The Florida Bar has turned over the closed Brenda v. Blog file, pursuant to a public records request. As with other closed files we’ve received from them, it seems wildly incomplete, with loads of duplications of documents, emails, and newspaper articles that would have already been in the possession of the parties. Whether or not the obviously missing information is deemed work product or otherwise somehow exempt, remains to be seen.*

For whatever reason, an interesting email was included, possibly by mistake, pictured below. Full information leading up to the request that’s the subject of the memo is not included, and there’s nothing provided that explains how the hiring of a 1st Amendment outside counsel issue was concluded. In any event, all those who believe Brenda v. Blog was being driven by Tallahassee and not Brenda, have seemingly been proven correct …

So there you have it. Interested parties to Brenda v. Blog included Adria Quintela, at the time head of lawyer regulation in Tallahassee and now a law professor at FSU, who was also involved locally in the Bobby Diaz and Marni Bryson focused complaints back when Ken Marvin was in charge. Also “Josh,” believed to be Josh Doyle, the Executive Director of the Bar, and Jack Tuter, together with unnamed “numerous Broward County judges,” all ostensibly in support of Brenda’s attack on the only unfettered, 1st Amendment defending courthouse blog on the planet …

SS – GC dismisses Forman’s complaints


* While the above post was being written, the following email was received concerning the missing components of the file:

Rule 3-7.1(a), Rules Regulating the Florida Bar states that “[A]ll records including files, preliminary investigation reports, interoffice memoranda, records of investigations, and the records in trials and other proceedings under these rules, except those disciplinary matters conducted in circuit courts, are property of The Florida Bar. All of those matters are confidential and will not be disclosed except as provided in these rules.”

Subsection (b) them identifies what the Bar considered the “public record” subject to disclosure – “[T]he public record consists of the record before a grievance committee, the record before a referee, the record before the Supreme Court of Florida, and any reports, correspondence, papers, recordings, and/or transcripts of hearings furnished to, served on, or received from the respondent or the complainant.”

You have previously been provided the entire public record.

SS – Sandy D’Alemberte on Brenda v. Blog


145 thoughts on “FUN WITH PRR’S”

  1. 16


    That means you are kicking $$$. Keep it up. The Florida Bar put Broward in a bind for awhile. I was worried they’d do something stupid. Glad they followed the law. Was afraid they were waiting on election results.

    1. 6


      The Bar published its decision more than a year after the June 2019 email. Of course, the Bar waited on the election.
      Gelin can blame himself for the delay when on Dec. 5, 2018 he posted that his blog would be “All About Brenda through the 2020 Clerk’s Election”.

      His blog is still all about Brenda … except that now BLM and anti-BLM posters have taken over Gelin’s “unfettered” blog and made it even more no class.

      1. 0


        What were the Bar’s “face-saving, false assertions” against you, Bill? … You still haven’t told us those on this, your unfettered blog.

          1. 0


            @ 1:23PM
            Be specific.
            You can’t … because the Bar’s “face-saving, false allegations” against Gelin are not in the Sentinel.

            1. 0


              They’re only in the Bar’s closure letter to which Gelin refers but keeps to himself.

          2. 1


            Ha ha dummy doesn’t read, he just lies (and clears cookies/hits thumbs up/clears cookies/hits thumbs up/clears cookies for hours on end)

            1. 1


              Here’s a tip for dummy, he can do his own records request (which is also a public record) or he can do it in someone else’s name so they don’t know he’s blogging (again).

              1. 0


                He’s a super dummy, makes everything in his life turn to shite (sooner or later) because he’s so dumb.

    2. 10


      Wow, that email shows the Florida Bar (a group of lawyers) had to seek more lawyers for help because they’re STILL trying to find the IP addresses of those who criticize the judiciary.

      I heard one attorney just got a Bar Complaint from this recent election for her writings on FB about how a judicial candidate was a “racist bigot”… But that was easy to find out who it was because Facebook has her identity.

        1. 11


          I think the point of all this is truth is always a defense. Just make sure it’s true and speak truth to power. The truth destroys liars every time.

        2. 5


          Sadly, the first amendment does not protect attorneys who denigrate judges and judicial candidates. See Fla.Bar brief in re: Krapacs case

          In this case the candidate was only discussing the myth of white privilege. So, although in this case the candidate didn’t do or say anything racist even if he had that doesn’t give an attorney free reign to impugn the integrity of a judge or judicial candidate. Regular folks can but not attorneys.

