of how Harper ended up in Bowman’s care is unclear on both sides. Harper doesn’t remember much of it, and Debby didn’t hear from him after her rights were terminated. Bowman says that while in foster care, Harper “started writing to me. He had all these therapists, and they encouraged him to write.” Apparently Bowman, while only seeing Harper briefly once every six months, was enough of a figure in his life to inspire such contact.

    Harper says Bowman sent him to an Eckerd Camp for at-risk kids in northern Florida, and paid the staff to take him on a trip to the zoo during Christmas break. “The judge was the only person I knew when I was in Eckerd,” he says. “I would write to him asking for things, when I needed new boots, etc. He’d send them to me. Then he started inviting me to visit his house…. When I was 11, he took me into his home. It was just me and him in the house.”

    “He seemed to be a good kid,” says Bowman. “When you’re a caring person you sort of get sucked into that kind of thing.” Harper was the only child that Bowman took into his home.

    Debby Harper claims that about a year after Bowman ordered her not to see her kids, she learned through an acquaintance that he had begun to take care of her son. “When I first found out, I was furious,” says Danielle. “I immediately contacted Channel 7 News… but they didn’t do a story because the [custody] records were sealed.”

    “The judge kind of just took my brother home like a pet,” says Joseph Gibbs.

    Bowman claims he was a victim of the 11-year-old child even then. “He came to me and said, ‘Aren’t I smart? I got a judge to take me in,'” says Bowman. “He wanted to use that power to get back with his family. He was trying to manipulate us.”

    Harper describes an atmosphere of lax supervision when the judge wasn’t around, especially after he married Claudette. When Claudette was home, Harper says, “she sat in her room 24/7. I have driven her car [without her permission], and she didn’t even notice.”

    BREAKING: Abuse Allegations Against Judge John Bowman Cap a History of Conflict With Ex-Foster Son

    STEFAN KAMPH JANUARY 25, 2011 11:33AM

    Update: Details of the sex abuse allegations from a police report.

    Original post, 1/24 5:30 p.m.: In December, 18-year-old Charles Harper was arrested on charges of stalking his ex-foster father, John Bowman. Bowman is a circuit court judge in Broward County and presided over hundreds of adoption cases before bringing Harper into his own home.

    Now, a month after his arrest, Harper has made detailed allegations to New Times of sexual abuse by the judge during his first few years in the house. He has not substantiated the claims except for corresponding stories from his mother and sister.

    Harper told New Times that he was going to give a statement to Plantation police today alleging abuse by

    Bowman. [Update 1/25: Here is a police report of that statement.]

    The back story shows Judge Bowman mixing his judicial work with his personal life, both in his decision to bring Harper into his home after the court took away Harper’s mother’s parental rights, and in his subsequent marriage to a former assistant attorney general who advocated for children in his court.

    Harper and his family have aired some serious allegations against Bowman, including abuse. The accounts provided to New Times by Harper and Bowman are sharply divergent. 

    When asked about the abuse allegations, Bowman told New Times, “If you publish that, I will sue you into the ground.” He flatly denies the claims of abuse. “That’s sort of outrageous, of course, and crazy,” he says. “He never said that before…. This is a first [from him]. In all this time, this is a first.” 

    “I’m not going to be slandered by a dirtbag,” he adds, referring to Harper.

    Harper, his mother, Debby, and his half-brother, Joseph Gibbs, 26, say they appeared in Broward family court around 2001 or 2002, when Charles was 9 years old. They say a judge terminated Danielle’s parental rights, barring her from seeing her children because she was living with an abusive boyfriend.

    Bowman says that the injunction barring contact between Debby and her children already existed when he became involved with Charles Harper’s case: “When I took that case over, her rights had long since been terminated,” Bowman says, explaining that he was presiding over routine six-month reviews of Harper’s foster-care situation.

    State records show that Bowman’s wife-to-be, Claudette Vanni, was working in Bowman’s dependency court from September 2001 to September 2003, but she was never assigned to Harper’s case. The Harper family is unable to provide exact dates, and the records are currently under seal.

