*UPDATE/UPDATE* – Kevin Beach, defendant:

*UPDATE*Robert Gregg was reached at 8:58 AM and asked if the incident was simply a case of a disgruntled or out of touch individual targeting a sitting judge.  Gregg declined comment, citing confidentiality rules …


Thanks to Anonymous, November 16 at 11:59 AM, for alerting JAABLOG readers to the recently filed Petition For Injunction For Protection Against Stalking by Petitioner Kevin Tyrell Beach, against Respondent Bobby Diaz.

Barry Stone, senior judge in the 17th Circuit, dismissed the petition for insufficient evidence on November 12th, after a special assignment to preside over  the matter was signed by Jack Tuter.  No circuit-wide recusal was requested.

The whole thing seems strange, which is why we texted Diaz for more information on Saturday, as follows:

” … do you know Kevin Beach?  Did you have any interactions with him in North Lauderdale in late August, as he alleged in his Petition?  Is he lying? … “

There’s been no answer to date.  In the meantime, we’ll follow-up with Diaz’s attorney from the AG’s Office Robert Gregg, and try to speak with Beach to learn what the whole thing was about …


  1. 11


    Why wasn’t this an executive assignment? Shouldn’t it have been? Diaz is a sitting judge. Why executive assignment for Hawkins and not for Diaz?

    1. 0


      Didn’t know that could be used for civil cases. We see in Florida’s Constitution where it can be used for criminal, as in Todd Watson.

      Also don’t think Hawkins ever was reassigned by executive order, there is a JQC complaint and she was suspended. No other case yet with her. Unless of course they file battery charges against her.

      1. 0


        Looks like you have been quite productive in getting to the bottom of the Diaz situation….said no one

        1. 5


          Way to avoid what we said.
          Don’t know there really is a situation.

          Could just be some idiot thinking he can get a new criminal judge doing this.
          Something he has managed to do we might add.

          Look father down the page, at least we Tweeted something. Show us anyone that’s done more so far. Also check our Facebook page.

          We are not just going to criticize sitting judges with this little to go on, yet.

          That’s why we were asking about civil and executive assignment. Looks like it was disposed of quickly.

  2. 4


    Did he invite his Nova students and interns to court to see how Stalking cases are handled?

    1. 1


      appearance?” hahahahahahahaha what does the legislature have to about defining this: 876.41 Conspirators.—If two or more….; 777.011 Principal in first degree.? 777.03 Accessory after the fact? 777.04 Attempts, solicitation, and conspiracy? “beyond accident, mistake or inadvertence?”

    1. 1


      Diaz having to constantly look over his shoulder has sure taken a toll on the guy. He looks like chit.

    1. 2


      As expected the Broward Judicial Tribe, with Tooty at the helm, circle the wagons to protect one of their own. You gotta admit, they are always predictable in the absents of a JQC that does its job.

  3. 20


    Can Make One Phone Call and have you taken care of?

    Sounds a little familiar.

    Thereafter, the JQC panel made its findings and recommendations. In the findings, the panel stated in pertinent part:
    The panel takes a very dim view of the conduct of the respondent in this matter, which involves a serious offense.

    (He in fact sent an implied threat of organized group retaliation)

    because of alleged actions of a fellow judge, and to exacerbate matters sent a copy to a local ethnic bar association.

    (Such conduct is deplorable),

    and were it not for the respondent’s lack of prior disciplinary history and his acknowledgment of his conduct, the panel would consider forwarding this matter for trial and a more severe penalty. The period of suspension would be greater but for the burden placed on the respondent’s colleagues.

    1. 9


      Didn’t Diaz get a fifteen thousand dollar fine and suspended from the bench ? This goes back to his spat with Judge Seidman.
      I don’t think Diaz has ever gotten over it, thus his bad attitude. I’ve never thought much about his ability as a county judge.

      1. 30



        A Broward County judge has been reprimanded, fined, and suspended for two weeks by the Supreme Court for sending an anonymous e-mail to a fellow judge that was deemed to threaten political retaliation and also sending a copy to the Broward County Hispanic Bar Association.

        Diaz must also make a “complete and public apology” to County Judge Lee Seidman and the president of the Hispanic bar, the court decided. The e-mails suggested Seidman was reporting illegal immigrants to federal authorities.

        In January 2004, Diaz sent an anonymous e-mail to another county judge, which included a story about a circuit judge who had been criticized for reporting illegal aliens to the U.S. Immigration Service when he learned they were appearing before him in his courtroom. The electronic missive also said, “Isn’t this what you used to do in Hollywood (Florida)? We remember.”

        Diaz also anonymously sent the newspaper article to the then-president of the local Hispanic Bar Association with a message raising questions about Seidman’s conduct.

        In the subsequent JQC investigation, Judge Diaz waived the right to a trial, stipulated to the JQC’s facts, and accepted its recommended discipline of a two-week suspension without pay, a $15,000 fine, and a public reprimand, as well as an apology to the recipient judge and the Broward County Hispanic Bar Association.