          She may get a free pass though because she’s a member of a Bar grievance committee and she’s a lifetime government lawyer (never would be able to exist on her own without the government teeth – not a sole practitioner) so the Bar’s double standard might protect her.

          1. 6


            I think she will be fine. All she did was point out a racist post. “Government teeth?” What is that? Who would even take the time out to complain about that. How pathetic.

            1. 4


              I meant teet. Meaning this attorney sucks off the government teet as she sits on her very fat ass denigrating those who don’t.

              FYI it was actually just a repost of two black American comedians who were saying that white privilege is a myth – that privilege is often based on financial resources, citing the example of jussie Smollett (the black racist actor who pretended he was being lynched by white people but did not get charged with any offense after he was exposed).

              Who? Who would take the time to simply print out a complaint form, attach the Facebook post and send it up to the Florida bar?! I did. Took all of about 5 minutes, plus the cost of a stamp.

              1. 5


                Seems pathetic to take time out of your day to try to harm someone for pointing out a racist. But I guess you have the time to waste trying to ruin someone’s career. Nothing will come of it- because nothing should. She pointed out someone’s racist posts. I bet the bar gives zero fucks about it and the fact you took time out to do this is pretty sad. But I guess you have a lot of time on your hands with no clients.

          2. 7


            Lol Mr. 20% over here spending all of his time on the blog instead of defending his non-existent clients. Must be nice. Here’s another great idea from Conway20: prove I’m not a racist by going after the woman who got an innocent Black man out of prison serving a life sentence for an armed robbery he wasn’t even present for. Yep, that will show them.

    1. 16


      At least he got lucky when Vegina H lost. That trial would have brought some interesting stuff to light.

      1. 11


        Why wasn’t Vagina Hawkins charged with a battery, it’s on video. She choked the clerk, battery on video.

  2. 18


    It says the bar can ill afford to have an unfavorable ruling? Why? Because the truth will continue to come out?

  3. 9


    They had no choice but it seems to me they’ve widely exposed themselves as only the FB can do. Especially when they’re on the losing side of an argument.
    Public record to find out who the numerous other Broward Judge are involved. Not that it’s very difficult to guess the participants.

    1. 7


      I wonder if these besties will still be posing with Forman when things reopen. I can’t imagine anyone approving of their friendship after the Hitler post and Congressional censure.

    1. 9


      Their tenacity must be admired. No matter how many time Jaab slaps them down, they keep coming back for more.

    1. 8


      Judge Robert Diaz looks like a fat Buffo Toad, One ugly MoFo with ZERO personality just like his wife. Two toads. Diaz es un Sapo Sapote Gordo e Feo.

  4. 1


    The 6-21-19 e-mail is detailed and seems to have no redactions, (including the Legal opinion that the case may not be winnable) by TFB…..

    seems pretty open-kimono to me, as far as producing records.

    I think the cliche is don’t play with fire?

    Not saying you’re wrong, but what’s the reward in kicking around ideas of upsetting regulators, the joy of being right and nothing more?

    1. 7


      “Not saying you’re wrong, but what’s the reward in kicking around ideas of upsetting regulators, the joy of being right and nothing more?”

      This statement is precisely why folks around the nation are so upset. The typical cowardly lawyer approach. See something bad and do nothing, say nothing – out of fear of “upsetting regulators.”

      I don’t like everything on Jaab. The fact is they try to make a difference though. The fact they call out bad people in power. That’s commendable. The shame is more don’t take a stand. Then things could improve if people weren’t so scared.

  5. 2


    Judge Diaz was on zoom with his zipper down and his one eyed lizard hanging out. People that saw that are scarred for life. Disgusting.

  6. 16


    Poor Bob Diaz. He can’t seem to catch a breeze unless he’s blowing one up his own azz – yet again.
    The guy is an untalented, lazy hanger-on without a clue. And he wonders why nobody respects him. LOL
    His alliance with Brenda Forman is understandable enough. They are both buffoons and he wants to keep his wife employed.
    Not as tough as he’d like to think and infinitely dumber than most.
    He’s been popped again.

    1. 3


      Was Judge Diaz at the meeting mentioned in that email with Chief? Who else was there? Anybody know?

