Rumor has it Ruby Green has not surprisingly landed on her feet, and may be starting at the SAO soon …
Rumor has it Ruby Green has not surprisingly landed on her feet, and may be starting at the SAO soon …
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This is what happens when you support Trump.
Gelin is a hero not a twit.
Anyone talking trash about Gelin is a loser from the disgraced Florida Bar. Gelin was on the moral side & I think he takes the first amendment to heart. He’s suffered for this blog you judges making comments. Losers.
They are controlled by Satz.
I hope Ruby runs for prosecutor if Harold really brings Holmes in. She’s put more people in prison or more years than any Judge currently in the bench. Just for their “attitude” it felt like a few times. Anyone in her court get that hunch?
“not surprisingly” and “landed on her feet”?
Funny to try to cast a positive spin on it, Bill, but the truth is she got shit canned for her nasty mouth, realized she could NEVER make it on her own or in private, so she begged for an SAO position.
How is working at the SAO as a consolation ‘landing on one’s feet’ ?
Oh by the way Ruby how is that petition going to try to pretend there was some first amendment violation for firing your nasty mouth?!
Stop hating on her. You are probably jealous that she is a better lawyer than you. Now she will be able to use her skills to help victims of crime.
Ruby made it clear she doesn’t understand basic legal concepts when she went around thinking she has a first amendment claim when she basically ASKED to be fired because of her mouth speaking about her at-will employer like that.
which wouldn’t be so bad, but then she went around and advertised that she probably went to Nova by thinking she has a first amendment claim.
She earned her legacy as ‘The idiot who didn’t know Florida was an at-will employment State / thought she had a first amendment claim / and was embarrassingly laughed off the stage’
p.s. she was likely the one behind all the Lynch racial disparity posts ..Gordon was the one who ran a clean campaign
Gordon fired one of his best trial lawyers because she hurt Howies and his feelings. It shows what small people they are. They put their own hurt feelings (because she told the truth) above making sure the clients had a good trial lawyers. Ruby- you are better off away from that joke of an office.
Actually Ruby should be glad she’s out of the PDs office. She doesnt have to put up with the petty bs around here anymore !
Ruby might be a political appointee by the Fink. But exercised a constitutional right that hurt someone’s feelings. Then a guy running a Constitutionally required-office fires her for it. Fink don’t care about the Constitution. And I didn’t vote for her because of her finances and age. I should have. Or Lynch. But he’s white. Got in front of Floyd train. No way Lynch could win.
Jealous??? By the time you pay 350,000 in school loans and every day living expenses on a 50 grand salary, after taxes she is at poverty level for the size of her household. What a dumb ass!! Why didn’t she get picked up by any attorneys if she was such a GREAT lawyer? She is a prime example of a financial disaster.
I’m sure she could easily get a job in private practice. Civil, Criminal…not hard at all. 4-8 years out is highly sought after. She’d pay whatever she owes off in a few years if she stopped with the flashy cars etc.
4 to 8 years as a lawyer and she takes a 50 grand a year job? That’s simply ridiculous, no way will she ever be able to pay 350 grand in school loans on 50 grand a year job. Hell the garbage men make close to that.
Ruby was offered a job in the SA the very week she was unceremoniously dumped for speaking the truth about Finkelstein and his golf excursions and being absent from the office for the last couple of years. She spoke the truth to arrogance and official incompetence.
She was never afraid to try cases unlike Howard and his minions and for that she was fired. She showed just how lazy and incompetent the management of the PD office has become.
The SA knows a good lawyer when they see one unlike the PD who have become a bunch of social workers selling our clients down the river.
Gordon nad his lackeys haven’t seen the last of Ruby Green. I wouldnt be surprised if she runs against Weekes after his first term in office. Nobody is falling for his nonsense for very long.
True comment. Hard to swallow but true. Ruby seems like a sweetheart.
We’re glad to welcome Ruby Green to the Broward County State Attorney’s Office. Black Lives Matter.
She’s been offered more money with better working conditions and took the brass ring. So what. Nobody wants to work in the PD because its been shown for all Howard’s barking to be a sham; working conditions have continued to deteriorate under Howard’s so called leadership, which has become laughable if it weren’t so sad, and Gordon Weekes is a total joke. The office is really going to go down the toilet now.
