45 thoughts on “MILLS V POLE!”

  1. 6


    Just sayin’ I read that article, and researched, never saw a retraction, WTH, you got a guy who had an issue after he takes a kid away from the parent, brings the kid in his home and then the kid balks, and Chris pole gets opposition-crazy and lets remember how he met his “wife”
    You can’t make some of this stuff up

  2. 6


    Powell needs to go too. She was Gardiner’s pet pal keeping the old gang hanging onto the strings that keep these losers on the bench. She’s as dumb as they come and twice the barf bag Gardiner was.
    All incumbents need to get the old heaveho. These judges need to get the message that the old gang are gonna have to work for it. And speaking of work, they need to put in a full workweek to keep on the dole. I’ve never seen a bigger bunch of slacker judges than we have here in Broward.

  3. 9


    The gross salary of a County or Circuit Judge over the course of 6 years, including benefits, is in excess of a million dollars.


    Have you run out of criminal cases? No hearings? No new clients?
    Run for Judge
    Are you a family lawyer whose business has dried up?
    Run for Judge (The Family and Dependency Judges have raised little to nothing.)
    Civil lawyer/PI lawyer, insurance companies are not settling claims anytime soon so
    Run for Judge

    * Filing fee to run for Judge is a hair under 7k, so many of the Judges below at the moment have to self fund that amount and more if they didn’t raise money until now.
    ** Total below are net amounts reflecting cash on hand
    Bober- $3500
    Orlando- $11,500
    Bailey- $5700
    Shulman – $25000
    Henning – $3500
    Davis – $86,000
    Ledee- $114,000
    Bowman- $10,500
    Scherer – $23,350
    Dale Cohen – 0
    Siegel – 0
    Murphy – 0
    Holden $38,900
    Tarlika Navarro 190k
    Kaplan 0
    Bidwill $8400
    Tuter $6500
    Feld $31000
    Pole 90,000
    Francois $57000
    DePremo $160,0000

    So who will gamble $6k+ to campaign during a time where the incumbency means nothing? Doubtful there will be many in-person forums or public events to meet and greet candidates. Never in the history of judicial elections has the playing field been so level.

    How to rank em
    1) Gender, women still beat men more than not.
    2) Name game- Hispanic and Haitian names= vulnerable, the amount of money they have is irrelevant.
    1) How much money do they have and can they self-fund if needed?
    2) Who appointed them. Not a good time to be a Scott or DeSantis judicial appointee.
    3) Who has run and won? Novice candidates (only if they have run in the last decade) are more vulnerable.
    4) Prior scandals….adopting a kid in dependency court whose case you presided over and later the kid accused you of wrongdoing

    1. 0


      I am a women with money. So do I go against a poor male or female? I’m not afraid of going after an appointee so thats irrelevant. My name is not the best alphabetically. How about some advice!

      1. 8


        The best advice is to get the Ross or Robinson family to adopt you. They’re the best at getting political appointments doled out without any annoying voters to deal with.

    2. 6



      1. 3


        I guess Destry doesn’t get it. The other judges don’t want to ever see him again.

        1. 0


          He doesn’t care about the others.

          If he had he would’ve done an honorable job on the bench.

          All he did was constantly embarrass them and the circuit.

          1. 0


            But his constituents have constantly requested he return to the bench.
            The Broward Judiciary wants and needs additional clowns to keep the interest of the public at an all time high for judicial donations to remain stable.
            Besides, while in banishment everyone is tired of hearing the story about how his judgeship was stolen from him.

  4. 8


    Rodriguez Powell is still Gardiners good friend. These two cougars used to go out looking for 20year old guys all of the time back when Gardiner was still a judge. Both of them are a pair of hot cougars on the hunt and everyone in the courthouse knows it. They have had many young attorneys between their legs.

    1. 2


      I would love to be in a nice threesome with those two hot Latinas, apparently a few of the young attorney’s have enjoyed that very memorable experience. They are both extremely hot over 50 milfs.