    The story of how Harper ended up in Bowman’s care is unclear on both sides. Harper doesn’t remember much of it, and Debby didn’t hear from him after her rights were terminated. Bowman says that while in foster care, Harper “started writing to me. He had all these therapists, and they encouraged him to write.” Apparently Bowman, while only seeing Harper briefly once every six months, was enough of a figure in his life to inspire such contact.

    Harper says Bowman sent him to an Eckerd Camp for at-risk kids in northern Florida, and paid the staff to take him on a trip to the zoo during Christmas break. “The judge was the only person I knew when I was in Eckerd,” he says. “I would write to him asking for things, when I needed new boots, etc. He’d send them to me. Then he started inviting me to visit his house…. When I was 11, he took me into his home. It was just me and him in the house.”

    “He seemed to be a good kid,” says Bowman. “When you’re a caring person you sort of get sucked into that kind of thing.” Harper was the only child that Bowman took into his home.

    Debby Harper claims that about a year after Bowman ordered her not to see her kids, she learned through an acquaintance that he had begun to take care of her son. “When I first found out, I was furious,” says Danielle. “I immediately contacted Channel 7 News… but they didn’t do a story because the [custody] records were sealed.”

    “The judge kind of just took my brother home like a pet,” says Joseph Gibbs.

    Bowman claims he was a victim of the 11-year-old child even then. “He came to me and said, ‘Aren’t I smart? I got a judge to take me in,'” says Bowman. “He wanted to use that power to get back with his family. He was trying to manipulate us.”

    Harper describes an atmosphere of lax supervision when the judge wasn’t around, especially after he married Claudette. When Claudette was home, Harper says, “she sat in her room 24/7. I have driven her car [without her permission], and she didn’t even notice.”

    While things were getting violent in their household, the Bowmans were preparing to adopt Harper. “We were one or two weeks away from the final adoption,” says the judge. “He was threatening us constantly, but we always forgave him for everything.”

    Bowman claims that Harper told him, “I want you to adopt me because I’m going to kill you and take your inheritance.”

    Harper counters: “That was not true. I didn’t want them to adopt me. I said, ‘If I turn 18 and you guys ditch me like every other family does, then I won’t have any money….’ I’m not that stupid. I know that if you kill your parents you don’t get their inheritance.”

    Bowman says that Harper’s treatment of Claudette was particularly vicious. “He threatened her with a condom, threatened her sexually,” he says. “He threatened all of us on multiple occasions.”

    Harper says, “Before they kicked me out of the house, [they tried to] make me look bad. I’ve never threatened [Claudette]. Plus, why would I want someone that old when I was a teenager?”

    In addition to the allegations of threats and violence, Bowman says Harper was racking up a criminal history, and had multiple felony arrests. These records are sealed due to Harper’s juvenile status at the time.

    Soon, they did kick him out. “Claudette came to the door with a bag of clothes one day, and said, ‘You’re on your way,'” recalls Harper.

    Harper went to live in a juvenile group home at age 16. When he was 17 he was in his third group home, which he says was infested with rats and cockroaches. Although he was legally prevented from contacting his mother at the time, he called her in distress. “You need to help me get out of here,” she says he told her. “This place is infested with dead rats.”

    Harper is now living in Miami on house arrest, pending charges from the state attorney’s office related to the stalking arrest. No probable cause has yet been found.

    1. 1


      I know Judge Bowman’s wife Claudette, and from personal experience I know Harper is lying. How? Because Mrs C Vanni-Bowman is one of the most caring people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Having never met me in person she has still helped me out when I was under 18 and still takes my calls to this day (25 years later). Drop the case into Bowman and lock up lying Harper, that’s justice served

      1. 7


        Hey Matthew,
        I’m Charles Harper, “that they should lock up for lying.”
        I didn’t say his wife sexually abused me, I said John Bowman did. You think he would tell his soon to be wife at the time that he is taking advantage of a 11 year old boy?
        From your personal experience? I don’t remember seeing you there when I was cohorts to get fully naked so he could “play his games”. I was 11 years old, guess what his wife who you speak so highly of was not living there, they had just started dating.
        So please keep your opinions to yourself
        I would have be ok if you decided to give your opinions about claudette but don’t speak on anything you’re not sure of.
        Judge Bowman is very lucky, he should have been locked up with the rest of the child sex offenders.
        To this day I still haven’t forgotten the pain and suffering caused by Judge Bowman.
        Read the story too, like how does the Judge pick a child from their work load to take them home…. Without going through all the hoops in becoming a foster parent…