Howard FInkelstein should be ashamed of himself for the bad jobs he’s done as Public Defender.
Ruby is the hero in this piece! Good for her. The Public Defender’s Office has lost one of its true and last advocates for Fairness, Truth and Justice!
Finkelstein goes out with mud on his face !
The Sentinel should follow him around for a week. He’d get canned by guv like The last two supervisors of election.
Ruby has dealt with her inappropriate firing as an APD with a lot more class than Finkelstein has ever shown in his entire lack-luster administration of the Office of Public Defender.
If Mr. Finkelstein had been more concerned with showing up to work once in a while and thru policy decisions actually improving the office of Public Defender, things would not have been allowed to continue to lag into a state of chaos where favoritism and petty backstabbing have been allowed to hold sway over an office that once stood for something.
Finkelstein has shown unequivocally that he’s stayed too long and accomplished very little during his tenure as Public Defender but for using it for a platform for one-liners and self-aggrandizing stunts designed to satisfy his insatiable desire for attention and recognition.
I for one applaud Ms. Green for her efforts to bring real change to an office that is in much need of change after being allowed under the absentee administration of Mr. Finkelstein to stagnate into an office of minions, yes men, mediocrity and incompetence.
Don’t Agree with her politically but glad she got a job. It wasn’t right the way she was treated.
Finklestein looks weak not going out trying a case like Satz. Satz is the real lawyer.
Welcome Ruby Green to the Broward County State Attorney’s Office. A new beginning and a,new dawn for the State Attorney’s Office. Now we need to get rid of Tony Loe, Heather Hendrickson, Maria Schneider, The thief Stacy Honowitz, and the rest of the racists working here. It Will be done when Ilona Holmes gets here. A well deserved purging that is long overdue. We can’t wait to see their faces when these racists are told that they no longer have a job here. Maria Schneider, Heather Hendrickson and the rest of the Trump supporters walk around here like they are Primadonnas. Can’t wait to see them GONE. Black Lives Matter.
Ah, Stacey Honowitz. Where have we heard that name before?
OMG, 5:32 – give it a rest. While I am by all means a supporter of anyone/anything Trump, your continual lame comment to everything is an embarrassment. Never mind your addiction to Fentanyl, if nothing else you should at least make sure you are sober when attacking those you so apparently despise.
Ah, Sfc. Where have we heard that name before?
She was talking about us, we spelled her name correctly. Also, we “Despise” everyone, and fail to tell the truth.
Call us Aaron Nevins all you want. Not only are you correct but we could care less.
You constant expose our drug use only say you are probably correct and worried about our overdosing. Our drug dependency speak for itself.
What a moron. Have you nothing better to do?
SFC has hardly been commenting lately. They must really have you worried.
It’s probably Contini. Remember he claimed he “Faked” a drug addiction. Yeah right.
Don’t know what that Fentanyl comment was about.
Been off pain meds for quite awhile now, this a-hole just has nothing better to do. Tell the fool to have a lung removed and see if they don’t need something for pain for a time.
There is a difference between a drug user and a medical patient. Good thing he is no longer a judge. Probably thinks diabetics on insulin are also drug addicts.
Hey a-hole, does the albuteral nebulizer I use everyday also make me an addict?
You should read the ADA.. You are guilty of discrimination.
About time you came clean Aaron
Your creative writing classes at UF have served you well
“Call us Aaron Nevins all you want. Not only are you correct but we could care less.” FROM ABOVE POST!
Except you probably made the post, it clearly as not made by us.
Guess Nevins had lung cancer fool.
Go to our YouTube channel and check out these dates there.
March 19-March 29 2019, then look at the comments left there. Clearly was in the hospital with lung cancer.
Aaron contacted us a few years ago saying he was “taking bullets for us” and wanted us to pay him for it. Yeah right.
While you talk crap, others have found the real truth.
So does that mean that you participate only half marathons?
What was your drug of choice that your doctor “prescribed” for pain?
ADA rights include access to reasonable accommodations, such as changes or adjustments to the workplace, that help an individual with a disability do his or her job and enjoy the benefits afforded to employees without disabilities.
