Former county court judge Julio Gonzalez is returning to the central courthouse, courtesy of the SAO.
It’s not the biggest news in the world, except for rumors swirling around the circumstances of the move, and his new assignment.
Currently employed by BSO as the Director of the Department of Professional Standards, a position entailing oversight of the disciplinary process of deputies post-Internal Affairs investigations, Julio will be taking over the SAO’s Public Corruption Unit (PCU), replacing outgoing ASAIC Chris Killoran.
Killoran will remain a division chief, helming a new Organized Crime Unit. That’s great for Chris, but it hasn’t stopped the rumor mill from kicking into high gear, given the recent controversies engulfing the YNW Melly trial(s), and PCU’s Michelle Boutros’ damaging testimony regarding Detective Mark Moretti.
Is the Killoran move in any way, shape or form connected to the Melly debacle? And can the tea leaves be read in other ways, namely enticing Julio to leave a great job at BSO because of the possibility of Harold Pryor seeking higher office (or more lucrative opportunities) after a second term at the SAO? Could Gonzalez, who has sought a circuit judgeship on numerous occasions since leaving the county bench, be in line as a possible replacement for Pryor?
We floated both theories to Julio earlier today. Ever the gentleman, he declined comment, simply stating he was excited to be coming back to the courthouse.
He needs the dough
Julio couldn’t win a judgeship (2X) what in the world would make him think he could be the next SAO. God help us all. Wasn’t he also somehow tied to Rothstein? He can’t win dog catcher. I do t know why on earth he would be brought to the SAO. What a bad move.
What a disaster!! Pryor is too inexperienced to make good solid decisions. Should beg Donnelly back but he’s probably to much of a gentleman and decline.
Donnelly was a disaster – a lying pos. Nothing screams organized fraud and deceit like suggesting such solution. Where’s similarly slimy Michelle? When the SAO has honest leadership they might get an honest corruptions dept.
It took Mardi Jingleheimerschmidt Cohen 3X to win & that thing is still on the bench.
Julio is far better
Yes. But she didn’t have the baggage he has. He was a judge and lost. Worked for Rothstein. Then tried to come back. He is also a Republican. Also- not as good or likeable in campaign trail. He is also not a woman. lol bye Julio.
Pryor is desperate
Hasn’t Julio spent most of his career loving and defending the police? Wasn’t he a PBA lawyer? Very odd position to place a cop lawyer in a unit that’s supposed to be prosecuting bad cops. Harold Pryor is a Brother in Blue. Soft on corruption, a traitor to his race. Congratulations to Pryor for making , yet another, ridiculous decision.
Julio has been an Uncle Tom for years looking to collect crumbs off anybody’s table. Pryor is just continuing to attempt to stack the deck with sycophants.
If this’s true HP will start dragging JG all over town the minute after he wins reelection. If JG becomes HP’s shadow in the political world then it’s a done deal.
Done deal? LOL. A Republican has no chance to win the Broward SAO race. Or, are you saying Julio has switched parties??
People switch all the time before running and now they’re Judges.
Sheriff is R.
He switched to D after he was appointed.
After reading Jaab this morning I’m switching my candidacy from Condo Board President Phase II Building 7 to State Attorney 2028.
Shut up or ship out says admin. Win at all costs. SAO has been engaged in a cover up for more than a year. Things are going to get real. Killoran for State Attorney
Hahahahaha. Pretty promises. Guffaw, guffaw.
Killoran is another unsung hero in all this mess. Having to deal With all the lying from Administration and from Bradly herself. Not to mention that slimy lying detective and now the BSO Deputy.!! What is going on!! I see Bradley is still working. Unbelievable!! If she did that shit in Miami, she’d be gone. Yet Killoran takes the fall!! Shame on you Pryor. Shame on YOU!! Bradley should be fired!! Not only did she lie on a Brady notice (Oh wait! It was a misunderstanding), but she caused a mistrial after being booted from the melly case. No balls Pryor. You’re a very sad and despicable leader. Then your peeps cross examine your own employee for doing the right thing. Justin looked like an idiot. You should move him to Hall Monitor. That would probably be your best move ever. Now you hire a longtime PBA lawyer to head a unit that is primarily prosecuting the same people he has defended for years. What a conflict that is. Governor DeSantis, where are you?!