      1. 3


        I been there. Not with both of them but with Gardiner years ago. Nothing better than having a hot Cuban MILF riding you hard into the mattress for a couple of hours. She was insatiable. I bet her friend MP is just as hot.

          1. 0


            She gives great head along with the head games. And she’s got one hot taco.

  5. 10


    If Richard Kaplan doesn’t do this again he’s as lame-o as the anon haters say he is.

    1. 5



      Ensuring liberty and chief judge leadership for all

      1. 11


        Tooty is the one that needs to get booted. He’s done nothing but play politics and provide cover thru lame excuses for the behavior of bad judges. Just when you thought WHiney was bad enough greasing the palms of judges, we got this Tooty which has made the complexion of the bench even worse.
        Don’t care for Kappy, but I’d vote for anyone that ran against Tooty.

      2. 8



        1. 5


          Kappy ain’t got the stones for another run or to do the job.
          He’s a minion.

  6. 9


    Chief was too busy screwing around against Jaab and now everyone’s ticked.
    They should all get voted out.
    They’re the ones keep him in power.

  7. 0


    Maybe if they didn’t leave them to rot in the same Division for years on end they wouldn’t end up with a challenger?
    Just saying.

  8. 1


    Yo women with bucks or without that want to be a judge – BE SMART – never run against another female even if its an open seat. GO FILE AGAINST ANY MALE JUDGE! Don’t be foolish! Everyone knows that! Duh….

    1. 10


      Tuter’s proverbial finger in the dyke to stem the flow of judges being challenged has obviously failed. You can now add that to his long list of other failures.

      Profound changes are coming and the old judicial protection racket now being threatened and overwhelmed.

      Driven by both financial factors and the incompetence that has repeatedly shown itself to be sadly evident among Broward judges, it’s finally been raised to new heights with incumbent judges being singled out for ouster for as little reason as challengers’ names appearing first on the ballot or by the perceived ethnic origin of that name.

      The game has begun and promises to be an eventful one, especially in this time social distancing.

      I always find change can be affected faster by starting at the top and working its way down.

      So for change sake and to bring integrity to a circuit sorely in need of it, Tuter needs to be reduced to confetti and real leadership undertaken to scour the patina of political necessity and incompetence from the bench in Broward.

      Forgetting for a moment all the failures not associated with this pandemic and the problems its presented, if the way Tuter has mishandled this health crisis is any indication, its perfectly indicative of a grievous mishandling of affairs and the responsibilities required of a Chief Judge and he should be removed, step aside or be voted from office.

      It takes more than Political Cajoling or a ribbon cutting ceremony to show Leadership Quality, and Tuter has fallen grossly short of the mark.

  9. 8


    Someone, anyone needs to run against Henning. She works one day a month. She’s a joke and is NEVER at work. How does she get away with that. Hold Henning accountable, make her show up for work. Someone needs to run against Henning.

  10. 5


    How is the judicial set squeezing people with the pandemic?

    Usually when people are going to run there’s meetings set up and offers or deals made to dissuade. Or intimidation.

    Is this happening at all this time?

  11. 2


    A better question, particularly evident within the Broward Judiciary is: Can our judges afford to be ethical if it threatens their livelihood?

  12. 1


    Simply compare the way most Broward judges make their rulings to their campaign contribution lists. Its easy to see what’s going on. Special treatment goes to those that give the most. Its always been that way in Broward. Although some of the oldies are beginning finally to go the way of the mastodons.
    Look at who represents the crooked, disgraced judges before the JQC.
    Its painfully obvious who gets special treatment. Then you’ve got this stupid honker who divorces his wife, leaves his kids, breaks up his lawfirm and marries the old bimbo who he represented after she gets smacked hard.
    Its an chummy little bag with these skimmers.
    The Rothstein scam showed just what Broward judges are willing to do as long as they were getting part of the spoils.

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