File a lawsuit.
Do you wear a mask?
Was a self-employed electrician. (sub-contractor or piece worker).
No work along those lines I can do. The one lung left only functions at 47%, so physical activities are limited.
Collect disability, Have to do nothing.
Don’t take this wrong it is not a threat, just a fact.
For those that like to make threats understand this:
Fight or flight, I can do neither.
Stand your ground is my best friend now.
The test is not whether someone else knows someone is disabled, the test is if a reasonable person in the same situation would fear for their life.
collect disability? sounds like you are sucking at the trough – living off the public dole
That’s exactly what it is for.
Probably paid more into it than you.
Most electricians make more than lawyers sucker. Shows your attitude about people though. you are a real pig of person.
You really have anger issues.
OMG, 2:23 – give it a rest. While I am by no means a supporter of anyone/anything Trump, your continual lame comment to everything is an embarrassment. Never mind the grammar, if nothing else you should at least make sure you are correctly spelling the names of those you so apparently despise.
Yeah Aaron
Don’t think she was talking about SFC.
She was not talking about us, we spelled her name correctly. Also, we don’t “Despise” anyone, just tell the truth.
Call us Aaron Nevins all you want. Not only are you incorrect but we could care less.
Your constant attacks on us only say you are probably corrupt and worried about being exposed. Our stories speak for themselves.
Thanks Aaron
Black lives matter is doing a disservice to anyone black. It’s a front for Far left democrats who as usual use the black history for their own agenda.
She should run against a male Judge.
No. She needs to clean up her finances if she won’t qualify.
True on qualifying for judge. Not as easy as you think. I personally tried about 8 years ago but got nixed because of crazy student debt & 2 mortgages. I’m cleaning up my debt (paying the interest @ least if it’s slow). And I’ll run in 2024 if my books are in the green. Also need a judge to attack a JA or something… any more angry black judges out there?
I hope she has learned a valuable lesson but I doubt it…a zebra doesn’t change its stripes. The best indicator of a person’s future is to look at their past.
She didn’t do anything wrong. Glad she will be a prosecutor. She is a great lawyer and the PD office was doing a disservice to their clients when they fired her.
Damn my grandma made more then that last year selling Pampered Chef. As a lawyer if you can’t make more then 50 grand a year you need to rethink your profession.
The PDs make 50k/year? Nah. Probably 80-100k. You can’t rent an apt on 50k. Law license & business sense is a license to print $$.
Take it from someone who knows: The Fink has never cared about our clients or anyone else but himself. And he does skip out and play golf. He thinks he’s too important to have to work. The Office continues to be a mess.
The Fink really showed what a jerk he really is. I’d never have picked Weekes if I knew they were so petty. I’m not sure he’s even a vegetarian. Saw him eating a 32 ounce cowboy ribeye at the Hard Rock. Council Oak. Made last part up.
None of those people are Trump supporters. What is wrong with you?
She told the truth. A big no no ’round here. Look what Bren tried to pull. Good for MJS.
She had a job appointed by a Constitutionally created office. Public Defender. Then Fink broke the most valued absolute Constitutional right: to run for office. I’ve lost all respect for Fink & Weekes for being too weak to stop it. I didn’t vote for her. But I’d vote for her in the future if she stops the government nonsense. Sao? She needs $$ for her kid etc. She shouldn’t take a job there. Landing on head not feet.
Howard doesn’t care about the Constitution. He’s a political hack. Don’t get it twisted.
Everyone knew Howard is a fake. But Weekes had a chance to stand up & he failed.
Im sure baby daddy pays enough child support to feed her kid each week. I wonder how many of these posts praising her is she writing herself?
How dumb are liberals?
Another Christian Bible Thumper – great (not)
Prediction: Within a couple of years the SAO will come to the conclusion that she’s not a “great” trial lawyer and not even half as good as thinks she is. She’ll get her feathers ruffled when she’s moved to a different division or position, taken off a case or reprimanded, and she’ll run fo State Attorney.
Ruby Green = 42 Trials within 2 years
Howard Finkelstein and Gordon Weekes entire career as Public Defenders = 0
The numbers speak for themselves
So do their actions
Both felt threatened by a woman with conviction and action …
Go Ruby go we all know it’s you tooting your own horn. You’re going to try to start shit any place you end up. For some reason you think you are a big deal but no one else does.