        1. 2


          This smacks of a low life family trying to hit the lottery by making up this ridiculous story. The mother and her ungrateful son should be happy and thankful that someone took this boy in when she was obviously a fuck up and lost custody of him. It’s sad that the boy decided to take his mother’s path in life. This could happen to any innocent man or woman and is obviously happening more and more these days. Anyone can accuse you of anything to get money.

          1. 6


            Wow, scum bag, career criminal, lowlife family and ungrateful.
            Almost sounds like Bowman, when he called me a dirtbag.
            I’m doing a lot better, been through hell and back.
            Staying away from crimes, I can’t afford to go back to jail.
            Not sure how much you knew about my mother for you to say crap like this.
            But it does suck to know my mom wasn’t shit, wasn’t able to take care of me. So she trust DCF (department of children and family) to take over. I wish you could have seen a little of my life. You put yourself through what I went through and you would probably have life in prison.
            Thankfully I got caught, it changed my life.
            Look up Lancaster Correctional Institution.
            I was there at its worst. But I changed for the better.
            I learned just how corrupt the system really is, eye opening for sure. Kids dying over stupid stuff, of course dying sucks and it only happened to a few while I was there. Let’s not think about “buck 50” where someone cuts your face open and you need 150 stitches, imagine a 17-year-old kid, running with his hand over his face, his blood pouring out.
            Do you think I wanna go back? I think we can remove career criminal. Sure I might speed or traffic violations.
            Let’s go back before prison, where DCF had me sleeping in there office off commercial Boulevard near the airport, I slept under a Desk because of DCF before I was 10 years old and it’s was on multiple occasions.
            Or because of DCF, I would bounce from home to home to the point where Eckerd, also know to me as E-How-Kee. Man the name says it all. I was the youngest kid to ever live there.
            It’s a hands-on facility, I think I was 10 years old.
            But let’s take me away from my mother, because she was in love with an abusive, alcoholic boyfriend, who would hit me and beat me to. That makes a whole Lotta sense.
            Just because I’m not pursuing Judge John Bowman in the court of law, does it mean it didn’t happen. I took a polygraph test and passed it before I went to prison.
            Due to going to prison, my attorney dropped it. Take a sec before going off name calling. Or agree to disagree. You used to be able to call me all of that not anymore.

            1. 1


              I am so sorry for everything you have been through. I am sorry the system failed you and I hope you have a much better life from now on.

              1. 2


                I appreciate the sympathy, something I lack a ton off. The SYSTEM didn’t just failed me, it failed a ton young innocent kids, and will continue to fail innocent kids. SYSTEM = DCF not sure about out of State. I’m definitely having a better life now! I still wish the Bowman’s would remove the restraining order against me. Sucks to see it on my record!
                Life will always be better from the outside of the prison electrifying fences! But thank you!

                1. 2


                  Charles, in Florida, there are no statutes of limitations for some forms of sexual abuse. For instance, there is no statute of limitations for statutory rape in Florida if the child is under 16 years of age. This law becomes less clear when the minor is older than 16 years of age but under 18 years of age, and various conditions apply depending on the facts of a case.

                  In addition, the term “sexual abuse” is often used to reference a broad range of sexual misconduct. In Florida, sexual abuse crimes are actually classified as “sexual battery.” Thus, acts that fall under sexual abuse in most states will be categorized as sexual battery in Florida. This is true for the rape statute of limitations in Florida. It is included in the crime of sexual battery.

            2. 2


              That’s right, keep blaming everyone else for the bad choices you have made in life.

              1. 1


                But don’t expect Bowman to ever take responsibility for what he did to a minor !
                Broward Judges are a bunch of scumbags who think they don’t have to answer for anything. Look back over the years and attempt to disagree with me. There are any number of examples. Too many.