You think Fernandez-Rundle is or would be any different?
Pryor looks and sounds as dumb as that Harvard president. How he finna get to any “higher office”?!
But it IS Broward and dem blacks always be votin’ based on skin color so, as the saying goes:
“You get what you vote for” (Oliphant, Foreman, Weekes, Pryor, etc )
If he’s really only feathering his own nest with another term why not run against him and pin him down at events? Broward doesn’t need a dilettante SA. If he won’t commit he loses.
President Trump has taught us rigorous standards and rules apply to everyone but Presidents
You’ve got to know which way to swing …
I don’t think “go woke and go broke” is even a thing. Barbie was a woke movie and it made over a billion $.
That shows the mentality or maturity level of the movie goers.
Ask Bud Light about going broke.
That Q team catch word when they’re consistently shown what a large group of UnAmerican AntiDiversity White Nationalists are really like. They’re like inbreds – Not too bright & will lick any butt believing it will help.
If the best they can do is DeScamtis, Nimrata & Trumplstilskin, phuckem all.
“Publish or perish” may have been loosely interpreted as “plagiarize and publish so you don’t perish” in certain quarters
The veritas is no one reads scholary articles anyway so as long as I don’t make a fool of myself on national television nobody will ever bother checking my rip-offs
Looking forward to 2024 !
The Theory of Equitable Mediocrity is something I came up with 100% by myself
I am reminded of the phrase I coined in my doctoral thesis “One if by land, two if by sea” ………….
Bwanna baby. Satz has taught us that rules do not apply to elected SAs, either. Just ask the Fla. Bar.
Not only the elected but the rank and file TOO
Only in Broward: Not too long ago Howard Finkelstein was so jacked up on himself he thought he was going to be able to parlay the Office of the PD into some higher office too. We saw what became of that. Pryor has about as much chance of obtaining higher office than a duck has of growing fins. They are nothing but minnows in a small pond high on themselves.
It’s a crapshoot, but not when it comes to going outside of Broward and not when it comes to either the SA or PD.
It’s why Satz stayed put for so long.
He looks like one of those kids games at the carnival where you squirt water in the clowns mouth.
Is there supposed to be a pic of Julio in the box 📦 or is that part of a empty political statement ?
What higher office exactly? President of the United States?? Like what’s the insinuation? Is he trying to be governor? What’s higher than the elected prosecutor in the largest circuit in Florida?
Being Governor is a big deal. But that’s not happening. Anything else in State govt is for losers. He may be interested in Congress? That’s awesome. Is he really leaving?
Sheriff Harold Pryor!
Mayor of shittown is more like it. Qualified to do nothing but lie.
Aturd used to be so far up Jack’s gazoo you could grow weeds in the muck … Two sleaze bags
He’s not going anywhere. He’ll suck on this until he gets bounced out.
Get ready to BOUNCE Harold
Time is on my side Joe
The resemblances are too much to ignore. Especially in light of her stint as mayor.
I think the real Beetlejuice could have done a better job.
Bang Bang you’re dead. How many dead every week that goes unaccounted? Where is BLM to address that issue?
NFL stadiums say End Racism. If racism still existed the NFL would exist as 75+ percent of the players are Black and the NBA has 90% Black players.
I guess the racism is that the majority of the owners are white and it’s modern day slavery. What pro athlete stated after making hundreds of millions.
Sorry if not for sports the blue collar is what you be doing.
Racism. What a fing joke.
When you claim you’re 6’3, 215 lbs & your makeup artist didn’t show up.
Almost as pathetic as Rudy’s hair dye running down his cheek.
Liars will be liars.
Trumplestilsken, Trumplestilsken, Trumplestilsken.
Damn, he’s still here
Satzie was an ambitionless slug. That was bad for Broward. Mr. Pryor should be commended for wanting to further himself. Not lambasted.
I peaked in 1976 when guns were little itty bitty things like the one I’m holding in my hand
He hates guns and gun owners–especially those who lawfully use them. A first-class oinker.
There should be term limits and especially for Judges because of the way they often get on the Bench because they’re related to somebody. The system stinks.
Well he’s not that is he? Are you talking about Rundle?
