12:37 PM JAABLOG email to SAO PIO:
… Mr. Pryor stated he was in favor of DUI diversion, similar to Palm Beach County and Miami-Dade, as supported by MADD.
Is this still the case, and when can a DUI diversion program be expected to be in place?
SAO PIO response at 5:06 PM:
The goal is to have a DUI diversion program, supported by MADD, established in 2022. Senior prosecutors and others are still meeting and gathering data and information to establish a program that emphasizes public safety and fairness.
5:15 PM JAABLOG response:
In the meantime, shouldn’t there be some consideration given to those with open DUI’s who are first offender’s, and who meet the necessary requirements for the anticipated diversion program, which will likely mirror the neighboring MADD approved, long standing diversion programs in Miami and Palm Beach? Is it necessary to fully prosecute these individuals who happen to have the misfortune of being charged while awaiting the new program, instead of offering breakdowns?
(JAABLOG will update Monday with the SAO’s reply)
Independent – Baltimore ends war on drugs
” … What surprised many people – including Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison – was that the reduction in low-level prosecutions appears to have triggered a decline in nearly all categories of crime in the city … As violent crime skyrocketed in cities across the nation, those crimes in Baltimore – a city that is still among the most violent in the country – did not.”
better late then never
Great news.
not for the bottom feeders 🙂
Good riddance to the rest of the bottom feeders that the end of the corrupt SPD system didn’t already banish. Bottom feeders are worse than the stinking lightweights that pile up their cars after a couple of drinks and ruin the world for normal people.
Great job BACDL staying on top of this important issue. Oh sorry. I meant Thank you Bill for staying on top of this important issue.
BACDL is a about money. The Association is not about helping people. But about lining the pockets of attorneys. The Association fought Gideon v Wainwright when ERU was established. Don’t be confused about the roles. BACDL will be against diverting Duis. Because it’s surely to cost attorneys fee monies.
Bill should get Gulkin.
They don’t give it to people that still have a lot of cases like him or Gottlieb that I saws mentioned here before.
Or Brad Cohen.
Gordon Weekes.
Got any pork egg rolls ? I got the sweet and sour sauce in my desk.
No way. They’re jealous of Bradford, just like they’re jealous of Judge Singhal.
Did I hear my name mentioned ? It’s Bradford. Not Brad.
A brown nosey award for Gelin. Don’t be ridiculous.
BACDL won’t insult Mike, Dave & Ana, Jack, Diaz etc etc by doing that.
Hell freezes over……that’s when Gelin gets a Gulkin
BACDL showed us great respect in giving you the Gulkin……now finish your oats
I’ll get 300 more of these before Gelin gets a Gulkin
Diaz probably wears his robe to bed. It seems to be a trend among County Court CLowns.
In my day if the Judge said you had hooves and horns then you had hooves and horns and wrote a check to help cover his filing fee
Is this diversion program also going to apply to 1st time Boating Under Influence (BUI) cases too? If not, then why not plan on including it now during the planning phase of the Broward diversion program rather than having to come back many years later to get it included.
Speaking of DUI, some hit-and-run driver killed a New York federal judge in Boca. When they finally caught the driver, she said she was Harry Potter.
The one on the left was convicted of a second DUI after trial – no jail time.
The one in the middle: arrested after police said she was driving drunk when she crashed into a stopped car, briefly knocking the other driver unconscious and sending him to the hospital with a neck injury – no jail time.
The last one was filming herself driving on goofy birds and crashed her car into a parking lot fence and then didn’t cooperate – no jail time.
Get ready, Broward. We’re headed your way. You’re gonna wish Satz was still in charge.
Does any one know what disease’s this herd may be carrying? I’m waiting to see how many of these gals get knocked up and bring even more kids into this equation. Biden is outside of his mind letting this go on. Nothing good can come from this situation as for our country and it’s citizens. There is not another country on the planet that would let this stupid shit go on.