**UPDATE** 1/1/24 at 2:00 PM – We’re told the alleged victim is on life support, pending goodbyes from his family and donation of his organs.

The victim and his alleged attacker had reportedly both recently been deemed incompetent to proceed.

Mainstream media has picked up the story, so expect more soon …

CBS 4 – Family of beaten, mentally ill Broward Jail inmate on life support seeks answers (6:13 PM)


Here is the Probable Cause Affidavit detailing the December 16th alleged inmate beating that has left an inmate near death.

Last week a BSO insider told us the victim was still alive, but that may no longer be the case.

The alleged perpetrator appears to be a mental health consumer, previously receiving services in Mental Health Court.

Developing …


*UPDATE* – Text from Gordon Weekes the morning of December 30th:

Considering the high frequency and number of inmate deaths, serious injuries and medical neglect that have occurred in the jail, it’s about time for an outside agency — US Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division to come in and oversee the operations of the jail.

The turnover at the executive level has been a revolving door. Deputies have been caught up in PPP fraud at an alarming rate and now contraband is being smuggled into the jail by deputies.

The culture in the jail must be cleaned up.

81 thoughts on “MAIN JAIL VIOLENCE”

  1. 3


    DOJ Civil Rights investigation for Broward Jails? Drinking a little too much Kool Aid this holiday season Weekes…

      1. 3


        That would be the move if he knew anything about procedure.
        But he thinks just announcing to the void we need an investigation will spark an investigation.
        Very Michael Scott of him.
        If you know you know.

  2. 12


    Happy New Year!!!! My wish this year is that the negative losers on this blog, minds their own business and worries about making their own lives better and stop sticking their nose in other people’s.

  3. 5


    In resigning I leave you with these words I wrote this morning which ask you all to just think how much you’re going to be missing. You don’t have Claudine Gay to kick around anymore.

  4. 2


    1955: 161 million Americans
    Today: 332 million Americans

    1955: 560k mental asylum patients
    Today: 35k mental asylum patients

    Bring. Back. The. Asylums.

    1. 3


      Regan defunded all the mental health facilities. It created a problem of mentally unstable people not having mental health access. There are no more asylums because Republicans defunded them. Most of those mental health consumers ended up homeless

        1. 2


          😂😂😂 ok.
          He cut taxes for the rich at the expense of the country. But he had Alzheimer’s during his presidency- so we need to blame those that were supposed to counsel him.

      1. 11


        The last time Regan was in office was 35 years ago. Most of today’s homeless were not even born then. If his decision was so bad, why hasn’t any of the presidents in the last 35 years changed it?

        1. 3


          They should have. But even if those people weren’t born- the issue is back in the 50-70’s we taxed the rich at a higher rate. We had a living minimum wage (so workers didn’t need public assistance) and now we barely tax the rich. We can’t afford to have asylums for mentally ill poor population. You started by saying we need asylums. Again- I agree. Most presidents haven’t had the balls to change what Regan destroyed. Just educate yourself a little bit. His “trickle down economics” has proven to be a huge failure and the downfall of this country.

          1. 13


            President Reagen was a great President and a great actor. The liberals in Hollywood were so jealous and did everything they could to cheat him. He had Oscar written all over his performance in Poseiden Adventure. But nothing. Robbed. They hate President Trump for the same reason. They think they’re owed something just because a guy embraces conservative values and leaved the moral rot of tinsletown behind for true greatness. America First.

                1. 3


                  Zorba = Anthony Quinn. Poseidon Adventure = Ernest Borgnine (seen in the picture). He was in McHale’s Navy too as Joe Flynn’s foil.

                  I know about this. My doctoral dissertation for my Nova PhD in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics was written about TV shows.
                  It was published (“The Virility of Strangers: Ethnic Macho Men and the Creation of the All-American Male Through Lighting and Grit”).
                  There’s a copy in the Florida part (“The Burt Reynolds Section”) at The Museum of Television & Radio in Los Angeles.

                    1. 12


                      The only reason this woman got the position in the first place is because she’s a black woman.

                  1. 3


                    They showed a lot of TV reruns at NSU Law too but I still can’t figure out why there’s two Darrins.

