116 thoughts on “MEA CULPA!”

  1. 2


    He p*ssed out.
    Little Johnny Harvard went to trial.
    Jeffy took a plea.

        1. 2


          According to who? The original video wasn’t great but he is actually very likable in person

          1. 2


            I don’t think he was saying anything bad about jewish lawyers or jewish people in general at all. They’ve been pushing the Jewish lawyer thing themselves for generations. What’s the big deal ???

            1. 7


              I worked with Jeff and Landon, wouldn’t say I am friends with either, but know them both and worked with them for almost 2 yrs. Every single person who worked at the SAO will say the exact same thing —- if you needed help or advice, you would go to Landon, not Jeff. Jeff didn’t care about anybody but himself. He was always so rude and so unapproachable. Thankful this blog is exposing this asshole. Hopefully this will make him reflect on how he has treated others in the past, especially his colleagues.

    1. 9


      What kind of name is Chukwuma? From wince does he hail ? Obviously he’s pretty impressed with himself and remains unmindful of the insulting rhetoric he uses and who it might offend. Its more like a desperate cry for help when all else fails.

      I suggest he invest in advertising within his target community if he wants work after leaving his previous employment within the state attorney’s office after publicly backing the wrong horse in the election.
      His rant tells a familiar story of government schmucks who sit around waiting for their paychecks vs. the realization that hard work is actually involved when entering the arena of law in the real world. Seen it happen more times than not.

      Although I strongly disagree with his irrational rant on Instagram, I hardly feel it amounts to anti-semitism which has become overused anytime members of our religion is criticized for any reason whatsoever.
      Its not so much an insult as it is poor manners. You be the judge.
      From the little I know of this individual, being a minority himself, he should espouse a more sensitive approach to building a profitable practice.

    2. 1


      Jeff Chukwuma is a wonderful gentleman! He is brilliant, very eloquent in trial, and poised! In fact, Jeff’s ancestry is Jewish. Jeff and his entire family have for ever been pro- everybody and everything Jewish. Besides, you can’t be anything but supportive of you ancestry. Anyone who thinks otherwise is utterly mistaken, and has no idea the kind of super family Jeff comes from. So you better all knock it off and get a life!

    1. 1


      CONCURRING OPINION: Truer words have never been spoken. signed: NON-American Jew “Kish Mir in Tuchas Arined” and a gitten sabbash

    2. 3


      This is pure tribalism, ” I only do business with Black people” mentality is racists and prejudicial, and it’s totally against MLK dream. Minorities can be racist too you know…

  2. 4



  3. 14


    Could you imagine if a white attorney said “I could beat a black lawyer from FAMU any day in trial” they would be fired and cancelled immediately! He glosses over that in his sincere apology.

  4. 4


    He looks hungover from whatever he was on/doing during the other video. Can’t put that prior anti-Semitic rant back in the can. Pop goes the weasel!

  5. 4


    On Friday morning before and after court, I will be standing in a display of silent pride, not protest, wearing a yellow Star of David pinned to my breast. (I have extras and extra pins)

    We do not need signs.

    I will also wear it to court. I have a short hearing at 9:00

    Who will stand with me, regardless of your faith?

    I am Spartacus

    1. 9


      Oh Gary, give it a rest. Prancing around claiming a self worth nobody else recognizes.

      You’re more like Fart a cus.

      1. 2


        When you have to result to vulgarity, you automatically lose.

        A token apology is not sufficient.

        And have the courage to not hide behind Anonymous expressing your drivel.

    2. 8


      Oh Gary, you post anonymously quite often, according to the IP address info

      So quit acting so sanctimonious when you only use your name when you post benign shit that doesn’t mean anything (i.e. ‘hey guys I’m wearing a Jew pin tomorrow, who’s w me?’. ‘hey everyone, I think I came up w a way to vacate warrants’ )

      Then of course, there’s my favorite, where you like to tell anyone who will listen you were once accepted to Harvard (even though it was based on family ties, not merit).

      We get it: you think you’re important. But nobody else does

      1. 0


        I have not posted anonymously.

        I published the capias issue because it is of benefit to other lawyers where their clients were arrested on an unconstitutional warrant. It can provide a basis for a motion to suppress.

        I had no ties to Harvard. My parents did not go to Harvard. My father was a bartender and my mother managed a small apartment building.

        “Jew pin” By that wording you reveal your prejudice

        1. 2


          What’s new about a Jew pin, Gary ? People around here have been wearing them for years. It’s called a yarmulke !
          Get with the times ! Obviously you’re not Harvard material.

  6. 10


    Caesar? @iamcaez? that’s his name? He changed his name after being a prosecutor? heard this is his stage name at the titty bars. Rumor is “Caesar” is the KING of strip clubs and cocaine. LOSER. BIGOT. Get ’em Gary!

  7. 13


    This stupid anti-Semitic scumbag just killed his career. No one has ever liked this bum. What judge is going to treat him fair? What prosecutor is going to give him reasonable offers? His clients are the ones who will suffer from his big mouth and big ego. Go sell your shitty ass suits, bum. Leave the lawyering to real professionals who actually care about their clients and our community. Dude is a straight bum.

    1. 5


      I don’t know about all that but the fact remains things do seem different for those with a similar last name as his since Mr. Satz retired.

        1. 4


          Yes. Of course. Trafficking cases don’t just go away/get nolle prossed…especially with that frequency for the same attorney…without it being approved from the top.