  7. 7


    Floriduh Bar. Boobward County. The only thing with any integrity round here is a gossip blog. Sad.

  8. 1


    We are looking forward to the transition coming soon to the State Attorney’s Office and the removal of the following employees, Sherri Tate, Heather Hendrickson, Maria Schneider, Tim Donnelly, Tony Loe, lannie Bandell, Sarahnell Murphy and a few others. Many innocent black men and women are incarcerated because of them. Racism needs to be removed from the office and starting with these employees proves that Broward County is moving forward to end racism. We will closely watching the changes and removal of the racists that have caused the office to be in the state that it’s currently in which is not acceptable. We look forward to getting involved and assisting in the cleansing of the state attorney’s office. Black Lives Matter.

    1. 9


      When it’s time to blow, its time to blow. Ripping As* is one of my favorite pastimes in pooterville.

  9. 2


    Sadly, the first amendment does not protect attorneys who denigrate judges and judicial candidates. See Fla.Bar brief in re: Krapacs case

    In this case the candidate was only discussing the myth of white privilege. So, although in this case the candidate didn’t do or say anything racist even if he had that doesn’t give an attorney free reign to impugn the integrity of a judge or judicial candidate. Regular folks can but not attorneys.

    She may get a free pass though because she’s a member of a Bar grievance committee and she’s a lifetime government lawyer (never would be able to exist on her own without the government teet – not a sole practitioner) so the Bar’s double standard might protect her.

      1. 4


        Anonymity is the only defense a lawyer has when criticizing a judge or judicial candidate.

        The Bar wrote in many of its briefs (especially the one against that Krapacs chick) that the 1st amendment does not offer any protection to attys.
        Which is why the Bar wants to know the IP addresses of all these anonymous posters so badly.

        This was only a one-time incident so she’ll probably just get a reprimand and pay the standard $1200 Bar fine. Assuming the Bar doesn’t give her a free pass because she’s not a sole practitioner and she’s a member of a grievance committee.

        1. 5


          I doubt the bar will do anything about an attorney calling out a racist candidate. Especially in today’s climate. If they do- they would be doing her a favor- it will make national news and the bar would look dumb. No way they do anything.

  10. 9


    The moves against Jaab (Ip addresses ETC) are for one thing only: to scare lawyers from posting comments. A forum for lawyers to tell truth is not in their playbook so chilling speech anyway they can is all they can do.

  11. 6


    That email shows TFB is cognizant of the laws. So I wonder why TFB keeps trying to get around the laws? Something’s off.

    1. 7


      There’s more than one way to skin a Rat Fink while he’s off playing golf on company time …
      Go for it Ruby !!!

    1. 4


      Shocking to see that in writing about losing in public. I think they’re afraid of more blogs sprouting up.

    1. 4


      AAK is looney tunes.
      Like literally an insane person. Try to find her confessional-style testimonial videos on youtube, if they’re still posted.
      She talks into her computer camera like she’s on a reality show. Totally detached from reality.
      I think her issue was more of a test to the FL SC as to whether or not people who are LITERALLY INSANE can be lawyers, less than about the First Amendment.
      Her videos will scare you, just in time for Halloween.

      1. 14



      2. 11


        Not to mention one of the dumbest, laziest judges we have ever had sit on the bench in Broward County. He’s been a victim of his own sleazy behavior since before he was fined, suspended from the bench and required to write letters of apology by the Judicial Qualifications Committee to both the Hispanic Bar and to the offended Broward judge he anonymously threatened in an email years ago.
        The loss of Bob Diaz will be no loss to the citizens of Broward or to his fellow Judges who think very little of him as it is.
        The sooner this gopher finds another hole to occupy, the better.

      3. 9


        That’s putting it nicely Mike. The fact is he’s a little wheeny hiding behind his robe and not doing that very well as he continues to get it caught in his zipper.
        The guy has never been smart. Just another gopher that’s been stuck in County his entire career because he’s not good enough to do anything but traffic tickets.

  12. 17


    Dirty is as dirty does. Whoever the other Broward Judges that were participants in the referenced material sent by the Bar have something to be concerned about.
    This whole thing stinks to high heavens.
    Perhaps an appropriately written letter to the Supreme Court about this should be considered at this point.

  13. 10


    Is anybody actually surprised at The Bar’s behavior?

    Is this not to be expected?

    Black men are being murdered on the streets by police from Rochester to Minnesota and beyond.

