We’re told the long awaited plan to reassign the North Wing felony court white-shirted bailiffs to lower risk placements in the new courthouse tower will be implemented on Monday.

Essentially, all the white-shirts will be reassigned to county court and civil divisions, and the high-risk North Wing courtrooms will only be staffed by armed green-shirts going forward.

Judges are rumored to be trying to save some of their long standing bailiffs, but the prediction seems to be that the North Wing will be turning all green starting next week …

SS – Should buildings be named for living people? Broward Refines Policy

In 2021, the County Commission backed a plan to name a courtroom at the Broward County Judicial Complex after Chief Judge Jack Tuter … “

111 thoughts on “GREEN FOR WHITE”

  1. 1


    Handlers like this a-hole Jose and his child grooming masters must be stopped. Protect our kids from this guy and the others.

      1. 0


        Not what everyone else says.

        Probably a few young boys and some victims of Eddie Sanchez who may disagree?. Does Jose’s wife know about his private time playing hide the sauseeeg with dead eddie ?

      1. 12


        Linda Alley and Susan Aramony did more than Kaplan and don’t get a courtroom. Women screwed over by the old boys club yet again.

          1. 6


            Not even a comparison between the talents of Charlie and Linda Alley, Linda was a great civil litigator. Charlie was a nice guy, but no one ever thought of him as anything special as an attorney. Nice guy but needs more to get a courtroom Named for him.

            1. 1


              Before that Singh and Charlie were partners in a small time criminal practice. The implementation of Article 5 doomed the gravy train and Charlie had to run for judge to pay the bills. No doubt that the scandal that occurred between Judge Gardiner and Howard Scheinberg the prosecutor in a murder case before her and the following disclosure of their tryst led to a great deal of heartache for Charlie who was dragged into it by Scheinberg.

              1. 1


                They were best friends and Charlie and Rhag were best friends and competent attorneys in a corrupt plea system.

              2. 1


                With all the murders Raag handled I would hardly call it small time. And Article V and regional counsel kicked in full time in the 2008-2009 fiscal year after Charlie died. Lots of people on here short on facts but big on drunken memories. No surprise.

          2. 0


            Sometimes not being a good lawyer doesn’t mean you aren’t a good judge.
            I think Charlie was a good compassionate judge, he died others got duis.

        1. 2


          Charlie was the other judge at the table the night Ana Gardiner and Howard Scheinberg were discussing the death penalty trial and he lied under oath to the JQC. Good idea name a courtroom after Charlie??? Maybe someone should pull the JQC file before naming a courtroom after him. Might prove to be quite an embarrassment.

          1. 2


            Charlie definitely did not lie to the JQC. You must have forgotten how that case turned out. He told the truth and then his heart gave out. For you to say otherwise just proves two things (1) you’re a moron and (2) you’re even dumber than most of the rocks that post on this blog.

            1. 3


              His heart gave out because those awful people were pressuring him to cover for them. That’s how I heard it. I’m no Judge Diaz fan, but I remember how it was and I know Judge Holden wouldn’t be involved in anything but a good cause. He was around back then too and he knows the score.

                  1. 1


                    She was a shiner or behiner.
                    Or both Was the stairway open. Courthouse Amelia island scenario. Broward judges are whores the problem is that the only judges who get caught are the women driving drunk or have no underwear in stairwells. It does not make sense.
                    Where are the drunk male judges driving or walking around in their underwear.
                    My god it’s totally ludicrous to believe that male judges are so righteous.

                1. 3


                  That’s not what I understand happened. Scheinberg is the one that put Charlie in the position he found confronting him. There were enough lies told in that one to fill several files.
                  The breakthrough came about that buried Ana with the thousands of telephone calls and texts that the JQC got by getting ahold of Ana’s phone records. All this while Scheinberg was the prosecutor in Ana’s courtroom during a murder trial.
                  It took that before she was finally popped for good and prohibited from ever holding public office again.
                  Then she wound up destroying Bogenschutz’s marriage and took off with him to parts unknown.
                  Ask Peter Potanzo aka Peter Potatohead about the details. He was also handled like a wet rag when she was finished with him and hung out to dry. He’s exceedingly lucky he managed to dodge a pie in the face.

            2. 1


              Ol Charlie heart gave out because he smoked and drank too much and could not live up to the Satz prosecution rates

            3. 5


              Oh no I know the truth. Charlie lied and covered for Ana and Howard. He had a heart attack because his lie was going to come out. Charlie was a great guy who unfortunately lied for his friend Howard and because he was always in love with Ana. Pull the JQC file. It’s the truth. Sad but it’s true. Ana destroyed so many lives and everyone in the courthouse just buried their heads in the sand and allowed it to happen. That’s what is really sad.

                1. 0


                  I literally once saw a white shirt felony female Baliff park on the third floor garage in a handicap parking spot. Made me feel real safe. Lol.

              1. 0


                Totally false. And you certainly don’t seem to know the truth because you haven’t mentioned the other girl that was there that night that was the key to what happened.

                  1. 1


                    Well, since you called her Lucy instead of Luciana, at least now I know who you are. All good.

                    1. 0


                      Good night, John-Boy. Good night, Elizabeth. Good night, Daddy. Good night, Son. Good night, Mama. Good night, Banigan.

                    2. 1


                      Charlie wants you Angels to help him with his poker debt by heading over to Banigan’s place tonight.

            4. 2



          2. 2


            Canon 3
            A Judge Shall Perform the Duties of Judicial Office Impartially and Diligently
            D. Disciplinary Responsibilities.
            (1) A judge who receives information or has actual knowledge that substantial likelihood exists that another judge has committed a violation of this Code shall take appropriate action.

            (2) A judge who receives information or has actual knowledge that substantial likelihood exists that a lawyer has committed a violation of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar shall take appropriate action.