The SA snapped up Ruby with a gleeful lack of respect shown to Howard and cronies hoping to grab even more APDs that aren’t happy and want to leave because of what’s been described by many as a woefully mismanaged office with rampant favoritism and a total lack of leadership.
Ruby just addressed the problem publicly. Everybody else working here knows it.
Fink isn’t going out with a trial. Weak. Not like Satz.
42 trials within 2 years? What 2 years? Those non-jury trials in front of the absolute nicest guy in the world, County Court Judge, Joe Murphy?
Will Bill Barner be taking over as president of BACDL?
Jeffrey McCarville: “Can my employer terminate me for Facebook posts that are vague?”
Take charge, Howard.
Howard Finkelstein, 7News legal expert: “Unfortunately, for many employees in Florida, yes because Florida is a right-to-work state, meaning your boss can fire you for any reason or no reason at all. They can fire you for wearing a green shirt if they feel like it. The only exception? They can’t fire you because of your skin color, religion, nationality, disability — and in Dade and Broward — your sexual orientation.”
Can you really get fired for wearing a Green shirt?
If you pay attention, looks like Help Me Howard’s been dropping hints all along.
Sun-Sentinel article about this — “Broward public defender who was fired the day after losing a bid for her boss’s seat has landed a new job — as a prosecutor” https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fl-ne-broward-public-defender-prosecutor-20200915-ivb3ptl535em5hsaw4jxdvlgna-story.html
No money in that position
Jaab strikes again.
Too funny. Everytime Bill gets a story in the newspaper the bar has a secret meeting. They must have a lot of meet ups.
She was offered the job the next day. We all knew what Howard’s knee jerk reaction would be after she made the podcast exposing what everybody already knows, especially considering the kind of narcissistic personality he’s exhibited in the past,
The SA is proud to take someone like Ruby Green on as an experienced, dedicated and talented trial lawyer.
The only loser in this unfortunate scenario is the Public Defender’s Office and perhaps a loss of integrity to Howard’s perception of himself. It doesn’t make Gordon Weekes look any better.
Not much of a move UP. Why did she jump at the first offer if she’s as great as she thinks she is? Let’s see how long this position lasts before her mouth over laps her ass.
I agree. Howard really fudged up this one without thinking. It’s time he heads off to the golf course for good !
A black woman with her trial stats because she offed him for being a slacker ? What a crybaby! He’s on his way out the door anyway.
The Preacher needs a Teacher with a thicker skin …
From the Rumpole justice building Miami blog (archives) on a former Dade PD Settling wrongful termination lawsuit:
Anyway, we proceeded to turn off our phones to avoid the bill collectors, and actually created a blog.
We made a few posts, and then one day we were at a local watering hole drinking some Chateau Miami River when he happened to “overhear” that the Law Offices Of Bennett Brummer was settling the lawsuit brought by a former employee.
Here is part of what we wrote:
A JBB Exclusive: Dade Public Defender Settles Lawsuit for $200,000.00 + Attorneys Fees.!!We scooped the Herald on this one: The JBB has learned that long time Dade County Public Defender Bennett Brummer has caved in and settled a federal wrongful termination lawsuit that arose out of his contentious re-election campaign.
The Scene: The annual Martin Luther King Day Parade cira 2003.
Dramatis Personae :Assistant Dade County Public Defender Gabe Martin, who has announced his intention to oust his boss.
Another young assistant Public Defender supporting Gabe Martin.Bennett Brummer.
At the parade the Assistant Public Defender ( and soon to be Plaintiff) marching in support of Gabe Martin has a mega-phone, and is yelling anti- Bennett Brummer slogans, like “We Need A Public Defender, Not a Public Pretender. “…
Sometime thereafter, an enraged Brummer shows his dark side and orders his henchmen (in this case- we believe it was a hench woman) to fire the young PD.
A Federal lawsuit alleging wrongful termination was filed, and as it proceeded towards trial Brummer and his legal team filed a motion for summary judgment before new Federal Judge Marsha Cooke. We haven’t seen the ruling the denying the motion, but we hear it was a real barn burner, with some very critical language of Brummer and his legal team.