        Seidman, in a prepared statement that he would not elaborate on, said: “The issue has been resolved by the Florida Supreme Court. I will accept Judge Diaz’s apology in the manner and spirit it is to be given. I look forward to working with Judge Diaz as a colleague on the bench in the years ahead.”


  4. 22


    Diaz has always been an embarrassment.
    Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking.
    You just have to look to the Broward Bench to know its true.

  5. 2


    It begins.
    Twitter, more to come. Thanks for the actual written complaint.
    Judge Diaz is welcome to contact us and give his side of this.

  6. 9


    It begins.
    Twitter, more to come. Thanks for the actual written complaint.
    Judge Diaz is welcome to contact us and give his side of this.

    Question for Jack Tuter:
    Why was a Broward judge hearing this?
    Watson, Honowitz, and others move to Dade by executive assignment. What are you trying hide!

    1. 11


      We doubt the judge will make any comment soon. Although he probably violated a few in this canon himself, chances are he will hide behind this:
      Canon 3

      B. Adjudicative Responsibilities.

      (9) (A judge shall not, while a proceeding is pending or impending in any court, make any public comment that might reasonably be expected to affect its outcome or impair its fairness or make any nonpublic comment that might substantially interfere with a fair trial or hearing).

      The only comment from him we would like to hear is whether or not he knows this guy outside of court, or was this some psycho’s attempt to skate justice? Still, it looks very strange.

  7. 7


    Looks like she cant do depo in this case without her supervisor present. Anyone know what went down?

    1. 12


      the same useless fraudulent “usual suspects:” Boutros, Weeks, Cuddihy… what a joke and we all know it!!!

    2. 7


      Shes still an absolute psycho! I heard a recording of her at a deposition in the PDs office she was screaming like a crazy woman, the PD was begging her to please calm down so he could finish the deposition and she just kept yelling insults like a crazy person.

    3. 5


      Boutros routinely violated the Bar rules of honesty and lies about it by cleverly creating barrier “who me–I’m offended, judge–how dare they” excuses including failing to bring forth exculpatory case law contrary to her and Satz position in a prosecution that is suppose to provide a case dismissal. As a demonstrated excellent researcher she still expects a judge to buy her “ignorance” of such contradictory law even if the defense is unaware of it RULE 4-3.3 CANDOR TOWARD THE TRIBUNAL (a) False Evidence; Duty to Disclose. A lawyer shall not knowingly: (2) fail to disclose a material fact to a tribunal when disclosure is necessary to avoid assisting a criminal or fraudulent act by the client (herein the state of Florida);
      (3) fail to disclose to the tribunal legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction known to the lawyer to be directly adverse to the position of the client and not disclosed by opposing counsel; because her feigned ignorance of the law it is specifically designed to “assist in a criminal or fraudulent act by the client” ie: prosecution for client, the State of Florida.

        1. 4


          Hormonal imbalances often lead to such behavior and can predict even more disturbing erratic outbreaks.
          Probably more like a mild touch of Tourette Syndrome from what I’ve witnessed.

          1. 1


            Lighten up on the dumb chick. A couple more years and she’ll just be another Jurassic flesh-bag in a wheelchair screaming she’s not getting paid enough…

  8. 0


    Funny, but in reality he’s good with Judge Tuter and SMurphy. He could I guess be a Staff Attorney or Asa if she wins.

    1. 4


      You mean Ben Cump or the other civil lawyers Gordon gets referral fees for sending Pd clients for civil cases. Didn’t you pee ons in the office know this?

      Yes Gordon this is known,,,, you know for example you would see kids at Juvi and miraculously they were able the call a civil lawyer (some out of state) the next day….hmmmm

      1. 0


        Murphy isn’t going to win. She is trying to fool people into thinking she is a Democrat- her actions don’t speak to that.

      2. 0


        Gordon is non-productive, thus non-essential unless hiding out in your office to pursue one’s own political aspirations counts as something. And, , oh, yeah, dodging a caseload and any real work! Lol.

  9. 5


    If you mean Weekes, he is “good” with Jack Tuter because the CJ is always in fear of upsetting the Fink and having to deal with his tirades. Jello for a backbone. Tail wagging the dog.

    1. 2


      Here’s another reason to vote for Ruby, Sean, Tom…………Tuter will run roughshod over jellyfish Weekes.
      He’s too afraid to debate. He will stand down before anyone can count to 5.

  10. 1


    This guy is trying way to hard to get out of this.

  11. 5


    This idiot must think he is a lawyer. It looks improper and invalid to me. Leave this to the professionals…idiot.

  12. 6


    It appears he is an idiot… But… somehow it seems to be working very well for him. I think its an act. He is manipulating the system by acting stupid. He is playing a different game than us. I have represented Mr. Beach in the past. I can’t put my finger on it but i feel he is extremely more intelligent than he puts on. I have seen his intelligence slip out at the most convenient moments. I would never want to represent him again. He is too much of a burden. He will force you to work like he paid you. He also sends emails to expose you later as evidence.

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