    Epstein was handed the keys to the kingdom of free rape by West Palm Beach.

    The system is broken.

    Attempting to silence the People’s Blog is just part of it.

    1. 4


      Are you saying white people have never been subjected to this kind of abuse? Lets recognize racism when it truly exists but y’all taking this black live matter to black lives better. That’s reverse racism. No racism should be tolerated by anyone and racism isn’t confined to one race either. You can’t end racism and let it exist for a select race.

      1. 3


        What they are saying is if someone complained about Demby over her post they are going to look like a racist asshole.

        1. 2


          Uh, dumby, the person was already made to look like a racist asshole… That is what triggered this bar complaint.

          Lawyers cannot pull that kind of shit against judges and judicial candidates and think they can get away with it.

          1. 3


            He wasn’t “made to look” like a racist. He was exposed as a racist. Nothing will happen to her- because nothing should happen to her.

    2. 2


      Chilling free speech so 2019. Alt 2028 what browar d judges oppose free soeech ? Arent they supposed to follow constitution?

  14. 4


    You know Krapacs filed frivolous bar complaint s and rightfully got slapped with a malicious prosecution action in circuit civil …..
    (for pushing an ACAP where no PC was found.)

    1. 4


      Judge Diaz has had to run to keep his job so often, I believe he now enjoys the campaigns.

  15. 14


    Some career politicians worry about their legacy but all I care about is making the biggest possible mess that will last forever

    1. 9



        1. 3


          Why that’s so is still a mystery. He’s been one of the worst administrators this circuit has ever seen.

    1. 0



    2. 7


      Speiser was bad enough as a judge. Sad that he and Backman couldn’t get their shit together enough to dump that Brenda though. Once again Broward looks like poodle doodle in its long list of incompetent idiots seeking public office. It just never seems to stop around here with the lack of quality of candidates and the swindlers on the make for public dough.
      Its like a snatch and grab for as much as they can get for as long as they can squeeze it. Then they want to come back and suck at it some more when they should be more appropriately checking out old folk homes with one size fits all bedpans.

  16. 7


    If Florida Bar wants to control the narrative in Broward, why don’t they start their own blog that lets people post funny pictures?

    1. 4


      Great idea.

      Let’s hope we are so fortunate as to also see that blog similarly focus on fart jokes, like this one.

      Jaab is a series of serious feeder stories to the Sun Sentinel, interspersed with fart jokes. I don’t know anyone could best it. Good luck future challengers.

    2. 20


      The answer is the Bar doesn’t need a blog anywhere but Broward where it’s being handled already. Broward is the only place in Florida with an out of control legal system that needs a blog to keep it in check. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bar people aren’t commenting here too, just like they might have given the embarrassing email to Gelin on purpose.

      1. 34


        So true. Look at other clerks through out the state. Educated. Experienced. Then look at this Baffoon running the clerks office. She had a writ of garnishment flying around the courthouse because it was under one of her other names. Tried to get staff not to pay it! And it’s for a student loan of almost 30k dollars. Does she even have a high school diploma? I guess a GED. She’s ignorant and such a huge embarrassment. She’s too ignorant and stupid to think of filing a bar complaint on her own so another broward genius came up with that idea. That’s what you get when you are a democrat stranglehold county I guess. If a republican even tried to run there would be a run off and she would have lost. Now we have this inept clown. And her management side kicks. All the decent smart people have left. It’s going to be a mess.

        1. 7


          Don’t forget the whiz kid idiot in the IT department! Ha! Must be breathing a sigh of relief they can keep focusing on that federal security award For our local county public records! Bunch of idiots.

          1. 8


            Oh goody! Can’t wait to see how much harder my job will be when the IT gang gets involved with things it knows nothing about! But it’s all about the shiny plaque to hang on the wall. Heaven forbid we focus on remote access in a pandemic or making things easier for lawyers judges and the public. Let’s focus on federal security for the open to the public County documents. Brenda and her morons.

      2. 0


        The bar does like to play both ends against the middle. It wouldn’t surprise me either.

  17. 25


    Congratulations Bobbie on having to run more times to keep that chitty job than any other judicial jokester in Broward County.
    You should be proud of yourself. We all are. You continue to give new life to the old saying even a fool can improve himself with practice.
    We are all still waiting….