            1. 1


              😂😂😂😂 that was funny. Also great actor must be a great president. He was neither. But it did get a laugh this morning. 😂😂😂

              1. 1


                Anyone who thinks Reagan was a good president and didnt completely ruin our society beyond repair and recognition is a complete brain dead moron. I will not elaborate or debate this. To think there are lawyers among us who are this uneducated and ignorant to how the world works is astounding. But it explains a lot. Jesus.

      2. 42


        Asylums were abolished because of the horrible conditions and practices they provided, it was inhumane. How much of our tax dollars do you think it would take to build, staff and fund just one of these facilities? That being said it would only house and serve a very minute number of the homeless population. After all this tax money is spent we would still be left with a homeless issue, not to mention the illegals that we now must 100 percent take care of.

        1. 0


          My complexion has always been my protection, and reason for job appointments.
          But don’t confuse the facts with fiction.

  5. 12


    Most people are homeless because it was much easier to deal and do drugs than to get a real job. Now that they re addicts they could care less about a home or their families, drugs is their life. Same issue with alcoholism, no one forced you to take that first drink or drugs. At some point you have to stand responsible for the choices you make in life.

    1. 2


      Ok. Do your research and you will see the fact that a lot of these drug consumers are all mental health consumers that no longer have access to mental health. Regan destroyed public mental health services. You say you want more asylums- but I’m just telling you- I agree- the current Congress should undo what Regan did and fund mental health asylums.

      1. 9


        “A lot” does not make up the majority. I agree that the drugs and alcoholic has fried their brains but even if you had a mental institution on every block you can’t force entry or a hold in a mental hospital of an adult.

        1. 16


          How many more free handouts do you think this country can provide? Personally, I’m damn tired of working my ass off day after day, week after week just so my tax dollars can be used for free hand outs to people that contribute nothing to society. Between supporting trillions to other countries that do nothing for ours, all these illegals draining our economy and our welfare and Medicare system for people to sit on their ass, the working people don’t stand a chance.

          1. 0


            Most of the welfare goes to corporations and bailouts. Also people on welfare have jobs. Walmart workers are on public assistance- that is why Walmart is so cheap. Let’s stop corporate welfare- let’s tax the rich (like they side to be taxed before Regan) we will then have enough $ to take care of our people.

            1. 13


              Most people on welfare do not have jobs. That is the problem with our welfare system, it’s designed for people to sit on their ass. If you get a job welfare kicks you off their program. Instead of promoting people to get a job to help supplement their assistance, if you make a small amount of money they stop your check.

              1. 2


                Please read up on how Walmart employees have to be on welfare. Check the stats. A lot of people on government assistance have jobs. Let’s start paying people living wages.

                1. 8


                  McDonalds, Walmart etc were never meant to be life career jobs. Our people need to realize you don’t sit and do nothing with your life, yet expect to live like a person that has gone to college, worked their ass off or wanted something in life. Yet another example of wanting a hand out.

                2. 10


                  What exactly is a living wage? Maybe people need to realize you can’t live in an expensive city, in an expensive home if all you want to do is work at McDonalds. Funny these same people all have expensive phones, drink, smoke, get their nails done every week etc. I would like to live in a mansion in a big buck place but i know i cant afford it.

                  1. 0


                    So who is supposed to do these jobs in big cities that they can’t afford to live in asshole? Lol. You are too stupid to debate with. I’m also pretty sure I know who you are. There are two nut job defense attorneys (one is retired) lol. Bye!

                    1. 12


                      Maybe you sice you’re so worried about welfare, Walmart and McDonalds. How about school age kids, college students working for spending money or some one just looking to do something with their time like retired people. In short the people these beginning, level entry jobs were designed for.

                    2. 7


                      This MUST be a Democrat. You want to get big money for doing a job a monkey could do and if some one don’t agree with you, then you want to get angry and call them names.

                  1. 1


                    Is he still involved with Nova? SMH why they’d have a JQC Judge there. With all the grads who got JQC’D. Ought to shake the JQC Factory tag already.

            1. 1


              Start with outlawing foreign lobbyists and political contributions and return the power of the people to Washington. Drain the Swamp !

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