  8. 6


    I think the point he was making in the first video got lost in his emotions and the reference to”jewish ” lawyers overwhelmed his point that he made in the second video. Does it indicate some conscious or sub conscious beliefs he has about the hiring of Jewish lawyers by people, probably, he needs to figure that out and work it out. We all have racist ideas we dont like to admit to, but until you acknowledge you have them you can not get past them. He sounds like a smart educated guy who would do well in front of a jury but it takes a lot of effort to get clients. You cant get by on blaming people for not hiring you if they dont see you in court. Good luck, build a practice one case at a time, the really successful lawyers are in it for the long haul.

    1. 10


      FYI this was a message directed at his former partners, who are white Jews (or at least Hildebrandt is). They kicked his sorry ass to the curb last week because he is a scumbag and never worked. This was a poor attempt to get the firm’s clients to go with him. We don’t need attorneys like this ruining the reputation of our industry. Cancel him please so we can move on from this story.

  9. 0



    1. 0


      He’ll have plenty of time to devote himself full time to pursuing his social media campaign now. No firm will touch him now.

  10. 12


    Jeff has perpetuated a divisive stereotype about Jews. Whether he intended to do it or not -he spoke what some think is true, that Jewish lawyers are something other than just lawyers.

    This repeating of a negative stereotype about Jews just stirs up the bigotry and hate some people have toward Jews. Jeff’s comments on a social media platform have far reaching consequences and can insight hate and bigotry even long after he retracts his statements.

    His apology was merely a puff of air as he did not recognize that he should be apologizing to Jewish lawyers and Jewish people for perpetuating a racist falsehood. Did he even realize that he was being a racist?

    Clearly, he was angry when he made his first comment- and the anger showed his true beliefs that he thinks Jewish professionals are specifically sought after. He doesn’t call out Christian lawyers or Hispanic lawyers who are as successful as any others, or just all white lawyers, instead it’s Jewish lawyers.

    I think his career will be anything but stellar after we have seen what is in his true nature. Calm and reserve and thinking before speaking is a virtue for all lawyers. No one wants to hire a lawyer who will fly off the handle and alienate judges, lawyers, jurors and witnesses.

    His mother is nothing like him!

    1. 5


      He seems like he wants to be a media star TV lawyer type more than a courtroom type. That’s my opinion. I’m glad the video he made is on Youtube now. That needs to be seen if anyone ever considers him for television. I think it’s important to be seen before he’s considered to be on TV. If that’s what he wants.

      1. 2


        He’s a gandy-eyed slack-jawed punk that drools his disappointment in life in an attempt to garner attention. I’ve seen better actors in old reruns of Spanky and the Gang.
        He could play Buckwheat in a remake when his run at law does the gurgle.

    2. 1


      I don’t want to take away from this insightful comment, but did a lawyer just spell “incite” wrong?

  11. 0


    Sounds like there’s a few whiney drips that can’t stand anything but how to play the victim card to me. Big deal we’ve got a momma’s pimp that thinks he’s a celebrity. That fits the motivation of most of the lawyers in this town. Quit crying foul and figure out more inventive ways to add to your billable hours without getting pinched. But for Pete’s sake, quit crying in your matzah !

    1. 3


      Looks like Jeff bellyflopped. It sure didn’t take long. It must be what happens when mommy isn’t there to watch your back ! Lol

  12. 6


    Tell the man you don’t hate Jews or I’ll tell your father to stop paying the lease on your Mercedes.

  13. 2


    Don’t worry Jeffry I know you hate me for the same reasons as everyone does else and not because I’m a Jew.

    1. 6


      Don’t forget. He prosecuted black folk everyday without bodycams. He’s one big phony. Because he said that shouldn’t happen. But he still did it.

  14. 1


    I like Jeff. I think you have to be a little more forgiving for his rather dramatic outbursts. He’s a momma’s boy with a pretty boy complex failing to look beyond anything but himself at the moment.
    Given another chance he might surprise everybody.

  15. 0


    I better ask Henry to find me some top flight Jew lawyers or this Watergate thing may stick

  16. 8


    Tell Judge Lee I’m studying for my Bar Mitzvah and will come back when the Rabbi says I can

    1. 4


      Lol, where has this fool been? Faking sick because he doesn’t know how to do civil?please please please tell me they aren’t giving him Mollica’s old division. I’ll die.

    1. 0


      What about Gordon Weekes?

      They gave it to Schreiber and Finkelstein.

      Why doesn’t the first Black Public Defender get the same honor?

      1. 3


        The drumbeat tells me momma’s pissed about jeffey’s recent rant …

  17. 2


    17th could care less about stuff like that. There’s a single Black Judge in a trial Crim division. Imagine. A Black person charged with a Criminal offense can only be tried by a Black Judge if it’s a 3rd felony. Patronizing to the max. They blame it on a seniority system for judicial assignments. But it’s not. It’s the same reason why Weekes doesn’t get considered for the highest honor. The same one HF and Schreibs got. Because its about them first and not the Community. A single Black Judge in a trial division and 3rd felony court on top of it. Court Admin should be ashamed.

    1. 2


      Isn’t that the point? It’s not what a Judge wants, it’s what’s best for public.

  18. 9


    This idiot made himself look even worse with his “apology”. Cannot stand him or his mother. Both think they are better than everyone. They payoff people to get good plea deals in their cases, not hard work or good lawyering. Laura is a has-been, and Jeff is a never-was. FIND A NEW CAREER BRO.

  19. 1





    1. 2


      BACDL is a joke . Llndsey Lohan is sincere. But she can’t change anything with all the old Satz Ratz still manipulating everything.

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