  18. 18


    I dare say he would have been removed for what he did to Judge Seidman if it’d happened in recent years with the much tougher Supreme Court on JQC matters. What a horrible thing to do to another human being, let alone a sitting Judge. He should have been removed.

  19. 20


    If he had a problem with Judge Seidman, he should have approached him man to man and said, “Judge Seidman, I’d like to talk to you about things concerning me. ” Judge Seidman was a very thoughtful man, and they could have discussed the issues of concern. Judge Diaz, if you are reading here, why did you handle that in such poor fashion?

  20. 9


    He’s a smalltime punk that’s been fighting to keep on the pop-squad his entire life. What else could he do to make a living ? Lol

  21. 8


    Congrats on putting this bar mess to bed. Now that you’ve uncovered and revealed all the dirty Broward secrets, maybe take a break from Broward and focus on Palm Beach for a bit. Rumpole gives us all the Miami scoops, but Bill what’s going on with the judge Bryson matter? Is the JQC going to act on that? What’s the story with Mr. Renatha Francis? How was Fender appointed to the 15th JNC a week after Francis was appointed to the Florida Supreme Court? Seems like the game is rigged and nepotism abounds in PBC. We need a PB jaab edition or update.

  22. 4


    Don’t know about Bryson or other Palm Beach Info but
    From the Miami Herald
    A state lawmaker on Monday asked the Florida Supreme Court for an expedited hearing to order the governor to appoint a qualified candidate to the Florida Supreme Court after the court rejected his previous pick as unqualified.
    Rep. Geraldine Thompson, a Democrat from Windemere in Central Florida, filed a petition Monday asking the court to choose from the list of candidates the governor was given in January, which included Palm Beach Circuit Court Judge Renatha Francis, whom he appointed to the Florida Supreme Court in May.

    In a unanimous ruling last week, the court said that DeSantis “exceeded his authority” when he named Francis to the post, even though she is not eligible to serve until Sept. 24. But the court also ruled that because Thompson didn’t seek the proper remedy, Francis remains as the nominee.

    In a new petition filed Monday, Thompson asked the court for an expedited hearing and asks the court to require the Judicial Nominating Commission “to appoint one of the 7 individuals that remain on the list certified by the JNC to the Governor on January 23, 2020.”

    DeSantis’ lawyers argued that because Francis, who has been on maternity leave from the Palm Beach County circuit court bench, did not intend to take the oath and assume office until Sept. 24, she was eligible for the post.

    But the court voted 5-0 that the governor can’t arbitrarily decide when a judge fills a vacancy and that when DeSantis appointed Francis, her appointment took effect “immediately. Not at some time in the future.”

    Thompson’s petition also casts blame on the Judicial Nominating Commission, which vets candidates and nominates the list of applicants from which the governor can choose.

    Thompson, who is Black, said the JNC also violated the law by including Francis on the list sent to the governor in January and should be blamed if the court now will have no Black members.

    Francis, 42, was born in Jamaica and would have been the first Black justice since Peggy Quince retired early last year. She also would be the only woman on the court.

  23. 2


    First define “BLACK” other than skin color.
    Second, you sound good but where are the references you claim for what you say?

    In a new petition filed Monday
    Give the links or BS.
    Nobody with a lick of sense believes without proof!

    1. 14


      Please explain why people from every country in the world can come to America with no money, no knowledge of our language and little or no formal education and become a success story? Once here these people learn our language, get jobs, homes and in most cases become business owners or professional members of society. Yet BLACK people born and raised here, have never been nor known a slave are still crying racism? Perhaps if they stop using the welfare system as a cruise ship instead of a life boat for generations, stay in school and use the education we all were entitled to, attend any church they choose, shop at any store they want, just live like a normal person their lives would be better? As the poster before me said “black is just skin color” stop having a pitty party and make something of yourself. It’s much easier to live off tax payers money, live in filth in the ghetto, engage in illegal activity and think of every stupid reason there is to not become anything. Look around you people and show us what you can become as a person and stop playing the race card. The only people that still see black is the blacks you’re the racists.

  24. 0


    Horrific ! Wonder what this is all about … You’re not even safe in your own home anymore.

    1. 0


      Wonder what this is all about ?

      “Fenstersheib’s son struggled with mental illness, the law associates said.”

  25. 7


    Most of them were broke before the virus hit. Stop feeding a dead horse, give up your office and get out from paying rent, utilities etc.

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