The AO is out, at roughly 4:15 PM.
We got it mostly right, except for Lorena Mastrarrigo, who is going to Family.
The powers that be must not have been comfortable with a high ranking former PD going right into Criminal, so the wild card is instead Patti Englander Henning, taking over for Dan Casey.
Pete Holden takes over for Marina Garcia-Wood, George Odom goes to DV, Tom Coleman takes over for Andy Siegel, Liz Scherer stays put, and Gary Farmer gets Odom’s third degree felony court.
Phoebee Francois goes to Mindy Solomon, and Chris Brown is the new First Appearances judge.
Technical issues are stopping us from uploading the full AO at this time, but it should hopefully post shortly …
(effective January 17, 2023)
So they’re gonna give us a career civil judge just so there’s no chance a potentially defense friendly judge is seated in criminal. Cool. Fucking cool.
Career civil judge
in her last term? Will be bad for state imho.
Maybe she’ll be like Luzzo and continue every fucking case.
When does her term end? And is she very conservative? I feel like all the civil judges and civil practitioners of law are generally conservative…
No. Garcia Wood was edgy but a great defense Judge.
There is no way this was a voluntary move. A bitter angry civil judge in her last term- I would not want to be a defendant in her courtroom.
Career civil judge?? Isn’t she the one who sentenced Help Me Howard after he hit the cop car?
As a lawyer or judge, what types of cases have you typically handled?
As an Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Appeals Division for the State of Florida, I briefed and argued criminal appeals, including death penalty appeals, before the Florida Supreme Court, federal courts, and all Florida District Courts of Appeal. As an Assistant State Attorney who was Chief of the Appellate Division in Broward County, I briefed and argued criminal legal issues before the Broward Circuit Court, Fourth District Court of Appeal (DCA), and Florida Supreme Court. My most memorable was preparing Satz v. Perlmutter, the precedent-setting case about the constitutional right to refuse or discontinue extraordinary medical treatment, before the Fourth DCA and the Florida Supreme Court.
As a County Court Judge for 4 years, I presided over small claims, traffic infractions, misdemeanors (including DUIs), civil cases, and landlord-tenant cases. In fact, over 100,000 cases. As a Circuit Court Judge in the criminal division for 6 years, I presided over all felonies from 3rd degree felonies to 1st degree murder, violations of probation, juvenile proceedings, extraditions, and grand jury proceedings.
As a Circuit Court Judge in the civil division for almost 30 years, I have presided over all general civil matters, including, for example, negligence, contract disputes, construction defects, and divorces. I also presided over foreclosures, probate matters, juvenile proceedings, condemnation proceedings, declaratory judgments, injunctions, and writs of prohibition, mandamus, and habeas corpus, as well as appeals from the County Court.
For the last 8-10 years, I have been a Circuit Court Judge in the complex civil litigation division, presiding over lengthy and/or multi-party and/or multi-issue and/or complex-issue cases such as medical malpractice, toxic torts, tobacco litigation, asbestos litigation, nursing home litigation, products liability (e.g., airplanes, hip and knee joint replacement products, electric blankets, and ladders), and class actions. Quite a few are cases with no precedent.
Interesting, they should have given her Parkland, it wouldn’t have been botched.
She was handling Parkland civil case
True that. She has been a good and fair judge.
As a Satz appellate ASSA, and now a Satz judge—you should never be trusted. How many wrongful convictions have you protected based on prosecutorial and other Satz judges’ misconduct you denied instead of owning up, as the Bar Rules demand. Your resume betrays your bias out of the gate. Recusal should be your mantra, if such integrity really exists in the 17th.
Where is Siegel going?
Does anybody know what Judge Gundersen is going to become for her job in January ?
A locksmith changing the locks of homeowners she fraudulently foreclosed, then she is going to ride into the sunset with Michelle Mason, Kim Stevens, David J. Stern, Gregory Wallach, Aldridge Pite, George Sigalos, and all her cohorts because Sam Bankman-Fried needs some shady advice.
U casa my casa. Djs
Thanks for foreclosing on my house you MUTT. I hope your boat was sold at an auction or sunk.
Who cares ? At least she can’t ruin any more lives….
Who cares? Really? Another “Shining Bar Star” your comment earns you just as much respect as she deserves! NONE!!!
Why wasn’t she included in the new list of traffic hearing officers?
Really??? She does not even qualify to pick up dog shit in the street!!! She and her friends need to be behind bars and hopefully one day she will be. She is a disgrace to Broward, The Bench, The Bar, and she needs to be held accountable for what she has done AND SHE KNOWS IT AS DOES TUTOR-THE-TWIT.
Flaming butt hole
What happened to Moron Mindy ?
Patti Englander Henning is a real judge. She doesn’t have a dog in the fight. She is firm, but fair. Don’t play with her, though. Go in, be professional, be civil and prepared, and you will be given that same respect.
Not like her relatives Estelle Larry the Hollywood bunch. I don’t agree fully
The Hollywood clan was always the garbage who ran Broward until recently. Grossman was the last garbage to go to the landfill.
If the Hollywood clan are gone who replaced them? The coral ridge or los olas clan?
Don’t you feel bad. Grossman is now having a real dirt nap
She worked once for Satzie and his agenda. Does she still believe in that mass incarceration jazz?