Not even one positive comment for Julio? I think everyone knows he isn’t someone to be trusted. Harold will probably realize Julio isn’t to be trusted too late. He also does nothing but tarnish Harold’s image. Putting that loser (who has never done anything of consequence) in charge of SPU- is a terrible decision
He knows he can’t hold on to being a judge and probably the same with his gig with BSO so he continues to crawl after another job where he’s on the dole. What kind of law has this snail ever practiced anyway ?
Killoran for State Attorney
The idea that Pryor can occupy any higher office is hysterical! A better question is weather he can hold onto the office of SA.
Where’s my present ?
Only people of may attend. Ooops
All I want for Christmas is a big box of back down.
Term limits for judges. I’m sick of these little kingdoms. Literally the only judges I trust to follow the law despite what the petulant prosecutors want are Rothschild, Coleman, Farmer, Duffy, Lynch, Merrigan, Porth, and Siegel. I’m not forgetting anyone. I went down the circuit criminal directory. The ones not named above just rubber stamp whatever the state wants. NO EXCEPTIONS. they are prosecutors on the bench and actively work against you, even if the actual prosecutor has worked out a deal. Usan interfered with a special unit plea deal that involved a change of charge a couple weeks ago. Obviously the prosecutor knows more about the case, and why she was offering what she was offering. He didn’t ALLOW her to change the charge or plea the case as negotiated. Way to be a neutral arbiter. I’m sick of this shit. And everyone who actually gives a shit about this system and JUSTICE should be sick of it too. I’m a private attorney with coin to spare. I’m gonna start paying the 5k to put in every time these assholes are up just to make them work. Fuck it. I’m sick of it.
Who I the hell downvoted the term limits for judges post? Theres only 2. Usan and Ledee is my guess.
Here’s the deal: if you dont want people outing you for the biased cloak draped losers you are, stop being so brazen in your biases. Having zero tolerance or interfering with negotiated resolutions on a specific type of case because it hits close to home for you, IS BEING BIASED and flies in the face of your oath. Interfering in any way with any matter where you have not been invited into negotiations, flies in the face of your oath. You think you are slick, but you aren’t. Your motivations and inability to separate your own prejudices and feelings from your job of calling balls and strikes is embarrassing. You should be embarrassed. Stop fucking with the process. Just stop it. You’re making it impossible to have any faith in the judicial process. The cards are stacked against us if we go to trial, so we try to work things out with the prosecutors. When we do, you thwart justice by interjecting your own expectations, when you KNOW NOTHING OF THE FACTS BEYOND THE PC. What are we doing if these so called judges get to judge the defendants guilty without due process?? So either we resolve in line with what the judges want, or we have to go to trial…??? Now that im typing it out, it seems like a JQC complaint to me…at the very least, even if they dont do anything about it, it’ll be a public stain on the judges reputation.
Just bite the bullet all announce for trial and make judges work their ass off. Take a bite of your fee and get the judges straight. They know most clients can’t afford a trial.
But a judge can’t a full trial docket.
Poker who holds the best hand or bluff hand.
The Gambler
Know when to hold ‘em know when to fold em.
F the judges they’ll cry more than you will suffer in your pocket.
Damn, what’s up with you? Didn’t Santa bring you anything for Christmas or did you just drink too much again. Like you’re a private practice attorney with 5 grand to spare ha ha ha
Better than being a career judge with no money to spare. Ha ha ha
They know the money they will be making when they run. If that’s what they decide to do, it’s their business and no one else’s. The money, hours and benefits are great, they don’t have to pray they get a paying client and once they go home they don’t have to spend hours working on a case. If you’re in private practice you have zero benefits, you never know how many clients you will have and you hope they pay you.
Not in civil. Almost all firms pay benefits and 2x what judges make.
Major firms, not private practice. In private practice you are responsible for rent, office expenses, payroll, no benefits, and there’s no guarantee you will have clients and if they will pay you.
And you have earn your way or you’re dumped unceremoniously. Not like sliding by like Government Gophers to keep your boss in office !
The thing they don’t teach in law school is how to open, manage, collect your money. It’s called the business side of the practice.
It’s like an unholy concept to talk about -advertising, charging, billing and collecting your fees from clients. We’re supposed to be empathetic not worry about our livelihood. I lost millions of dollars from trusting clients.