              2. 2


                Sounds like the blame should be directed to your Ma Ma for picking an abusive alcoholic over you. No respectable woman hooks up with an abusive alcoholic and lets them beat her children. How much are you hoping to get out of this?

                1. 4


                  Your comment bothers me the most!
                  Blame my mom? She didn’t walk into DCF and say take my kids I don’t want them! She tried her best, and I miss her a ton! Even with her abusive boyfriend, at least he was drunk and would only beat us usually when we fucked up. Of course that’s too much for DCF! So let’s send those for kids into different homes and screw up those 4 kids for the rest of their lives.
                  Imagine going to one of these events that the Judge Bowman put on, it felt worse than being locked in a cage at Pet Supermarket as a cat, all them people walking by, and saying no I don’t like that color. No, I don’t like those eyes. no, it’s too small, no….
                  Like how in the F can you just pick a child at a picnic and call him your boy/girl?
                  If my fiancé and I can’t have a child, but we want to have children and we decide to adopt I’m not going to go and pick and choose who my children are.
                  Nor will I called DCF to pick “ my children “up because I can’t handle them.
                  I’m not really trying to get anything out of this I just really did not like Matthews comment. For him to try to discredit me without proof, call me a liar as well, sparked the flame under me to reply. I’m super techie and I always search my name with Broward county at the end and see everything and this popped up so I felt like I should reply.
                  I don’t disagree about Matthews opinion that Claudette is super nice, might not be the best “mom”, but she was nice.
                  I won’t blame my mother, I Blame DCF. Of course my mother could have done better. But I was only 3 years old when I was taken!

                  1. 0


                    CH!!! Based upon what I’m reading here, I might urge you to consider no more comments, contact a civil litigation/criminal lawyer, and DON’T wait!

              3. 2


                Lol, you’re so right. I’ve figured that out and I’m doing great tbh!
                Started my own company and it’s taking off!
                I really am happy with my past, i strive to be the best at what I do because of my past.
                I won’t be going back wards.
                I’m not blaming them for my life now, even tho they had an effect.
                I’m blaming them for the past, past things that should have never happened to a child.
                I didn’t have any control, then when I did at 18 YO, I blamed the system, and of course I committed a few crimes.Now I’m probably the hardest worker, and the most honest person out there.
                I might not have a law degree, but I know I can do anything I want to in this world. I can be anyone I want to be. I have total control of my future. Even if I wanted a law degree I think I could do it, but for what? Couldn’t be happy work and commit my time to a filed system. Like” let’s take these kids, mom and dad can’t raise them” so the system takes them and most of them kids were either raped or abused by the family that the system puts them in. I blame the system, suck’s Bowman was apart of the system.
                Back to the topic, I don’t blame Bowman, I take advantage of the system where I can still. The speed limit might be 55mph, so I’ll go right to where the systems lets you, at like 63mph. Hopefully the cop lets me slide. No cops, go like 75,80mph. So it’s the system I blame. They really took me (and brothers & my sister) from my mother, to put me(us) into a system where all 3 of us were abused, two of us were sexually abused on more than one occasion(more the the same person) in the same system DCF.
                So don’t think I’m blaming Bowman, I feel like we are even, well at least as even as I can get. He’s a Judge, I’m a nobody, not someone even one wants to rent to or even give a job to due to either my record or the fact that I have history with Bowman.
                But let’s not blame them, my parents are dead, they left me noting, yet I’m almost married, trying to have Kids. Kids I will die about, definitely will kill about! My kids will be with me till they decide to move on! Not DCF!
                Not blaming, taking accountability.
                I strive everyday to do the best! I don’t blame Bowman. I BLAME THE SYSTEM.
                Imagine not being able to call mom and dad for advice, for help when you’re struggling, or need some help. Even my sister, her dad paying for the wedding? What about the man that raped her took her virginity? At like 12 years old, responsibility, huh? Your crazy

                1. 2


                  You sound fucked up, you need counseling bad. Get help before you bring innocent children into your fucked up mental issues.