            (3) Acts of a judge, in the discharge of disciplinary responsibilities, required or permitted by Sections 3D(1) and 3D(2) are part of a judge’s judicial duties and shall be absolutely privileged, and no civil action predicated thereon may be instituted against the judge.

            Any comments by any of you professional expert judicial and lawyer poser frauds on who at that table did or did NOT do what?

          1. 6


            If you are going to take a picture of me from the sun-sentinel at least post it in its entirety. This is the real photo and that is my adorable granddaughter.

        1. 3


          We all already KNOW what you think and thought, even when the JQC asked you. The Truth is, every case you ever presided over from DAY 1 should have and needs to be re-opened and investigated for your collusive fraud and fraud upon the court you committed with whichever swinging dick ASSA you partnered with at the time, as well as all the other JQC complaints that were buried and dismissed for the entire time bobby butternuts set you, his favorite Hispanic vagina, up to fast-track an already compromised 4th DCA with judicial lying scum including Stone, Polen, Taylor, Farmer and others.

        1. 1


          Mel probably settled for a cardboard box. He would have considered anything else too expensive. That creep could suck the juice out of a rock.

      2. 0


        Charles wasn’t even a judge very long. Must be being done to take the heat off of Tuter for wanting his name plastered all over the courthouse. Charlie was a nice guy, but this idea of naming courtrooms after judges is nothing short of ridiculous.
        The Broward Judiciary is a carnival for clowns ! Start publishing judicial attendance records and the whole house of cards will come falling down. Never seen a bigger bunch of freeloaders.

          1. 0


            Why bother naming a particular courtroom after a judge ? They are empty all the time anyway. Lol
            Judges don’t work in Broward. Its a ceremonial position already.

  2. 5


    Can we discuss the idiots at the SAO? Who put Valcore in charge of FTU. Can’t get a consistent plea offer. All the trial Asa’s are clueless. Don’t know how to practice law. Who let Valcore, the tyrant, make the calls. Stupid ass administration. HP dump your admin. Get rid of Faulk and Smith. They will ultimately hurt your reelection chances. Bring In a true reformist to show you how it’s done.

    1. 2


      Can’t get a consistent plea has been the MO at the SA for decades. Thanks Mike. It’s a menstrual matter or balls thing.

    2. 6


      You’re wasting your breath. Pryor really doesn’t care about criminal justice reform. Even Satz didn’t file mandatory 10 days in jail for DWLS charges. Can’t wait to support whomever runs against him!!

      1. 0


        Years ago I had an ASA in palm beach tell me that dwls was the most intentional crime and deserved a minimum of jail time first offense. I reported this person and this person was duly reassigned. My client innocently did not know the license was expired.
        No the name was not the acting SA.

      2. 2


        Is Mr Pryor related to the great comedian crack-head Richard Pryor? Because is an absolute Joke. With no laughter

  3. 5


    Blind item and poll for private attorneys:

    Let’s say you have an excellent assistant who you have trusted with your entire practice. She was so good you treated her like an associate, bookkeeper and office manager. She was drafting motions for you, negotiating pleas for you, and also doing all your book keeping and bill paying.

    Let’s say a very close family member of hers was murdered on Sunday night-Monday morning. (Super Bowl Sunday night).

    What would you do?
    This is a Serious question. Please reply with real responses and nothing smart ass.

    Would you extend condolences and pick up the slack?
    Or would you, within hours of the child’s murder, accuse the assistant of intentionally ruining your life, your practice, and your livelihood?

    a well known lawyer among us has a assistant whose young family member was murdered on Monday morning and that man/lawyer, within hours, accused her of ruining his life for taking off to be with her family. She did not have a single moment to grieve before he accused her of fabricating the death to inconvenience him. (This murder has made national news). His verbal attacks on her began less than 8 hours after the child was pronounced dead.

    This man believes he is justified and that anyone in his shoes would behave the same way.

    google key west murder to find out the circumstances surrounding this tragic loss and how you would act if the person running your practice needed a week or two off.

    This is not the first time he has abused staff following a family death. One of his staff members was institutionalized after she was not permitted to take time off following the death of her parents.

    Grab the file and go to trial. That’s a hint. Anyone who knows this person will know this saying.

    1. 2


      I know who this is. A lot of people would be shocked to know this person is this heartless.

  4. 3


    So they are going to bring armed deputies in to an already hostile environment? This is gonna suck.

    1. 0


      Why only men? Both courthouses are named for men. Tuter’s room too. Why aren’t females allowed.

        1. 2


          The predicted slippery slope is upon us. It’s going to be a land grab from now on. JT should have known better.

  5. 1


    I literally once saw a white shirt felony female Baliff park on the third floor garage in a handicap parking spot. Made me feel real safe. Lol.

    1. 7


      Broward is becoming professional like Palm Beach. Trained LEO’s in the courtroom. No brainer. Next up hopefully: regularly rotate the Judges and Chief Judgeship. Like in Palm Beach too. Movement isn’t supposed to be a punishment or reward. It’s to keep the Judges fresh and responsive and in the courtrooms during work hours. The next Chief Judge election is the first chance in decades to break free of the old ‘vote counting for Chief Judge’ political way that’s always prevailed and made Broward a backwater. It’s time.

      1. 1


        JT and Lee are out. And their informers and enforcers have other things to worry about. Time for a younger member of the Circuit to step up.

        1. 0


          Jose ain’t going anywhere, not as long as there are boys to groom for his masters ….

      2. 2


        And JT was re-elected unanimously recently. So, same soup different bowl. Business as usual.

  6. 7


    The only person a courthouse should be named after is Bill Gelin who is the only one that did anything to change this piece of shit corrupt courthouse!!

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