Law schools should teach the students how to run the business. The best profession I know that does that are the quacks, I mean Chiropractors. They are taught how to run a business. Most of them, quacks, are successful. The ones that fail is over zealous billing.
Teach the lawyers how to pay into the judge’s reelection coffers to get treated better, more favorable rulings and sentencing favors. It’s the Broward way. And watch the judiciary take on side jobs to further line their pockets and oh yeah how many fucking lunches and dinners to they get comped at these award ceremonies?
It’s called politics you moron. The same thing happens with elected officials in every city, county and state. You help those that helped you.
Why aren’t tacos 🌮 on the menu ?
It’s called simple math and common sense. If your expenses are going to be more than your taking in then you can’t afford to be in private practice. If you don’t have any clients you don’t make money.
I love when an already failing private practice attorney moves into a building with numerous other successful firms. Do they honestly think they could compete?
Just like the rest of the attorneys and judges drank too much. Burp. Santa was very good to me. Not an attorney but knows the courthouse slim. Step outside and look in you’ll agree with my points.
Its a good idea, but, who controls the cameras? Like who turns off and on? Like, can the public review the footage? Like, can they manipulate it like they do the electronic record?
Sorry, I don’t want my tax money to fund something so ignorant.
Court reporters should also be required to record all “aside bars” discussions. None of the “off the record” crap.
1. A Crim courtroom should be auto recorded from 830 to 7 pm daily.
2. The Judge should have zero ability to interfere with the recording for an off record unless it’s clearly requested by the attorneys with client assent.
3. Court reporters with their garbled transcripts and sometimes CYA relationships with Judges should be barred forever.
4. If a Judge interrupts a recording without attorney assent it should warrant JQC action.
Jqc? Don’t be stupid. They’re the problem
Pryor has made a complete mockery of the SA and the entire justice system. Everything he does and says has a political motive. The fact that Christine bradley is still employed sums it up. Then he hires a LEO advocate to run the special prosecutions unit while demoting a whistleblower?? I pray Pryor gets opposition and Bradley loses her job. That’s justice.
Funny how Michelle Boutros is being held out as an individual of integrity at the State Attorney’s Office. Her conduct in dealing with the attorneys in her husband’s case was pretty atrocious. I don’t know if her deposition is available to the public, but if it is, READ IT! For those of you who don’t remember, her husband was a Plantation Police Detective who got fired for sending videos of himself jerking off, at the police department, to a DV victim when he was the investigating officer on the case. Somehow he ended up getting his job back. Boutros covered for his excuse, “I meant to send it to my wife,” saying that they send these type of pics/videos to each other all the time!!
Again another lie about Michelle. I did look at that whole file and know all about it! After the officer accidentally sends the text, the officer called her and said, “OMG don’t open that text it was meant for someone else.” He got his job back because he sent the text to the wrong person. It was meant for his wife. So stop slinging mud where there is none to sling. Michelle is telling the truth about Bradley and Morietti and everyone in ADMIN knows it’s true! They are just trying to save the case by lying.
If they can’t contain the damage they attack the messenger of truth and transfer her boss?
You are by far the dumbest human being. What motive would Boutros possibly have for reporting Moretti at the time it occurred when she didn’t even know him or the case???? Bradley and Moretti are the only two with a motive to lie and they did. HP and GF both know that Bradley is a liar. HP has zero clue what he is doing.
And these are the types of jerkoffs employed as police officers tasked with protecting the public ??? I feel safer already !
All the SAO cares about is covering up their mission to thwart Due Process. If Mr. Pryor cared about the black community this would have been the perfect opportunity to prove it. We know Pryor is a liar and a cheat out here. Shame on HP and his lying minions.
I don’t lactate anymore and my husband would rather hang out with sex workers
I always send pics to my wife jerking off
But somehow it went to wrong person.
These phones are possessed
Or am I a possessed person
The devil made me do it.
Is this stuff for real
Life is stranger than fiction.
I hear you send dick pics to All your girlfriend’s. Maybe you should send them to your wife, but she lost interest in your dick a long time ago.
What about that fellow who used to be a Realtor? Is he running for it again? Holner or something like that?
I always wondered were she got all those gold necklaces and pearl necklaces. Both a little too big.
Wasn’t she going to get everyone a grand a month??