                  1. 1


                    I have help, I go to counseling once a week and they tell me I should talk about it. “Don’t bottle it up.”
                    I have no intentions of hurting anybody, I don’t want to. I don’t need to, and I won’t.
                    Life is way too short, I want to enjoy it! These sexual predators, if that’s what you call them needs more help than I!

                    1. 2


                      In December you were arrested for stalking a judge, yet in February you’re doing fantastic? How noble you try to act, stalking a judge and accusing him of child molesting, yet you claim to not want to hurt anyone?

            3. 2


              I can’t prove it but this was not written by Charles, is this joker being paid by some one to frame the judge? Read the way it’s written, check out the perfect punctuation and paragraphs. If this jerk had this many brains he wouldn’t have ended up the mess he is in life.

              1. 3


                I’m not afraid, yea it’s terrifying that a Judge could come after me. Buts I was more scared in prison after seeing a kid I think 16 yo, get his head smash in with a radio,(radio:Like old school radio, big and bulky” by the CO(Correction Officer) I think like 18 stitch’s needed in his head! Of course the paper work said he fell playing basketball.
                I was locked up, kinda got educated! About the only thing to do!
                No one wants the truth, but Matthew sparked a flame! Y’all keep the peace, I’m quite! Y’all talk crazy, like I’m the crazy one! I was brought into this world by my mother, who “ couldn’t “ take care of me due to her abusive boyfriend, to be taken by DCF, to slept under a desk at like 6-7 years old! Than to be touched inappropriate by 11 years old. Granted I don’t know what happen from like ages 3-6years old after being taken, I guess I wasn’t the chosen one with any-other families.
                But the SYSTEM Failed ! Imagine being taken from your mother! It’s not a good feeling, regardless of fault! The system made it worst. Let’s talk crazy!!!
                I don’t mind providing ID to prove I’m Charles! But nothing in life is free!
                I ended up in this mess when I was 3 YO!

                1. 4


                  Charles, we posted above to let you know that Florida has NO statue of limitations on sexual abuse at the ages you mentioned. You may need to seek legal advice.

              2. 2


                How did he seem to know about this forum to post on it? It’s almost like some one seems to be coaching him to go after the judge. Could this be deemed another form of stalking?

                1. 0


                  John, are you looking over a pathetic pedophile shoulder these days ?…?…?, who else is out there?; and, may come looking for you ?
                  (How do you like this punctuation?)

      2. 1


        Apparently she wasn’t in the house during the early years while the alleged pedophile sexual abuse happened. Hopefully not becoming an accomplice after the fact.

        1. 1


          Just remember when some of you are being this dudes cheerleader, in today’s society anyone can accuse you of touching them or molesting them from years ago simply because they get pissed at you. This is a guy with a criminal past, currently on house arrest for stalking a judge, and you don’t think he might have an axe to grind?

            1. 1


              No one knows, it was years ago and it’s a career criminals word against a respected career Judge with an impeccable record, no other person has ever claimed sexual abuse charges against the judge. Funny all of a sudden when he was caught stalking the jude, with the intent to do God knows what, he cries sexual abuse. Just because some of you don’t like the judge, that is not a reason to play along with this bullshit story and try to ruin a mans career. Just remember, like I said before, this shit can happen to anyone of you. Now his sister was abused by some one also according to him? Perhaps he’s fucked up because he got used as a boy toy in jail?

              1. 0


                Wow, a boy toy in jail. If only you knew!
                I would have had you washing every ones underwear in there! And if you didn’t want to…. Better read about gladiator camps!

    2. 4



        1. 0


          Charles, I think the writer is saying that Bowman treated you like a pet hamster; which is all he should have ever had in the first place. Not a child.

          1. 0


            Strange, I had a Hamster when I lived with the Bowman’s. We went on vacation somewhere and someone broke into the house and stole something’s and kinda ransacked the place. But they also seemed to have killed my hamster, like smashed the poor little hamster head in.
            Kinda strange to say “OBVIOUSLY A HAMSTER WASN’T ENOUGH FOR BOWMAN”
            All I could think was this person killed my hamster!