Meanwhile, to ratchet up the pressure, in conjunction with filing the motion for summary judgment, but before Judge Cooke’s ruling, Brummer and his team of legal eagles makes an offer of settlement: that the Plaintiff pay $1,000.00 and write an apology.
The Greeks have a word for this: Hubris. And if you have read any Greek tragedies, you know what follows: disaster.
Well, after they got up off the floor, the Plaintiff and his lawyer formally rejected the offer. Judge Cooke’s blistering ruling followed sometime thereafter. We don’t know the rest of the specifics but we feel we are on pretty firm ground reporting the following:Brummer has parted with $200,000.00 PLUS legal fees, and didn’t even get the gag order he wanted. The Plaintiff is free to talk and gloat about his victory whenever he wishes.
Well wouldn’t you know that a few days after we posted our blog story, the Herald ran a big story on the Brummer lawsuit with nary a credit to poor Rumpole who continued to labor in relative obscurity.
Sometime the next month an enterprising PD stumbled across the blog and sent out an email to colleagues. A few prosecutors found the blog and so did a few Judges, and the next thing you know we are getting a few hundred readers a day.
Wow so that means Ruby really sold out for just a paltry $50,000 Sao salary?!
Ha if she just had a couple cojones she probably could have replicated that Dade County lawsuit but then again she doesn’t have the legal acumen to see anything through without yelling and screaming and that doesn’t work in federal court
And she could have really used it considering she never makes a payment on her $350,000 student loan
$350,000 in student loan debt plus other financial obligations such as a single mom and she jumps at a 50 grand a year job? Damn as great a she thinks she is, one would have thought she could have made more then 50 grand a year. That’s almost embarrassing. I hope her baby daddy is giving her a big support check but I’m sure he is since she is such a great lawyer 😂😄😂🤣
Any APD serving ten years qualifies for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (contingent on no missed payments), so the promise is the taxpayers can eat the 350k in exchange for your noble service.
But who are we kidding, you have to not miss a payment, so PSLF was probably never on the table.
Why can’t everything just be free? Paging John Morgan to author an amendment in our government…so that everybody and their brother can make $100 an hour IN THE ENTIRE STATE, not a penny less, or else it’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
How long has she had her law license? If she is willing to work for 50 grand a year I would think not very long, perhaps just graduated law school? 😂
She has time to file with the Southern District. If it gets picked up by Someone like the great Judge Kenneth Marra ….Fink will lose his shirt.
Does anyone know what the new SAO policy will be for running? Is Holmes going to let her employees run? As a retired Judge she may not want sitting Judges challenged. Anyone know what her policy will be even for open seats? Ruby could win. She’d be good too.
I bet she lets them run for open seats. She was an prosecutor once too that made it to the bench.
How about is Holmes going to allow more charges to be diverted?
I guess it’s a given at this point that Holmes was elected. Not Pryor. She helped quite a few candidates this last Primary. He probably feels he owes her. He doesn’t.
This just shows how authentic Biden really is. He’s been a tool as long as he’s been in politics. He hasn’t changed a bit. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
Hunter started engaging in relations with his late brother’s surviving wife.
A child bourne of the unholy union would have been a brother-cousin of his nephew (also named Hunter).
Shows a lot about family values.
This some hillbilly story man!
Hmmm a Biden supporter using Yiddish.
Tell me – who do you think will do better job protecting Israel?
The Candidate whose tenure culminated in a nuclear Iran?
Or the man who renegotiated and disarmed Iran?
But go ahead and vote blue because it’s what you’re told to do, instead of looking at facts.
Rumor has it she will be starting out in Bab’s Division as a second!
Just my two cents, but I think Howard Finkelstein mishandled the situation with Ruby Green. Unfortunately he handled it more personally than professionally. Particularly from someone who is on his way out anyway.
Very telling about someone who can’t take criticism very well.
Holmes first order of business will be to get rid of the following racists working here, Heather Hendrickson, Stacy Honowitz, Tony Loe, Maria Schneider etc. I hope that they are looking for new jobs ASAP because they are going to be GONE very very soon and it could not happen to a better bunch of Trump racists. The State Attorney’s Office is going to be a professional office run by professional leadership, way overdue.