Book ‘em Dan-O.
The Great Gundy was given the opportunity of a lifetime.
A great job. A large payraise. A significant pension. Health Care.
All she had to do was be polite. To listen. To rule. To not interject her personality into the mix.
Instead she acted holier than thou. She acted as if she was the star of the proceedings, in place of the litigants. She acted as if her intelligence and knowledge were superior to all others. Even when it wasn’t. Black robe fever? To the point: Harvard Extension School was confused for Harvard.
All new jurists can learn from The Great Gundy’s cautionary tale. Embarrass oneslf, and embarrass all of the 17th judiciary. They don’t like it. They will turn on an outlier quicker than one can say Lee Seidman, to say nothing of the legal community’s judicial wannabe’s.
As The Great Gundy disappears into well earned obscurity one must heed her tale and be a dedicated and compassionate jurist. Or become like her in the end. Listen. Learn. And patiently rule in quiet, informed and respectful tone.
I just saw pics on fb someone posted. Looks like she’s attending a holiday party at a retirement home? Or something equally depressing. The people posing for pics with her, posting the pics—do they know what a bad person she is? Do they know how she delighted in being cruel? Do they know that she would put medieval monarchs to shame with her depravity? I wonder. She was a hideously heinous person. Andy Siegel is going down the same road lately. Is that why they’re moving him to probate?
Ole Grundy was just a temporary plug anyway. It was just a matter of time before she was popped by another contender.
Does she offer the same services as Ana?
Ask Dave? Kinda like Ask Howard segment on the Jaa Blog.
The same thing that happened with Tuter when voters turned him out and he came in last out of three running for judge. But he was still able thru Scherer to become Chief Judge of a Circuit that needs anything but another butt-kissing pandering poof.
Isn’t it great. A man comes in dead last out of four. Unbelievable. Then they ram him down America’s throats. He wasn’t wanted. At all. Not by the people. Then he paints pictures of himself. Plasts his names on the walls too. It’s no wonder so many people are angry. And not just the crazies. The will of the people. It doesn’t mean anything.
My god. Tuter is even more pathetic than I thought. We already knew he had no shame with the court room naming and the painting the taxpayers paid for. But to know he forced all that KNOWING the people didn’t want him?? KNOWING he got his job in the greasiest, sleaziest, least dignified way possible. Honestly, how do you show your face in public? It’s so pathetic. So embarrassing. Shit.
Gotta get bogen voted out for that courtroom naming. The way he took it off the agenda when he realized people were coming to object, then snuck it on secretly later…he ALSO doesn’t serve the people. He’s trading in political favors.
Repubs. Dems. It doesn’t matter. Politicians have ruined this country. Its them against us. We are the people that create jobs. They don’t do anything. The voters tell them to go away. Instead they subvert the will of the people. They get an ‘appointment’ ie a job for life. Once in its easier to get a tick off a dying horse. Look at the Supreme Court. It’s not only Broward. Lifetime ‘merit’ tenure for ticks. Activists. Dems or Repub. Jeepers, they’ll even appoint a Judge that got voted out a few months before. In our white, brown, and black faces. Politicians are ruining this country. Term limits are the only answer. And if someone has lost an election they should be forever barred from office. It’s about the people. Not the political parasites.
Tuter is better than all the other Judges.
He’s better than all the previous CJ’s.
He’s the greatest.
Everyone else is jealous.
And no one will challenge him.
They’re scared of him because he’s superior to them in every way.
And his sissy Court Administrator who got his job on his knees.
Bad judges don’t get it. Lawyer’s run the show. Ref’s call the balls and strikes. Run the calendar. Then stay out of the way while the warriors do their thing. It’s not called the bench for nothing.
Lawyers make the money too. What kind of tool gets out of bed for a few hundred a day?
Waiters at nice places (inflation has been good for them.)
What warriors. More like Whores
Are those bowling shoes?
Where’d everybody go?
Give her a couple more years and some more plastic surgery and she’ll look like something out of Creature Feature …
Right now she’s at the crossroads
Former Judge Mel Grossman has passed away.
We all got to meet our maker one day. Too bad it couldn’t have happened much sooner. Ole Mel and his wife were scuzzballs of major dimension. One of the last Hollywood squealers to occupy the bench in Broward when it was really reeking of garbage under the thumb of Moron Ross.Now it’s just packed with wannabes that really need a job where the hours are flexible , you’ve got good health insurance and all your fellow cronies are all on the cheap for something. “Get it while they’re hot” should be the motto for the Broward Bench. LOL
The old crust was always on the make and wore it like it was a badge of honor while his greasy hands were in everything,
That was the days when everything was run from Hollywood and there was nothing like a good shellacking to keep the wheels of Justice lubricated.
You must be an old fart.
Not enough make up at Ulta to pretty up Tonja Melon head Tommy to evevr cover up taking Epstein $$$$ especially as parents of teen age girls
How repulsive how money hungry
With chain gain Charlie out will 600lb club footed doubles losers Lopane hook up with him now that he lost his power
Nick what are your visiting like with Rothsttein
Spechler was a pimp holdover from the days of the Hollywood sludge. after he was flushed, the Hollywood scum was done for good.