            1. 0


              You’re right Charles. In the context of your relationship with bowman, the hamster story is really threatening! ???

    3. 10


      Bowman or any judge should have known better. There is no excuse for Bowman’s taking this child home without going through the proper channels. He’s guilty in my book of multiple infractions of the law and should have been removed from office and possibly prosecuted.

      1. 3


        Hello very strange,
        I’m not really sure what kind of “ proper channels “ a judge can take on taking in a kid off their caseload.
        I’d be OK if they judge went through the proper hoops to become a foster parent and taking a child they did not have authority over or authority over their mother and father.
        This way, at least they can still adopt if they go through the proper courses.

      2. 2


        We haven’t heard from him yet and that being said I’m sure he didn’t kidnap this child. The proper authority had to have allowed the judge and his wife to have access to him.

          1. 3


            You better believe we hide behind fake names, if you’re stupid enough to stalk anyone, much less a judge that’s scary. What were you going to do if you found him is the big question on everyone’s minds? I sure hope they keep a close eye on your ankle monitor.

        1. 4


          All the normal procedures were circumvented for Bowman, including his choice of child etc., etc., etc., and, we can prove it! My friends who worked DCF, now retired, could testify. He did not complete ANY of the departments foster parent requirements or screening.

              1. 1


                You don’t think that’s strange? The judge is a child molester, yet this is the only kid he molested?

                1. 2


                  He’s had to remain on the down low if he wants to keep his creepy and dead end finger job. This is Broward where staying plugged into the public trough for loser judges is the main concern for these pervey junkies.

        2. 4


          Wrong, I have the insider who was there at the office with the others when Bowman, demanded THIS child! I know who to call!

            1. 0


              Let me circulate an email to old friends; which could be your future witness list…?

              Meanwhile, for your part, sit down with a empty notebook, starting from the first encounters with Bowman; jot down, in chronological order, first day forward, any and all of your memories of abuse being in his custody, no good paragraphs necessary, no complete sentences needed, nothing but just, fast little notes, anything is fair … just get those ideas out on paper; when you remember more go back and fill in: THE WHOLE STORY, including anything, and elaborate on inappropriate contacts, and the age you were at the time, and where it happened.

                  1. 3


                    History repeats itself,
                    keep thinking your helping him and you too one day will be his sexual abuse target.

                  2. 0


                    Not sure we will get that far! Bowman is a very powerful person.
                    Not really interested in going after him, especially playing in his field.
                    That like sending in Rocky the boxer, in a chess match against the grandmaster. I’m stupid to write anything but Matthew pissed me off so I wanted to correct him.

                  3. 2


                    That’s hysterical, it would take a jury about five minutes to see though this criminal jerk. Do you think people are stupid and can’t see through this shake down? This story has as many holes as a piece of swiss cheese.

                    1. 1


                      Sign me up for that jury, this scam artist will not only lose but he runs the risk of the judge turning around and going after him. Most likely the idea that he is a stalker will seal the deal on his scam. If you want to bowl a good game you have to stay out of the gutter. Gutter Boy

              1. 1


                HE’S NOT THE FIRST

        1. 0


          I know I do, but Einstein said it best!
          “The definition of insanity is — doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”

      3. 0


        Bowman’s hamster comment to Harper above, taken in context of the creatures slaughter, is a window into how a sick little pedophile mind works!

  2. 5


    Word on the street is De Primo wants to be chief judge now too. You know—county—>circuit—>chief judge of the black/Asian/Jewish community

    God she is such a joke.

  3. 1


    At last we will see the back of Tooty as Chief Judge and Scherer Mole. The sooner that guy crawls back down his hole the better. He’s done more to run the 17th into the ground than any chief judge since Moron Ross with his ridiculous antics.
    Somebody should tell him to drag his little squeeze Judge Lee with him. They both will never realize just how much of an embarrassment they’ve both been.

  4. 1


    Personal criticisms of of any judge is what it is, like everyone else. On purely legal issues I always found a good courtroom with J. Tooter. Just saying,,,, my experience.

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