Stop making shit up. With the exception of Ori (don’t know what her political affiliation is) Sarah, Justin and Brian are as anti-Trump as they come. Have they beaten you in court? Why are you lying about something so dumb and easily proven false.
Howard’s favorite golf course.
Its good Howard is shoving off soon. He overstayed his welcome in a circuit that desperately needs change from politicians that blow nothing but meaningless rhetoric and hypocritical hot air.
And who will spill the beans in Satz’s office? the dirty tricks, the lies, the fraudulent fabricated convictions,…?
Is there still a margarita-maker in the Public Defenders office? Or just juice boxes? Pathetic Howard. Alan would cringe at the lack of freedom the PDs have under Howard/Stalin’s iron fist.
Our clients have really been the losers under Howard Finkelstein
They are all forced to plea because of lack of independence given APDs.
While all the so called supervisors do absolutely nothing but hide if they come in at all.. I don’t suppose anything will be different under Weekes because he avoids the courtroom like it’s a death sentence.
Howard never set a good example for all the empty hot air spewing out of his big mouth. Just self-aggrandizing BS.
Its a sad situation. Ruby was completely right for calling him out. It takes courage to call out your boss for being a fraud.
That’s a lame load of crap
Watch Ruby start a prosecution of a PD. It’s been snowing in Broward in the courthouse. Wonder who.
Ruby was hired the next day because she’s besties with the old girlfriend. Will she be a snitch on any ASA who crosses her?
Great to see that you support and are a CWP advocate.
Was a self-employed electrician. (sub-contractor or piece worker).
No work along those lines I can do. The one lung left only functions at 47%, so physical activities are limited.
Collect disability, Have to do nothing.
Don’t take this wrong it is not a threat, just a fact.
For those that like to make threats understand this:
Fight or flight, I can do neither.
Stand your ground is my best friend now.
The test is not whether someone else knows someone is disabled, the test is if a reasonable person in the same situation would fear for their life.
This just goes to show how some must be worried about us.
This a-hole now has the balls to impersonate us.
Go ahead and keep it up.
Impersonating us can get you a visit from the FBI dumb ass.
Don’t believe they are watching us if you want.
Tell you why.
It’s not us, it’s wack-jobs like you that follow and comment to us they watch. One threatened to kill Trump with a scoped rifle. Think they looked into that. Since you think you are so special let us tell them to take a look.
Blog owner knows the Bar, FSC and others are watching and Spinkles they already have your IP
Have a nice day former judge Sprinkles.
Guess you and wife are upset about the YAA perverts.
It appears that SFC was being complemented on this post that he will stand his ground if confronted, yet he jumps off the cliff into a rant
Acronym for Concealed Weapons Permit.
Great to see that you support and are a CWP advocate.
Was a self-employed electrician. (sub-contractor or piece worker).
No work along those lines I can do. The one lung left only functions at 47%, so physical activities are limited.
Collect disability, Have to do nothing.
Don’t take this wrong it is not a threat, just a fact.
For those that like to make threats understand this:
Fight or flight, I can do neither.
Stand your ground is my best friend now.
The test is not whether someone else knows someone is disabled, the test is if a reasonable person in the same situation would fear for their life.
The problem was that the person posted the comment as SFC.
Not to SFC or something similar.
Stand your ground is not a choice if you can neither run or fight.
Admit after four plus years of personal attacks we may be getting a little touchy.
Aww Aaron don’t take it so personal
sfc you are just at a keyboard, why would you need a gun for protection?
There you go, putting words in other mouths again.
Never said anything about a gun.
Really think all we do is sit at a keyboard all day?
SFC is the weapon that you carry a large caliber automatic? Would you like to meet at a indoor range for target practice and a refresher course to improve your skills? I’ll pay for the range time.
Never said anything about a gun.
However when choosing a fire-arm the Colt .357 Lawman would be the preferred firearm.
At close range few would survive.
The medication you take must be working today, stay in the zone.
I hope you manufactured a 220 Taser for your unsuspecting friends that want to harm you.
You know what they say, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Only meds taken are Albuteral.